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- Carl Cassegård
Carl Cassegård
Department of Sociology and Work ScienceAbout Carl Cassegård
CARL CASSEGÅRD has taught and researched as a sociologist at the University of Gothenburg since 2009. His research has largely been in the field of cultural sociology and social theory. His research on how literature and popular culture can be used to trace shifting experiences of modernity and shifts in the ideal of the ”good life” led to dissertations in sociology at Kyoto University in Japan in 2002 and at Lund University in Sweden in 2004, and to a book, Shock and Naturalization, which was published in 2007. Carl’s research since 2003 mainly relates to social movements. Much of his interest concerns the experience of modern society – as shocking or natural, unresponsive or as an environment that we have the power to reshape – and how this experience is influenced by marginalization and by engagement in social movements and activism. This led to the book Youth Movements, Trauma and Alternative Space in Contemporary Japan which was published in 2014. In recent years he has been especially interested in the environmental movement and the question of what makes people engage in environmental activism even when they lose hope in the possibility of saving the world. The book Toward a Critical Theory of Nature: Capital, Ecology, and Dialectics, which was published in 2021, is a theoretical work on the relation between capitalism and nature, and the possibilities of critique in a world characterized by catastrophes. Together with Håkan Thörn he is also the author of Post-Apocalyptic Environmentalism: The Green Movement in Times of Catastrophe (2022) and I apokalypsens skugga. Miljörörelser och industrikapitalism 1870-2020 (2023). Theoretically his background is in Marxism and Critical Theory, and several of his texts discuss thinkers in this tradition.
Specialist Fields Social movements, empowerment, urban space and gentrification, the public sphere, collective trauma, and theories of modernity.
Current research Since 2021 he studies the environmental movement in the project "Adapting to Climate Change: Emotions and Narratives in the Environmental Movement".
The ruthless critique of everything existing: Nature and revolution in Marcuse’s philosophy of
Carl Cassegård
Philosophy & Social Criticism - 2025 -
Postapokalyptische Ökologie: Hoffnung und Gerechtigkeit im Katastrophenzeitalter neu
Carl Cassegård, Håkan Thörn
Politische Bildung und Zukunft. Wie Herausforderungen im Anthropozän denken? - 2024 -
Fredric Jameson
Carl Cassegård
Röda Rummet – Socialistisk Politiks teoretiska tidskrift - 2024 -
Beethoven som
Carl Cassegård
Röda Rummet – Socialistisk Politiks teoretiska tidskrift - 2024 -
Activism without hope? Four varieties of postapocalyptic
Carl Cassegård
Environmental Politics - 2024 -
“Homelessness, Art, and Activism in Japan from the Early ’90s until
Carl Cassegård
David H. Slater & Patricia G. Steinhoff (eds.) Alternative Politics in Contemporary Japan: New Directions in Social Movements, Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press - 2024 -
Éco-marxisme et théorie critique de la nature : deux perspectives sur l’écologie et la
Carl Cassegård
Prismes: Théorie critique - 2024 -
Toward a resonant society An interview with Hartmut
Carl Cassegård, Karl Malmqvist, C. Ståhl, H. Rosa
Sociologisk Forskning - 2023 -
The recovery of protest in Japan: from the ‘ice age’ to the post-2011
Carl Cassegård
Social Movement Studies - 2023 -
I apokalypsens skugga. Miljörörelser och industrikapitalism
Om hopp och kriser, en fråga till Ståle
Carl Cassegård
Röda rummet - 2023 -
“The future of environmental
Carl Cassegård
Maria Grasso & Mario Giugni (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Environmental Movements - 2022 -
Post-Apocalyptic Environmentalism: The Green Movement in Times of
The reification of nature and how to resist it: contributions from the critical theory of
Carl Cassegård
Questões Ecológicas em Perspectiva Interdisciplinar, Vol. 2 - 2022 -
Toward a Critical Theory of Nature: Capital, Ecology, and
Carl Cassegård
2021 -
“Ideologi och utopi i katastrofens sken: Om begreppet
Carl Cassegård
Evelina Johansson Wilén & Tomas Wedin & Carl Wilén (eds.) Ideologikritik, Lund: Studentlitteratur. - 2021 -
Is dialectics applicable to nature?
