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- Fredrik Söderbaum
Fredrik Söderbaum
School of Global StudiesAbout Fredrik Söderbaum
Professor in peace and development research at the School of Global Studies (SGS).
My primary research interests are comparative regionalism, the EU:s role in the world, development research, global and regional governance, and African studies. My current research centers around the following three research projects:
Regional Cooperation and the Transformation of National Sovereignty (TRANSFORM), funded by the Swedish Research Council (2019-2022)
Legitimacy in Global Governance (LegGov), a research programme funded by Riksbankens Jubilieumsfond (2016-2022)
External Funding of Regional Organisations in Africa (EFRO), funded by the Swedish Research Council (2016-2020)
I am involved in a range of courses on different levels and in different disciplines at SGS and to a lesser extent also in other programmes and disciplines. Currently I am supervising two PhD students in peace and development research.
Other positions and responsibilities
Chair of peace and development research at SGS
Research group leader: Regional and Global Governance
Chair of the Swedish Development Research Network (SweDev)
Associate research fellow at the United Nations University Institute of Comparative Regional Integration Studies at the (UNU-CRIS), Brugge, Belgien.
Legitimation struggles in international organizations: the case of the African
Linnéa Gelot, Fredrik Söderbaum
Globalizations - 2024 -
Beyond exit: how populist governments disengage from international
Agnese Pacciardi, Kilian Spandler, Fredrik Söderbaum
International Affairs - 2024 -
Introduction: The Water–Development
Sofie Hellberg, Fredrik Söderbaum, Ashok Swain, Joakim Öjendal
Routledge Handbook of Water and Development - 2024 -
Sovereignty scripts and regional governance: ASEAN's response to the Covid-19
Kilian Spandler, J. Hartelius, Alva Monti, Fredrik Söderbaum
Pacific Review - 2024 -
The origins of legitimation strategies in international organizations: agents, audiences and
Tobias Lenz, Fredrik Söderbaum
International Affairs - 2023 -
Populist (de)legitimation of international
Kilian Spandler, Fredrik Söderbaum
International Affairs - 2023 -
Routledge Handbook of Water and
Sofie Hellberg, Fredrik Söderbaum, Ashok Swain, Joakim Öjendal
2023 -
European foreign aid to regional organisations in Africa: bullies, overseers, micromanagers and
S. Stapel, Fredrik Söderbaum
Third World Quarterly - 2023 -
"Something for everyone": Ownership as a moving target in Swedish and British regional foreign aid to
Fredrik Söderbaum, S. Stapel, Sally Wennergren
Development Policy Review - 2023 -
Regional international organizations in Africa as recipients of foreign aid: Why are some more attractive to donors than
S. Stapel, D. Panke, Fredrik Söderbaum
Cooperation and Conflict - 2023 -
Regional Organisations and Africa’s Development
Fredrik Söderbaum, Sören Stapel
2022 -
Agenda 2063 and the role of Africa’s overlapping regional
Fredrik Söderbaum, Sören Stapel
2022 -
Fredrik Söderbaum
Oxford Bibliographies in International Relations - 2022 -
The Politics of Legitimation and Delegitimation in Global Governance: A Theoretical
Magdalena Bexell, Fredrik Söderbaum
M Bexell, K Jönsson, and A Uhlin (eds.) Legitimation and Delegitimation in Global Governance: Practices, Justifications, and Audiences - 2022 -
Explaining Variation in Legitimation and Delegitimation Practices: Policy Field and Institutional
Karin Bäckstrand, Fredrik Söderbaum
M Bexell, K Jönsson, and A Uhlin (eds.) Legitimation and Delegitimation in Global Governance: Practices, Justifications, and Audiences - 2022 -
Justifying Delegitimation: African Critiques of Global Governance
Catia Gregoratti, Nora Stappert, Fredrik Söderbaum
Magdalena Bexell, Kristina Jönsson, and Anders Uhlin (eds.) Legitimation and Delegitimation in Global Governance: Practices, Justifications, and Audiences - 2022 -
Regionalism beyond state-centrism: African regionalism in comparative
