
Eva Löfgren

Senior Lecturer

Department of Conservation
Visiting address
Medicinaregatan 7 B
413 90 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 130
405 30 Göteborg

About Eva Löfgren

Current research. Presently working in two projects:"Just Room? Architecture, Technologies and Spatial Practice of the District Law Court" (Swedish Research Council 2020-2023) and "Conservation of Historic Concrete Structures".

Previously working in research projects on church buildings as cultural heritage; “How was the Church of Sweden transformed into a national cultural heritage?” (Swedish Research Council 2014-2018), “Old Churches, New Values? 
Use and Management of Church buildings in a Changing Society” (National Heritage Board and the Church of Sweden 2012-2015) and “ALTERheritage. Adapting Learning Tools for Europe’s Religious Heritage” (Leonardo project/ European Commission 2013-2015).

Teaching History of architecture Spatial theory Scientific research theory and methods

Research areas Space and society. Rural public space. Use and meanings in the past Churches as cultural heritage

2013-2018 member of the editorial board and responsible for reviews of Bebyggelsehistorisk Tidskrift (Journal of Building History)