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- Jens Allwood
Jens Allwood
Professor Emeritus
Department of Applied IT, div CLIC-
Några av det Outsagdas
Jens Allwood
Allwood, J. & Hanson, B. (red) Det Outsagda - 2024 -
Jens Allwood, Bo Hanson
2024 -
Lyhörd – Kortfattad analys av en
Jens Allwood
Strömstad Akademis Nyhetsbrev - 2023 -
On Reaching Reciprocal Universal Understanding (Chinese
Jens Allwood
Shan, B. (Ed.) Intercultural Communication Studies, Vol. 6., pp. 41-54. Beijing: Communication University of China Press. - 2023 -
A Model of Intercultural Communication
Jens Allwood
In eds. Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin, Dr. Tareque Aziz and Dr. Sreenivasan Jayashree. Multiculturalism and Interculturalism. Intech Open. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.110074 - 2023 -
Jens Allwood
Allwood, J. (red.) 2023. Vilken metod är bäst? Tvärvetenskapliga dialoger om metod. - 2023 -
Varför begreppsbestämning och
Jens Allwood
Allwood, J. (red). 2023. Vilken metod är bäst? Tvärvetenskapliga dialoger om metod. - 2023 -
Vilken metod är bäst? Tvärvetenskapliga dialoger om
Jens Allwood, Elisabeth Ahlsén, Leif Bloch Rasmussen, Per Flensburg, Anders Gustavssson, KG Hammarlund, Ulf Persson, Claes Uggla, Peter Währborg
2023 -
Action Theory (revised
Jens Allwood
Verschueren, J. and Östman, J – O (eds). (2022). Handbook of Pragmatics. Manual. Second edition. John Benjamins. - 2022 -
Obituary – Rusandre (Andries Petrus)
Jens Allwood
Language - 2022 -
Från mångvetenskap till tvärvetenskap.
Jens Allwood
Strömstad Tidning - 2022 -
A Skeptical Defense of
Jens Allwood
Limnell, P. & Vadén, T. (Eds.) Unfolding the Big Picture. Essays in honour of Paavo Pylkkänen. Philosophical Studies from the University of Helsinki, 50., pp. 135-148. - 2021 -
Living with Uncertainty — A Plea for Enlightened
Jens Allwood
Acta Academiae Stromstadiensis. No. LIX, OCTOBRIS MMXXI. ISBN: 978-91-89331-18-1 - 2021 -
Jens Allwood
Allwood, J., Ahlsén, E. & Hashim, A. (eds) 2021. Getting Started with Research – A Guide to Research Methodology. Kulala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press. - 2021 -
Getting Started with Research – A Guide to Research
Jens Allwood, Elisabeth Ahlsén, Azirah Hashim
2021 -
Research and
Jens Allwood, Elisabeth Ahlsén
Allwood, J., Ahlsén, E. & Hashim, A. (eds) 2021. Getting Started with Research – A Guide to Research Methodology - 2021 -
Multi- and interdisciplinary
Jens Allwood
Allwood, J., Ahlsén, E. & Hashim, A. (eds) 2021. Getting Started with Research – A Guide to Research Methodology - 2021 -
Reflections on the function of national images in intra-and intercultural
Jens Allwood
Journal of Intercultural Communication - 2021 -
Controversies and
Jens Allwood, O. Pombo, G. Scarafile
2020 -
Crossing Borderlines: Beyond the structure of parallel world
Jens Allwood, O. Pombi, G. Scarafile
Allwood, J., Pombo, O., Scarafile, G. (2020) Controversies and Interdisciplinarity - 2020 -
Cognitive History and
Jens Allwood
Cognitive History - 2019 -
On the semiotic and communicative status of non-vocal
Jens Allwood
Ferreira Corrêa, A. (Ed.) Music, Speech and Mind - 2019 -
Om några sätt att försöka fånga svenska och andra värderingar - en kritisk
Jens Allwood
Värderingar - Värdekartor som ett försök att fastställa det sociokulturella vädret. - 2019 -
Att undervisa i interkulturell
Elisabeth Ahlsén, Jens Allwood
Olivestam, C. (Ed.) Värderingar - Värdekartor som ett försök att fastställa det kulturella vädret i världen. - 2019 -
Antidemokratiskt att stänga ut SD från
Claes Andersson, Jens Allwood, Tobias Hägerland, Jens Stilhoff Sörensen, Filippo Valguarnera
Göteborgs-Posten - 2019 -
Farligt att utesluta oliktänkande från
Jens Allwood, Claes Andersson, Tobias Hägerland, Jens Stilhoff Sörensen, Filippo Valguarnera
Göteborgs-Posten - 2019 -
Dimensions of Context. Classifying Approaches
to the Context of
Jens Allwood, Elisabeth Ahlsén
P. Konderak (Ed.) Cognitive Semiotics: Perspectives on the Study of Meaning-Making. Filozofia I Nauka. Studia filozoficzne i interdyscylinarne, Tom 7, czesk 1, pp. 77-90. - 2019 -
Bokens innehåll och
Jens Allwood
Hälsa och Miljö (Acta Academicae Stromstadiensis) - 2018 -
Hälsokommunikation i två länder - En jämförelse av Sverige och
Jens Allwood, Elisabeth Ahlsén
Hälsa och Miljö (Acta Academicae Stromstadiensis) - 2018 -
Is digitalization dehumanization? - Dystopic Traits of
Jens Allwood
Proceedings of the DIGITALISATION FOR A SUSTAINABLE SOCIETY. Embodied, Embedded, Networked, Empowered through Information, Computation & Cognition!, 12–16 June 2017; Gothenburg, Sweden - 2017 -
Multimodal health communication in two cultures – A comparison of Swedish and Malaysian Youtube
Jens Allwood, Elisabeth Ahlsén, Stefano Lanzini, Ali Attaran
Proceedings of the 4th European and 7th Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication (MMSYM 2016). P. Paggio and C. Navarretta (eds) - 2017 -
From Language as a System of Signs to Language
Jens Allwood
The Routledge Handbook of Language and Dialogue. Edda Weigand (red.) - 2017 -
Interview with Shan
Jens Allwood
GUPEA - 2017 -
Reflections on the Function of National Images in Intra- and Intercultural
Jens Allwood
Shan Bo (ed.). National Image and Intercultural Communication. SSAP Social Sciences Academic Press (China) - 2017 -
Fluency or
Jens Allwood
Proceedings of DiSS 2017, 18–19 August 2017, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden - 2017 -
Pragmatics: From language as a system of signs to language
Jens Allwood
The Routledge Handbook of Language and Dialogue / edited by Edda Weigand. - 2017 -
Argumentation, Activity and
