
Anna Ryan Bengtsson

Senior Lecturer

Department of Social Work
Visiting address
Sprängkullsgatan 25
41123 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 720
40530 Göteborg

About Anna Ryan Bengtsson


Senior lecturer and PhD in Social work, pol.master in public administration

Research areas

I am interested in welfare state change and public sector organising with a focus on how different occupational and professional groups responds to these. In my dissertation The politicisation of caring I study collective resistance and mobilisation among social workers, midwives and nurses. Also, pedagogical issues is in my interest, and more specifically how the concept a signature pedagogy can be relevant in and to the teaching of social work.


I teach at different levels but mostly the second cycle

SQ4131 Theories, Methods and Ethics in Social Work (Bloc on organisations)

SQ5171 Social work at community level

SQ5175 Social pedagogy and social mobilization

SQ5174 Management and Organization of Social Work

Supervision of both bachelor -and master thesis


Coordinator for the RIO-network (Reference group for civil society organisations)