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- Elisabet Öhrn
Elisabet Öhrn
Institutionen för pedagogik och specialpedagogikOm Elisabet Öhrn
Jag har utbildningssociologisk forskningsinriktning med fokus på maktrelationer och betydelsen av kön, social bakgrund och lokal omgivning för olika ungdomsgruppers utbildning. Det inkluderar studier av plats, segregation, deltagande och demokratisk fostran i olika utbildningspraktiker och olika undomsgruppers resurser och respons på sin position. Detta är också centrala frågor för institutionens forskningsgrupp KRIT (Kritiska teorier) som jag ingår i.
Till tidigare forskningsprojekt som jag lett hör "Ungdomar som politiska aktörer" (FAS), "Ungdomars skolvardag i könsperspektiv" (Skolverket), "Ett aktivt medborgarskap? Om demokratifostran i gymnasieskolan" (VR), "Kön och karriär i akademin" (VR), "Skolprestationer och kön. Om undervisning, ungdomsgrupper och lokala villkor" (VR) samt projektet "Landsbygdens unga. Utbildning, plats och delaktighet" (VR). Det sistnämnda följs nu upp av det fyra-åriga projektet "Utbildning och integration av unga nyanlända på landsbygden" (VR), som jag leder från 2019.
Forskningsmiljöer och senare projekt
Sense of place in providers’ perspectives of school placement policies in relation to refugee settlement in rural
Per-Åke Rosvall, Elisabet Öhrn, Dennis Beach, Monica Johansson, Maria Rönnlund
Journal of Rural Studies - 2025 -
Adventures with anxiety: Gender bias in using a digital game for teaching vocational
Shilan Ahmadian, Lisbeth Brevik, Elisabet Öhrn
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning - 2024 -
Schooling for integration? Reception of refugees in discourse and practice in Swedish rural municipalities
Maria Rönnlund, Elisabet Öhrn, Dennis Beach, Monica Johansson, Per-Åke Rosvall
European Educational Research Journal - 2024 -
Gender Interaction and Its Implications on Sexuality Education in an Ethiopian Primary School: Girls in
S. Aniley, Elisabet Öhrn, T. Fereja
American Journal of Sexuality Education - 2024 -
The community function of schools in rural areas: normalising dominant cultural relations through the curriculum silencing local
Dennis Beach, Elisabet Öhrn
Rural Education and Migration: A Study of the 2015 Reception of Young Refugees in
Elisabet Öhrn, Dennis Beach, Monica Johansson, Maria Rönnlund, Per-Åke Rosvall
Australian and International Journal of Rural Education (AIJRE) - 2023 -
What sexuality education teaches and what young girls want to learn: voices from an Ethiopian primary
S. A. Amentie, Elisabet Öhrn, T. Fereja
Ethnography and Education - 2022 -
Opportunities in rural upper secondary education – variations in space and
Anna Maria Fjellman, Monica Johansson, Elisabet Öhrn
AARE conference, Adelaide, Australia, 27 nov - 1 dec, University of South Australia - 2022 -
Education and integration in rural areas. An ethnographic study of the 2015 reception of migrants in
Monica Johansson, Elisabet Öhrn
NERA conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 1-3, 2022, University of Iceland - 2022 -
Reflections on the emergence, history and contemporary trends in Nordic research on gender and
Elina Lahelma, Elisabet Öhrn, Gaby Weiner
Gender and education in politics, policy and practice - 2021 -
Gendered discourses on performances, work and talent in Swedish secondary
Ann-Sofie Holm, Elisabet Öhrn
Gender and education in politics, policy and practice - 2021 -
Arbetsmarknad, utbildningsval och möjligheter på landsbygden. Den lokala kontextens relationer till metrocentrisk
Dennis Beach, Elisabet Öhrn
Utbildning och Demokrati - 2021 -
Landsbygdens unga: utbildning, plats och
Elisabet Öhrn
Blogg Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet - 2021 -
Using rural frameworks and research to develop understandings of educational justice and equity across socio-spatial