J. A. Grant, A. Issa, Fredrik Söderbaum, B. Yusuf
International Journal - 2022 -
External Actors and Security Regionalism in Africa: A New Dataset on External
Fredrik Söderbaum, Sören Stapel
J. Muntschick (ed.) Regionalism in Africa and External Partners: Uneven Relationships and (Un)Intended Effects - 2022 -
The Costs of Legitimacy for Political
Hans Agné, Fredrik Söderbaum
Global Studies Quarterly - 2022 -
Regionalism in
Fredrik Söderbaum, Sören Stapel
The Edward Elgar Handbook on Regionalism and Global Governance edited by Jürgen Rüland and Astrid Carrapatoso - 2022 -
Peace research meets implementation studies: the role of implementing
Meike Froitzheim, Isabell Schierenbeck, Fredrik Söderbaum
International Relations - 2022 -
Contestations of the Liberal International Order: A Populist Script of Regional
Fredrik Söderbaum, Kilian Spandler, Agnese Pacciardi
2021 -
Mapping and problematising external funding to the African Union and the Regional Economic
Sören Stapel, Fredrik Söderbaum
The Finances of Regional Organizations in the Global South: Follow the Money, edited by Ulf Engel and Frank Mattheis - 2020 -
Rethinking Regionalism in the 21st
Fredrik Söderbaum
Global Politics in the 21st Century: Between Regional Cooperation and Conflict, edited by Andrzej Mania, Marcin Grabowski & Tomasz Pugacewicz - 2019 -
Making sense of sub-regionalism and regionalism in Southeast
Fredrik Söderbaum
Asia Dialogue - 2019 -
Legitimation and Delegitimation in Global Governance: Discursive, Institutional,
Fredrik Söderbaum, Karin Bäckstrand
In J Tallberg, K Bäckstrand and J A Scholte(eds) Legitimacy in Global Governance: Sources, Processes, and Consequences - 2018 -
Rethinking the links between macro-regions and
Fredrik Söderbaum
In: Elisabetta Nadalutti and Otto Kallscheuer (eds) Region-Making and Cross-Border Cooperation: New Evidence from Four Continents - 2018 -
Civil society participation in regional social policy: The case of HIV/AIDS in the Southern African Development Community
Andreas Godsäter, Fredrik Söderbaum
Global Social Policy - 2017 -
Swedish Development Cooperation and Ownership of African Regional
Fredrik Söderbaum
Forum for Development Studies - 2017 -
A Changing Global Development
Jan Aart Scholte, Fredrik Söderbaum
Forum for Development Studies - 2017 -
Modes of Regional Governance in
Ian Taylor, Fredrik Söderbaum
The New Politics of Regionalism. Perspectives from Africa, Latin America and Asia Pacific, edited by Ulf Engel, Heidrun Zinecker, Frank Mattheis, Antje Dietze and Thomas Plötze - 2017 -
The European Union as an actor in Africa: Comparing development cooperation and
Fredrik Söderbaum
Franck A. K. & Söderbaum F. (red.). EU as a global actor: A force for good in the world? - 2016 -
Support to Regional Cooperation and Integration in Africa — What Works and Why?. Rapport till Expertgruppen för biståndsanalys,
Fredrik Söderbaum, Therese Brolin
2016 -
The EU as a Global Actor: 'A Force for Good in the
Nordic Development Studies: Lessons, Pitfalls and Future
Wayne Stephen Coetzee, Fredrik Söderbaum
Strategic Review for Southern Africa - 2016 -
Fredrik Söderbaum
2016 -
Old, New and Comparative Regionalism: The History and the Scholarly Development of the
Fredrik Söderbaum
The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Regionalism, edited by Tanja A. Börzel and Thomas Risse - 2016 -
Fredrik Söderbaum, Philippe De Lombaerde, Jens Uwe Wunderlich
The SAGE Handbook of European Foreign Policy, edited by Knud Erik Jørgensen, Åsne Kalland Aarstad, Edith Drieskens, Katie Laatikainen and Ben Tonra - 2015 -
Rethinking the politics of transboundary water management: The case of the Zambezi river
Fredrik Söderbaum
International Journal of Water Governance - 2015 -
The Political Economy of Regionalism: The Relevance for International Waters and the Global Environmental
Fredrik Söderbaum, Jakob Granit
2014 -
Sverige, EU och “brandkårsutryckningar” i fredens
Fredrik Söderbaum
Linda Berg and Rutger Lindahl (eds), Förhoppningar och farhågor — Sveriges första 20 år i EU - 2014 -
Fredrik Söderbaum, Francis Baert, Tiziana Scaramagli