Jens Allwood
Computational Models of Argument - 2016 -
An exploration of the nature, functions and subcategories of the discourse functional category, Interactive, in spoken
A. P. Hendrikse, N. Nomdebevana, Jens Allwood
South African Journal of African Languages - 2016 -
Trusting and Distrusting in Dialogue. A Study of Authentic Medical
Jens Allwood, Nataliya Berbyuk Lindström, Inga-Lill Johansson
Trust, Organizations and Social Interaction. Studying Trust as Process within and between Organizations. Edited by Søren Jagd and Lars Fuglsang. Cheltenham - 2016 -
Meaning potentials in words and
Jens Allwood, Elisabeth Ahlsén
Proceedings from the 3rd European Symposium on Multimodal Communication, Dublin, September 17-18, 2015, Linköping University Press Proceedings - 2016 -
Multimodal communicative feedback in
Gustaf Lindblad, Jens Allwood
In Jokinen, K. & Vels, M. (eds) Proceedings of the 2nd European and the 5th Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication, August 6-8, 2014. Tartu, Estonia. 110:008. http://www.ep.liu.se/ecp_home/index.en.aspx?issue=110 (5/27/2015) Linköping: LiU Electronic Press. - 2015 -
文化转型:瑞典三个移民群体的文化 转型和行为实践 (Culture change: transformation of cultural values and behavioral practices among three migrant groups in
Pavel Rodin, Jens Allwood
文化冲突 与跨文化传播 (Cultural conflicts and Intercultural communication) - 2015 -
On the need for an ethical understanding of health-care
Jens Allwood, Inga-Lill Johansson, Lars-Eric Olsson, Gülüzar Tuna
Journal of Organisational Transformation and Social Change - 2015 -
On stages of conflict
Jens Allwood, Elisabeth Ahlsén
Conflict and Multimodal Communication: Social Research and Machine Intelligence - 2015 -
Multimodal human-horse interaction in therapy and leisure
Nataliya Berbyuk, Jens Allwood, Margareta Håkansson, Anna Lundberg
Jokinen, K. & Vels, M. (eds) Proceedings of the 2nd European and the 5th Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication, August 6-8, 2014. Tartu, Estonia. 110:009. http://www.ep.liu.se/ecp_home/index.en.aspx?issue=110 (5/27/2015) Linköping: LiU Electronic Press. - 2015 -
On the attribution of affective-epistemic states to communicative behavior in different modes of
Stefano Lanzini, Jens Allwood
In Jokinen, K. & Vels, M. (eds) Proceedings of the 2nd Europeand and the 5th Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication, August 6-8, 2014. Tartu, Estonia. 110:007. http://www.ep.liu.se/ecp_home/index.en.aspx?issue=110 (5/27/2015) Linköping: LiU Electronic Press. - 2015 -
Bring vs. MTRoget: Evaluating automatic thesaurus
Lars Borin, Jens Allwood, Gerard de Melo
Proceedings of LREC 2014, May 26-31, 2014 Reykjavik, Iceland - 2014 -
Vagueness, unspecificity, and approximation: Cognitive and lexical aspects in English, Swedish and
Jens Allwood, Elisabeth Ahlsén, isabella Poggi, Laura Vincze, Francesca D'Errico
Sibilla Cantarini, Werner Abraham and Elisabeth Leiss (eds.) Certainty-uncertainty – and the Attitudinal Space in Between - 2014 -
Contributions of different modalities to the attribution of affective-epistemic
Jens Allwood, Stefano Lanzini, Elisabeth Ahlsén
Proceedings from the 1st European Symposium on Multimodal Communication, University of Malta, Valletta, October 17-18, 2013, NEALT Proceedings Series, Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings - 2014 -
On language production as expansion, reduction or multiple
Jens Allwood, Elisabeth Ahlsén
Heegård, J. & Henrichsen, P. J. New Perspectives on Speech in Action. Proceedings of the 2nfd SJUSK Conference on Contemporary Speech Habits. - 2013 -
Comparing Human-to-Human and Human-to-AEA Communication in Service
N. Salomonson, Jens Allwood, M. Lind, H. Alm
Journal of Business Communication - 2013 -
What’s in a
Elisabeth Ahlsén, Jens Allwood
Allwood, J,. Ahlsén, E., Paggio, P. (2013). Proceedings of the Fourth Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication, Nov 15-16, University of Gothenburg. NEALT Proceedings Series No. 21. - 2013 -
Living with
Jens Allwood
Johanssonian Investigations - 2013 -
A multidimensional activity based approach to
Jens Allwood
Wachsmuth, I., de Ruiter, J., Jaecks, P. & Kopp, S. (eds) Alignment in Communication. - 2013 -
Predicting the attitude flow in dialogue based on multi-modal speech
Peter Juel Henrichsen, Jens Allwood
Allwood, J,. Ahlsén, E., Paggio, P. (2013). Proceedings of the Fourth Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication, Nov 15-16, University of Gothenburg. NEALT Proceedings Series No. 21. - 2013 -
Showing interest during first
Gülüzar Tuna, Jens Allwood, Elisabeth Ahlsén
Allwood, J,. Ahlsén, E., Paggio, P. (2013). Proceedings of the Fourth Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication, Nov 15-16, University of Gothenburg. NEALT Proceedings Series No. 21. - 2013 -
A framework for studying human multimodal
Jens Allwood
Coverbal Synchrony in Human-Machine Interaction. - 2013 -
Prosodic expressions of emotions and attitudes in communicative
Gustaf Lindblad, Jens Allwood
Allwood, J,. Ahlsén, E., Paggio, P. (2013). Proceedings of the Fourth Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication, Nov 15-16, University of Gothenburg. NEALT Proceedings Series No. 21. - 2013 -
Vagueness and
Jens Allwood, Evelyn Vilkman
Allwood, J,. Ahlsén, E., Paggio, P. (2013). Proceedings of the Fourth Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication, Nov 15-16, University of Gothenburg. NEALT Proceedings Series No. 21. - 2013 -
Proceedings of the Fourth Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication, Nov 15-16, University of Gothenburg, NEALT Proceedings Series, No.
