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- Joakim Sandberg
Joakim Sandberg
Philosophy and Logic unitAbout Joakim Sandberg
Joakim Sandberg is professor of practical philosophy and director of the Financial Ethics Research Group at University of Gothenburg. He is also vice director of the Sustainable Finance Lab which is a collaboration between several Swedish universities and companies, as well as work package leader in Mistra FinBio which is an international research project.
Joakim does research in the intersections between moral and political philosophy and studies in business and economics. Much of his recent work has focused on how to get financial institutions such as banks and pension funds to take a stronger responsibility for the societal and environmental effects of their activities. But he is also interested in the individual case, that is, to what extent consumers like you and me have a duty to buy more responsible and sustainable goods and services.
Joakim was previously research leader in sustainable markets at Stockholm School of Economics (2015-2018) and professor of economics and finance from a humanist perspective at University of Groningen, the Netherlands (2018-2023).
Joakim has a background in both philosophy and business / economics. He received his Ph.D. in practical philosophy in 2008, based on a thesis addressing ethical issues concerning financial investments. One of these was to what extent investors – both institutional and individual – are morally “tainted” by their investments in morally problematic companies, such as weapons producers or companies that employ child labour. Joakim’s contribution to this debate was widely debated in the Swedish media (see e.g.Sveriges Radio, Jusek, Dagens Industri, Sydsvenskan).
Joakim was subsequently involved in the research program Sustainable Investment Research Platform (SIRP) funded by the Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research (Mistra). Here he studied whether the fiduciary duties of financial institutions – that is, their legal responsibilities to their clients – may be an obstacle to their taking greater social and environmental concern. This research has received much international attention, for example by the UN and the EU. Joakim is co-editor of the Cambridge Handbook of Institutional Investment and Fiduciary Duty which includes contributions from dozens of highly regarded academics and professionals plus a foreword from Al Gore.
Joakim later ran an interdisciplinary research project with environmental psychologists at University of Gothenburg. The project sought to understand the general public’s attitudes towards responsible investment practices and found exceptionally high support for social and environmental concerns. The project was funded by the Rotman International Centre for Pension Management at University of Toronto (Canada).
Joakim has also done research on microfinance, that is, the extension of bank services to people in desperate poverty. As part of the AHRC Research Network on Microfinance, funded by the UK Arts & Humanities Research Council, he addressed the moral and political aspects of exorbitant interest rates on microloans. Since 2009, Joakim is also an Associate Researcher at the Centre for European Research in Microfinance in Brussels.
Together with Bengt Brülde, Joakim has published a popular book on ethical consumerism and fair trade (in Swedish). The book is called Hur bör vi handla? Filosofiska tankar om rättvisemärkt, vegetariskt & ekologiskt. All of the proceeds go to charities that are particularly effective in combating world poverty, animal cruelty and climate change. Due to his work with this book, among other things, Joakim received the Albert Wallin Science Prize in 2012 from the Royal Society of Arts and Sciences in Gothenburg.
Joakim was guest researcher at Stockholm School of Economics in 2013-2015 and one of the founders of the Mistra Center for Sustainable Markets (Misum), where he also was research leader 2015-2018. The center explores interdisciplinary research questions that aim to make markets more sustainable and responsible. The research is carried out in close collaboration with stakeholders such as corporations, NGOs, governments and international agencies.
Joakim was selected as Wallenberg Academy Fellow by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in 2014. This is an initiative for young elite researchers who are given long-term resources to conduct their research together with a research group. The financial support from the Wallenberg foundations allowed Joakim to start a larger research group outlined below.
Joakim was also appointed as Professor of Economics and Finance from a Humanist Perspective at University of Groningen, the Netherlands. During 2018-2023 he contributed to creating an interdisciplinary research exchange between Gothenburg and Groningen in this area.
Current research
Joakim is nowadays director of the Financial Ethics Research Group at University of Gothenburg. The group runs several research projects in the intersection between ethics, politics and economics. During the first years the focus was primarily on the Global Financial Crisis of 2008 and what lessons it can and should teach us. Other projects have concerned modern forms of money such as cryptocurrencies and central bank digital currencies. Over the last years, a growing part of the research portfolio has come to concern the role of financial markets in relation to the climate transition and other sustainability concerns.