Intersecting Interregionalism, edited by F Baert, T Scaramagli and F Söderbaum - 2014 -
Intersecting Interregionalism. Regions, Global Governance and the
Fredrik Söderbaum, Francis Baert, Tiziana Scaramagli
2014 -
Introduction: intersecting
Fredrik Söderbaum, Francis Baert, Tiziana Scaramagli
Intersecting Interregionalism, edited by F Baert, T Scaramagli and F Söderbaum - 2014 -
The EU as a Global Actor: "A Force for Good in the
Anja Franck, Fredrik Söderbaum
Franck A. K. & Söderbaum F. (eds.). The EU as a Global Actor: A Force for Good in the World? - 2013 -
‘What’s Wrong with Regional Integration? The Problem of
Fredrik Söderbaum
2013 -
Rethinking Regions and
Fredrik Söderbaum
Georgetown Journal of International Affairs - 2013 -
The Problem of Comparison in Comparative
Fredrik Söderbaum, Philippe De Lombaerde, Luk van Langenhove, Francis Baert
Regionalism, 4 vol set of Sage Library of International Relations, edited by Philippe De Lombaerde and Fredrik Söderbaum - 2013 -
Reading the Intellectual History of
Philippe De Lombaerde, Fredrik Söderbaum
Regionalism, 4 vol set of Sage Library of International Relations, edited by Philippe De Lombaerde and Fredrik Söderbaum - 2013 -
The European Union as an actor in Africa: internal coherence and external
Fredrik Söderbaum
Maurizio Carbone (ed) The European Union in Africa. Incoherent policies, asymmetrical partnership, declining relevance? - 2013 -
‘Building peace from the outside’: The role of the EU in the Democratic Republic of the
Meike Froitzheim, Fredrik Söderbaum
Arne Bigsten (ed) Globalization and Development. Rethinking Interventions and governance. - 2013 -
Theorising the rise of
Björn Hettne, Fredrik Söderbaum
Regionalism, 4 vol set of Sage Library of International Relations, edited by Philippe De Lombaerde and Fredrik Söderbaum - 2013 -
Fredrik Söderbaum
2013 -
The success of regionalism in Southern
Fredrik Söderbaum
Regional Integration Observer - 2012 -
The End of the Development-Security Nexus: The Rise of Global Disaster
European Aid Coordination in Africa: Is the Commission Calling the
Sarah Delputte, Fredrik Söderbaum
Stefan Gänzle, Davina Makhan & Sven Grimm (eds.), The European Union and Global Development: An ‘Enlightened Superpower’ in the Making? - 2012 -
The EU as a Peace and Security Actor in Regional
Fredrik Söderbaum, Meike Froitzheim, Michael Schulz
EU-GRASP Policy Brief Series - 2012 -
‘Whose regionalism in
Fredrik Söderbaum
GREAT Insights - 2012 -
Introduction: The End of the Development-Security
Fredrik Söderbaum, Jens Sörensen
Development Dialogue - 2012 -
Konflikthantering i
Fredrik Söderbaum
Karin Aggestam & Kristine Höglund (eds.), Om krig och fred - 2012 -
Rethinking Intervention and
Linnéa Gelot, Fredrik Söderbaum
Development Dialogue - 2012 -
Formal and Informal
Fredrik Söderbaum
Timothy M. Shaw, Andrew Grant and Scarliett Cornelissen (eds) Ashgate Research Companion to Regionalisms - 2012 -
The Limits of the EU as a Peace and Security Actor in the Democratic Republic of the
Meike Froitzheim, Fredrik Söderbaum, Ian Taylor
Africa Spectrum - 2011 -
Fredrik Söderbaum
International Encyclopedia of Political Science, edited by Bertrand Badie, Dirk Berg-Schlosser and Leonardo Morlino - 2011 -
Southern African Development
Fredrik Söderbaum
The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization, edited by George Ritzer - 2011 -
Fredrik Söderbaum
The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization, edited by George Ritzer - 2011 -
Fredrik Söderbaum
The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization, edited by George Ritzer - 2011 -
Fredrik Söderbaum
The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization, edited by George Ritzer - 2011 -
Civil Society in Regional Governance in Eastern and Southern
Fredrik Söderbaum, Andreas Godsäter
Civil Society and International Governance. The role of non-state actors in global and regional regulatory frameworks, edited by David Armstrong, Valeria Bello, Julie Gilson and Debora Spini - 2011 -
Africa Meets Europe: Towards Comparative