Jens Allwood, Elisabeth Ahlsén, Patrizia Paggio, Costanza Navarretta, Kristiina Jokinen
2013 -
Communication Skills that Support Value Creation: A Study of B2B Interactions between Customers and Customer Service
N. Salomonsson, A. Åberg, Jens Allwood
Industrial Marketing Management - 2012 -
Kognitiva funktioner hos barn med
Jens Allwood, Mikael Jensen
Kognitionsvetenskap / redaktörer: Jens Allwood, Mikael Jensen - 2012 -
On speaker
Jens Allwood, Elisabeth Ahlsén
Heegård, J. & Henrichsen P. J. Speech in Action. Proceedings of the 1st SJUSK Conference on comtemporary speech habits, Copehnhagen Studies in Language 42 - 2012 -
Jens Allwood, Elisabeth Ahlsén
Handbook of Technical Communication. A. Mehler, R. Romary & D. Gibbon (eds) - 2012 -
Feedback in Nordic First-Encounters: a Comparative
Costanza Navarretta, Elisabeth Ahlsén, Jens Allwood, Kristiina Jokinen, Patrizia Paggio
Proceedings of LREC 2012, May 2012, Istanbul, Turkey - 2012 -
Self documentation of endangered
Sagun Dhakwha, Jens Allwood
ISCSLP 2012, Conference proceedings - 2012 -
Some suggestions for the study of stance in
Massimo Chindamo, Jens Allwood, Elisabeth Ahlsén
Proceedings of IEEE SocialCom Amsterdam 2012 - 2012 -
On identifying conflict related
Jens Allwood, Massimo Chindamo, Elisabeth Ahlsén
Proceedings of IEEE SocialCom Amsterdam 2012 - 2012 -
Incremental collection of activity.based multimodal corpora and their use in activity-based
Jens Allwood, Elisabeth Ahlsén
Proceedings of LREC 2012, May 2012, Istanbul, Turkey - 2012 -
An activity based spoken language corpus of
Jens Allwood, Bhim Narayan Regmi, Sagun Dhakwha, Ram Kisun Urnaw
Oriental COCOSDA 2012 - 2012 -
Cognition, communication, and readiness for
Jens Allwood
Pragmatics & Cognition - 2012 -
Jens Allwood
Allwood, J. & Jensen, M. (eds.): Kognitionsvetenskap - 2012 -
Medvetande och
Jens Allwood
Allwood, J. & Jensen, M. (eds.): Kognitionsvetenskap - 2012 -
Medvetande - en semantisk
Jens Allwood
Allwood, J. & Jensen, M. (eds.): Kognitionsvetenskap - 2012 -
Språk, kommunikation och
Jens Allwood
Allwood, J. & Jensen, M. (eds.): Kognitionsvetenskap - 2012 -
Vad är
Jens Allwood
Allwood, J. & Jensen, M. (eds.): Kognitionsvetenskap - 2012 -
Proceedings of the 3rd Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication, May 27-28. University of Helsinki, Finland, Northern European Association for Language Technology (NEALT
Patricia Paggio, P. Paggio, Elisabeth Ahlsén, Jens Allwood, Kristiina Jokinen, K. Jokinen, Costanza Navarretta, C. Navarretta
2011 -
Unimodal and multimodal co-activation in first
Jens Allwood, Jia Lu
Proceedings of the 3rd Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication - 2011 -
Some challenges for multimodal intercultural artificial
Jens Allwood, Elisabeth Ahlsén, Jia Lu
Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents IVA 2011 - 2011 -
A study on cultural variations of smile – Based on empirical recordings of Chinese and Swedish first
Jia Lu, Jens Allwood, Elisabeth Ahlsén
Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction ICMI 2011 - 2011 -
Unimodal and multimodal feedback in Chinese and Swedish monocultural and intercultural interactions (a case
Jia Lu, Jens Allwood
NEALT Proceedings Series - 2011 -
Unimodal and Multimodal Co-activation in First Encounters. A Case Study. In: P.Paggio, E.Ahlsén, J.Allwood, K.Jokinen & C. Navarretta
Jens Allwood, J. Lu
Proceedings of the 3rd Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication. May 27-28. University of Helsinki, Finland. NEALT Northern European Association for Language Technology Proceedings Series. 15 - 2011 -
Some Challenges for Multimodal Intercultural Artifical
Jens Allwood, Elisabeth Ahlsén, J. Lu
Proceedings of IVA 2012, Reykjavik, Iceland - 2011 -
On the Potential of some Pragmatic Concepts for the
Jens Allwood, Mikael Lind
Systems, Signs & Actions - 2011 -
Multimodal Corpus using Multimodal Dictionary in Lohorung, Oriental COCOSDA, Oct.
Jens Allwood, S. Dhakhwa, M. Pokharel, B. N. Regmi, P. Shrestha
Oriental COCOSDA 2011, Oct. 26-28, Proceedings of the International Conference on Speech Databases and Assesments_poster Sessions, Hsinchu, Taiwan, October 2011, National Chiao Tung University. - 2011 -
Intercultural Dynamics of First Acquaintance: Comparative Study of Swedish, Chinese and Swedish-Chinese First Time
Jens Allwood, Nataliya Berbyuk Lindström, Jia Lu
C. Stephanidis (Ed.): Universal Access in HCI, Part IV, 2011, LNCS 6768. Springer-VErlag, Berlin Heidelberg. - 2011 -
Creating Comparable Multimodal Corpora for Nordic
C. Navarretta, Elisabeth Ahlsén, Jens Allwood, K. Jokinen, P. Paggio
Proceedings of the 18th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics. Riga, Latvia, May 11-13. NEALT. - 2011 -
Repeated Head Movements, their Function and Relation to
Max Boholm, Jens Allwood
Proceedings of the Workshop on Multimodal Corporation: Advances in Capturing, Coding and Analyzing Multimodality. LREC 2010, Valletta, Malta. 18 May. Kipp, M., Martin, J.C., Paggio, P. and Heylen, D. (Eds.). - 2010 -
Work on Spoken (Multimodal) Corpora in South
Jens Allwood, Harald Hammarström, A.P. Hendrikse, M.N. Ngcobo, Nozibele Nomdebevana, Laurette Pretorius, Mac van der Merwe
Calzolari, N, Choukri, K. Maegaard, B, Mariani, J., Odijk, J, Piperidis, S, Rosner, M. & Tapias, D. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Seventh conference on International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10) Valetta, Malta May 19-21. European Language Resources Association (ELRA). http://www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2010/index.html (ALLWOOD 10.438). - 2010 -
The NOMCO Multimodal Nordic Resource -Goals and Characteristics. In Calzolari, N., Choukri, K., Maegaard, B., Mariani, J., Odijk, J., Piperidis, S., Rosner, M., & Tapias, D.