Since 2021, Joakim is also vice director of the Sustainable Finance Lab which is a collaboration between several Swedish universities and companies.The purpose of the collaboration is to develop theoretical and practical tools that help to transform financial markets and to enhance the sustainable development of society. He is also work package leader in Mistra FinBio which is an international research program seeking to bolster financial markets' positive contribution to biodiversity.
Joakim runs a blog about Finance and Philosophy.
Mitigating climate change with financial investments: exploring sustainable investment strategies in a novel experimental investment
Hulda Karlsson-Larsson, Arvid Erlandsson, Joakim Sandberg, Daniel Västfjäll
Judgment and decision making - 2025 -
Bitcoins Left and Right: A Normative Assessment of a Digital
Joakim Sandberg, Lars Lindblom
The Philosophy of Money and Finance, ed. by Joakim Sandberg & Lisa Warenski - 2024 -
The Philosophy of Money and
Joakim Sandberg, Lisa Warenski
2024 -
Joakim Sandberg, Lisa Warenski
The Philosophy of Money and Finance, ed. by Joakim Sandberg & Lisa Warenski - 2024 -
Toward a theory of fair interest rates on microcredit: balancing the needs
of clients and
Marek Hudon, Joakim Sandberg
Handbook of Microfinance, Financial Inclusion and Development, Edited by Valentina Hartarska and Robert Cull - 2023 -
Philosophy of Money and
Boudewijn de Bruin, Lisa Herzog, Martin O'Neill, Joakim Sandberg
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy / Edward N. Zalta and Uri Nodelman (eds.) - 2023 -
Kryptovalutor och politisk
Joakim Sandberg
Broberg, O. & Elliot, V. (red.), En samhällsvetenskaplig introduktion till bitcoin och kryptovalutor - 2023 -
Sustainable Finance as a Moral
Joakim Sandberg
The Reasoner - 2023 -
Policies for Sustainable Finance to Fund the Climate
Joakim Sandberg, Mark Sanctuary, Richard Endörfer, Kent Eriksson, Sofia Wikse
2022 -
The ethics of alternative
Louis Larue, Camille Meyer, Marek Hudon, Joakim Sandberg
Business ethics quarterly - 2022 -
CEO Pay and the Argument from Peer
Joakim Sandberg, Alexander Andersson
Journal of Business Ethics - 2022 -
CEO Compensation and Just Pay
Alexander Andersson, Joakim Sandberg
Poff, D.C. & Michalos, A.C. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics - 2022 -
Transforming toward sustainability through financial markets: Four challenges and how to turn them into
Beatrice Crona, Kent Eriksson, Lin Lerpold, Malin Malmström, Mark Sanctuary, Joakim Sandberg
One Earth - 2021 -
Motivations for Investment in Sustainable Consumption and
Joakim Sandberg, Emma Sjöström
Bali Swain, R. & Sweet, S. (eds.), Sustainable Consumption and Production, Volume 1: Challenges and Development - 2021 -
Money: What It Is and What It Should
Frank Hindriks, Joakim Sandberg
Journal of Social Ontology - 2020 -
The promises and perils of central bank digital
Louis Larue, Clement Fontan, Joakim Sandberg
Revue de la régulation - 2020 -
Sustainable Investment: Mobilizing Financial Capital for Sustainable
Joakim Sandberg, David Rönnegard
Decent Work and Economic Growth: Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals / [ed] Walter Leal Filho, Anabela Marisa Azul, Luciana Brandli, Pinar Gökcin Özuyar, Tony Wall - 2019 -
The Ethics of Money and
Joakim Sandberg
The Oxford Handbook of Ethics and Economics, Edited by Mark D. White - 2019 -
Moralising Economic
Alexander Andersson, Joakim Sandberg
Business Ethics after the Global Financial Crisis: Lessons from the Crash, ed. by Cristopher Cowton, James Dempsey, and Tom Sorell - 2019 -
Die Europäische Union soll sich mehr um ihre Einwohner/innen kümmern als um die
Clement Fontan, Joakim Sandberg