Fredrik Söderbaum
New Regionalism and the European Union. Dialogues, Comparisons and New Research Directions, edited by Alex Warleigh-Lack, Nick Robinson and Ben Rosamond - 2011 -
Formal and Informal
Fredrik Söderbaum
Research Companion to Regionalisms, edited by Timothy M. Shaw, Andrew Grant and Scarliett Cornelissen - 2011 -
Theories of
Fredrik Söderbaum
The Routledge Handbook of Asian Regionalism, edited by Mark Beeson and Richard Stubbs - 2011 -
The EU in the Congo: The Gap between Rhetoric and
Meike Lurweg, Fredrik Söderbaum
KFG Workshop, 28-29 October 2011 Berlin, Germany: “Regional Organisations as Global Players. Active = Influential?” - 2011 -
‘Building peace from the outside’: The role of the EU in the Democratic Republic of the
Meike Lurweg, Fredrik Söderbaum
GCGD Conference 22-23 Nov 2011 ‘Globalization and Development: Rethinking interventions and governance’ - 2011 -
‘Interveners and Intervened Upon: The missing link in building peace and avoiding
Linnéa Gelot, Fredrik Söderbaum
Building Peace, Creating Conflict? Conflictual Dimensions of Local and International Peacebuilding - 2011 -
‘Civil Society in Regional Governance in Eastern and Southern
Andreas Godsäter, Fredrik Söderbaum
, David Armstrong, Valeria Bello, Julie Gilson and Debora Spini (eds.) Civil Society and International Governance. The role of non-state actors in global and regional regulatory frameworks - 2010 -
”Theorizing the European Union in Regional
Michael Schulz, Fredrik Söderbaum
European Security - 2010 -
‘The problem of comparison in comparative
Fredrik Söderbaum, Philippe De Lombaerde
Review of International Studies - 2010 -
”EU studies meets the New Regionalism: What can be gained from
Fredrik Söderbaum, Alberta Sbragia
Journal of European Integration - 2010 -
”With a Little Help From My Friends”: How Regional Organizations in Africa Sustain Clientelism, Corruption and
Fredrik Söderbaum
Paper till Statsvetenskapliga förbundets årsmöte i Göteborg 30 september–2 oktober 2010 - 2010 -
Problems and Divides in Comparative
Philippe De Lombaerde, Fredrik Söderbaum, Luk van Langenhove, Francis Baert
Finn Larusen (ed.), Comparative Regional Integration: Europe and Beyond, Aldershot: Ashgate - 2010 -
Regional Organizations in African
Rodrigo Tavares, Fredrik Söderbaum
2010 -
Problematizing Regional Organizations in African
Fredrik Söderbaum, Rodrigo Tavares
Fredrik Söderbaum and Rodrigo Tavares (eds.) Regional Organizations in African Security - 2010 -
Regional Organizations and African Security : Moving the Debate
James Hentz, Fredrik Söderbaum, Rodrigo Tavares
Fredrik Söderbaum and Rodrigo Tavares (eds.) Regional Organizations in African Security - 2010 -
‘Interveners and Intervened Upon: : the missing link in determining external intervention
Linnéa Bergholm, Fredrik Söderbaum
Ämneskonferens i freds- och konfliktforskning, Uppsala Universitet, Peace and Conflict Research, 16-17 december 2010 - 2010 -
‘Competing Perspectives on the AU and African
Fredrik Söderbaum
Geert Laporte and James Mackie (eds.) Building the African Union institutional architecture: An assessment of past progress and future prospects for Afican Union’s institutional architecture - 2010 -
”The EU and
Fredrik Söderbaum
Jens-Uwe Wunderlich and David Bailey, The European Union and Global Governance. A Handbook - 2010 -
Is the EU Acting as “One” in
Fredrik Söderbaum
Paper to UACES conference, Bruges, 6-8 September 2010 - 2010 -
"Linking European Integration and Comparative
Fredrik Söderbaum
Paper to UACES conference, Bruges, 6-8 September 2010 - 2010 -
A Regional Approach to Conflict Prevention and
Björn Hettne, Fredrik Söderbaum
Conflict Prevention and Management in Northeast Asia: The Korean Peninsula and Taiwan Strait in Comparison, edited by Niklas Swanström, Sofia Ledberg and Alec Forss - 2010 -
Fredrik Söderbaum, Helena Rignér
2010 -
Regional Security in a Global
Fredrik Söderbaum, Björn Hettne
Ulf Engel and Joao Gomes Porto (eds) Africa's New Peace and Security Architecture - 2010 -
Reflections on the EU and the Global
