
Eva Zetterman

Senior Lecturer

Gender Studies Unit
Visiting address
Renströmsgatan 6
41255 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 200
405 30 Göteborg

About Eva Zetterman

Associate Professor in Art History and Visual Culture

Senior Lecturer in Gender Studies and Cultural Studies


I received my Ph.D. in 2003 in Art History and Visual Studies at the University of Gothenburg on the dissertation Frida Kahlos bildspråk – ansikte, kropp & landskap: Representation av nationell identitet (Frida Kahlo’s Imagery – Face, Body & Landscape: Representation of National Identity). The dissertation (in Swedish) has since been published in three additional editions, in 2005, 2007 and 2011 (including one speech book). After the dissertation I have conducted research on visual expressions in the USA of self-defined identities by Xicans (Chicanas/Chicanos), murals in California, street performance by the artist group Asco and power relations on the art scene in Los Angeles. I have also participated in a national research project on the representation of women artists in the four largest art museums in Sweden and recently completed a study on feminist activism on the art scene in Gothenburg in the 1970s. (See below for publications). In a present study I focus on the visual artist Karin Parrow (1900–1984), whom during her life time was very productive, participated in a large number of exhibitions, was noted by art critics and sold most of her paintings, but still is marginalized in the history of art.


Since 2015, I am affiliated to the University of Gothenburg where I teach on courses in Gender Studies and Cultural Studies. Previous teaching experiences include teaching on courses in Art History and Visual Studies, Latin American Studies and Applied Art at the University of Gothenburg (1995–2006), in Art History at Halmstad University College (2004–2005), in Art History and Visual Studies at Växjö University/Linnæus University (2005), and in Art History and Visual Culture, Cultural Studies and Gender Studies at Karlstad University (2007–2015). At Karlstad University, I developed several new courses in Cultural Studies and in Art History and Visual Culture, I was director of Art History and Visual Culture and of Cultural Studies, I was program coordinator for the Cultural Studies Program (180 hp) and also project leader for the development process of the Cultural Studies Program.


Since 2015, I am a member of the research network Göteborgskvinnor i rörelse/r ( and since 2010 of the Swedish Association for American Studies (SAAS), where I was a board member 2014–2020. On behalf of the Danish Accreditation Institute (AI) at the Danish Ministry of Education and Research in Copenhagen, I participated as an expert in the accreditation process in 2018 of bachelor- and master programs in Performance Design at Roskilde University (RUC), a work that continued during 2020 by following up the accreditation process for bachelor- and master programs in Performance Design at Roskilde University.

During my years at Karlstad University I was member until 2015 of the Research Group for Culture Studies (KuFo) and of the Local Advisory Board for the GEXcel International Collegium for Advanced Transdisciplinary Gender Studies.

Previous collaborative activities also include participation in an expert group in the Region Västra Götaland for visual art in public spaces (2013), participation in a working group at Kultur i Väst in the municipality of Gothenburg in collaboration with Skövde Art Museum and KRO/KIF Väst for gender awareness by art professionals in art museums and exhibition spaces (2010–2013), participation in an expert group at the administration of culture and leisure in the municipality of Karlstad for art decoration of Tingvallahallarna (2007–2008), participation as a tour guide for customers of the fashion company Gudrun Sjödén Design AB on journeys in Mexico on the theme 'In the footsteps of Frida Kahlo' that were organized by Äventyrsresor (Adventure Travel) (2007–2008), and working as an editor of the peer-review journal Kvinnovetenskaplig tidskrift (Journal of Women Studies), presently Tidskrift för genusvetenskap (Journal for Gender Studies) (2003–2004). I have participated in several symposiums and panels, held a large number of talks and public lectures, and I have worked in collaboration with a number of universities, cultural institutions, cultural organizations and cultural associations, and I am a member of several interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary associations and networks.

In the media

Sveriges Radio P1 Bildningsbyrån – Att tänka mot strömmen 2023-04-29 Frida Kahlo – magisk realism

YouTube 2021-05-11 Art, Borders and Belonging. On Home and Migration

YouTube 2021-05-10 What is the power of visual culture?

Göteborgskvinnnor i rörelse/r 2021-03-11 Intervjuserie Möt skribenten | Om kultur, vetenskap & samhälle 2021-03-07 Att ge upp har inte övervägts

Anekdot | Bildningspodden 2020-11-11 #121 Frida Kahlo

Göteborgs-Posten 2020-07-19 De satte färg på ett grått Göteborg

SVT Nyheter Väst 2020-03-08 Genusforskaren: Det betyder kvinnosymbolen

RSK | Röda Stens Konsthall 2019-11-07 Fullspäckat program under biennalens sista vecka

Sveriges Radio P3 – Historia 2018-05-31 Frida Kahlo – erövrade världen med sin konst

Sveriges Radio P1 – Nordegren & Epstein i P1 2017-10-05 Två män, två kulturinstitutioner

Moderna museet – Om samlingen – Forskning 2015-11-09 Hur ser könsfördelningen ut i samlingarna på svenska konstmuseer?

Arbetaren 2015-08-30 Frida Kahlo bortom kvinnomartyrmyten

Sveriges Radio P1 – Radiokorrespondenterna 2015-08-03 Kulturell likriktning, husvisningar och Frida Kahlos nagellack

Sveriges Radio P1 – Radiokorrespondenterna 2015-08-03 Från udda fågel till allmängods

Sydsvenskan 2013-09-07 Bilden av en konstnär

Tidningen Kulturen 2013-03-08 Frida Kahlo och den kvinnliga stilen

NWT – Kultur 2012-03-18 Från muralmålningar till graffiti

Kobraradio | K103 – Göteborgs studentradio 2012-03-07 Konsten, makten och härligheten

Expressen | GT 2011-11-28 Jämställdhetens konst

Göteborgs-Posten 2011-10-31 Kahlo och Rivera bortom myterna

Dagens Nyheter – Kultur 2011-10-27 Visionärt och revolutionärt från Latinamerika

Ada 2011-10-12 Det personliga är politiskt – Frida Kahlo och en postkolonial mexikansk identitet

Nationella sekretariatet för genusforskning – Aktuellt 2011-06-14 Genusperspektiv på konst, karriär och kvalitet

Fria Tidningen 2011-04-18 Konstsamlingar granskade ur genusperspektiv

Nationella sekretariatet för genusforskning – Nyheter 2011-03-09 Vem går till konsthistorien?

SVT Kulturnyheterna 2010-07-07 Svenska konstsamlingar ska genusgranskas

Aftonbladet 2007-11-09 Kvinnan som offer - igen

Populär Historia 2007-08-16 Frida Kahlo – med blick för Mexico

Göteborgs-Posten 2005-09-09 En alltför enkel bild av Frida Kahlo: Tate Modern bygger vidare på myten om Frida Kahlo och väjer för en mer komplicerad bild

Läkartidningen 2004:7 Volym 101 Jag har världsrekord i operationer

Svenska Dagbladet 2004-01-14 Kahlos lidande som symbol för Mexikos

Ystads Allehanda 2003-10-09 En ny bild av Frida Kahlo

Folkbladet 2003-10-02 En ny bild av Frida Kahlo

Aftonbladet 2003-06-04 Kahlo och myterna

Expressen 2003-05-30 Rätten att inte le

Nationella sekretariatet för genusforskning – Nyheter 2003-05-04 | Genus 2003:2 Myterna om Frida Kahlo

Sydsvenskan 2002-12-21 Frida Kahlo – varken offer eller objekt