Twelve Stars Initiative & Bertelsmann Stiftung (eds.), Twelve Stars: Philosophen schlagen einen Kurs für Europa vor - 2019 -
The European Union should protect its people before its
Clement Fontan, Joakim Sandberg
Twelve Stars Initiative & Bertelsmann Foundation (eds.), Twelve Stars: Philosophers Chart a Course for Europe - 2019 -
Toward a Theory of Sustainable
Joakim Sandberg
Designing a Sustainable Financial System : Development Goals and Socio-Ecological Responsibility / edited by Thomas Walker, Stéfanie D. Kibsey, Rohan Crichton. - 2018 -
Philosophy of Money and
Boudewijn de Bruin, Lisa Herzog, Martin O'Neill, Joakim Sandberg
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - 2018 -
Die Bürgerdividende einer gerechteren Lösung der
Clement Fontan, Joakim Sandberg
Helfer, J., Meyer, M. & Wettig, K. (eds.), Wenn ich mir etwas wünschen dürfte - 2017 -
Om konsumenters möjlighet att välja hållbara investeringar: En analys av utmaningar och förslag av åtgärder.Konsumentverket. Rapport
Socially Responsible Investment and Fiduciary
Joakim Sandberg
Sustainability & Business Law / edited by: Judd F. Sneirson, Nancy E. Shurtz - 2017 -
Pluralistic Functionalism about Corporate
Waheed Hussain, Joakim Sandberg
The Moral Responsibility of Firms, ed. by Eric W. Orts & N. Craig Smith - 2017 -
Pension Funds, Future Generations, and Fiduciary
Joakim Sandberg
Institutions for Future Generations, ed. by Iñigo González-Ricoy & Axel Gosseries - 2016 -
Do ethical investors want purity or effectiveness? An exploratory study on the ethical preferences of mutual fund
Joakim Sandberg, Jonas Nilsson
Journal of Financial Services Marketing - 2015 -
What's wrong with exorbitant interest rates on
Joakim Sandberg
Microfinance, Rights and Global Justice. Sorell, T.; Cabrera, L. (eds.) - 2015 -
Moral economy and normative
Joakim Sandberg
Journal of Global Ethics - 2015 -
Cambridge Handbook of Institutional Investment and Fiduciary
James P. Hawley, Andreas G.F. Hoepner, Keith L. Johnson, Joakim Sandberg, Edward J. Waitzer
2014 -
Towards a Theory of Sustainable
Joakim Sandberg
United Nations Environment Programme Convening on the Design of a Sustainable Financial System - 2014 -
Understanding the attitudes of beneficiaries: should fiduciary duty include social, ethical and environmental
Joakim Sandberg, Magnus Jansson, Anders Biel, Tommy Gärling
Cambridge Handbook of Institutional Investment and Fiduciary Duty / edited by James P. Hawley, Andreas G.F. Hoepner, Keith L. Johnson, Joakim Sandberg, Edward J. Waitzer. - 2014 -
Should pension funds´ fiduciary duty be extended to include social, ethical and environmental concerns? A study of
Magnus Jansson, Joakim Sandberg, Tommy Gärling
Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment - 2014 -
Socially responsible investment and the conceptual limits of fiduciary
Joakim Sandberg
Cambridge Handbook of Institutional Investment and Fiduciary Duty edited by James P. Hawley, Andreas G.F. Hoepner, Keith L. Johnson, Joakim Sandberg, Edward J. Waitzer. - 2014 -
James P. Hawley, Andreas G.F. Hoepner, Keith L. Johnson, Joakim Sandberg, Edward J. Waitzer
Cambridge Handbook of Institutional Investment and Fiduciary Duty/ edited by James P. Hawley, Andreas G.F. Hoepner, Keith L. Johnson, Joakim Sandberg, Edward J. Waitzer. - 2014 -
The regulation of institutional investment in Sweden: a role model for the promotion of responsible
Joakim Sandberg, Sebastian Siegl, Ian Hamilton
Cambridge Handbook of Institutional Investment and Fiduciary Duty / edited by James P. Hawley, Andreas G.F. Hoepner, Keith L. Johnson, Joakim Sandberg, Edward J. Waitzer - 2014 -
Joakim Sandberg
Encyclopedia of Sciences and Religions /edited by Anne L. C. Runehov, Lluis Oviedo. - 2013 -
