
Ilona Rinne

Senior Lecturer

Unit for General Didactics and Pedagogic Work
Visiting address
Läroverksgatan 15
41120 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 300
40530 Göteborg

About Ilona Rinne

I am a senior lecturer at the Department of Pedagogcial, Curricular and Professional Studies. My thesis The tact of teaching in grade conferences. A phenomenological germeneutical study of upper secondary school teachers' and students' understanding of grades (Rinne, 2015) is based on a video analysis of 149 teacher-student grade confernces. It explores how teachers handle two intertwined dimensions of pedagogical tact: the curriculum-based and the ethical. The results highlight a human, existential aspect of teaching profession by illustrating the moral dilemmas that teachers need to handle in grading.

My research interest focuses on the meaning of becoming and being a teacher. I am currently involved in three research projects connected to teacher education:

- Becoming a teacher: A longitudinal study of teacher identity development in Sweden and Denmark.

The purpose of the study is to investigate how pre-service teachers develop a professional identity during teacher education and how this process influences redefining of this identity during the initial years of teaching.

- The relational dimensions of teaching profession.

The project elaborates how pre-service teachers during their internship create and maintain supportive and socially sustainable teacher-student relationships.

- Growing through mentoring: An activity based inquiry into mentor teachers knowledge and practices.

The aim of the project is to identify and analyse the professional development benefits experienced by teachers when mentoring student teachers during the practicum.

Project leader: Sally Windsor. The project is funded by the Swedish Research Council.

Keywords: teacher identity, pedagogical tact, the relational aspects of teaching profession, teacher education, phenomenology, hermeneutics.