P. Paggio, Jens Allwood, Elisabeth Ahlsén, K. Jokinen, C. Navarretta
Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC´10) Valletta, Malta. May 19-21. European Language Resources Association (ELRA). ISBN 2-9517408-6-7. http://www.Irec-conf.org/proceedings/Irec2010/index.html (PAGGIO10.98) - 2010 -
Words and alternative basic units for linguistic
Jens Allwood, A.P. Hendrikse, Elisabeth Ahlsén
Henrichsen, P. J. (Ed.) Linguistic Theory and Raw Sound. Copenhagen Studies in Language, Copenhagen: Samfundslitteratur - 2010 -
Hesitation in intercultural communication: Some observations and analysis on interpreting shoulder
Jens Allwood, Kriistina Jokinen
Ishida, T. (Ed.) Culture and Computing, LNCS 6259. Springer. - 2010 -
"Intonation Patterns in Nepali Feedback
Jens Allwood, Bhim Narayan Regmi
Proceedings of Oriental COCOSDA2010, "paper 61", November 24-25. Kathmandu. - 2010 -
Multimodal Intercultural Information and Communication Technology - A Framework for Designing and Evaluating Multimodal Intercultural Communicators. In Kipp, M., Martin , J.C., Paggio, P. & Heylen, D. (Eds.). Multimodal Corpora. From Models of Natural Interaction to Systems and
Jens Allwood, Elisabeth Ahlsén
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Berlin: Springer - 2009 -
Gestures that precede and accompany speech - An analysis of their functions and use in the design of virtial agents in different
Jens Allwood, Elisabeth Ahlsén
NEALT Proceedings Series - 2009 -
Jens Allwood
Nationalencyklopedin - 2009 -
A Typology of Embodied
Jens Allwood
Wachmuth, Ipke; Lenzen, Manuela and Knoblich, Günther (eds.) Embodied Communication in Humans and Machines - 2008 -
Modeling Embodied Feedback with Virtual
Stefan Kopp, Jens Allwood, Elisabeth Ahlsén, Thorstein Stockmeier
Lecture Notes in Computer Science - 2008 -
Construction and Annotation of a Corpus of Contemporary
Y.P. Yadava, A. Hardie, R.R. Lohani, B.N. Regmi, S. Gurung, A. McEnery, Jens Allwood, P Hall, A Gurung
Corpora - 2008 -
A framework for analyzing embodied communicative feedback in multimodal
Jens Allwood, Karl Grammer, Stefan Kopp, Elisabeth Ahlsén
JLRE (Special Issue on Multimodal Corpora, edited by Jean-Claude Martin - 2008 -
Making the Web more Pragmatic -Exploring the potential of some pragmatic concepts for IS Research and
Jens Allwood, Mikael Lind
The Inaugural Meeting of the AIS Special Interest Group on Pragmatist IS Research (SIGPrag 2008) at International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS2008), France (to be accessed at www.sigprag.org) - 2008 -
Some Remarks on the Relationship between the Semantic and the Pragmatic
Jens Allwood
Proceeding ICPW '08 Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Pragmatic Web: Innovating the Interactive Society - 2008 -
Dimensions of embodied communication - towards a typology of embodied
Jens Allwood
Wachsmuth, Ipke: Lenzen, Manuela & Knoblish, Günther (eds.).Embodied Communication in Humans and Machines. Oxford University Press. - 2008 -
Jens Allwood
Lüdeling, Anke & Kytö, Merja (eds) Corpus Linguistics. An International Handbook. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin - 2008 -
The Analysis of Embodied Communicative Feedback in Multimodal Corpora - a prerequisite for behavior
Jens Allwood, Stefan Kopp, Karl Grammer, Elisabeth Ahlsén, Elisabeth Oberzaucher, M Koppensteiner
Language Resources and Evaluation - 2008 -
Trust in medical
Nataliya Berbyuk Lindström, Jens Allwood
Abstracts NIC (Nordic Network for Intercultural Communication) Conference: ltures in Translation, Dec 4-6, Reykjavik Iceland - 2008 -
Human Machine Interfaces and Embodied
Karl Grammer, Stefan Kopp, Jens Allwood, T Stockmeyer, Elisabeth Ahlsén, Elisabeth Oberzaucher
uDayV Informieren mit Computeranimation - 2007 -
European Intercultural Workplace:
Jens Allwood, Nataliya Berbyuk, Margareta Börjesson, Charlotte Edebäck, Randi Myhre, Kaarlo Voionmaa, Emily Öhman
Institutionen för lingvistik, Kollegium SSKKII - 2007 -
The MUMIN coding scheme for the annotation of feedback, turn management and sequencing
Jens Allwood, Loredana Cerrato, Kristiina Jokinen, Costanza Navarretta, Patrizia Paggio
Multimodality in own communication
Jens Allwood, Elisabeth Ahlsén, Johan Lund, Johanna Sundqvist
Current Trends in Research on Spoken Language in the Nordic Countries - 2007 -
Cooperation, Competition, Conflict and
Jens Allwood
2007 -
Activity Based Studies of Linguistic
Jens Allwood
2007 -
How do Non-Swedish Physicians Communicate with their Swedish Patients and
Nataliya Berbyuk, Jens Allwood, Amir Khorram-Manesh
Dahl, Ø., Jensen, I., Nynäs, P. (ed.). Bridges of Understanding. - 2006 -
Word-Finding Problems in Medical Consultations between Non-Swedish Physicians and Swedish
Papers from the Second Nordic Conference on Multimodal Communication
Jens Allwood, Beatriz Dorriots, Shirley Nicholson
2006 -
Feedback in different social
Elisabeth Ahlsén, Jens Allwood, Joakim Nivre
Current trends in Research on Spoken Language in the Nordic Countries - 2006 -
En analys av invandringen till
Jens Allwood, Charlotte Edebäck, Randi Myhre
2006 -
An Analysis of Immigration to
Jens Allwood, Charlotte Edebäck, Randi Myhre
2006 -
Treebanks for Spoken Language - Some
Jens Allwood
Treebanking for discourse and speech (Copenhagen studies in language) - 2006 -
Language Survival
Jens Allwood
Lesser-known Languages of South Asia. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin/New York. - 2006 -
Cognitive Science 'Consciousess, Thought and
Jens Allwood
ncyclop - 2006 -
Descriptions of pain in elderly patients following orthopaedic
Ingrid Bergh, Magnus Gunnarsson, Jens Allwood, Anders Odén, Björn Sjöström, Bertil Steen
Scandinavian journal of caring sciences - 2005 -
Swedish and Danish, Speech and Writing – a statistical
Jens Allwood, Peter Juel-Henrichsen
Journal of Corpus Linguistics 10:3, publ. by John Benjamins, Amsterdam - 2005 -
Guidelines for Developing Spoken Language
