
Dick Kasperowski


Linguistics and Theory of Science unit
Visiting address
Renströmsgatan 6
41255 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 200
40530 Göteborg

About Dick Kasperowski

Informed by current perspectives in science and technology studies (STS), his main interests are in the area of governance of science, scientific citizenship and the management of uncertainty in public scientific controversies. The analytical focus of his research concerns how political and scientific representations are related to each other and how (scientific) citizenship is connected to research policy and scientific practices. More specifically this relates to how rights and obligations toward science and research are attributed and appropriated by different actors when uncertainty is introduced and the different modes of governance this entails.

Kasperowski has also conducted STS-informed research on the relationship between of sport and science. The centre of attention here has been on ideals of equality and uncertainty as inescapable aspects of universalism in the case of controversies in altitude physiology. Forthcoming studies focus on the management of paradoxes of universalism and individualization in the appropriation of scientific knowledge in training regiments in elite sport.

With funds from the Swedish Research Council, Kasperowski is currently - together with Fredrik Bragesjö (Theory of Science) - conducting studies of the formal regulation of the relationship between citizens and the universities by the Swedish Higher Education Ordinance, the so-called “third assignment”. The general aim of this project is to study the purpose and effects of the establishment (1977) and reformulation (1997) of the third assignment with reference to scientific citizenship. The goals and different practices undertaken at the national policy level, the higher education system and local university settings are all in focus. The project hereby analyzes the interaction of macro, meso and micro levels of scientific citizenship as expressed in political, legal and university documents of the third assignment. In doing this, the attribution and appropriation of rights and obligations of the different actors in relation to science and research in the Swedish context will be highlighted.

Kasperowski is also coordinating research within the strategic initiative for promoting interdisciplinary research within the Learning Sciences at The University of Gothenburg. The LETstudio addresses issues of knowledge, learning, communication and expertise in contemporary society. In particular, we aim to both explore and further enable creative re-enactments of knowledge and learning through the introduction of new media technologies. In LetStudio 2 we focus on the role of technological innovations in re-enacting and expanding the relationship between experts and laymen. For instance, how are new media both obliging and enabling citizens to become more self-governing in relation to the risks and opportunities they routinely confront in contemporary knowledge societies?

The first project explores how the uses of technology alter the premises for agency, responsibility and participation in treatment for people who have long-term relations with health care institutions. The project is conducted in collaboration with GPCC, The University of Gothenburg Centre for Person Centred Care.