Dennis Beach, Elisabet Öhrn
Ruraling education research : connections between rurality and the disciplines of educational research /P. Roberts, M. Fuqua, editors. - 2021 -
Gender and education in perspective: the emergence of gender in dissertations and the careers of their
Elisabet Öhrn, Staffan Larsson
Paper presented at the Nera conference in Turku, Finland, 4 – 6 March 2020 - 2020 -
Rurality and education relations: Metro-centricity and local values in rural communities and rural
Dennis Beach, Monica Johansson, Elisabet Öhrn, Maria Rönnlund, Rosvall Per-Åke
European Educational Research Journal - 2019 -
Pedagogic practices in a deregulated upper secondary school: Students' attempts to influence their
V. S. Bjarnadottir, Elisabet Öhrn, Monica Johansson
European Educational Research Journal - 2019 -
Dennis Beach, Elisabet Öhrn
Young people's life and schooling in rural areas. E Öhrn & D Beach (Eds) - 2019 -
Dennis Beach, Elisabet Öhrn
Young people's life and schooling in rural areas. I E Öhrn & D Beach (Eds). - 2019 -
Using rural frameworks and research to develop understandings of educational justice and equity across socio-spatial
Dennis Beach, Elisabet Öhrn
Paper presented at the conference for Australian Association of Research in Education, Brisbane - 2019 -
Capturing Nordic identifications through participatory
Solveig Corner, Maria Forsius, Gunilla Holm, Elisabet Öhrn
Computer Supported Qualitative Research New Trends on Qualitative Research / Editors: Costa, António Pedro, Reis, Luís Paulo, Moreira, António - 2019 -
Gender and equality in education. Key themes, changes and the contemporary focus on
Elisabet Öhrn
Nordisk musikkpedagogisk forskning : Årbok - 2019 -
Educational and spatial justice in rural and urban areas in three Nordic countries: a meta-ethnographic
Dennis Beach, Tuuli From, Monica Johansson, Elisabet Öhrn
Education Inquiry - 2018 -
Landsbygdens unga. Utbildning, plats och
Elisabet Öhrn, Dennis Beach, Monica Johansson, Per-Åke Rosvall, Maria Rönnlund
Resultatdialogen 2018 - 2018 -
Discourses on gender and achievement in lower secondary
Elisabet Öhrn, Lisa Asp-Onsjö, Ann-Sofie Holm
The State, Schooling and Identity - 2017 -
Pedagogic Practices and Student Influence: An Ethnographic Study of Upper Secondary Students' Attempts to
V Bjarnadóttir, Elisabet Öhrn, Monica Johansson
ECER Copenhagen - 2017 -
The challenges and responses of location: Transnational migration in six Swedish rural
Dennis Beach, Elisabet Öhrn, Monica Johansson, Per-Åke Rosvall, Maria Rönnlund
Paper presented at ECER August 21-25, Copenhagen - 2017 -
Gender, justice, and equity in
Elisabet Öhrn, Gaby Weiner
In G Noblit (Ed), Oxford research encyclopedia of education - 2017 -
Urban education and segregation: The responses from young
Elisabet Öhrn
I S Ball (Red), Sociology of Education II, volym 3 - 2017 -
Nordic webpage on gender in teacher
Ylva Odenbring, Jenni Helakorpi, Venla Toivonen, Elina Lahelma, Sirpa Lappalainen, Liisa Tainio, Ann-Sofie Holm, Elisabet Öhrn
NERA, Köpenhamn 23-25 mars - 2017 -
Skola och
Elina Lahelma, Elisabet Öhrn
S-E Hansén & L Forsman (Red), Allmändidaktik. Andra och reviderade upplagan - 2017 -
Urban education in the Nordic countries: Section editors'
Elisabet Öhrn, Gaby Weiner
Second international handbook of urban education - 2017 -
Education and participation in local context: Rural diversity and
Dennis Beach, Monica Johansson, Elisabet Öhrn, Maria Rönnblom, Per-Åke Rosvall
Paper presented at the ECER conference in Dublin, 22-26 August - 2016 -
Nordic urban education: An
Elisabet Öhrn, Gaby Weiner
Symposium paper presented at the NERA conference at University of Helsinki March 8-11 - 2016 -
Gendered discourses on knowledge and performances in secondary
Ann-Sofie Holm, Elisabet Öhrn
Paper presented at the interim Gender and Education conference, 15-17 June, 2016 - 2016 -