The ‘Lukács problem’ and the critical theory of
Carl Cassegård
Azimuth: Philosophical Coordinates in Modern and Contemporary Age» - 2020 -
Corona hotar förvärra svenska bostadskrisen. 108 forskare: Sveriges regering och kommuner måste förhindra en
Abdellah Abarkan, Jimmie Andersén, Björn Andersson, Roger Andersson, Karin Backvall, Guy Baeten, Bo Bengtsson, Bo Borén, Annelie Björkhagen Turesson, Pål Brunnström, Annelie de Cabo, Carl Cassegård, Eric Clark, Carin Cuadra, Myrto Dagkouli-Kyriakoglou, Magnus Dahlstedt, Tobias Davidsson, Verner Denvall, Magdalena Elmersjö, Ilia Farahani, Mats Franzén, Catharina Gabrielsson, Wiktoria Glad, Karin Grundström, Jennie Gustafsson, Henrik Gutzon Larsen, Tigran Haas, Ali Hajighasemi, Christina Hansen, Erik Hansson, Björn Hellström, Maria Hellström Reimer, Greger Henriksson, Mikaela Herbert, Ståle Holgersen, Helena Holgersson, Lill Hultman, Lovisa Häckner Posse, Define Kadioglu, J-H Kain, Lisa Kings, Pia Kjellbom, Marcus Knutagård, Arne Kristiansen, Mattias Kärrholm, Philip Lalander, Ann Legeby, Joshua Levy, Linnea Lindemann, Gunilla Lindholm, Christina Lindkvist, Carina Listerborn, Anders Lund Hansen, Anna Lundberg, Jörgen Lundälv, Jennifer Mack, Jesper Magnusson, Miguel A. Martínez, Helena Mattsson, Jonathan Metzger, Irene Molina, Norma Montesino, Paula Mulinari, Kristina L Nilsson, Marie Nordfeldt, Vanna Nordling, Ola Nylander, Katarina Nylund, Lina Olsson, Alexandru Panican, Peter Parker, Vitor Peiteado Fernández, Maria Persdotter, Dominika V Polanska, Emil Pull, Åse Richard, Max Ritts, Agatino Rizzo, Kim Roelofs, Harald Rohracher, Frida Rosenberg, Tapio Salonen, Ingrid Sahlin, Tove Samzelius, Meike Schalk, Staffan Schmidt, Johanna Sixtensson, Manuela Sjöström, Alicia Smedberg, Erik Stenberg, Jenny Stenberg, Kristina Carlsson Stylianides, Hans Swärd, Catharina Thörn, Håkan Thörn, Hoai Anh Tran, Mekonnen Tesfahuney, Susanne Urban, Chiara Valli, Karina Villacura, Inga Britt Werner, Ulrika Wernesjö, Stig Westerdahl, María José Zapata Campos, Klara Öberg, Andreas Öjehag, Kerstin Annadotter, Monica Larsson
Aftonbladet - 2020 -
Counter-spaces, no-man’s-lands and mainstream public space: Representational spaces in homeless activism in
Carl Cassegård
The Routledge Handbook of Henri Lefebvre, The City and Urban Society - 2019 -
Världssystemet, arbetet och den politiska
Carl Cassegård
Röda rummet - 2019 -
Ràng wǒmen huó! Rìběn lín gōng yùndòng de péi lì hé shēnghuó
Carl Cassegård
The Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies (CCCS) - 2018 -
Toward a postapocalyptic environmentalism? Responses to loss and visions of the future in climate
Carl Cassegård, Håkan Thörn
Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space - 2018 -
Dissenting Japan: A History of Japanese Radicalism and
Counterculture, from 1945 to Fukushima by William
Carl Cassegård
Journal of Japanese Studies - 2018 -
Carl Cassegård
Eurozine - 2018 -
Om den individualiserade solidaritetens
Carl Cassegård
Fronesis - 2018 -
The Post-Fukushima Anti-Nuke Protests and their Impact on Japanese
Carl Cassegård
Chiavacci D. & Obinger J. (red) Social Movements and Political Activism in Contemporary Japan: Re-emerging from Invisibility - 2018 -
Eco-Marxism and the critical theory of nature: two perspectives on ecology and
