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- Stefan Szücs
Stefan Szücs
Senior Lecturer
Department of Social WorkAbout Stefan Szücs
Background Stefan Szücs is PhD and Associate Professor in Political Science at University of Gothenburg, Social Science Faculty. His thesis on democratic leadership (1998) is published within the framework of the international research program Democracy and Local Governance (DLG), and he has since then continued his research and teaching on governance, management and politics of public sector coordination and reform.
Research interest/Competence
Frontline workers, politicians, administrators, managers, citizens in surveys on perceptions, values and coping tied to professional discretion, reorganization, new organizational forms, innovation, and social work coordination within the policy fields of health and care, economic growth, democracy and public administration.
Completed research projects
- 1998-2001 Work, public management, and democracy: Local public sector working life (Council for Working Life Research)
- 2000-2003 Democracy and local governance in transition? A Swedish and European Comparative Study (The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation)
- 2003-2005 Public sector employees in innovative municipals (The Swedish Association of Local and Regional Authorities)
- 2006-2009 Urban innovation and local variation in long-term sick leave (The Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare, FORTE)
- 2006-2009 QUALITY: Quality of life in a changing Europe (EU, 6th Framework Program)
- 2007-2010 Local-regional collaboration on innovation and economic growth (VINNOVA, Sweden's Innovation Agency)
- 2009-2011 Public sector managers' efficiency, organizational conditions, and health (VINNOVA, Sweden's Innovation Agency)
- 2011-2014 Pathways to Healthy Organizations: Sustainable Public Sector Managerial Change (AFA Insurance)
- 2013-2015 Strategic coordination for frail older persons with complex needs of health and social care (The Swedish Institute for Health Sciences)
- 2015-2019 Frontline workers and overload: Survival strategies in the Swedish public sector (The Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare, FORTE)
- 2014-2019 SUSTAINABLE WORKFORCE (EU, European Research Council, 7th Framework Program).
- 2017-2019 The social service agencies that became auditees: On the relevance, use and consequences of Performance Indicators (PI) in the municipal social services (The Swedish Research Council for Health, Working life and Welfare, FORTE)
Current research projects, Head of research
- 2018-2021 Sustainable Quality Coordination: How to coordinate governance of social services and health care for frail older persons (The Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare, FORTE's national government special program Research on the quality, organization and processes of welfare, incl. an extended research mission during 2021 related to covid-19, ageing and integrated care)
- 2022-2025 Cooperation capacity and quality in ageing: A longitudinal study of integrated care (The Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare, FORTE's call/program Cooperation Between Health and Care Providers – Supporting Ageing with Equality, Participation and Dignity 2021)
Teaching and tutoring
- Doctoral studies level (postgraduate): Quantitative methods (SO30004) course director, examiner (2019, 2022); Theories and perspectives in social work (2017); Doctoral student tutor (2 passed, from start to exam (1 lic.), 2 previous, No current, 1 Reading group, 2 Examining committees)
- Master level: Research theories and methods (SW2373), course director, examiner (2015-2017); Organization, collaboration, profession and power (SW2232), course director, examiner (previous); Leadership and management in social work (SW2333), course director, examiner (previous)
- Advanced level: Organization and management in social work (SQ5174), course director, examiner (ongoing since 2014; Psychosocial work (SQ5172), teacher (previous)
- Commissioned education development: "How and why students learn (better) through case method. Learning processes during five semesters" Department of Social Work, University of Gothenburg
- Political Science: Public Administration and Policy, and Comparative Politics courses at the Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg (1994-1988, writing PhD thesis period)
Commissions and assignments
- 1999 The National Government Commission on Swedish Democracy
- 2001 The National Government Commission on the Swedish Constitution
