
Maria Edström

Senior Lecturer

Journalism Media and Communication JMG
Visiting address
Seminariegatan 1 B
41313 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 710
40530 Göteborg


Journalism Media and Communication JMG
Visiting address
Seminariegatan 1 B
41313 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 710
40530 Göteborg

About Maria Edström

Maria Edström is Associate professor at JMG and received her Ph.D. in Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, in 2006. She has a background a journalist, primarily in radio and print. Gender, representation and human rights has been in focus for Edström during many years.

Research Areas

Gender & media representation, ageing, gender equality, journalism, freedom of expression.

Research Project

Gender equality in the news media.

Ageing and media

Studying representation of ageing in the media as a part of the large research centre Agecap, Centre for ageing & health (2016-2023).

Recently finished project

Market-driven and Democracy-driven Freedom of expression. Project leader Eva-Maria Svensson, professor in Law (2013-2106).

Other fields of interests: Freelance journalists as flexible workforce. Consumer journalism

Teaching & more

Edström has been teaching on various levels; graduate and undergraduate courses and she has been developing courses on Investigative journalism, Freelance journalism, and on an master level Media, Journalism and Global studies. Currently teaching mainly at undergraduate level, but also on master and doctoral level.

Edström was a team member of AGEMI -Advancing gender equality in media industries (2017-2019), financed by European Commission’s Directorate – General for Justice and Consumers. This innovation project aimed to bridge the transition between education and employment when it comes to gender equality in the media. It comprises educational components as well as knowledge-sharing among journalists students, media professional and academics. Involved parties: University of Newcastle (leading the project), JMG, University of Padova, the European Federation of Journalists and the Permanent Conference of the Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators (COPEAM).

During 2011-2012 Edström served as a research officer at The Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research and during 2012 -2014 she worked as a research officer at Nordicom, a knowledge centre for media & communication research, and was in charge of the Nordic Gender & Media Forum.

Other tasks

Several former engagement in journalism issues, lectures frequently on gender and media nationally and internationally.

  • Member of the Academic Advisory Board, Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Aging and Care, CIRAC, at the University of Graz, Austria
  • Official delegate for the Swedish Government to the sixty-second session of the UN Commission of the Status of Women (CSW62), March 2018.
  • Expert for EIGE 2011-2013 on gender and media.
  • Member of the UNESCO UNITWIN Network on Gender, Media and ICT
  • Board member of the Swedish Broadcasting Commission (2007-2015).
  • Board member of the Institute for Media Studies, 2013-2015.
  • Co-chair at the Gender section of IAMCR, International Association of Media and Communication Research (2008-2010)
  • Regional coordinator (2009-2011) in the world wide-study “Global Report on the Status of Women in the News Media” organized by International Women’s Media Foundation, IWMF.

Former member of Gender Links International Advisory Board for GMDC, Gender and Media Diversity Center. Co-founder and active member of the media watch group, “Everything is Possible” 1992- 2012.

Used to tweet on @gendermaria, but not so frequent on x,


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