Jens Allwood, A.P. Hendrikse, M. Mmemezi
Spoken Language Corpora Series, UNISA, Dept of Linguistics, Pretoria. South Africa - 2005 -
Comparing conflict related terms in Swedish and
Jens Allwood, Haji Omar Asmah
In Asmah Haji Omar (ed.) Malay Images.Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris - 2005 -
"Vänta och se versus låtsas inte förstå om du inte gör det!" Om svensk sjukvårdspersonals erfarenheter av kommunikation med utländska
Jens Allwood, Nataliya Berbyuk, Charlotte Edebäck, Amir Khorram-Manesh
Aktuellt om Migration - 2005 -
Transliteration between spoken language
Elisabeth Ahlsén, Jens Allwood, Peter Juel-Henrichsen, Leif Grönqvist, Magnus Gunnarsson
Nordic Journal of Linguistics - 2005 -
Presentation av bok om svenskt och danskt talspråk - skillnader och likheter utifrån korpusdata. Projekt
Elisabeth Ahlsén, Jens Allwood, Peter Juel-Henrichsen, Magnus Gunnarsson, Leif Grönqvist, J Katlev, Hans Vappula
Årbog for Nordisk Sprogteknologisk Forskningsprogram 2000-2004 - 2005 -
Transliteration Between Spoken Language
Jens Allwood, Peter Juel-Henrichsen, Leif Grönqvist, Elisabeth Ahlsén, Magnus Gunnarsson
Nordic Journal of Linguistics, vol. 28, no 1,06/05, pp.5 -36. Also published as “Transliteration Between Spoken Language Corpora - Moving between Danish BYSOC and Swedish GSLC. Gothenburg Papers in Theoretical Linguistics,86, 2002.University of Göteborg, Dept of Linguistics (20 p) - 2005 -
The MUMIN multimodal coding
Jens Allwood, Loredana Cerrato, Laila Dybkjaer, Kristiina Jokinen, Costanza Navarretta, Patrizia Paggio
NorFa yearbook 2005 - 2005 -
SweDanes for CALL - A corpus and computer-based student's Aid for Comparison of Swedish and Danish Spoken
Peter Juel Henrichsen, Jens Allwood
NorFA CALL Net-Demo CDROM 2005 (10 Nordic Applications for Computer Assisted Language Learning). Ed. C. Hansen, H. Selsøe Sørensen and PJH. - 2005 -
Feedback in Spoken Interaction - NORDTALK Symposium
Jens Allwood
2005 -
Being a Non-Swedish Physician in Sweden. A comparison of the views on work related communication of non-Swedish physicians and Swedish health care
Nataliya Berbyuk, Jens Allwood, Charlotte Edebäck
Journal of Intercultural Communication (i) http://www.immi.se/intercultural. Also PAL 29 - 2004 -
Några frekvensbaserad skillnader mellan svenskt och danskt
Jens Allwood, Elisabeth Ahlsén, Magnus Gunnarsson, Kaarlo Voionmaa, Hans Vappula, Leif Grönqvist
Babylonic confusion resolved. Proceedings of the Nordic Symposium on the Comparison of Spoken Languages at CMOL (CBS), November 2003, P. Jule Henrichsen (ed.) Copenhagen working Pap in LSP. - 2004 -
Spoken Language Corpora in South
Jens Allwood, A.P. Henrikse
Proceedings of SALTMIL Workshop at LREC 2004. First Steps for Language Documentation of Minority Languages: Computational Tools for Morphology, Lexicon and Corpus Compilation: Lisboa. - 2004 -
Språk och
Jens Allwood
In: Ilie,C. (Ed.) Language, Culture. Rhetoric: Cultural and Rhetorical Perspectives on Communication. Papers from the ASLA Symposium in Örebro, 6-7 November 2003. Stockholm: Association Suédoise de Linguistique Appliquée (ASLA). - 2004 -
Intercultural communication at work : papers from the 10th Nordic Symposium on Intercultural Communication : selected
Jens Allwood, Beatriz Dorriots
2004 -
Bildning - en
Tagset and Tagger for the African Languages of South Africa with Special Reference to
Jens Allwood, Leif Grönqvist, A.P. Henrikse
Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies - 2003 -
Några frekvensbaserade skillnder mellan svenskt och danskt
Jens Allwood, Elisabeth Ahlsén, P. J. Henrichsen, Magnus Gunnarsson, Kaarlo Voionmaa, Hans Vappula, Leif Grönqvist
In: P. Juel Henrichsen (ed.). Babylonic Confusion Resolved. Proceedings of the Nordic Symposium on the Comparison of Spoken Languages at SMOL (CBS). Copenhagen Working Papers in LSP. - 2003 -
A Study of Gestural Feedback
Jens Allwood, Loredana Cerrato
First Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication. Paggio, P., Jokinen, L. & Jönsson. A. (eds.) Copenhagen - 2003 -
Annotations and Tools for an Activity Based Spoken Language
Jens Allwood, Leif Grönqvist, Elisabeth Ahlsén, Magnus Gunnarsson
In: van kuppevelt, J. (ed.) Current and New Directions in Discourse and Dialogue. Kluwer Academic Publishers - 2003 -
Feedback in Different Social
Jens Allwood, Elisabeth Ahlsén
In: P. Juel Henrichsen (ed.) Nordic Research on Relations between Utterances. Copehagen Working Papers in LSP. - 2003 -
Spoken Language Corpora for the Nine Official African Languages of South
Jens Allwood, A.P. Henrikse
Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies - 2003 -
Meaning Potential and Context: Some Consequences for the Analysis of Variation in
Jens Allwood
In: Cuyckens, Hubert, Dirven, René & Taylor, John R. (eds.) Cognitive Approaches to Lexical Semantics. Mouton de Gruyter - 2003 -
Transliteration between Spoken Language Corpora: Moving between Danish BySoc and Swedish
Jens Allwood, Peter Juel Henrichsen, Leif Grönqvist, Elisabeth Ahlsén
2002 -
Sticka huvudet i
Jens Allwood, Nataliya Berbyuk, Li Dianyu, Thomas Ndame
Ett växande vetande. Vetenskapsrådetstemabok: Uppsala - 2002 -
Bodily Communication Dimensions of Expression and
Jens Allwood
In: Björn Granström, David House & Inger Karlsson (eds.) Multimodality in Language and Speech Systems. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands - 2002 -
NORDTALK Corpus-based Research on Spoken
Jens Allwood, Elisabeth Ahlsén
In: Henrik Holboe (ed.) Nordisk Sprogteknologi: Nordic Language Technology. Årbog for Nordisk Sprogteknologisk Forskningsprogram 2002-2004. Køpenhavn: Museum Tusculanums Forlag. - 2002 -
Language and
Jens Allwood
In: Pajusalu, Renate & Hennoste, Tiit (eds.) Tähendusepüüdja. Catcher of the Meaning. Publications of the Dept of General Linguistics 3, University of Tartu, Finland - 2002 -
Göteborgkorpusen för
Jens Allwood, Leif Grönqvist, Elisabeth Ahlsén
Nydanske Studier, Akademisk Förlag: Copenhagen - 2002 -
