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- Maria Edström
Maria Edström
Senior Lecturer
Journalism Media and Communication JMGResearcher
Journalism Media and Communication JMGAbout Maria Edström
Maria Edström is Associate professor at JMG and received her Ph.D. in Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, in 2006. She has a background a journalist, primarily in radio and print. Gender, representation and human rights has been in focus for Edström during many years.
Research Areas
Gender & media representation, ageing, gender equality, journalism, freedom of expression.
Research Project
Gender equality in the news media.
- Comparing gender and media equality across the globe: a cross-national study of the qualities, causes and consequences of gender equality in and through the news media. Project leader Monika Djerf- Pierre, professor in Media - and Communication research (2016-2020).
- Scientific coordinator for Sweden in Global Media Monitoring Project. 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015 and 2020.
- Images in the media buzz 1994-2014.
Ageing and media
Studying representation of ageing in the media as a part of the large research centre Agecap, Centre for ageing & health (2016-2023).
Recently finished project
Market-driven and Democracy-driven Freedom of expression. Project leader Eva-Maria Svensson, professor in Law (2013-2106).
Other fields of interests: Freelance journalists as flexible workforce. Consumer journalism
Teaching & more
Edström has been teaching on various levels; graduate and undergraduate courses and she has been developing courses on Investigative journalism, Freelance journalism, and on an master level Media, Journalism and Global studies. Currently teaching mainly at undergraduate level, but also on master and doctoral level.
Edström was a team member of AGEMI -Advancing gender equality in media industries (2017-2019), financed by European Commission’s Directorate – General for Justice and Consumers. This innovation project aimed to bridge the transition between education and employment when it comes to gender equality in the media. It comprises educational components as well as knowledge-sharing among journalists students, media professional and academics. Involved parties: University of Newcastle (leading the project), JMG, University of Padova, the European Federation of Journalists and the Permanent Conference of the Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators (COPEAM).
During 2011-2012 Edström served as a research officer at The Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research and during 2012 -2014 she worked as a research officer at Nordicom, a knowledge centre for media & communication research, and was in charge of the Nordic Gender & Media Forum.
Other tasks
Several former engagement in journalism issues, lectures frequently on gender and media nationally and internationally.
- Member of the Academic Advisory Board, Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Aging and Care, CIRAC, at the University of Graz, Austria
- Official delegate for the Swedish Government to the sixty-second session of the UN Commission of the Status of Women (CSW62), March 2018.
- Expert for EIGE 2011-2013 on gender and media.
- Member of the UNESCO UNITWIN Network on Gender, Media and ICT
- Board member of the Swedish Broadcasting Commission (2007-2015).
- Board member of the Institute for Media Studies, 2013-2015.
- Co-chair at the Gender section of IAMCR, International Association of Media and Communication Research (2008-2010)
- Regional coordinator (2009-2011) in the world wide-study “Global Report on the Status of Women in the News Media” organized by International Women’s Media Foundation, IWMF.
Former member of Gender Links International Advisory Board for GMDC, Gender and Media Diversity Center. Co-founder and active member of the media watch group, “Everything is Possible” 1992- 2012.
Used to tweet on @gendermaria, but not so frequent on x,
Search the university image database for more photos. (Search on the name or on JMG).