Carl Cassegård
Distinktion : Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory - 2017 -
COP as a global public sphere: News media frames, movement frames, and the media standing of climate movement
Carl Cassegård, Linda Soneryd
Cassegård C., Soneryd L., Thörn H., Wettergren Å. (eds). Climate Action in a Globalizing World: Comparative Perspectives on Environmental Movements in the Global North, - 2017 -
Between Government and Grassroots: Challenges to Institutionalization in the Japanese Environmental
Carl Cassegård
Cassegård C., Soneryd L., Thörn H., Wettergren Å. (eds). Climate Action in a Globalizing World: Comparative Perspectives on Environmental Movements in the Global North - 2017 -
Climate justice, equity and movement
Carl Cassegård, Håkan Thörn
Cassegård, C. Soneryd, L., Thörn, H. and Wettergren, Å. (eds.) Climate Action in a Globalizing World: Comparative Perspectives on Environmental Movements in the Global North. - 2017 -
Hegemony and Environmentalist Strategy: Global governance, movement mobilization and climate
Håkan Thörn, Carl Cassegård, Linda Soneryd, Åsa Wettergren
Cassegård C., Soneryd L., Thörn H.., Wettergren Å., (eds) Climate Action in a Globalizing World: Comparative Perspectives on Environmental Movements in the Global North - 2017 -
Climate action in a globalizing world: an
Håkan Thörn, Carl Cassegård, Linda Soneryd, Åsa Wettergren
Cassegård C., Soneryd L., Thörn H., Wettergren Å. (eds.) Climate Action in a Globalizing World: Comparative Perspectives on Environmental Movements in the Global North - 2017 -
Climate action in a globalizing World: Comparative Perspectives on Environmental Movements in the Global
Carl Cassegård, Håkan Thörn, Linda Soneryd, Åsa Wettergren
2017 -
Recension av Mats Franzén, Nils Hertting & Catharina Thörn, Stad till salu: En treprenörsurbanismen och det offentliga rummets värde. Göteborg: Daidalos,
Carl Cassegård
Sociologisk forskning - 2017 -
What's alternative about alternative
Carl Cassegård
5 Designing Media Ecology - 2016 -
Naturalized Modernity and the Resistance it Evokes: Sociological Theory Meets Murakami
Carl Cassegård
ProtoSociology - 2016 -
Review of Stina Hansson, Sofie Hellberg and Maria Stern (eds), Studying the Agency of Being
Carl Cassegård
Acta Sociologica - 2016 -
I svallvågorna av Fukushima – Kommer Japan att våga satsa på kärnkraft
Carl Cassegård, Marie Söderberg
Japan nu - strömningar och perspektiv - 2015 -
Towards a Post-apocalyptic
Carl Cassegård
Mobilizing Ideas - 2015 -
Youth Movements, Trauma, and Alternative Space in Contemporary
Carl Cassegård
2014 -
National consensus culture meets global climate justice: the cases of Japan, Denmark and
Carl Cassegård, Håkan Thörn, Åsa Wettergren, Linda Soneryd
XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Joint Session of RC24 & RC47, 13-19 July, Yokohama. - 2014 -
Collective Trauma: The Legacy of New Left and the Recovery of Political Activism in
Carl Cassegård
Sociologidagarna, 14 March, Göteborg. - 2014 -
Waking up from the dream”: Nagai Park’s theatre of
Carl Cassegård
XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Research Committee on Social Classes and Social Movements, RC47, 13-19 July, Yokohama - 2014 -
Låt de hungerstrejkande palestinierna