- 2003, 2005, and 2008 University of Gothenburg's Working Life Barometer (survey planning, analysis, and publication of reports, UGOT)
- International Political Science Association’s (IPSA) Research Committee Local-Global Relations
- International Sociological Association’s (ISA) Working Group Sociology of Local-Global Relations
- European Consortium of Political Research (ECPR), Local Government, Panel Chair: New Public Governance Implementation (2014)
- Swedish Social Work Forum's planning group (FORTE, UGOT, Gothenburg Region, GR)
- Reviewer for Social Science Research, Scandinavian Political Studies, and various Swedish Journals
- Reviewer for Cambridge University Press, Routledge, and various Swedish book publishers of educational/scientific publications
- Steering Committee Member of U-GOT KIES (University of Gothenburg's Centre on knowledge-intensive innovation ecosystems)
Main publications Szücs has published in Governance, Local Government Studies, European Planning Studies, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Journal of Integrated Care, and various Swedish journals. His most recent international book publications after Democracy in the Head (Doctoral Dissertation), include Local Elites, Political Capital and Democratic Development: Governing Leaders in Seven European Countries (first editor, Springer, 2006), Quality of Life and Work in Europe: Theory, Practice and Policy (on quality of life and satisfaction with work-life balance, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011), and Investments in a Sustainable Workforce in Europe (Routledge, 2019)
5 most recent papers (international conferences, 2017-19)
- 2019 Why leaders use Performance Information (PI) and how it influences their governance: A study on Swedish local governments' social services and prospects for agile governance (EGPA Annual Conference, Permanent study group II Performance and accountability in the public sector, Queen's University, Belfast 11-13 September)
- 2019 Coping with citizens and stress: Interaction strategies during public service delivery within health care, the police and social work (3rd Street-Level Bureaucracy Conference, Aalborg University, Copenhagen, June 11-13)
- 2018 Explaining collaborate performance success: The case of multiple constituencies' coordination bodies for frail older persons in Sweden (EGPA Annual Conference, Permanent study group II Performance and accountability in the public sector, Univesité de Lausanne, IDHEAP, September 5-7)
- 2018 Politics of horizontal public sector coordination: The case of frail older persons policy in Sweden 2008-18 (ECPR General Conference, Section 31: Governance in close proximation to the people? Contemporary local government and politics, Panel P281: New challenges in the social policy domain, Universität Hamburg, August 22-25)
- 2017 Multi-level coordination bodies of democratic governance for older persons in Sweden (NOPSA XVIII Conference, Workshop 10 Public management reforms for transboundary policy challenges: Coordination for integration, crisis organization and beyond, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, August 8-11)
Quality in Ageing by Collaborative Capacity Building? Governance of Integrating Care Services in Sweden between 2010 and
Stefan Szücs
XXXIII Nordiska kommunforskarkonferensen i Åbo (Turku) den 28-29 november 2024 - 2024 -
Making responsible innovation work: Creation and performance of a unique healthcare
Stefan Szücs
5th Street-level Bureaucracy Conference, Aalborg University – Copenhagen Campus, 18-20 June 2024 - 2024 -
Making responsible innovation work: Creation and performance of a unique healthcare system (Extended
Stefan Szücs
The ISS2024 conference of The International Joseph A. Schumpeter society, June 9th – 11th, 2024, University of Gothenburg - 2024 -
Collaborative capacity building and quality in ageing: Making integrated care
Stefan Szücs
The annual Conference of the Swedish Political Science Association (SWEPSA) Gothenburg 4-6 October - 2023 -
Making integrated care work: Collaborative capacity building and quality in
Stefan Szücs
The 45th annual Conference of the European Group for Public Administration (EGPA) Zagreb 6-8 September 2023 - 2023 -
Överbelastning i människobehandlande organisationer; En jämförelse mellan socialtjänst, sjukvård och
Andreas Liljegren, Johan Berlin, Staffan Höjer, Stefan Szücs
Människobehandlande organisationer; Villkor för ledning, styrning och professionellt välfärdsarbete. Red. Staffan Johansson, Peter Dellgran och Staffan Höjer - 2023 -
Explaining Integrated Care Innovation: Highest to Lowest Hospital Readmission Rates among Older Persons by Professional Agency and Awareness-Farness-Fairness in Collaborative Capacity