Björn Hettne, Fredrik Söderbaum, Patrik Stålgren
Söderbaum and Stålgren (eds) The European Union and the Global South - 2010 -
The Limits to Interregional Development in
Fredrik Söderbaum, Patrik Stålgren
Söderbaum and Stålgren (eds) The European Union and the Global South - 2010 -
The EU and the Global
Fredrik Söderbaum, Patrik Stålgren
Söderbaum and Stålgren (eds) The European Union and the Global South - 2010 -
The European Union and the Global
Fredrik Söderbaum, Patrik Stålgren
2010 -
Problematizing Regional Organizations in African
Fredrik Söderbaum, Rodrigo Tavares
African Security - 2009 -
Afro-regions: The dynamics of region-building in
Fredrik Söderbaum, Ian Taylor
3rd European Conference of African Studies (ECAS 3), University of Leipzig, 4-7 June. - 2009 -
Fredrik Söderbaum
Jakob Gustavsson and Jonas Tallberg (red) Internationella Relationer - 2009 -
Regional Organizations and African Security: Moving the Debate
Fredrik Söderbaum, Rodrigo Tavares, James Hentz
African Security - 2009 -
Regional Organizations in African
Fredrik Söderbaum, Rodrigo Tavares
2009 -
State, region and space in
Fredrik Söderbaum, Ian Taylor
Respacing Africa, edited by Ulf Engel and Paul Nugent - 2009 -
Comparative Regional Integration and
Fredrik Söderbaum
T. Landman and N. Robinson (eds), The SAGE Handbook of Comparative Politics - 2009 -
How Countries of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Can Use the World Trade Organization and the European Community Flexibilities for Better Access to Affordable HIV/AIDS
Fredrik Söderbaum
Monitoring Regional Integration In Southern Africa Yearbook Vol. 8 - 2009 -
Fredrik Söderbaum, Helena Tagesson
Conference on EU as a Global and Regional Actor in Security and Peace (EU-GRASP), hosted by United Nations University-Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS), Bruges, 1-3 July 2009. - 2009 -
Fredrik Söderbaum, Luk van Langenhove
Workshop on “EU and Inter-Regionalism”, hosted by United Nations University-Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS), Bruges, 2-3 October 2009. - 2009 -
Intervention in a Globalizing
Fredrik Söderbaum
PhD Symposium in Peace and Conflict Studies, School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg, 12 May. - 2009 -
Regional Dimensions of Conflict in the Great Lakes
Fredrik Söderbaum
Workshop on Conflict Management in the Great Lakes Region, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 11 June. - 2009 -
Introduction to African Security: Military, Political and Socio-economic
Fredrik Söderbaum
Conference on African Security: Military, Political and Socio-economic Dimensions, organised by Nordic Africa Institute, 21 April - 2009 -
The EU and
Fredrik Söderbaum
International Symposium on EU-Africa at University of Glasgow, 11 December. - 2009 -
Competing Perspectives on the AU and African
Fredrik Söderbaum
Conference on Building the African Union institutional architecture: Progress achieved, new perspectives and possible support by the EU, hosted by the Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala, 21 October. - 2009 -
Civilian and military dimensions of the EU’s peace
Fredrik Söderbaum
Conference on Challenges for European Security in 2020, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 24-26 September. - 2009 -
Intervention in a Globalizing
Fredrik Söderbaum
Workshop: Aid, Intervention and Changing Concepts of the State, 2nd workshop within the International Development and Security Network (INDESENT), Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Stockholm, 22 – 23 January. - 2009 -
Review of Towards Africa’s Renewal, Edited by Jeggan C. Senghor and Nana
Fredrik Söderbaum
Journal of Modern African Studies - 2009 -
Controlling Intervention in a Globalizing
Fredrik Söderbaum, Alexandra Kent
the 2nd National Peace Conference, Lund University, 2-3 October - 2008 -
Consolidating Comparative Regionalism: From Euro-centrism to Global
Fredrik Söderbaum
3rd GARNET Annual Conference on Mapping Integration and Regionalism in a Global World: The EU and Regional Governance outside the EU in Bordeaux, France, 17-20 September - 2008 -