Doing Retirement: An Emerging Framework for Multidisciplinary Research to Increase
#ÅrsrikaGöteborg - A way to disseminate �research and counter
Maria Edström, Emma Matsson
27th Nordic Congress of Gerontology in Stockholm, Sweden, June 12-14, 2024 Ageing in a transforming world - 2024 -
AI:s inverkan på
Maria Edström
Äldre i Centrum - 2024 -
Kön, genus och jämställdhet i
Monika Djerf-Pierre, Maria Edström
Handbok i journalistikforskning - 2024 -
Promoting Gender Equality in Media Content: A Limitation or Extension of Freedom of
Maria Edström, Eva-Maria Svensson
The Handbook on Gender, Communication, and Women's Human Rights, Margaret Gallagher & Aimee Vega Montiel (Eds.) - 2023 -
Mediebilden av 60+ Föreställningar om äldre på DN:s förstasidor
Maria Edström, Ulrika Lagerlöf Nilsson
Mediehistorisk Årsbok 2023 - 2023 -
Missing Voices and Gendered Ageism – Patterns of Invisibility in Global News
Maria Edström
Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Design, Interaction and Technology Acceptance. HCII 2022 - 2022 -
Invisible or Powerful? Ageing in a Mediatised
Annika Bergström, Maria Edström
A Multidisciplinary Approach to Capability in Age and Ageing. International Perspectives on Aging, vol 31 - 2022 -
Forskare: Kvinnliga experter saknas i
Maria Edström, Kersti Forsberg
Altinget - 2021 -
Räkna med Kvinnor 2020. Global Media Monitoring Project 2020. Nationell rapport
Maria Edström, Josefine Jacobsson
2021 -
Stereotypa föreställningar om ålder under
Gabriella Sandstig, Maria Edström
Ingen anledning till oro (?). SOM-undersökningen 2020. SOM-rapport nr 78 - 2021 -
Comparing gender and media equality across the globe: A cross-national study of the qualities, causes, and consequences of gender equality in and through the news
Monika Djerf-Pierre, Maria Edström
2020 -
De amerikanska kvinnornas val. Kamala Harris – en ny symbol för
Maria Edström
Stjärnspäckat : Reflektioner från amerikanska presidentvalet 2020 av ledande forskare (Red: Niklas Bolin, Kajsa Niklas, Marie Grusell, & Lars Nord) - 2020 -
Comparing gender and media equality across the globe: Understanding the qualities, causes, and
Monika Djerf-Pierre, Maria Edström
In Monika Djerf-Pierre, & Maria Edström (Eds.), Comparing gender and media equality across the globe: A cross-national study of the qualities, causes, and consequences of gender equality in and through the news media - 2020 -
The GEM-Index: Constructing a unitary measure of gender equality in the
Monika Djerf-Pierre, Maria Edström
In Monika Djerf-Pierre & Maria Edström (Eds.), Comparing gender and media equality across the globe: A cross-national study of the qualities, causes, and consequences of gender equality in and through the news media - 2020 -
The GEM Dataset, version 1. Comparing Gender and Media Equality (GEM) Project, Department of Journalism, Media and Communication (JMG), University of
Mathias A. Färdigh, Monika Djerf-Pierre, Maria Edström
2020 -
Får äldre vara med i mediesamhället? Rapport 19 Delegationen för senior arbetskraft S
Re-booting gender in communication research and practice: a translational approach. ECREA 2018 special panel
Claudia Padovani, Karen Ross, Monika Djerf-Pierre, Maria Edström
Studies in Communication Sciences - 2019 -
Selling short media accountability? The importance of addressing market-driven claims on media
Andrew T. Kenyon, Eva-Maria Svensson, Maria Edström
Media Accountability in the Era of Post-Truth Politics European Challenges and Perspectives, 1st Edition - 2019 -
It is Time to Expand Freedom of Expression and Include
Maria Edström
WOMEN LEADERS – Empowering future generations - 2019 -
Agents of Change - Journalists with Aging
Maria Edström
IAGG-ER Conference 2019 May 23-25. - 2019 -
Ålderism i dagens mediala
Dimitrios Kokkinakis, Maria Edström
Språkbruk - 2019 -
Media, capability and
Maria Edström, Annika Bergström
Nordmedia 2019 Communication, Creativity and Imagination: Challenging the Field. Aug 21-23, Malmö - 2019 -
Advancing gender equality in the media industries through the use of mobile journalism as innovative
Maria Edström, Torbjörn Fraenckel
World Journalism Education Congress (WJEC) Paris July 9-11, 2019 - 2019 -
Representations of age discrimination in law and
Eva-Maria Svensson, Maria Edström
IAGG-ER Conference 2019 - 2019 -
Ålderism i svenska
Dimitrios Kokkinakis, Maria Edström