Stefan Szücs
12th Annual Workshop on Medical Innovation and Healthcare (WOMI) December 13th – 15h, 2023 University of Iceland Reykjavik, Iceland - 2023 -
Freedom of Bureaucratic
Stefan Szücs
4th Street-Level Bureaucracy Conference, Aalborg University, Copenhagen, June 14-16. - 2022 -
Achieving sustainable governance of horizontal integration of care services: progress and democratic accountability of strategic coordination bodies for older
Stefan Szücs, Inger Kjellberg
Journal of Integrated Care - 2022 -
How do street-level bureaucrats manage high workloads? Collegial mechanisms at the organisational level—experiences from public healthcare
Johan Berlin, Stefan Szücs, Staffan Höjer, Andreas Liljegren
European Management Review - 2022 -
Olof Zaring, Stefan Szücs, Maureen McKelvey
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business - 2021 -
The police and ‘the balance’— managing the workload within Swedish investigation
Andreas Liljegren, Johan Berlin, Stefan Szücs, Staffan Höjer
Journal of Professions and Organizations - 2021 -
Cooperation capacity and quality in ageing: A longitudinal study of integrated
Stefan Szücs, Inger Kjellberg, Karin Stinesen-Kollberg
Nordiska kommunforskarkonferensen NORKOM XXX (30th Nordic Conference on Local and Regional Government) Eilert Sundts Hus, Blindern, ISV, University of Oslo, Nov. 25–26, 2021 - 2021 -
Överbelastning; Att hantera hög arbetsbelastning inom socialtjänstens
Staffan Höjer, Johan Berlin, Stefan Szücs, Andreas Liljegren
Socionomens forskningssupplement - 2021 -
Conceptualizing evolutionary governance routines: governance at the interface of science and technology with knowledge-intensive innovative
Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring, Stefan Szücs
Journal of Evolutionary Economics - 2020 -
Pursuing collaborative advantage in Swedish care for older people: stakeholders' views on
Inger Kjellberg, Stefan Szücs
Journal of Integrated Care - 2020 -
The police and the ´balance`; Managing the workload within Swedish investigation
Andreas Liljegren, Johan Berlin, Stefan Szücs, Staffan Höjer
NORDPRO, 19-20 th of December, 2020. - 2020 -
Why leaders use performance information and how it influences their governance:
A study of Swedish local governments’ social services and prospects for agile
Stefan Szücs
2019 EGPA Annual Conference Public Administration across Borders, Queen's University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK,11-13 September - 2019 -
Coping with Citizens and Stress: Interaction Strategies during Public Service Delivery within Health Care, the Police, and Social
Stefan Szücs, Andreas Liljegren, Johan Berlin, Staffan Höjer
3rd Street-level Bureaucracy Conference, Aalborg University, Copenhagen, June 11-13. - 2019 -
Which older workers participate in which personnel
Jelle Lössbroek, Joop Schippers, Bram Lancee, Stefan Szücs
Investments in a Sustainable Workforce in Europe - 2019 -
Older workers´participation in flexibility and phasing out
Jelle Lössborek, Joop Shippers, Braam Lancee, Stefan Szücs
Turning grey into gold: Employer-employee interplay in an agening workforce (Doctoral Dissertation) - 2018 -
Politics of Horizontal Public Sector Coordination - The Case of Frail Elderly Policy in Sweden
Stefan Szücs
ECPR (The European Consortium for Political Research) General Conference, Universität Hamburg, 22 – 25 August 2018: Section 31 Governance in Close Proximity to the People? Contemporary Local Government and Politics, Panel Session 9, Saturday, 25 August 11:00–12:40, in Panel P281 New Challenges in the Social Policy Domain (p. 134 in the program) - 2018 -
Explaining Collaborative Performance Success: The Case of Multiple Constituencies’ Coordination Bodies for Frail Elderly Persons in
Stefan Szücs
EGPA (European Group for Public Administration) Annual Conference in Lausanne, 5-7 September 2018: PSG-GEP 2/4: Performance and Accountability in Public Sector :4. Collaborative Governance and Performance. Time: Thursday, 06/Sep/2018: 4:15pm - 5:45pm Session Chair: Thomas SCHILLEMANS, univ utrecht; t.schillemans@uu.nl (p. 12 in the program) - 2018 -
Os hospitais são organizações saudáveis? Qualidade de vida no trabalho hospitalar no norte e no sul da
Margareta Bäck-Wiklund, Stefan Szücs, Leila Billquist, Margarida Martins Barroso, Eduardo Alexandre Rodrigues
Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas - 2018 -
Power and democratic accountability in strategic coordination bodies - An investigation from Swedish
Staffan Johansson, Stefan Szücs, Andreas Liljegren