Controlling Intervention in a Globalizing
Fredrik Söderbaum
Bi-Annual Björn Hettne Seminar 2008 at the School of Global Studies, 17-18 October - 2008 -
The Role of Civil Society in Regional Governance: The Case of Eastern and Southern
Andreas Godsäter, Fredrik Söderbaum
3rd GARNET Annual Conference on Mapping Integration and Regionalism in a Global World: The EU and Regional Governance outside the EU in Bordeaux, France, 17-20 September - 2008 -
The Interplay between EU Member States and the EU: The Case of Development Cooperation in East and Southern
Fredrik Söderbaum
GARNET Conference: The European Union in International Affairs, Egmont Palace, 24-26 April - 2008 -
The African Union and the Regional Economic Communities: 3 Scenarios for
Fredrik Söderbaum, Rodrigo Tavares
2008 -
The EU as a Global Actor in the
Björn Hettne, Fredrik Söderbaum, Patrik Stålgren
2008 -
Effektivisera EU’s
Fredrik Söderbaum, Björn Hettne
OmVärlden - 2008 -
EU, medlemsstaterna och regionerna i den globala
Fredrik Söderbaum, Björn Hettne, Patrik Stålgren
Gränsbrytning - 2008 -
Ogenomtänkt military
Fredrik Söderbaum
Göteborgs-Posten - 2008 -
Saliga äro de som håller fred. Problemen med fredsfrämjande
Fredrik Söderbaum
Internationella Studier - 2008 -
Unlocking the relationship between the WTO and Regional Integration
Fredrik Söderbaum
Review of African Political Economy - 2008 -
The future of
Björn Hettne, Fredrik Söderbaum
A. Cooper, C. Hughes & P De Lombaerde (eds.), Regionalization and Global Governance: The taming of globalization - 2008 -
Competing region-building in the Maputo Development
Fredrik Söderbaum, Ian Taylor
Fredrik Söderbaum and Ian Taylor (eds), Afro-regions: The dynamics of cross-border micro-regionalism in Africa - 2008 -
Considering micro-regionalism in Africa in the twenty-first
Fredrik Söderbaum, Ian Taylor
Fredrik Söderbaum and Ian Taylor (eds), Afro-regions: The dynamics of cross-border micro-regionalism in Africa - 2008 -
Afro-regions: The dynamics of cross-border micro-regionalism in
Fredrik Söderbaum, Ian Taylor
2008 -
Micro-regionalism in West Africa: evidence from two case
Fredrik Söderbaum, Ian Taylor
2007 -
Regionalisation and civil
Fredrik Söderbaum
New Political Economy - 2007 -
Introduction: Thinking about micro-regionalism in West
Fredrik Söderbaum, Ian Taylor
Micro-regionalism in West Africa: Evidence from two case studies - 2007 -
A regional approach to conflict prevention and
Björn Hettne, Fredrik Söderbaum
N. Swanström (ed.), Comparing different approaches to conflict prevention and management - 2007 -
African regionalism and EU-African
Fredrik Söderbaum
M. Teló (ed.), European Union and new regionalism: - 2007 -
The EU as a global player : the politics of
Fredrik Söderbaum, Luk van Langenhove
2006 -
The UN and regional organizations in global
Björn Hettne, Fredrik Söderbaum
Global Governance - 2006 -
Introduction: The Eu as a global actor and the role of
Fredrik Söderbaum, Luk van Langenhove
The EU as a global player: the politics of interregionalism - 2006 -
Fredrik Söderbaum
Encyclopedia of globalization, eds. Roland Robertson & Jan Aart Scholte - 2006 -
EU as a global actor and the dynamics of
Fredrik Söderbaum, Luk van Langenhove
The EU as a global player: the politics of interregionalism - 2006 -
Civilian power or soft
Björn Hettne, Fredrik Söderbaum
Paper for the "Annual conference of the Norwegian Association for Development Studies (NFU)", 13-15 September 2006, Oslo, Norway - 2006 -
Theorising comparative
Björn Hettne, Fredrik Söderbaum
Paper delivered at ECPR (European Consortium for Policital Research) joint session on "Comparative regional integration: Towards a research agenda", Nicosia, Cyprus, 25-30 April 2006 - 2006 -
Regional cooperation: a tool for addressing regional and global
Björn Hettne, Fredrik Söderbaum
Meeting global challenges: International cooperation in the national interest. Cross-cutting issues (chapter 5) - 2006 -
Fredrik Söderbaum
Internationella relationer / Jakob Gustavsson & Jonas Tallberg (red.), Lund : Studentlitteratur - 2006 -
