
Emma Engdahl


Department of Sociology and Work Science
Visiting address
Skanstorget 18
41122 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 720
40530 Göteborg

About Emma Engdahl

Emma Engdahl is a professor of sociology at the Department of Sociology and Work Science, University of Gothenburg. She started her employment at the University of Gothenburg in 2014 and has since been responsible for the development of education and research in the field of microsociology / social psychology. The work is conducted at the Department of Sociology and Work Science, but also at Sahlgrenska University Hospital and the Department of Psychology, where she was part of the working group that designed the new psychology program launched in 2018. Her work is also conducted internationally through networks such as the International Association of Sociology (ISA). RC 36 Alienation Theory and Research, Society for Studies in Symbolic Interaction (SSSI) and European Society of Studies in Symbolic Interaction (ESSSI). Engdahl was the main organizer of The Fifth Conference of European Studies in Symbolic Interaction (2014) and is a member of the board of both ESSSI and ISA, RC 36. She is also a member of the international advisory board for Interpretative Lenses in Sociology, Bristol University press.

Since Engdahl defended her doctoral dissertation A Theory of the Emotional Self (2004), she has published around 50 books, articles, book chapters and essays. Among others, her books The Art of the Self (2009) and Depressive Love: A Social Pathology (2018). She has been employed at several different universities both in Sweden and abroad and has solid and documented experience of teaching, supervision, research, academic leadership, and collaboration / innovation. She has also worked in the business world as a responsible publisher in the areas of sociology, social work and psychology at Liber AB.

Engdahl has good experience of interdisciplinary work and has been a visiting researcher at Columbia University, Department of Political Science; University of Chicago, Department of Social Thought; Waterloo University, Department of Philosophy and has several ongoing international research collaborations.

Engdahl's research is conducted mainly in the tradition of symbolic interactionism and in areas such as the sociology of emotions: identity development and self-realization, intimate relationships, social pathologies, cyber-activism and communicative democracy.