The diversity of intercultural communication : selected papers : papers from the Fifth Nordic Symposium on Intercultural
Jens Allwood, Beatriz Dorriots
2002 -
Ordförrådet i
Jens Allwood, Sören Sjöström
2001 -
Dialog Coding - Function and Grammar: Göteborg Coding
Jens Allwood
2001 -
Language Technology as Aid in Preserving Linguistic
Jens Allwood
ELSNews, Spring 2001: webversion at http://www.elsnet.org - 2001 -
Corpus-Based, Spoken Language and Computational
Jens Allwood
In: Henrik Holboe (ed.) Nordisk Sprogteknologi: Nordic Language Technology. Årbog for Nordisk Sprogteknologisk Forskningsprogram 2002-2004. Køpenhavn: Museum Tusculanums Forlag. - 2001 -
Cooperation and Flexibility in Multimodal
Jens Allwood
In: Harry Bunt & Robbert-Jan Beun(eds.) Cooperative Multimodal Communication Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2155. Springer Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg. - 2001 -
Capturing Differences between Social Activities in Spoken
Jens Allwood
In: Kenesei, I & Harnish, R.M. (eds.) Perspectives on Semantics, Pragmatics and Discourse. Amsterdam: John Benjamins - 2001 -
Intercultural communication - business and the Internet : papers from the fifth Nordic symposium on Intercultural
Jens Allwood, Beatriz Dorriots
2001 -
Språk och
Jens Allwood
Language, Culture, Rhetoric: Cultural and Rhetorical Perspectives on Communication. Papers from the ASLA Symposium in Örebro, 6-7 November 2003, Stockholm: Association Suédoise de Linguistique Appliqueé (ASLA) - 2000 -
Språk &
Jens Allwood
Gothenburg Papers in Theoretical Linguistics - 2000 -
Intercultural Communication in a Virtual
Jens Allwood, R. Schoeder
2000 -
The Spoken Language Corpus at the Dept of Linguistics, Göteborg
Jens Allwood, M. Björnberg, Leif Grönqvist, Elisabeth Ahlsén, Cajsa Ottesjö
FQA - Forum Qualitative Social Research - 2000 -
Structue of
Jens Allwood
In: Taylor, M., Bouwhuis, D., Neel, F. (eds.) The Structure of Multimodal Dialogue II. Amsterdam: Benjamins - 2000 -
Dialog on Dialog. An Appetizer to the Study of
Jens Allwood
In: Fiala, J., & Chvatik, I. (eds.) Transcdisciplinárni Gratulovnik k. 60 narozeninám Ivana M. Havla, Praha: Oikoymenhh - 2000 -
Cooperation, Dialogue and
Jens Allwood, David Traum, K. Jokinen
International Journal of Human Computer Studies - 2000 -
An Activity Based Approach to
Jens Allwood
In: Bunt, H., & Black ,B. (eds.) Abduction, Belief and Context in Dialogue: Studies in Computational Pragmatics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins - 2000 -
The Swedish Spoken Language Corpus at Göteborg
Jens Allwood
1999 -
Semantics as Meaning Determination with Semantic Epistemic
Jens Allwood
In; Allwood, J. & Gärdenfors, P. (eds.) Cognitive Semantics. Amsterdam: Benjamins - 1999 -
Learning How to Manage
Jens Allwood, Elisabeth Ahlsén
Journal of Pragmatics - 1999 -
Interactive Acquisition of Terminology Describing Job Applicants in Job
Jens Allwood, Maria Cheadle, Anders Green
Human IT, Högskolan i Borås - 1999 -
Are there Swedish Patterns of
Jens Allwood
In: H. Tamuyra (ed.) Cultural Acceptance of CSCW in Japan & Nordic Countries. Kyoto Institute of Technology - 1999 -
. Learning how to manage communication, with special reference to the acquisition of linguistic
Jens Allwood, Elisabeth Ahlsén
Journal of Pragmatics - 1999 -
Cognitive Semantics - meaning and
Jens Allwood, Peter Gärdenfors
1999 -
Learning How to Manage
Jens Allwood, Elisabeth Ahlsén
I: Strömqvist, S., & Meng, K. "Discourse Markers in Language Acquisition" - 1999 -
Remote Coordination and Acceptance of Technology across Language and
Jens Allwood, R. Tamura
In: H. Tamura (ed) Cultural Acceptance of CSCW in Japan & Nordic Countries, Kyoto, Inst. of technology - 1999 -
Towards Multimodal Spoken Language Corpora: TransTool and
Jens Allwood, Joakim Nivre, K. Tullgren, Elisabeth Ahlsén, Jenny Holm, L. Grönkvist, D. Lopez-Kästen, Sylvana Sofkova Hashemi
Proceedings of ACL-COLING - 1998 -
Some Frequency Based Differences between Spoken and Written
Jens Allwood
Papers from the 16th Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics. Turku University, Dept of Finnish & General Linguistics, - 1998 -
Notes on Dialog and
Jens Allwood
In: Jokinen, K., D. Sadek and D. Traum (eds.) Collaboration, Cooperation and Conflict in Dialogue Systems. Proceedings of the IJCAI-97 Workshop "Collaboration, Cooperation and Conflict in Dialogue systems". Nagoya. - 1997 -
Dialog as Collective
Jens Allwood
In: Pylkkänen, P., & Pylkkö, P., & Hautamäki, A. (eds.) Brain, Mind and Physics. Amsterdam: IOS Press - 1997 -
Visualizing Spoken
Jens Allwood, Christopher Ahlberg
In: Moen, I., Simonsen, H.G., & Lødrup, H. Papers from the XVth Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics. University of Oslo, Dept of Linguistics. - 1996 -
Some Comments on Wallace Chafe's - How Consciousness Shapes
Jens Allwood
Pragmatics and Cognition - 1996 -
Några perspektiv på
Jens Allwood
In: Samspel & Variation. Språkliga studier tillägnade Bengt Nordberg på 60-årsdagen. Uppsala University, Dept of Nordic Languages - 1996 -
Språk i
Jens Allwood
1996 -
Language Communication and Social
Jens Allwood
1995 -
Inleding: Vad är
Jens Allwood
Ahlsén, E. & Allwood, J. (red). Språk i fokus - 1995 -
An Activity Based Approach to
Jens Allwood
1995 -
Semantic Field of Conflict and Conflict
Jens Allwood
Festschrift to Gunnar Jakobsson, Göteborg University, Slavic Department - 1995 -
Reasons for Management in
Jens Allwood
In: Buen, R. J., Baker, M., & Reiner, M. (eds.) Dialogue and Instruction. Springer Verlag - 1995 -
On the Contextual Determination of Communicative
Jens Allwood
In: Moen, I., Simonsen, H-G., & Lødrup, H. (eds.) Papers from the XVth Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics, University of Oslo, Dept of Linguistics. - 1995 -
Language Communication and Social
Jens Allwood