Blocking human potential: how formal policies block the informal economy in the Maputo
Fredrik Söderbaum
Linking the formal and informal economy: concepts and policies [edited by Basudeb Guha-Khasnobis, Ravi Kanbur, and Elinor Ostrom], Oxford : Oxford University Press - 2006 -
Regionalism in Africa - New Regionalism Approach (NRA), European integration and the potential for
Fredrik Söderbaum
Paper presented at the workshop "Comparative regional integration - a research agenda", Athens, 11-12 December 2006 - 2006 -
Is EU an actor in the global
Fredrik Söderbaum
Paper presented at the "Annual seminar on European studies", Centre for European studies at Gothenburg University, 14 December 2006 - 2006 -
Promoting regionalism from the
Fredrik Söderbaum
Paper presented at the Sida Consultative Workshop "Exploring the African agenda: Poverty reduction through regional cooperation", 30 May 2006 - 2006 -
A regional approach to conflict prevention and
Björn Hettne, Fredrik Söderbaum
Paper for "2nd National Conference on Peace Research", Göteborg 7-8 September 2006 - 2006 -
The new regionalism approach and the analysis of civil society and African
Fredrik Söderbaum
Paper for the "Civil society and African integration conference, Aalborg University, 6-7 November 2006 - 2006 -
Regional cooperation and the provision of regional and global public
The future of regional
Fredrik Söderbaum
Workshop on regional studies and area studies, Iberoamerican Institute, Gothenburg University, 16 September 2005 - 2005 -
Intervening in complex humanitarian
Fredrik Söderbaum
Paper delivered at the 11th EADI general conference 2005, Bonn, 21-25 September - 2005 -
The international political economy of
Fredrik Söderbaum
Nicola Phillips (ed.), Globalizing international political economy, Basingstoke: Palgrave - 2005 -
Exploring the links between micro-regionalism and
Fredrik Söderbaum
Mary Farrell, Björn Hettne, and Luk van Langenhove (eds.), Global politics of regionalism: theory and practice, London/Ann Arbour: Pluto Press - 2005 -
The European Union and the global South: trade and conflict
Fredrik Söderbaum, Patrik Stålgren
Paper for workshop on EU and the global South, UNU/CRIS, Bruges 15-16 March - 2005 -
EU and development in East
Fredrik Söderbaum, Patrik Stålgren
Paper for workshop on EU and the Global South, UNU/CRS, Bruges 15-16 March - 2005 -
The public good and public
Fredrik Söderbaum
UN Chronicle - 2005 -
EU as a global actor and the dynamics of inter-regionalism: a comparative
Fredrik Söderbaum
11th EADI general conference 2005, Bonn, 21-25 September - 2005 -
Civil society and regionalisation in southern
Fredrik Söderbaum
The conference on regionalisation and the taming of globalisation, CSGR, Warwick University, 26-28 October 2005 - 2005 -
Introduction: The EU as a global actor and the role of
Fredrik Söderbaum, Luk van Langenhove
Journal of European Integration (Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group) - 2005 -
EU as a global actor and the dynamics of interregionalism: A comparative
Fredrik Söderbaum, Patrik Stålgren, Luk van Langenhove
Journal of European Integration - 2005 -
Regional cooperation and the provision of regional and global public
Intervening in complex humanitarian emergencies: the role of regional
Björn Hettne, Fredrik Söderbaum
European Journal of Development Research (Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group) - 2005 -
Civilian power or soft imperialism? EU as a global actor and the role of
Björn Hettne, Fredrik Söderbaum
European Foreign Affairs Review (Kluwer Law International) - 2005 -
Modes of regional governance in
Fredrik Söderbaum
Global Governance - 2004 -
Considering Afro-regionalism in the twenty-first
Fredrik Söderbaum, Ian Taylor
Paper presented at the UNU-CRIS Afro-regions workshop, 22-24 April 2004 - 2004 -
The Maputo Development
Fredrik Söderbaum, Ian Taylor
Paper to workshop on "Micro-regionalism in Africa", organized by UNU/CRIS, 22-24 April 2004 - 2004 -
Blocking human
Fredrik Söderbaum
2004 -