Svenskans beskrivning 37, 8–10.5.2019, Åbo, Finland. - 2019 -
The Swedish paradox of gender equality and the
Maria Edström
The EU Mutual Learning Programme in Gender Equality, Women in the Media, France 12-13 November 2018 - 2019 -
Cultural narratives and representations in Swedish law and media regarding age discrimination, paper presentation at: Performances, Processes and Representations of Age and Ageing
Joint Workshop: AgeCap & Aging Graz Research Group, Graz, October 17-19,
Eva-Maria Svensson, Maria Edström
Performances, Processes and Representations of Age and Ageing Joint Workshop: AgeCap & Aging Graz Research Group, Graz, October 17-19, 2018 - 2018 -
Ageism and Swedish news
Maria Edström, Dimitrios Kokkinakis, Max Berggren
24th Nordic Congress of Gerontoloy (NKG). Oslo, Norway: 2-4 May 2018 - 2018 -
Äldre kvinnor osynligast i
Maria Edström
Äldre i Centrum - 2018 -
Visibility patterns of gendered ageism in the media buzz: a study of the representation of gender and age over three
Maria Edström
Feminist Media Studies - 2018 -
“Att kvinnor har rättigheter och känner till dem räcker
Maria Edström
Singerat - blogg på Nationella sekretariatet för genusforskning - 2018 -
Building and Sustaining Freedom of Expression, Considering
Andrew Kenyon, Eva-Maria Svensson, Maria Edström
Nordicom Review 2017:1 - 2017 -
Cultural narratives and representations in Swedish law and media regarding age
Maria Edström, Eva-Maria Svensson
Cultural Narratives, Processes and Strategies in Representations of Age and Aging. Graz, Austria: 27-30 April - 2017 -
Äldre osynliga i mediernas
Maria Edström
Tidningen Äldreomsorg - 2017 -
Time for media scholars to step up to the global
Maria Edström
Nordicom Information - 2017 -
From invisible to capable. Strategies and mind set of journalists to include older
Maria Edström
NordMedia 2017: Mediated Realities – Global Challenges. TWG 6: Media Across the Life Course. Tampere, Finland: 17-19 August - 2017 -
"Utan jämställdhet ingen
Maria Edström
Den svære ytringsfrihed - nordiske røster /Den svåra yttrandefriheten – nordiska röster - 2017 -
Afterword: Gender equality in the media - A shared
Maria Edström
TemaNord 2017:527 Women and men in the News. Report on gender representation in Nordic News content and the Nordic media Industry. - 2017 -
Trovärdighet till salu? Etiska dilemman när reklam och journalistik blandas
Maria Edström
Truedson L. (red.). Näjtiv, kånntänt, brändidd– ska textreklam bli räddningen för journalistiken? - 2017 -
Trust and values for sale. Market-Driven and Democracy-driven Freedom of
Maria Edström, Eva-Maria Svensson
In Carlsson, U. (Ed.) Freedom of Expression and Media in Transition. Studies and Reflections in the Digital Age - 2016 -
The Trolls Disappear in the Light: Swedish Experiences of Mediated Sexualised Hate Speech in the Aftermath of Behring
Maria Edström
International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy - 2016 -
Market-Driven Challenges to Freedom of Expression and the Interaction Between the State, the Market, and the
Eva-Maria Svensson, Maria Edström
Nordicom Review - 2016 -
Trovärdighet till
Eva-Maria Svensson, Maria Edström
MEG - Mediedagarna 2016. 7-8 april 2016, Göteborg. - 2016 -
Visibility Patterns of Age and Gender in the Media
Maria Edström
6th European communication Conference (ECREA). Prague: 9-12 November 2016 - 2016 -
Selling short media accountability? The importance of addressing market-driven claims on media
Eva-Maria Svensson, Maria Edström, Andrew T. Kenyon
ECREA Pre-conference: Media Accountability at the Crossroads: European Challenges and Perspectives at the University of New York in Prague (Czech Republic), 8th November 2016 - 2016 -
Mobilisering och undanskjutande – Paradoxen i svensk politik kring stereotyper, jämställdhet och
Eva-Maria Svensson, Maria Edström
G16, Gränser, mobilitet och mobilisering Norrköping 23-25 nov 2016. - 2016 -
Media researchers as mediators. Experiences from Nordic Gender & Media
Maria Edström
ECREA, 6th European Communication Conference, Nov 9-12, Prague - 2016 -
Introduction: Rethinking Freedom of Expression and Media
Eva-Maria Svensson, Andrew T. Kenyon, Maria Edström
Blurring the Lines, Market-Driven and Democracy-Driven Freedom of Expression - Maria Edström, Andrew T. Kenyon & Eva-Maria Svensson (eds.) - 2016 -
Audience Advertising Fatigue and New Alliances to Finance Content in