Hanna Wikström, Tobias Davidsson, Gustav Svensson, André Rodin, Adrián Groglopo, Anders Törnquist, Ann Ighe, Anna Hall, Anna Nelson, Anna R Bengtsson, Anette Skårner, Anton Törnberg, Björn Andersson, Carl Cassegård, Carl Wilén, Catharina Thörn, Charlotte Melander
SVT Opinion - 2014 -
Contestation and Bracketing: The Relation between Public Space and the Public
Carl Cassegård
Environment & Planning. D, Society and Space - 2014 -
Lovable Anarchism: Campus Protest in Japan from the 1990s until
Carl Cassegård
Culture Unbound. Journal of Current Cultural Research - 2014 -
Let us live! Empowerment and the Rhetoric of Life in the Japanese Precarity
Carl Cassegård
positions: east asia cultures critique - 2014 -
Review of Marisa von Bülow, Building Transnational Networks: Civil Society and the Politics of Trade in the
Carl Cassegård
American Journal of Sociology - 2013 -
Activism Beyond the Pleasure Principle? Homelessness and Art in the Shinjuku
Carl Cassegård
Third Text - 2013 -
Skapandet av Japan och det japanska: Nationalism och
Martin Nordeborg, Carl Cassegård
Japan nu: strömningar och perspektiv / Linus Hagström och Pia Moberg (red.) - 2012 -
Review of Miki Hasegawa, ‘We Are Not Garbage!’: The Homeless Movement in Tokyo,
Carl Cassegård
Japanese Studies - 2012 -
Play and Empowerment: The Role of Alternative Space in Social
Carl Cassegård
Electronic Journal of Contemporary Japanese Studies - 2012 -
Längtan efter förändring: Sociala rörelser och medborgaraktivism i
Carl Cassegård
Japan nu – Strömningar och perspektiv (red. Linus Hagström & Pia Moberg) - 2012 -
The Public Sphere as Deliberation or Bracketing? Recent Direction in the Development of the Concept in
Carl Cassegård
Cultural Translations (red. Noriko Thunman & Nanyan Guo) - 2011 -
Den japanska alternativrörelsen är både politisk och
Carl Cassegård
Tvärsnitt - 2011 -
Sei no katari to Nihon no purekariâto
Carl Cassegård
Mirai kairo - 2011 -
Public Space in Recent Japanese Political Thought and Activism: From the Rivers and Lakes to Miyashita
Carl Cassegård
Japanese Studies - 2011 -
Nômanzurando jiritsu zôn kôkyô kûkan – ’Akichi’ o dô yatte mamoru ka toiu mondai to Miyashita kôen ni
Carl Cassegård
Impaction - 2011 -
Yôroppa kara mita Nihon no kenkyû: genjô to
Carl Cassegård
Beijing International Symposium on Japan Studies, Renmin University of China - 2010 -
Play and Empowerment: The Role of Alternative Spaces in Social
Carl Cassegård
paper presented at the Workshop on Psychological and Sociological Perspectives on Japanese Youth Issues, Kyoto University, June 12, 2010. - 2010 -
Life, Survival and the Idea of No-man’s-land in the Japanese Precarity
Carl Cassegård
paper presented at the conference “Alternative Politics: Youth, Media, Performance and Activism in Urban Japan”, Institute of Comparative Culture, Sophia University, Tokyo, July 10, 2010. - 2010 -
Nihon no wakamono no mondai ni tsuite no shinrigakuteki shakaigakuteki kôsatsu: Nihon ni okeru gaikokujin kenkyûsha kara no
Carl Cassegård, Vinai Norassakunkit, Tuuka Toivonen, Yukiko Uchida, Michael Zielenziger
Kokoro Research Center Research Magazine - 2010 -
The Quest for
Carl Cassegård
Rakuyû: Kyoto University Newsletter - 2010 -
Ingenmansland och offentlighet – Några betraktelser från Tokyo om hur man försvarar en
