
Karin Allard

Senior Lecturer

Department of Sociology and Work Science
Visiting address
Skanstorget 18
41122 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 720
40530 Göteborg

About Karin Allard


  • Licensed psychologist since 1998.
  • PhD in psychology in 2007 at the Department of Psychology at University of Gothenburg.


I teach mainly in work and organizational psychology but also in general psychology. I am course leader of courses in groupsychology and in introductional courses. I teach within the field of leadership, organizational psychology , group psychology and about work and family.

Research interests

I am interested in leadership, organizational culture, gender, gender equality, work-family, cross-national studies.

My doctoral dissertation focused on organizational factors and their possible impact of employed parents’ experiences of combining work and family. For example, the impact of organizational culture on men’s use of parental leave and on fathers’ experience of work-family conflict was studied. Further, gender equality and flexibility was also explored.

I am now studying leadership, organizational culture and gender in a cross-cultural context. I work in a project about the significance of ethical values on men’s and women’s managerial work. The project is a cross-national collaboration between reserachers at University of Gothenburg,Sweden and M.S. University of Baroda, India.

Current research

From 2012, I work in a research project funded by FAS (Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research) about the significance of ethical values on men’s and women’s managerial work. Based on ethical values, the study will focus on a new concept, employer branding, by a critical, theoretical and empirical perspective on how to attract and to keep managers. The study is explorative and comparative by examining different organizational contexts in Sweden and in India. The project is a collaboration between Swedish and Indian researchers. Project leader is Karin Allard at University of Gothenburg. Partners in Sweden are professor Annika Härenstam, Dr Birgitta Jordansson, Dr. Anders Pousette at University of Gothenburg and Professor Lotta Dellve at KTH. Partner in India is professor Urmi Biswas, M.S. University of Baroda.

I am a member of the operative steering group of the network SIGN –Sweden India Gender Network. SIGN was constituted in 2011. The aim is to support knowledge dissemination, theoretical and methodological development and to facilitate comparative research between India and Sweden. SIGN will link researchers in Sweden and India with common interests in the area of leadership, gender, work environment and health. The first research project related to SIGN is the project about the significance of ethical values on men’s and women’s managerial work where Karin Allard is project leader. (Please, see the description above about the project).

See following link for more information about the network SIGN:

Selected publications

Haas, L., Allard, K. & Hwang, P. (2002). The impact of organizational culture on men’s use of parental leave in Sweden. Community, Work and Family, 5, 3, 2002.

Allard, K. (2003). Work and fathers. Organizational culture, parental leave and work-family conflict in a Swedish context. Degree of Licentiate in Psychology, department of Psychology, Göteborg University.

Allard, K. (2007). Toward a working life. Solving the work-family dilemma. Doctoral thesis, Department of Psychology, Göteborg University.

Allard, K., Haas, L., C. P. Hwang (2007). Exploring the paradox. Experiences of flexible working arrangements and work-family conflict among managerial fathers in Sweden. Community, Work & Family ,10, 475-493.

Allard, K., Haas, L., C. P. Hwang (2011). Family-Supportive Organizational Culture and Fathers' Experiences of Work–family Conflict in Sweden. Gender, Work & Organization, 18, 2, 141–157.

Allard, K. & Haas, L. Work-personal life harmonization and health among mothers and fathers in Sweden. Submitted.