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- Isabell Schierenbeck
Isabell Schierenbeck
Faculty of Social SciencesProfessor
School of Global StudiesAbout Isabell Schierenbeck
Schierenbeck is professor in political science at the interdisciplinary School of Global Studies (SGS). She is Deputy Dean at the Faculty of Social Sciences, responsible for research and research education (2024-). She is an affiliated researcher at the Center for Advanced Middle Easterns Studies (CMES), Lund University. Part from research and leadership Schierenbeck also has experiences from working in steering committees and advisory boards.
Schierenbeck's main research fields are Israeli and Middle Eastern politics, diaspora and foreign policy analysis, as well as public administration and migration. Her on-going projects are i) diasporas (Kurdish, Assyrian, Israeli/Jewish and Palestinian) and foreign policy impact in Sweden and Germany, ii) the changing political order of the Red Sea region; and refugee integration in a comparative perspective in Jordan, Sweden and Turkey. Schierenbeck also has a long-lasting interest in research ethics and safety.
She is frequently consulted as an expert commentator on Middle Eastern/Israeli politics for radio, TV and the daily press.
Current research projects
“Geopolitics at the margins: Exploring emergent political orders across the Red Sea”. Together with Jan Bachmann and Bizusew Ashagrie (Schierenbeck PI). Funded by the Swedish Research Council (2022-2026).
"Transnational civil society and foreign policy: The role of diasporas in comparative perspective". Together with Lisbeth Aggestam (PI) and Arne Wackenhut. Funded by the Swedish Research Council (2022-2026).
"Refugee Migration and Cities: Social Institutions, Political Governance and Integration in Jordan, Turkey and Sweden (SIPGI)". Together with Andrea Spehar (PI), Mine Eder, Alexander Jung, Kristen Kao and Josepha Wessels. Funded by the Swedish Research Council (2019-2024).
Teaching and tutoring
Current PhD supervisions: Emanuelle Brandström Arellano.
Completed PhD supervisions: Carin Berg, Wayne S. Coetzee, Anna K. Forsman, Meike Froitzheim, Alexander Jung, Marie Jeanne Nzayisenga, Arne Wackenhut.
Previous teaching: Middle Eastern politics, research design and qualitative methods (BA and PhD level).
Other positions and trust (current)
Board Member, Institute of Turkish Studies (SUITS), Stockholm University, 2023-
Steering Committee Member, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Gothenburg, 2021-2023.
Board Member, Advisors for Global Engagement, SUHF, 2021-
Board Member, Portfolio Group "Global development and International relations", Norwegian Research Council (RCN), 2019-2023.
Board Member, The Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI), 2019-
Board Member, Centre on Global Migration (CGM), University of Gothenburg, 2017-2023.
Geocultural Power in the Red Sea
Jan Bachmann, Bizusew Ashagrie, Ozan Kuyumcuoglu, Isabell Schierenbeck
Navigating through depoliticisation: international stakeholders and refugee reception in Jordan and
Alexander Jung, Ezgi Irgil, Isabell Schierenbeck, Andrea Spehar
Third World Quarterly - 2023 -
Newly arrived migrants meet street-level bureaucrats in Jordan, Sweden, and Turkey: Client perceptions of satisfaction-dissatisfaction and response
Isabell Schierenbeck, Andrea Spehar, Tareq Naseef
Migration Studies - 2023 -
Sweden, NATO and the role of diasporas in foreign
Lisbeth Aggestam, Isabell Schierenbeck, Arne Wackenhut
International Affairs - 2023 -
Politisk polarisering – Israel 20 år efter den andra
Isabell Schierenbeck
Statsvetenskaplig Tidsskrift - 2023 -
Lessons for Safer Fieldwork Practices from the Covid
Ellen Lust, Isabell Schierenbeck
Qualitative & Multi-Method Research - 2022 -
Peace research meets implementation studies: the role of implementing