Carl Cassegård
Subaltern - 2010 -
Lek och bemäktigande – de alternativa rummens roll i sociala
Carl Cassegård
Sociologisk forskning - 2010 -
Japan’s Lost Decade and Its Two Recoveries: On Sawaragi Noi, Japanese Neo-pop and Anti-war
Carl Cassegård
Perversion and Modern Japan: Psychoanalysis, Literature, Culture - 2010 -
Ikinobiru koto’ to ‘ikiru
Carl Cassegård
Surowaku - 2009 -
Review of Jennifer Chan (ed) Another Japan is Possible: New Social Movements and Global Citizenship
Carl Cassegård
Japanese Studies - 2009 -
Review of Miriam Silverberg, Erotic Grotesque Nonsense: The Mass Culture of Japanese Modern
Carl Cassegård
Japanese Studies - 2009 -
Ba no mondai
Carl Cassegård
Surôwâku - 2008 -
Ba no mondai
Carl Cassegård
Surôwâku - 2008 -
Soshiki shakai e no teikô: A. O. Hâshuman
Carl Cassegård
Shakaigaku bêshikusu: Shakai kôzô to hendô (The Basics of Sociology: Social Structure and Change) ed. Inoue Shun & Ito Kimio - 2008 -
From Withdrawal to Resistance: The Rhetoric of Exit from Yoshimoto Takaaki to Karatani
Carl Cassegård
Japan Focus - 2008 -
Ba no
Carl Cassegård
Surôwâku - 2007 -
Exteriority and Transcritique: Karatani Kojin and the Impact of the
Carl Cassegård
Japanese Studies - 2007 -
Shock and Naturalization in Contemporary Japanese
Carl Cassegård
2007 -
Japansk populärkultur – från gullighetskult till
Carl Cassegård
Glänta - 2006 -
Sydkoreansk ‘adoptionsindustri’ – en form av
Carl Cassegård
Internationella Studies - 2006 -
Fear, desire and the ideal of authenticity: antinomies of modernity in the works of Abe Kôbô and Martin
Carl Cassegård
Afrika & Asia - 2005 -
Does Japan matter? The End of Models and the Task of
Carl Cassegård
NIAS-Nytt: Asia Insights - 2005 -
Two meanings of ‘recovery’ in contemporary Japanese culture: A reading of Karatani
Carl Cassegård
Nordic Association for the Study of Contemporary Japanese Society conference - 2005 -
Ghosts, Angels, and Repetition in the Films of Wong
Carl Cassegård
Film International - 2005 -
Rädslan som system och konsten att bryta sig
Carl Cassegård
Göteborgsposten (Kultur) - 2005 -
Traditionen för tanken bortom
Carl Cassegård
Axess - 2004 -
Revolt och melankoli: Om stadens gestalt hos situationisterna och Walter
Carl Cassegård
Res Publica - 2004 -
I den ändlösa vardagen hotar ingen
Carl Cassegård
Axess - 2004 -
Det moderna som natur: Om chockens upplösning i Murakami Harukis
Carl Cassegård
Mattias Martinsson & Anders Johansson (eds.) Efter Adorno - 2003 -
Shock and Naturalization: An Inquiry into the Perception of
Carl Cassegård
2002 -
Taikutsusa to no tôsô, shôgeki e no nosutarujî – W. Benyamin to Murakami Ryû o
Carl Cassegård
Kyoto Shakaigaku nenpo - 2002 -
Shôgeki to shizenka. Moderunite no chikaku ni okeru niyôshiki o
Carl Cassegård
2002 -
Murakami Haruki and the Naturalization of
Carl Cassegård
International Journal of Japanese Sociology - 2001 -
Shock and Modernity in Walter Benjamin and Kawabata
Carl Cassegård
Japanese Studies - 1999 -
Livsvärldens rationalisering och studiet av
Carl Cassegård
Sociologisk forskning - 1997 -
Flykten från det förflutna: Om historievetenskapliga riktningar och bilden av det tredje riket i BRD från slutet av 60-talet till
Carl Cassegård
Scandia: tidskrift för historisk forskning - 1995