The Ethical Crisis in Microfinance: Issues, Findings, and
Marek Hudon, Joakim Sandberg
Business ethics quarterly - 2013 -
Joakim Sandberg
Encyclopedia of Sciences and Religions - 2013 -
(Re-)Interpreting Fiduciary Duty to Justify Socially Responsible Investment for Pension
Joakim Sandberg
Corporate governance: An International Review - 2013 -
Joakim Sandberg
The International Encyclopedia of Ethics - 2013 -
Joakim Sandberg
The International Encyclopedia of Ethics - 2013 -
Joakim Sandberg
The International Encyclopedia of Ethics - 2013 -
Joakim Sandberg
The International Encyclopedia of Ethics - 2013 -
No Exemption: The Financial Transaction Tax and Pension
Joakim Sandberg
2012 -
Mega-interest on Microcredit: Are Lenders Exploiting the
Joakim Sandberg
Journal of Applied Philosophy - 2012 -
Hur bör vi handla? Filosofiska tankar om rättvisemärkt, vegetariskt &
(Re-)Interpreting Fiduciary Duty to Justify Socially Responsible
Joakim Sandberg
SIRP Mistra Annual Workshop, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, March 2012 - 2012 -
Corporations, Ethics
Joakim Sandberg
Ruth Chadwick (ed.), Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics, Second Edition, volume 1 - 2012 -
Corporate Ethics, Reputation
Joakim Sandberg
Ruth Chadwick (ed.), Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics, Second Edition, volume 1 - 2012 -
Socially Responsible
C.J. Cowton, Joakim Sandberg
Ruth Chadwick (ed.), Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics, Second Edition, volume 4 - 2012 -
What are Your Investments Doing Right
Joakim Sandberg
Issues in business ethics - 2011 -
"My Emissions Make No
Joakim Sandberg
Environmental Ethics - 2011 -
Turning Pension Funds into Sustainable
Joakim Sandberg
The Adlerbert Research Foundation Jubilee Conference, 22 November 2011 - 2011 -
The Repugnant
Joakim Sandberg
Michael Bruce and Steven Barbone (eds.), Just the Arguments: 100 of the Most Important Arguments in Western Philosophy - 2011 -
Charity is
Joakim Sandberg
Michael Bruce and Steven Barbone (eds.), Just the Arguments: 100 of the Most Important Arguments in Western Philosophy - 2011 -
Justifying Pension Funds’ Engagement in Socially Responsible Investment: Beyond Fiduciary
Joakim Sandberg
PRI-Mistra Academic Conference, Sigtuna, Sweden, 26-28 September 2011 - 2011 -
Conflicting Intuitions about Ethical Investment: A Survey among Individual
Joakim Sandberg
PRI-Mistra Academic Conference, Sigtuna, Sweden, 26-28 September 2011 - 2011 -
Ethics and Intuitions: A Reply to
Joakim Sandberg, Niklas Juth
The Journal of Ethics - 2011 -
Socially Responsible Investment and Fiduciary Duty: Putting the Freshfields Report into
Joakim Sandberg
Journal of Business Ethics - 2011 -
Towards a Theory of Fair Interest Rates on
Joakim Sandberg
2nd European Research Conference on Microfinance, Groningen, the Netherlands, June 16-18 - 2011 -
Megaränta på mikrolån: Låt de fattiga
Joakim Sandberg
Filosofidagarna Göteborg 2011, 10-12 juni - 2011 -
Changing the world through shareholder
Joakim Sandberg
Etikk i Praksis. Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics - 2011 -
Hållbart förvaltaransvar för finansiella
Joakim Sandberg
Lars G. Hassel, Lars-Olle Larsson och Elisabeth Nore (red.), Hållbar utveckling – från risk till värde - 2011 -
Towards a Theory of Fair Interest Rates on
Joakim Sandberg
Workshop on Ethics and Microfinance, Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, Brussels Free University, March 2011 - 2011 -
Justifying Pension Funds’ Engagement in Socially Responsible Investment: Beyond Fiduciary
Joakim Sandberg
SIRP Workshop on Fiduciary Duty, University of Gothenburg, March 2011 - 2011 -
Distinctions in descriptive and instrumental stakeholder theory: A challenge for empirical