In. Junefelt, K. (ed.) Special Session on Activity Theory. Proceedings of the XIVth Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics and the VIII Conference of Nordic and General Linguistics, Aug. 16-21, 1993. Gothenburg Papers in Theoretical Linguistics, Göteborg University, Dept of Linguistics - 1995 -
Jens Allwood
In: Verschueren, J., Östman, J-O, & Blommaert, J. (eds.) Handbook of Pragmatics, Amsterdam - 1995 -
Språk i
Inledning: Vad är
Jens Allwood
In: Ahlsén, E., & Allwood, J. (eds) Språk i fokus - 1995 -
Nogle perspektiver på
Jens Allwood
Nys Nysproglige studier, Dansklærerforeningens Forlag. Copenhagen - 1994 -
Jens Allwood
Jörgensen, N., Platzack, C., & Svensson, J. (eds) Språkbruk, grammatik och språkförändring. En festskrift till Ulf Teleman - 1994 -
Some Simple Automatic Measures of Spoken
Jens Allwood
1994 -
Some Simple Automatic Measures of Spoken
Jens Allwood, Johan Hagman
Proceedings of the XIV Conference of Scandinavian Linguistics & Gothenburg Papers in Theoretical Linguistics 72, University of Göteborg. - 1994 -
Obligations and Options in
Jens Allwood
Think. ITK, Tilburg University - 1994 -
Ett globalt perspektiv på kultur och
Jens Allwood
1993 -
Type and Quantity of Feedback Use as Measure of Language
Jens Allwood
In: Perdue, C. (ed.) Adult Language Acquisition: Cross Linguistic Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University - 1993 -
Studying Concepts at
Jens Allwood
NIAS Nytt: Copenhagen University, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies - 1993 -
Feedback in Second Language
Jens Allwood
In: Perdue, C. (ed.) Adult Language Acquisition: Cross Linguistic Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University - 1993 -
Den kognitiva
Jens Allwood
Framtider. Institutet för framtidsstudier, Stockholm - 1993 -
The Academic Seminar as an Arena of Conflict and Conflict
Jens Allwood
1992 -
Pragmatics in
Jens Allwood, H. Bunt
1992 -
On Dialogue
Jens Allwood
1992 -
Communicative Activity Analysis of a Wizard of Oz
Jens Allwood, Johan Haglund
1992 -
Types of Conflict and Conflict Handling in an Academic
Jens Allwood
In: Hultberg, J. (ed.) New Genres in Science Studies, University of Göteborg, Dept of the Theory of Science. - 1992 -
On the Semantics and Pragmatics of Linguistic
Jens Allwood, Joakim Nivre, Elisabeth Ahlsén
Journal of Semantics - 1992 -
Kommentarer till ett samtal: kommunikativ
Jens Allwood
In: Hellberg, S., Kotsinas, U.B. & Lindell, I. (red.) Svenskans beskrivning, Lund University Press. - 1992 -
Bör humanism och humaniora
Jens Allwood
Tvärsnitt - 1992 -
Semantic operations and
Jens Allwood, Elisabeth Ahlsén
H. A. Sigurdsson (ed.) Papers from the Twelfth Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Linguistic Institute - 1991 -
Semantic Operations in
Jens Allwood, Elisabeth Ahlsén
Papers from the 12th Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics - 1991 -
Kroppskommunikation - uttrycks- och
Jens Allwood
in: Hermerén, G. (ed.) Att tala utan ord. Människan s icke-verbala uttrycksformer. Kungliga Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademiens Konferenser 24. - 1991 -
A Pragmatics Based Language Understanding
Jens Allwood, W. Black, H. Bunt, F, Dols, C. Donzella, G. Ferrari, J. Gallagher, R. Haidan, B. Imlah, K. Jokinen, J-M. Lancel, Joakim Nivre, G. Sabah, T. Wachatel
Proceedings of the ESPRIT Conference 1991 - 1991 -
Ett pilotprojekt om kommunikation inom sjukvård med särskilt hänsyn till
Jens Allwood, Dora Kós-Dienes
1991 -
On the Role of Cultural Content and Cultural Context in Language
Jens Allwood
1990 -
Speech Management - on the Non-Written Life of
Jens Allwood, Joakim Nivre, Elisabeth Ahlsén
Nordic Journal of Linguistics - 1990 -
Fillmore on Language Teaching - an interview with Charles
Jens Allwood
Moderna Språk - 1990 -
Framtiden, språk och
Jens Allwood
In: Day & Kós-Dienes: Möjliga framtidsbilder. Papers in anthropological linguistics - 1990 -
Förförståelse och attityder i arbetslivet och skyddsfrågor: Om tvärkulturell kommunikation på
Jens Allwood, L. Bergman, E. Hedencrona
1989 -
Svenska som Lingua Franca på
Jens Allwood, Dora Kós-Dienes
Invandare och minoriteter - 1989 -
Modellering som analys- och
Jens Allwood
MILINF, Eskilstuna - 1989 -
I ett socialt och politiskt
Jens Allwood, Sven Strömqvist
Invandare och minoriteter - 1989 -
Den generiska
Jens Allwood
RASP Metodikhandboken, SDA AB, Telubteknik AB - 1989 -
Värderingar, attityder och tvärkulturell kommunikation; In: Attityder och värderingar i
Jens Allwood, G. Franker, Dora Kós-Dienes
1988 -
Vad är ett
Jens Allwood
Mälden, University of Göteborg, School of Education - 1988 -
Återkoppling in vuxnas
Jens Allwood
Svenska som andraspråk/Hytenstam & Lindberg(ed.)/. University of Stockholm, Centre for the Study of Bilingualism. - 1988 -
Tvärkulturell kommunikation med särskild hänsyn till talspråklig
Jens Allwood
Kulturmöten, kommunikation, skola /Strömqvist, S., & Strömqvist, G. (eds.)/ Stockholm: Norstedts. - 1988 -
Språken i Sverige - igår, idag och
Jens Allwood
Kommunerna och Invandrarna/Berman(ed.)/Kommentusgruppen AB, 12588 Älvsjö - 1988 -
Om normativa och deskriptiva aspekter på explicit och implicit
Jens Allwood
Datorer och kunskaper/Andersson, S., & Elzinga, A (ed.)/Rapport nr 155, University of Göteborg, Inst. för Vetenskapsteori - 1988 -
Jens Allwood
Ottar - 1988 -
Om det svenska systemet för språklig
Jens Allwood
Svenskan Beskrivning/Linell, P., Adelswärd, V., Nilsson, T., & Pettersson, P.A. (eds.)/ SIC 21a, University of Linköping, Tema Komunikation. - 1987 -
A Semantic Analysis of
Jens Allwood
Papers from the Tenth Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics /Rosén, V (ed.)/ University of Bergen, Dept of Linguistics & Phonetics - 1987 -
Semantic aspects of aphasic word
Barn, språkutveckling och flerspråkighet: En kritisk
Jens Allwood, Sven Strömqvist, Monica Macdowall
1986 -
Some Perspectives on Understanding in Spoken
Jens Allwood
In: Furberg, Wetterström & Åberg (eds.) LOGIC AND ABSTRACTION - 1986 -
Semantic Aspects of Aphasic