Maria Edström
Blurring the Lines, Market-Driven and Democracy-Driven Freedom of Expression - Maria Edström, Andrew T. Kenyon & Eva-Maria Svensson (eds.) - 2016 -
Blurring the Lines: Market-Driven and Democracy-Driven Freedom of
Maria Edström, Eva-Maria Svensson, Andrew Kenyon
2016 -
Mobilisation, problem representation and silencing – paradoxes in Swedish policy around stereotypes, gender equality and free
Eva-Maria Svensson, Maria Edström
Critical Legal Conference (CLC) 2016, Stream: Feminist turning points - 2016 -
Trovärdighet till
Eva-Maria Svensson, Maria Edström
Bokmässan 2016 - 2016 -
Könsmärkta nyheter av en jämställd
Maria Edström
Journalistik i förändring. Om mediestudiers innehållsanalys 2007 och 2014 - 2016 -
Står jämställdhet och yttrandefrihet på samma sida? Därför har Sverige avstått från att lagstifta mot könsdiskriminerande
Eva-Maria Svensson, Maria Edström
Presshistorisk årsbok - 2016 -
The role of the Internet and new media: amplifier of gender inequalities or vehicle for
Maria Edström
Bettio F., Sansonetti S. (eds.) Visions for Gender Equality - 2015 -
New partnerships and problems when funding content in commercial
Maria Edström
Communicative democracy. Protecting, promoting and developing free speech in the digital era Conference 6-7 October 2015 School of Business, Economics and Law , University of Gothenburg. - 2015 -
Building Systems for Freedom of Expression in a Digital Era: Considering
Eva-Maria Svensson, Maria Edström, Andrew Kenyon
The European Symposium on Media Policy 2015, Oslo, Norway, 20 November 2015 - 2015 -
Räkna med kvinnor - Global Media Monitoring Project 2015. Nationell rapport
Maria Edström, Josefine Jacobsson
2015 -
Räkna med kvinnor - Global Media Monitoring Project 2015. Nationell rapport
Maria Edström, Josefine Jacobsson
2015 -
Eva-Maria Svensson, Maria Edström
Bokmässan 2015, 25 september 2015 - 2015 -
Yttrandefrihet för den som
Eva-Maria Svensson, Maria Edström
Almedalen, Västsvenska arenan, Göteborgs universitet, 29 juni 2015 - 2015 -
Building Systems for Freedom of Expression in a Digital Era: Considering
Andrew Kenyon, Eva-Maria Svensson, Maria Edström
Nordmedia Mobile presence-Mobile Modernities.13-15 Aaug. Copenhagen - 2015 -
Images Limited. Intersectionality during 20 years in the Swedish media
Maria Edström, Maria Jacobson
4th European Conference on Politic and Gender (ECPG) Uppsala 11-13 june 2015 - 2015 -
Blurring the lines. Ethical dilemmas for journalists with native advertising and other look–alike editorial
Maria Edström
Nordmedia Mobile presence-Mobile Modernities.13-15 Aug. Copenhagen - 2015 -
Svensk journalistik. Bromskloss eller pådrivare för
Maria Edström
Nordicom Information - 2015 -
Fler negativt inställda till
Maria Edström, Britt Börjesson
Mittfåra och marginal.Red Henrik Oscarsson och Annika Bergström - 2014 -
Gender equality in the media- is there a Nordic
Maria Edström, Mølster Ragnhild, Ulrika Facht
Making change. Nordic Examples of Working Towards Gender Equality in the Media (eds Edström & Mølster) - 2014 -
Nordic journalism with gender parity and
Maria Edström
Making change. Nordic Examples of Working Towards Gender Equality in the Media - 2014 -
Freedom of expression vs. Gender equality – conflicting values when regulating gender stereotypes in
Eva-Maria Svensson, Maria Edström
Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap - 2014 -
Making change. Nordic Examples of Working Towards Gender Equality in the
Maria Edström, Ragnhild Mølster
2014 -
Political and legal attitudes toward gender images in
Eva-Maria Svensson, Maria Edström
NORA conference: Voices in Nordic Gender Research, 5-7 Nov 2014, Roskilde, Stream: The power of gender imaginaries - 2014 -
Market-Driven Challenges for the Press: Freedom of Speech and the Interaction between the State, Citizens and the Fourth Estate in a Digital
Eva-Maria Svensson, Maria Edström
World Congress of Constitutional Law 2014 Constitutional Challenges: Global and Local, 16-20 June 2014, Oslo, Workshop 8: The Citizen and the State in the Digital Age - 2014 -
Genus och
Maria Edström
Nya Röster: Svenska kvinnotidskrifter under 150 år - 2014 -
Journalistiken är alltför
Maria Edström
Svenska Dagbladet - 2013 -
Sweden: Women Reach Parity but Gender Troubles
Maria Edström
IAMCR Conference: Women Journalists and Media structures in Time of Crisis. - 2013 -