To pass the test: the timing of boy´s parallel
Lisa Asp-Onsjö, Elisabet Öhrn
Education Inquiry - 2015 -
Skolprestationer och kön. Om undervisning, ungdomsgrupper och lokala
Elisabet Öhrn
Resultatdialog 2015 - 2015 -
To succeed in school. Discourses on gender and performance in secondary
Elisabet Öhrn, Lisa Asp-Onsjö, Ann-Sofie Holm
Paper presented at the NERA conference University of Gothenburg, 4-6 March - 2015 -
Att lyckas i skolan. Om skolprestationer och kön i olika
Elisabet Öhrn, Ann-Sofie Holm
2014 -
Teachers' silences about racist attitudes and students' desires to address these
Per-Åke Rosvall, Elisabet Öhrn
Intercultural Education - 2014 -
Diskurser om prestationer, begåvning och
Ann-Sofie Holm, Elisabet Öhrn
I E Öhrn & A-S Holm (Red), Att lyckas i skolan. Om skolprestationer och kön i olika undervisningspraktiker. - 2014 -
Elisabet Öhrn
I E Öhrn & A-S Holm (Red), Att lyckas i skolan. Om skolprestationer och kön i olika undervisningspraktiker (Gothenburg Studies in Educational Sciences 363) - 2014 -
Framställningar av utbildning, prestation och
Elisabet Öhrn
I E Öhrn & A-S Holm (Red), Att lyckas i skolan. Om skolprestationer och kön i olika undervisningspraktiker - 2014 -
(Red) Fair and competitive? Critical perspectives on contemporary Nordic
Anne-Lise Arnesen, Elina Lahelma, Lisbeth Lundahl, Elisabet Öhrn
2014 -
Chivalry, subordination and courtship culture: Being a ‘Woman’ in online
Jonas Linderoth, Elisabet Öhrn
Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds - 2014 -
The Gifted and the Hard Working. Gendered discourses of study performances in secondary
Ann-Sofie Holm, Elisabet Öhrn
Paper presented at the ECER conference 2014 in Porto, Portugal, September 2-5 - 2014 -
Unfolding the context and the contents: Critical perspectives on comtemporary Nordic
Anne-Lise Arnesen, Elina Lahelma, Lisbeth Lundahl, Elisabet Öhrn
I A-L Arnesen, E Lahelma, L Lundahl & E Öhrn (Eds) Fair and competitive? Critical perspectives on contemporary Nordic schooling - 2014 -
To pass the test: Boys parallell
Lisa Asp-Onsjö, Elisabet Öhrn
NERA conference 2014 in Lillehammer, Norway - 2014 -
Power, education, democracy and structural social
Dennis Beach, Elisabet Öhrn, Petra Angervall, Marianne Dovemark, Jan Gustafsson, Andreas Ottemo, Anneli Schwartz, Anna-Karin Wyndhamn
Differentieringens janusansikte. En antologi från Institutionen för pedagogik och specialpedagogik vid Göteborgs universitet. Inga Wernersson & Ingemar Gerrbo (red) - 2013 -
Elisabet Öhrn
E Öhrn & L Lundahl (Red) Kön och karriär i akademin. En studie inom det utbildningsvetenskapliga fältet - 2013 -
Elisabet Öhrn, Lisbeth Lundahl
E Öhrn & L Lundahl (Red) Kön och karriär i akademin. En studie inom det utbildningsvetenskapliga fältet - 2013 -
Kön och karriär i akademin. En studie inom det utbildningsvetenskapliga
Elisabet Öhrn, Lisbeth Lundahl
2013 -
Kön och karriär i
Elisabet Öhrn, Lisbeth Lundahl
Resultatdialog 2013 - 2013 -
Complexities and Contradictions of Educational Inclusion. A Meta-Ethnographic
Dennis Beach, Marianne Dovemark, Anneli Schwartz, Elisabet Öhrn
Nordic Studies in Education - 2013 -
Complexities and Contradictions of Educational Inclusion: A Meta-Ethnographic
Dennis Beach, Marianne Dovemark, Anneli Schwartz, Elisabet Öhrn
Paper presentation at the EERA Network 19 (Ethnography) sessions of ECER, Istanbul, September 10-14, 2013. - 2013 -
To be selected, survive and succeed. Careers and gender in
L Lundahl, Elisabet Öhrn
Paper presented at the Ecer conference in Istanbul, 10-13 September - 2013 -
Ethnographic studies of education inclusion and marginalisation in multi-ethnic, multi-racial suburbs: teacher and pupil
Dennis Beach, Marianne Dovemark, Anneli Schwartz, Elisabet Öhrn
Paper presented at the 2012 NERA congress, Århus University, Copenhagen March 8-10 - 2012 -