The political economy of regionalism: the case of southern
Fredrik Söderbaum
2004 -
The unipolar mevement versus the regionalis
Fredrik Söderbaum, Björn Hettne
Paper presented at the EU-LDC conference "Multilateralism at risk", Brussels 2-3 April 2004 - 2004 -
Fredrik Söderbaum
Chapter presentation at UNU-CRIS Workshop on gobal politics of regionalism, Bruges, 15-16 April - 2004 -
Policies against corruption - what works and
Fredrik Söderbaum, Patrik Stålgren
Paper presented for workshop on quality of government, Torekov, 29-30 September 2004 - 2004 -
The development policies of the EU and the member states in East
Fredrik Söderbaum, Patrik Stålgren
Paper delivered at the 5th pan-European IR conference of the SGIR, The Hague, 9-11 September 2004 - 2004 -
The making of Afro-regions: region-building in the Maputo Development
Fredrik Söderbaum, Ian Taylor
Paper delivered at the 5th pan-European IR conference of the SGIR, the Hague, 9-11 September 2004 - 2004 -
Blocking Human Potential: How Formal Policies Block the Informal Sector in the Maputo
Fredrik Söderbaum
EGDI and UNU-WIDER Conference, Unlocking Human Potential: Linking the Informal and Formal Sectors, Helsinki, 17-18 September 2004 - 2004 -
Governance in the Maputo development
Fredrik Söderbaum
Söderbaum, F., Taylor, I. (eds.), Regionalism and uneven development in Southern Africa. The case of the Maputo development corridor - 2003 -
Theories of new
Fredrik Söderbaum, Timothy M. Shaw
2003 -
Introduction: Theories of new
Fredrik Söderbaum
Söderbaum, F., Shaw, T.M. (eds.), Theories of new regionalism - 2003 -
Conclusion: What futures for new
Fredrik Söderbaum, Timothy M. Shaw
Söderbaum, F., Shaw, T.M. (eds.), Theories of new regionalism - 2003 -
Introduction: understanding the dynamics of micro-regionalism in Southern
Fredrik Söderbaum, Ian Taylor
Söderbaum, F., Taylor, I. (eds.), Regionalism and uneven development in Southern Africa. The case of the Maputo development corridor - 2003 -
Fredrik Söderbaum, Ian Taylor
Söderbaum, F., Taylor, I. (eds.), Regionalism and uneven development in Southern Africa. The case of the Maputo development corridor - 2003 -
The role of the state in the Maputo development
Fredrik Söderbaum, Ian Taylor
Söderbaum, F., Taylor, I. (eds.), Regionalism and uneven development in Southern Africa. The case of the Maputo development corridor - 2003 -
Regionalism and uneven development in Southern Africa: The case of the Maputo development
Fredrik Söderbaum, Ian Taylor
2003 -
Regionness and the construction of peace in
Björn Hettne, Fredrik Söderbaum, Rodrigo Tavares
Per Cramér (ed.), Whither Europe: The development of a new European security architecture - 2003 -
The New Regionalism in
Andrew Grant, Fredrik Söderbaum
2003 -
Microregionalism in the Zambezi
Patrik Stålgren, Fredrik Söderbaum
Microregionalism and World Order - 2002 -
The Political Economy of Regionalism in Southern
Fredrik Söderbaum
2002 -
Regionalization in a globalizing
Key Issues in the New Regionalism: Comparisons from Asia, Africa and the Middle
Michael Schulz, Fredrik Söderbaum, Joakim Öjendal
B. Hettne, A. Inotai, O. Sunkel (eds.), Comparing regionalisms: Implications for global development - 2001 -
Conclusion: A comparative
Michael Schulz, Fredrik Söderbaum, Joakim Öjendal
Schulz, M., Söderbaum, F., Öjendal, J. (eds), Regionalization in a globalizing world - 2001 -
Michael Schulz, Fredrik Söderbaum, Joakim Öjendal
Schulz, M., Söderbaum, F., Öjendal, J. (eds), Regionalization in a globalizing world - 2001 -
Turbulent regionalization in West
Fredrik Söderbaum
Schulz, M., Söderbaum, F., Öjendal, J. (eds), Regionalization in a globalizing world - 2001 -
The new regionalism in South
Cyro Banega, Björn Hettne, Fredrik Söderbaum
Schulz, M., Söderbaum, F., Öjendal, J. (eds), Regionalization in a globalizing world - 2001 -
Theorising the rise of
Björn Hettne, Fredrik Söderbaum
New Political Economy - 2000 -
The role of the regional factor in West
Fredrik Söderbaum
B. Hettne, A. Inotai, O. Sunkel (eds.), The new regionalism and the future of security and development - 2000