The Uncomfortable Gender Gap in The Nordic News
Maria Edström
Panel at Nordmedia 2013 in Oslo - 2013 -
Technology’s mixed blessing for women journalists in Nordic
Maria Edström
Women Journalists in Turbulent Times: The gendered impact of historical shifts on newsrooms - 2013 -
Sweden: Women Reach Parity but Gender Troubles
Maria Edström
The Palgrave International Handbook of Women and Journalism - 2013 -
Freelance Journalists as a Flexible Workforce in Media
Maria Edström, Martina Ladendorf
Journalism Practice - 2012 -
Påverkar omsorgsansvar våra
Helena Rohdén, Carin Staland Nyman, Maria Edström
I framtidens skugga. Fyrtiotvå kapitel om politik, medier och samhälle. SOM-rapport nr 56 - 2012 -
Myndigheter eller gräsrötter? Båda
Maria Edström
Vem granskar granskarna? : svensk mediegranskning 1988-2012 / Torbjörn von Krogh (red.) - 2012 -
Intersectionality to the rescue? A cross-national analysis of equal opportunities policies and tools in four national
Maria Edström, Eva-Maria Svensson, Barbara Bagilhole, Nicky Lefeuvre
8th European Feminist Research Conference, Budapest, 17-20 May 2012 - 2012 -
Flexible Careers for Traditions or Modernity - Gendered Negotiations among Freelance
Maria Edström, Martina Ladendorf
ECREA 4th European Communication Conference, Istanbul, 24-27 okt 2012 - 2012 -
Gendered consequences of the commercialisation of freedom of
Maria Edström, Eva-Maria Svensson
Gardens of Justice, Critical Legal Confernce, Stockholm, 14-16 sept 2012 - 2012 -
Youth Have Their Say on Internet
Catharina Bucht, Maria Edström
2012 -
Räkna med
Maria Edström, Maria Jacobson, Simone Lindsten
2012 -
Is There a Nordic Way? A Swedish perspective on Achievements and Problems with Gender Equality in
Maria Edström
Medijske Studije/Media Studies - 2012 -
Arbete och
Maria Edström
Svenska journalister 1989-2011 / Kent Asp (red.) - 2012 -
Moving away from 'Big Media' students, jobs and Long-Tail
Jessica Mcbride, John Cokley, Angela Ranke, Maria Edström
Australian Journalism Review - 2011 -
"Huka er gubbar- här kommer Willy Maria!"- konsumentjournalisten som gick sin egen
Maria Edström
Presshistorisk årsbok 2011 - 2011 -
Many jobs available but students being pointed the wrong way ... Long Tail theory demonstrates that journalism schools fail to prepare graduates for market reality
Maria Edström
World Journalism Education Congress 2010, Sydafrika - 2010 -
The illusion of being best in the class. Nordic challenges of gender equality in the
Maria Edström
IAMCR Conference i Braga. Portugal (IAMCR=International Association of Media and Communication Reserach - 2010 -
Utan jämställdhet ingen
Maria Edström
Journalistisk kvalitet? En antologi om hot och möjligheter när medievärlden förändras - 2010 -
"Huka er gubbar- här kommer Willy Maria" Konsumentjournalisten Willy Maria Lundberg och
Maria Edström
Nordmedia09, 19:e Nordiska forskarkonferensen för Medie och kommunikationsvetenskap, Karlstad - 2009 -
Streaming - The Fourth Phase of Public Service
Maria Edström, Marina Ghersetti
Nordic Media in Theory and Practice, UCL London, 7-8 November 2008 - 2008 -
Reaching new audiences through Drama
Mats Björkin, Maria Edström
IAMCR, International Association for Media and Communication Reserarch, Media and Global Divide, July 20-25,Stockholm 2008. Working Group Media Production Analysis - 2008 -
Maria Edström, Karin Nordberg
Maktens kön, redaktör Anita Göransson - 2007 -
Journalisters arbete och utbildning - omstrukturering
Maria Edström
Den svenska journalistkåren, red Kent Asp - 2007 -
TV-rummets eliter. Föreställningar om kön och makt i fakta och
Maria Edström
2006 -
Here I am! Portraits Interviews in Estonian, Finnish, Icelandic and Swedish Daily
Maria Edström, Hilmar Thor Bjarnason, Jonita Siivonen, Barbi Pilvre
Nordicom Information, red Ulla Carlsson - 2005 -
Det villkorade medierummet - en diskussion om genrer, makt och
Maria Edström, Karin Nordberg
Makten och mångfalden. Eliter och etnicitet i Sverige Ds2005:12 - 2005 -
Kvinnovetenskaplig tidskrift (Tema: Journalistikens
Åsa Arping, Katarina Leppänen, Eva Zetterman, Maria Edström
Kvinnovetenskaplig tidskrift - 2003 -
Mediebilden av kvinnliga chefer i svenskt
Maria Edström
2002 -
Gränser för kön i TV- Bland boxardöttrar och
Maria Edström
Språk, Kön och kultur; Rapport från den fjärde nordiska konferensen om språk och kön, Göteborg 6-7 oktober 2000 - 2001