Fellowship and solidarity? Secondary students' responses to strong classification and framing in
Anneli Schwartz, Elisabet Öhrn
Pink W (Ed), Schools for marginalized youth: An international perspective. - 2012 -
Spaces for
Dennis Beach, Lisbeth Lundahl, Elisabet Öhrn
T Tolonen, T Palmu & S Lappalainen (Eds), Cultural practices and transitions in education - 2012 -
Racism, masculinities and teaching in an upper secondary
Per-Åke Rosvall, Elisabet Öhrn
Paper presented at the Gender and Education conference, University of Gothenburg April 11-13 - 2012 -
Urban education and segregation: the responses from young
Elisabet Öhrn
European Educational Research Journal - 2012 -
Making a difference. Targets and resources for student
Elisabet Öhrn
T Strand & M Roos (Eds), Education for social justice, equity and diversity. - 2012 -
Gender, student influence and democratic education. Another success
Elisabet Öhrn
Keynote address at the Gender and Education conference, University of Gothenburg, April 11-13 - 2012 -
Gender, achievement and place: boys and masculinities in a rural
Jan Gustafsson, Elisabet Öhrn
Paper presented at AARE, Sydney 2-6 December - 2012 -
The impact of political changes in the Swedish education
Dennis Beach, Petra Angervall, Marianne Dovemark, Jan Gustafsson, Anneli Schwartz, Elisabet Öhrn
Paper presented at AARE, Sydney 2-6 December - 2012 -
Young People's Influence and Democratic Education: Ethnographic Studies in Upper-Secondary
Elisabet Öhrn, Lisbeth Lundahl, Dennis Beach
2011 -
Skola och
Elina Lahelma, Elisabet Öhrn
S-E Hansén & I Forsman (Red), Allmändidaktik - 2011 -
Urban education and segregation: the responses from young
Elisabet Öhrn
Keynote address at the European Educational Research Association, Berlin 13-16 September - 2011 -
Ett aktivt medborgarskap? Om demokratifostran i
Elisabet Öhrn, Dennis Beach, Marianne Dovemark, Per-Åke Rosvall, Carina Hjelmér, Lisbeth Lundahl
Resultatdialogen 2011 - 2011 -
Class and ethnicity at work. Segregation and conflict in a Swedish secondary
Elisabet Öhrn
Education Inquiry - 2011 -
Slippage and/or sympolism: gender, policy and educational governance in Scotland and
Joan Forbes, Elisabet Öhrn, Gaby Weiner
Gender and Education - 2011 -
Young people's influence and democratic education:
Dennis Beach, Elisabet Öhrn
E. Öhrn, L. Lundahl & D. Beach (Eds) Young People's Influence and Democratic Education: Ethnographic Studies in Upper-Secondary Schools - 2011 -
The empirical
Dennis Beach, Elisabet Öhrn
E. Öhrn, L. Lundahl & D. Beach (Eds) Young People's Influence and Democratic Education: Ethnographic Studies in Upper-Secondary Schools. - 2011 -
Dennis Beach, Lundahl, Lisbeth, Elisabet Öhrn
E. Öhrn, L. Lundahl & D. Beach (Eds), Young people's influence and democratic education. - 2011 -
Gender in virtual courtships: The position as 'woman' in online
Jonas Linderoth, Elisabet Öhrn
Paper presented at the Gender and Education conference, Exeter, UK, April 27-29 - 2011 -
Sınırları Asnaj? Cinsiyet Temelli Basari Hikâyelerinde Engeller ve
Ann-Sofie Holm, Elisabet Öhrn
Çokkül türlü toplumlarda egitim. Türkiye ve Isveç’ten Örnekler - 2011 -
Young people and democratic education. On formal schooling, student initiatives, class and
Dennis Beach, Lisbeth Lundahl, Elisabet Öhrn
Paper presented at the 2010 NERA congress, Malmö University, March 11-13 - 2010 -
Introduction. Agency in a changing educational context: negotiations, collective actions and
A-L Arnesen, E Lahelma, L Lundahl, Elisabet Öhrn
European Educational Research Journal - 2010 -
Fellowship and solidarity? Secondary students' responses to strong classification and framing in
Anneli Schwartz, Elisabet Öhrn
Paper presented at the Gender and Education Association 7th conference, 25-27 March, University of London. - 2009 -
Slippage and/or symbolism: Gender, policy and educational governance in Scotland and
