
Sylvana Sofkova Hashemi


Department of Education, Communication and Learning
Visiting address
Läroverksgatan 15
41120 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 300
40530 Göteborg

About Sylvana Sofkova Hashemi

Sylvana Sofkova Hashemi is professor in Subject Matter Education with Specialization in Swedish within the research environment Learning, Education and Digitalisation (LEaD) (link). With focus on digital media and literacy development, the aim of her research is to advance understanding for AI-driven, digital and meaning making practices, multimodal text formats, learning designs and interaction and impact on education. Based on practice-close approaches, attention is made to analysis and development of technology-mediated teaching and learning in relation to students' development of reading and writing skills as multimodal text competencies and teacher’s professional digital competence, data-driven assessment, meta-language and design of teaching.

Recent research concerns studies in technology-enriched instruction and analysis of classroom practices in regard to situational choices and interpretation of semiotic resources in digital, multimodal meaning-making practices. Previous studies concerned development and adaptation of language tools to support reading and writing acquisition and teaching; studies dealing with the use of language aids in text composition by primary school students and developing methods for automatic text revision; students’ written communication and language use in school and social media; composing processes in the context of shared spaces online.

Sylvana Sofkova Hashemi is also affiliated as visiting professor i digital learning at Halmstad University where she participates in the research program Learning in a Digitalised Society (LeaDS) (link) and leads a Nordic network on digital transformation in higher education EDUCERE NORDIC - see Research Project.

Sylvana Sofkova Hashemi has been employed as professor in digital learning at Halmstad University (2021-2022) and Associate Professor in Educational Sciences at University West (2010-2016). Before 2010, she worked at the Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science (1993-2009) and the Department of Applied Information Technology (2008-2009) at the University of Gothenburg.

Talks, books and other:

Conference paper and presentation from EDUCERE NORDIC Network: Impact of Emergency Online Teaching on Teachers’ Professional Digital Competence: Experiences from the Nordic Higher Education Institutions link

Adequate digital competence: Swedish teachers’ digital readiness in subject-based curricula. In Digitalization and Digital Competence in Educational Contexts: A Nordic Perspective from Policy to Practice, Routledge. link

Trippel Helix 2017: Making room for pedagogical innovation: digital competence in teaching practice, link

Research projects (selection):

2023-2025 EDUCERE NORDIC NETWORK - Development speeded up by necessity. Digitalization and future of Nordic higher education, funded by: Swedish Research Council (VR), in collaboration with Halmstad University (Sw), Aalborg University (Dk) and Jyväskylä University (Fi). link

2022-2024 DiMLA: Teachers' meta knowledge and assessment practices in digital, multimodal learning environments, finansiär: Swedish Institute for Educational Research (Skolforskningsinstitutet), in collaboration with Kristianstads University and Stockholms University.

2020-2023 DigiFLEX: didactical design in collaboration, funded by ULF: Utveckling (Development), Lärande (Learning) and Forskning (Research), University of Gothenburg, link

2016-2018 Minclusion - Integration with mobiles, funded by: Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), link

2014-2019 DigitaL - Learning in the digitalized region, funded by: Västra Götaland Regional Development Program.

2012-2015 DILS - Digitala arenas in literacy practices in early primary school, funded by: Marcus & Amalia Wallenbergs Foundation, link

2011-2014 GNU - Gränsöverskridande Nordisk Undervisning (Cross-border Nordic Education), funded by: Interreg-Europeen Regional Development Fund, link

2003-2007 Learning to Write in the Information Society, funded by: Swedish Research Council (VR).