
Ola Wetterberg

Professor Emeritus

Department of Conservation
Visiting address
Medicinaregatan 7 B
41390 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 130
40530 Göteborg

About Ola Wetterberg

Professor and Chair in Conservation of Built Heritage. Deputy Head of Department with responsibilities for resarch. I am engaged in the development of cross disciplinary and cross professional education and research.

Director of the Centre for Critical Heritage Studies and part of the HERILAND team, a Marie Curie funded research school on heritage management and landscape with a critical approach.

My research is conducted in two related directions: urban heritage and the changing role of church buildings. My present projects circles around the changing values and new uses of church heritage in contemporary society. In all projects questions surrounding the conservation professions are emphasised. One complementary interest is the development of urban technologies, and I have written a historical book on renovation and recycling of waste.

I am teaching students on bachelor and masters level in conservation. I run a yearly course in the Theory and History of Conservation, and every year I take the student on a study trip to Rome. I am chairing professor and responsible for the research group on Built Heritage.

Current projects:

How was the Church of Sweden transformed into a national cultural heritage? and Old Churches, New Values? Use and Management of Churches in a Changing Society.