Joan Forbes, Elisabet Öhrn, Gaby Weiner
Paper presented at the European Educational Research Association annual conference, University of Vienna, Austria, 28-30 September. - 2009 -
Gender and career in
Elisabet Öhrn, Petra Angervall, Jan Gustafsson, Lisbeth Lundahl, Eva Nyström
Paper presented at the NERA congress in Trondheim 5-7 March. - 2009 -
Challenging sexism? Gender and ethnicity in the secondary
Elisabet Öhrn
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research - 2009 -
En talande tystnad. Om frånvaro och närvaro i forskning om utbildning och
Gaby Weiner, Elisabet Öhrn
Inga Wernersson (red), Genus i förskola och skola. Förändringar i policy, perspektiv och prakti - 2009 -
The sound of silence! Reflections on inclusion and exlusion in the field of gender and
Elisabet Öhrn, Gaby Weiner
Gender and Education - 2009 -
Crossing and borderwork. On gender relations in a preschool
Ylva Odenbring, Elisabet Öhrn
Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research, Gothenburg, September 11-13. - 2008 -
Travelling discourses on gender and education. The case of boys'
Anne-Lise Arnesen, Elina Lahelma, Elisabet Öhrn
Nordisk Pedagogik - 2008 -
Crossing boundaries? Complexities and drawbacks to gendered success
Ann-Sofie Holm, Elisabet Öhrn
G Bhatti, C Gain, F Gobbo Y Leeman (Eds), Social Justice and Intercultural Education: an Open-Ended Dialogue - 2007 -
The sound of silence. Absences and presences in the field of gender and
Elisabet Öhrn, Gaby Weiner
Paper presented at the Gender and Education Association Conference, Dublin, 28-30 March - 2007 -
To make a
Elisabet Öhrn
Children as decision-makers; power and children’s participation in education: ethical and practical dimensions, Birmingham January 17-18 - 2007 -
Urban education dystopia 2050 - a 'European' response to Allan
Elisabet Öhrn, Gaby Weiner
A Luke & W Pink (Eds), International Handbook of Urban Education - 2007 -
Urban education in Europe: Section editors'
Elisabet Öhrn, Gaby Weiner
A Luke & W Pink (Eds), International Handbook of Urban Education - 2007 -
Crossing boundaries? Complexities and drawbacks to gendered success
Ann-Sofie Holm, Elisabet Öhrn
M Carlson, F Gök & A Rabo (Eds), Education in 'Multicultural' Societies. Turkish and Swedish Perspectives - 2007 -
The accommodation of creativity discourses to the performance cultures of
Dennis Beach, Marianne Dovemark, Jan Gustafsson, Elisabet Öhrn
The European Conference on Educational Research, University of Geneva, Switzerland, September 13-16 - 2006 -
Challenging sexism? Gender and ethnicity in secondary
Elisabet Öhrn
Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research, University of Geneva, Switzerland, September 13-16 - 2006 -
Forskningsprocessen och forskarpraktiken: summering av längsgående
Elisabet Öhrn
Nordisk Pedagogik - 2006 -
Sukupuoli, yhteiskuntaluokka ja muutoksen
Elisabet Öhrn
Mietola, R. [et al] (red). Kohtaamisia kasvatuksen ja koulutuksen kentillä: erontekoja ja yhdessä tekemistä. (Encounters in the field of education: making differences and acting together) - 2005 -
Att göra skillnad : en studie av ungdomar som politiska aktörer i skolans
Elisabet Öhrn
2005 -
Reflections on Nordic educational gender research and the presentation of
Elisabet Öhrn
Paper presented at the workshop Education in 'multicultural' societies - encounters between Turkey and Sweden, Istanbul October 17-19 - 2005 -
To make a difference. Young people acting to influence in school and local
Elisabet Öhrn
Paper presented at the NFPF/NERA congress, March 11-13, 2004, Reykjavik, Iceland - 2004 -
Young people as political actors in
Elisabet Öhrn
Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), September 22-25, 2004, University of Crete - 2004 -
Exploring gender and change. Review essay of Sara Delamont's "Changing women, unchanged
Elisabet Öhrn
Pedagogy, Culture and Society - 2004