Niklas Egels-Zandén, Joakim Sandberg
Business Ethics: A European Review - 2010 -
Tom Sorell, Joakim Sandberg
Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy - 2010 -
Justifying Pension Funds’ Engagement in Socially Responsible Investment: Beyond Fiduciary
Joakim Sandberg
seminarium på Ekonomihögskolan vid Linnéuniversitetet, Växjö, 9 november - 2010 -
Joakim Sandberg
Ethics: A University Guide, ed. by Richard H. Corrigan & Mary E. Farrell - 2010 -
Socially Responsible Investment and Fiduciary Duty: Putting the Freshfields Report into
Joakim Sandberg
8th International Conference on Corporate Governance: Corporate Governance and Sustainability, Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham, June 2010 - 2010 -
Book Review: Michael A. Santoro & Thomas M. Gorrie (Eds.), Ethics and the Pharmaceutical
Joakim Sandberg
European Journal of Health Law - 2010 -
Socially Responsible Investment and Fiduciary Duty: Putting the Freshfields Report into
Joakim Sandberg
Sustainable Investment and Corporate Governance Working Papers - 2010 -
Ethics and Intuitions: A Reply to Peter
Joakim Sandberg
seminar at Department of Philosophy, University of Birmingham - 2009 -
It Makes No Difference Whether or Not >I< Do
Joakim Sandberg
seminarium på Avd för Fysisk resursteori, Chalmers Tekniska Högskola - 2009 -
Are Microlenders Exploiting the
Joakim Sandberg
seminar of Financial Ethics and Governance Research Group, University of Huddersfield - 2009 -
The Heterogeneity of Socially Responsible
Joakim Sandberg, Carmen Juravle, Martin Hedesström, Ian Hamilton
Journal of Business Ethics - 2009 -
Are Microlenders Exploiting the
Joakim Sandberg
Association for Legal and Social Philosophy Annual Conference, 2-4 July, University of Edinburgh - 2009 -
The Ethics of Arms
Joakim Sandberg
Society for Applied Philosophy Annual Conference, 26-28 June, University of Leeds - 2009 -
Are Microlenders Exploiting the
Joakim Sandberg
First European Research Conference on Microfinance, 2-4 June, Université Libre de Bruxelles - 2009 -
Are Microlenders Exploiting the
Joakim Sandberg
Max Fry Conference on Finance and Development, 14-15 May, University of Birmingham - 2009 -
Att undvika moralisk
Joakim Sandberg
seminarium på Handelshögskolan i Stockholm - 2008 -
Understanding the Separation
Joakim Sandberg
Business Ethics Quarterly - 2008 -
The Tide is Turning on the Separation Thesis? A Response to
Joakim Sandberg
Business Ethics Quarterly - 2008 -
The Ethics of Investing. Making Money or Making a
Joakim Sandberg
2008 -
Konsumentaktivism och
Joakim Sandberg
Filosofidagarna, Umeå, 8-10 juni 2007 - 2007 -
"Vad gör dina pensionspengar just
Joakim Sandberg
Filosofisk tidskrift - 2007 -
Should I invest with my
Joakim Sandberg
Business Ethics: A European Review - 2007 -
"Vad gör dina pensionspengar just
Joakim Sandberg
seminarium på Stockholms universitet - 2006 -
“Vad gör dina pensionspengar just
Joakim Sandberg
seminarium på Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan - 2006 -
“Vad gör dina pensionspengar just
Joakim Sandberg
seminarium på Avd för Industriell och Finansiell Ekonomi, Företagsekonomiska institutionen, Handelshögskolan vid Göteborgs universitet - 2006 -
Should I invest with my
Joakim Sandberg
Workshop 'Éthique et Finance', Lille, 9 dec 2005 - 2005 -
Joakim Sandberg
Filosofidagarna, Uppsala, 9-11 juni 2005 - 2005 -
Under en polerad yta - om etiska fonder och smutsiga
Joakim Sandberg
Humanistdagboken 18 - 2005 -
Joakim Sandberg
seminarium på Avd för Industriell och Finansiell Ekonomi, Företagsekonomiska institutionen, Handelshögskolan vid Göteborgs universitet - 2004 -
Gert Helgessons Values, Norms & Ideology in Mainstream
Joakim Sandberg
Tidskrift för politisk filosofi - 2003