Jens Allwood, Elisabeth Ahlsén
In: Dahl, O (ed.) Papers from the Ninth Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics. University of Stockholm, Dept of Linguistics. - 1986 -
Om hjälpmedel och system för mänsklig
Jens Allwood
In: Allwood, J. (ed.) Mänsklig kommunikation, GULING 14, Göteborg University - 1986 -
Några perspektiv på mänsklig
Jens Allwood
In: Allwood, J. (ed.) Mänsklig kommunikation, GULING 14, Göteborg University - 1986 -
Mentalitet och språk: Några
Jens Allwood
in: P. Sällström (ed.) MENTALITETER - 1986 -
Lexical convergence and language
Jens Allwood, Elisabeth Ahlsén
Papers from the Ninth Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics, Dept of Linguistics, University of Stockholm - 1986 -
Lexical Convergence and Language
Jens Allwood, Elisabeth Ahlsén
In: Dahl, O (ed.) Papers from the Ninth Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics. University of Stockholm, Dept of Linguistics. - 1986 -
Jens Allwood
1985 -
Förförståelse och attityder i arbetslivet och skyddsfrågor, FAAS projektrapport
Jens Allwood, G. Franker, Dora Kós-Dienes
1985 -
Afasi och
On Relevance in Spoken
Jens Allwood
In: Bäckman & Kjellmer (ed.) Papers on Language and Literature: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis - 1984 -
Logik och
Jens Allwood
In: Språk, kunskap, medvetande: festschrift till Ivar Segelberg on his 70th birthday: Göteborgs universitet; Filosofiska institutionen - 1984 -
Lack of Understanding, Misunderstanding and Language
Jens Allwood
In: Extra & Mittner (ed.) Proceedings of the AILA Conference, Brussels - 1984 -
Better Terminal
Jens Allwood
1984 -
Bättre aviseringstext BAT: Slutrapport till
Tolkning av känsloprosodi - en kontrastiv
Jens Allwood, Åsa Abelin
1984 -
Om argumentation in några invandrarfientliga brev till Sveriges
Jens Allwood
1983 -
Ecology of Adult Language
Jens Allwood, Sven Strömqvist, Kaarlo Voionmaa
1983 -
Tankar om
Jens Allwood
Lingua - 1983 -
Om att utifrån språket studera natur och
Jens Allwood
In "Sagt och Menat" 17 Papers presented to Mats Furberg on his 50th birthday. Göteborgs universitet, Filosofiska Inst. (Röda serien) - 1983 -
Naturen som
Jens Allwood
In: Allwood, Frängsmyr & Svedin (eds.) NATUREN SOM SYMBOL: Stockholm (Kontenta): Liber - 1983 -
Kan man tänka oberoende av
Jens Allwood
In: Teleman (ed.) Tal och tanke: Lund: Liber. - 1983 -
En analysis av
Jens Allwood
In: Nowal, Andrén & Strand (eds.) Kommunikationsprocesser , Mass 7, University of Stockholm: Centre for Mass Kommunikation Research - 1983 -
Finns det svenska
Jens Allwood
1982 -
Språkvetenskap och
Jens Allwood
In: Allwood, J. (ed.) "Språkteorins relevans för språkundervisningen". Göteborg: Folkuniversitetet Kursverksamheten. - 1981 -
Review of Wunderlich's Foundations of
Jens Allwood, Östen Dahl
Language - 1981 -
On the Distinctions between Semantics and
Jens Allwood
In: Klein. W. & Levelt, W. "Crossing the Boundaries in Linguistics"; Dordrecht: Reidel Publ. Co. - 1981 -
Om distinktionerna mellan semantik och
Jens Allwood
1981 -
Om flerspråkighetens
Jens Allwood
1980 -
Antropologisk lingvistik - en
Jens Allwood
1980 -
On Power in
Jens Allwood
In: Allwood, J., & Ljung (ed.) ALVAR - a festschrift to Alvar Ellegård. SPELL, University of Stockholm, Dept of English. - 1980 -
Förväntningar, kommunikation och perception i
Jens Allwood
In, Axner, Ogenholt & Åhs (eds.) Perceptionsstörningar och socio-emotionella störningar i ett vidgar perspektiv. University of Göteborg, Dept of English - 1980 -
Den klassiska analysen av
Jens Allwood
Tidning för Högskolan, Stockholm - 1980 -
Rapport från expertgruppen för temat kommunikation - överföring av
Jens Allwood, S. Lindström, O. Svensson
1979 -
Report from the Symposium on Linguistic Perspective in Stockholm, November
Jens Allwood
Nordic Linguistic Bulletin - 1979 -
Ickeverbal kommunikation - en
Jens Allwood
In: Stedje, A., & af Trampe, P. (eds.) Tvårspråkighet (Papers from the Second Nordic Conference on Bilingualism). Stockholm: Akademilitteratur - 1979 -
On the Analysis of Communicative
Jens Allwood
1978 -
Ecology of Adult Language Acquisition - A project
Jens Allwood, W. Klein, W. Levelt
1978 -
Rapport on kommunikationsforskning i
Jens Allwood
Nordic Linguistic Bulletin - 1978 -
A Montague Grammar for a Fragment of
Jens Allwood
In: Weinstock (eds.) Proceedings of the Third International Conference of Nordic and General Linguistics. University of Texas. - 1978 -
A Bird's Eye View of
Jens Allwood
In: Gregersen (ed.) Papers from the Fourth Scandinvian Conference of Linguistics. Odense University Press. - 1978 -
Språk och
Jens Allwood, Karin Aronsson, Sten-Olof Brenner, Erland Hjelmquist, Marton Ference, Lennart Svensson
Språk och socialisation symposiet, Graninge - 1977 -
Om makt i
Jens Allwood
In: Skutnabb-Kangas, T., & Riekdal, O. "Vardagsskrift". Uppsala - 1977 -
Om analys av
Jens Allwood
Nysvenska Studier - 1977 -
Negation and the Strength of
Jens Allwood
In: Dahl (ed.) "Logic, Pragmatics and Grammar". Lund: Studentlitteratur - 1977 -
A Critical Look at Speech Act
Jens Allwood
In: Dahl, Ö. (ed.) "Logic, Pragmatics and Grammar". Lund:Studentlittatur. - 1977 -
Logic in
Jens Allwood, Lars-Gunnar Andersson, Östen Dahl
1977 -
Sändare, mottagare och
Jens Allwood
Insikt och Handling. Lund: Doxa - 1976 -
Linguistic Communication as Action and
Jens Allwood
1976 -
Några oväntade
Jens Allwood
Nysvenska studier. Lund: - 1975 -
Conventional and Nonconventional
Jens Allwood
In: Hovdhaugen, E. "Papers from the Second Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics. University of Oslo, Dept of Linguistics - 1975 -
Intensity, Pitch, Duration and
Jens Allwood
1974 -
Truth, Appropriateness and
Jens Allwood
In: Dahl (ed.) "Topic and Comment, Contextual Boundness and Focus". Hamburg: Buske - 1974 -
Försök till utveckling av generell modell för
Jens Allwood, Monica Mcdowall, Airi Rovio-Johansson, Ulf Thorén
1973 -
The Concepts of Holism and Reductionism in Sociological
Jens Allwood