Meike Froitzheim, Isabell Schierenbeck, Fredrik Söderbaum
International Relations - 2022 -
Migration i välfärdsstaten. Att implementera
Safer Field Research in the Social Sciences: A Guide to Human and Digital Security in Hostile
Janis Grimm, Kevin Koehler, Ellen Lust, Ilyas Saliba, Isabell Schierenbeck
2020 -
Låst läge i splittrat
Isabell Schierenbeck
2020 -
Defected Civilian Civil Servants: Perceptions of Regime Strenght in
Isabell Schierenbeck, Gustav Rudd
Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies - 2018 -
Collaboration or renunciation? The role of traditional medicine in mental health care in Rwanda and Eastern Cape Province, South
Isabell Schierenbeck, Peter Johansson, Lena Andersson, Gunilla Krantz, Joseph Ntaganira
Global Public Health - 2018 -
The ‘Local Turn’ in Peacebuilding: The Liberal Peace
Joakim Öjendal, Isabell Schierenbeck, Caroline Hughes
2017 -
The Ownership Paradox: Continuity and
Malin Hasselskog, Isabell Schierenbeck
Forum for Development Studies - 2017 -
National ownership and donor involvement: an aid paradox illustrated by the case of
Malin Hasselskog, Peter Mugume, Eric Ndushabandi, Isabell Schierenbeck
Third World Quarterly - 2017 -
Food (in)security, human (in)security, women’s (in)security: State policies and local experiences in rural
Marie Jeanne Nzayisenga, Camilla Orjuela, Isabell Schierenbeck
African Security - 2016 -
Questioning the negotiation assumption. The case of VUP and HSP in
Malin Hasselskog, Isabell Schierenbeck, Peter Mugume, Eric Ndushabandi
3rd Joint Nordic Development Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, 5-6 November 2015 - 2015 -
The struggle versus the song: the local turn in
Caroline Hughes, Joakim Öjendal, Isabell Schierenbeck
Third World Quarterly - 2015 -
Beyond the local turn divide: lessons learnt, relearnt and
Isabell Schierenbeck
Third World Quarterly - 2015 -
National policy in local practice: the case of
Malin Hasselskog, Isabell Schierenbeck
Third World Quarterly - 2015 -
Political Leadership and Quality of Government. Restraining Elites at Nascent
Ulrika Möller, Isabell Schierenbeck
Elites, Institutions and the Quality of Government - 2015 -
From Small-Scale Resistance to Full-Blown
Arne Wackenhut, Michael Schulz, Isabell Schierenbeck
ISA Annual Conference, Toronto - 2014 -
Health care practitioners´perceptions of public mental health care in the Eastern Cape, South
Dalena van Rooyen, Kegan Topper, David Morton, Joanitha Strupmher, Isabell Schierenbeck, Lena Andersson
Journal of Psychology in Africa - 2014 -
Barriers to accessing mental health care in the Eastern Cape province of South
J. Strumpher, R. M. van Rooyen, K. Topper, Lena Andersson, D. Morton, Isabell Schierenbeck
Africa Journal of Nursing and Midwifery - 2014 -
Political Leadership, Nascent Statehood and Democracy: A Comparative
Understanding the role of social capital for mental wellbeing among older
A. K. Forsman, C. Herberts, F. Nyqvist, K. Wahlbeck, Isabell Schierenbeck
Ageing & Society - 2013 -
Safeguarding a Child Perspective in Asylum Reception: Dilemmas of Children’s Case Workers in
Lisa Ottosson, Marita Eastmond, Isabell Schierenbeck
Journal of Refugee Studies - 2013 -
Barriers to accessing and receiving mental health care in Eastern Cape, South
Isabell Schierenbeck, Peter Johansson, Lena Andersson, Dalena van Rooyen
Health and Human Rights - 2013 -
Winds of Change: From Small-Scale Resistance to Full-Blown
Isabell Schierenbeck, Michael Schulz, Arne Wackenhut
ISA, April 3-6 - 2013 -
Help-seeking behaviour, barriers to care and experiences of care among persons with depression in Eastern Cape, South
Lena Andersson, Isabell Schierenbeck, Johanita Strumpher, Gunilla Krantz, Kegan Topper, Gunilla Backman, Esmeralda Ricks, Dalena van Rooyen
Journal of Affective Disorders - 2013 -
Structural and cognitive social capital and depression among older adults in two Norcic
