
Hans Ekbrand

Senior Lecturer

Department of Sociology and Work Science
Visiting address
Skanstorget 18
41122 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 720
40530 Göteborg

About Hans Ekbrand

Presentation HANS EKBRAND: Since defending my doctoral thesis Separations and men's violence against women in 2006, I have divided my time into research, teaching and the development of administrative systems for internal use, with my main focus on research.

Specialist Fields My main research interest is various aspects of violence and experiences of violence. Families as sites where care, support and violence are exchanged in complex relations are also recurrent themes in my research.

I have studied criminal behaviour in terms of property crimes, i.e. burglary and arson, from the perspective of repeat victimisation as well as from the perspective of finding determinant factors for offenders. Quantitative methods predominate, but I have also conducted a number of qualitative studies.

Current research What explains the behaviour of young arsonists in setting fires? This is one of the problems for which I have principal responsibility in a research project including several researchers that combines qualitative and quantitative data from several types of sources. This ongoing project is headed by Professor Sven-Åke Lindgren. In my most recently completed research project I used Pierre Bourdieu’s field theory to explore the field of publicly financed activities targeted at young people's leisure (2009).

Teaching and tutoring I teach social psychology and, occasionally, statistical analysis. As a tutor, I am chiefly engaged in subjects such as men's violence against women and other gender issues.

Miscellaneous Academic assignments: second opponent for Kjersti Alsaker’s doctoral thesis, Quality of life among women who have experienced intimate partner violence. A one year follow-up study among women at Norwegian women’s shelters, University of Bergen, Norway (2008).

Other assignments: reported on the selection of students for higher education in arts subjects (2006). Reported on the possibilities for gender research to reanalyse existing datasets/register data (2008). Development of administrative systems for internal use (ongoing, department of Sociology and department of Business Administration)

Networking: I am currently a member of a new, interdisciplinary network of researchers at GU within the field of violence. I was previously one the initiators of a similar network within the social sciences at GU. Selected publications

The field of publicly financed activities targeted at young people's leisure, report 2009:2 in fritidsledarskolornas rapportserie.

”Financial and Practical Kin Support in Sweden: Normative Guidelines and Practice” (2008) Journal of Comparative Family Studies, nr 39. (Tillsammans med Ulla Björnberg)

Separations and men's violence against women (2006) doctoral thesis

”An introduction to correspondence analysis” (2006) in Vardagslivets korrespondenser: Om arbete, boende och konsten att veta. En bok tillägnad Tiiu Soidre, Research report no. 138, Department of sociology, University of Gothenburg.