A. K. Forsman, F. Nyqvist, Isabell Schierenbeck, Yngve Gustafson, K. Wahlbeck
Aging & Mental Health - 2012 -
Key to Democracy? Political Leadership at Nascent
Ulrika Möller, Isabell Schierenbeck
EPSA, Dublin, 16-18 juni 2011 - 2011 -
Key to Democracy? Political Leadership and Nascent
Isabell Schierenbeck, Ulrika Möller
ECPR Joint Sessions - 2011 -
Psychosocial Interventions for the Prevention of Depression in Older Adults: Systematic Review and
Isabell Schierenbeck, Anna Forsman, Kristian Wahlbeck
Journal of Aging and Health - 2010 -
Medicalization of sickness
Isabell Schierenbeck
Work - 2010 -
Political Leadership from Nationhood to Statehood: Exploring the Role of
Isabell Schierenbeck, Ulrika Möller
ASEN Conference, London, 13-15 April, 2010 - 2010 -
Hidden Treasure or Sinking Ship? Exploring the Study of Political
Isabell Schierenbeck, Ulrika Möller
International Studies Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, February 17-10, 2010 - 2010 -
Sense of Community. Trust, Hope and Worries in the Welfare
Isabell Schierenbeck, Bo Rothstein, Helena Stensöta, Jonas Frykman, Kjell Hansen, Mia-Marie Hammarlin
Ethnologia Europaea - 2009 -
Psychosocial interventions for prevention of depression in older
Isabell Schierenbeck, Anna Forsman, Kristian Wahlbeck, E Jane-Ilopes
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews - 2009 -
Hidden Treasure or Sinking Ship? Diagnosing the Study of Political
Ulrika Möller, Isabell Schierenbeck
QoG working paper - 2009 -
Diplomati är det som
Isabell Schierenbeck
Göteborgs-Posten - 2009 -
Power, Identity and Modernity. Individualisation and Destabilisation in a Globalised
Ulf Bjereld, Ann-Marie Ekengren, Isabell Schierenbeck
International Review of Sociology, 2009, No 2 - 2009 -
Sense of Community: Trust, Hope and Worries in the Welfare
Isabell Schierenbeck, Helena Stensöta
Statsvetenskapliga förbundets årsmöte, Uppsala 26-28 september 2008. - 2008 -
Sjuk av arbete? Om arbetsoförmåga och
Isabell Schierenbeck, Frida Boräng, Bo Rothstein
Vahlne Westerhäll, Lotta (red.) Arbets(o)förmåga – ur ett mångdisciplinärt perspektiv. Stockholm: Sandtérus Förlag. - 2008 -
Jessica Lindvert, Isabell Schierenbeck
2008 -
The Road to Democracy: Exploring the Impact of Leadership
Ulrika Möller, Isabell Schierenbeck
Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift - 2008 -
Fredsplaner och protester i
Isabell Schierenbeck
www.utrikesbloggen.se - 2007 -
Abbas och Israel har mycket att
Isabell Schierenbeck
www.utrikesbloggen.se - 2007 -
Nu behöver Fatah
Isabell Schierenbeck
www.utrikesbloggen.se - 2007 -
Möte mellan människa och
Isabell Schierenbeck
Analyserar - 2007 -
Israel mellan sionism och
Isabell Schierenbeck
Alba nr. 2. - 2006 -
Freden mer avlägsen än på
Isabell Schierenbeck
Göteborgs-Posten 30 mars 2006. - 2006 -
Palestinierna får
Isabell Schierenbeck
Göteborgs-Posten 30 juli 2006 - 2006 -
Vem förvaltar kunskapen om sjukdom? Diskursiva praktiker i
Isabell Schierenbeck
Presenterat vid Den svenska sjukan: central styrning och lokal variation. Stockholm 23-24 augusti 2006 - 2006 -
Det splittrade Israel? Politiska och sociala
Isabell Schierenbeck
2006 -
Globalization, Migration and Multiple Citizenships: The Case of
Isabell Schierenbeck
International Studies Association, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1-5 March - 2005 -
I dörren står
Isabell Schierenbeck
Invandrare och minoriteter - 2004 -
Den europeiska judenheten mellan öst och
Isabell Schierenbeck
Svanberg, I. & Söhrman, I. (red). Minoriteter i Europa - 2004 -
En välfärdsstat för alla? Frontlinjebyråkrater och
Isabell Schierenbeck
Engagemang, mångfald och integration : om möjligheter och hinder för politisk jämlikhet : rapport från Integrationspolitiska maktutredningen, Statens offentliga utredningar, SOU - 2004 -
Bakom välfärdsstatens
Isabell Schierenbeck