Nordic Political Science Association (NOPSA) XVIII Congress. University of Southern Denmark, Odense: 8-11 August 2017 - 2017 -
Multi-level Coordination Bodies of Democratic Networked Governance for Frail Elderly in
Stefan Szücs, Staffan Johansson, Andreas Liljegren
NOPSA XVIII Congress at University of Southern Denmark, Odense : 8-11 August 2017 - 2017 -
Multi-level Coordination Bodies of Democratic Nexus Governance for the Frail and Elderly in
Stefan Szücs, Staffan Johansson, Andreas Liljegren
11th ECPR General Conference. University of Oslo: 6-9 September 2017 - 2017 -
Varför lär sig socionomstudenter ledning och organisering bättre genom Casemetodik? Betydelsen av perplexitet, lärprocess och
Stefan Szücs
Högskolepedagogiska texter, Enheten för pedagogisk utveckling och interaktivt lärande (PIL) - 2017 -
A prospective study of workplace health promotion and incidence of long-term sickness absence among employees in social care organizations in 60 municipalities in
Cecilia Ljungblad, Lotta Dellve, Alexandersson Kristina, Stefan Szücs
Workplace health promotion and employee health in municipal social care organizations (Doctoral Disseration) - 2015 -
Organisatoriska vägar till hälsa: Långsiktigt hållbart förändringsarbete och chefskap i
Stefan Szücs, Lotta Dellve, Lisa Björk, Annika Härenstam, Göran Jutengren, Cecilia Ljungblad
2015 -
Governance of Regional Innovation Systems: An Evolutionary Conceptual Model of How Firms
Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring, Stefan Szücs
Academy of Management proceedings, Vancouver, Canada - 2015 -
Organisatoriska vägar till hälsa - Hållbart förändringsarbete och chefskap i
Stefan Szücs
AFA Försäkrings FoU-dag 10 november 2015, Stockholm - 2015 -
Organisatoriska vägar till hälsa - Långsiktigt hållbart förändringsarbete och chefskap i
Stefan Szücs
Socialtjänstforum - möte mellan forskning och praktik inom socialtjänsten, 11-12 november, Göteborg - 2015 -
Governance of Regional Innovation Systems: An Evolutionary Conceptual Model of How Firms
Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring, Stefan Szücs
DRUID15, Rome, June 15-17, 2015 - 2015 -
Ledarskap inom människobehandlande
Stefan Szücs, Monica Andersson Bäck
Människobehandlande organisationer - Villkor för ledning, styrning och professionellt välfärdsarbete Redakröter: Staffan Johansson, Peter Dellgran & Staffan Höjer - 2015 -
Measuring capacity to perform across local government services – managers’
Lisa Björk, Stefan Szücs, Annika Härenstam
International Journal of Public Sector Management - 2014 -
Hur väl fungerar
Stefan Szücs, Lisa Björk
Chefskapets förutsättningar och konsekvenser: Metoder och resultat från CHEFiOS-projektet - slutrapport del 1 (redaktörer: Härenstam, A & Östebo, A) - 2014 -
Stefan Szücs, Annika Härenstam, Lisa Björk
Chefskapets förutsättningar och konsekvenser: Metoder och resultat från CHEFiOS-projektet - slutrapport del 1 (redaktörer: Härenstam, A & Östebo, A) - 2014 -
Stefan Szücs, Annika Härenstam, Lisa Björk
Förändringsprocesser och utvärderingar av interventioner i kommunala förvaltningar: Metoder och resultat från CHEFiOS-projektet - slutrapport del 2 (redaktörer: Härenstam, A & Östebo, A) - 2014 -
Innovation Governance Nexuses: Mapping Local Governments' University–Industry Relations and Specialization in High Technology in
Stefan Szücs, Olof Zaring
European Planning Studies - 2014 -
Strategisk samverkan kring äldre människor med sammansatta behov av vård och omsorg - en enkätundersökning om organisering i svenska
Stefan Szücs, Staffan Johansson, Andreas Liljegren
The Nordic Political Association NOPSA, 12-15 augusti 2014, Göteborg - 2014 -
Pathways of reorganization, leadership and long-term sickness absence due to mental diagnosis among local government public sector employees in Sweden
Stefan Szücs, Lotta Dellve, Göran Jutengren
7th European Public Health Conference, 19-22 November 2014, Glasgow, Scotland - 2014 -
Improving organizational prerequisites for public sector managers – a follow-up study with long-term
Erik Berntson, Annika Härenstam, Hans Lindgren, Anders Pousette, Stefan Szücs
11th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, London, april 2014. - 2014 -
Measuring capacity to perform across local government services - managers'
Lisa Björk, Stefan Szücs, Annika Härenstam
Contextualizing Managerial Work in Local Government Organizations (Doctoral Disseration) - 2013 -
CHEFiOS; Chefskap, Hälsa, Effektivitet, Förutsättningar i Offentlig
Johanna Stengård, Annika Härenstam, Gunnar Ahlborg, Karin Allard, Eva Bejerot, Erik Berntson, Lisa Björk, Lotta Dellve, Mats Eklöf, Mats O Eriksson, Tina Forsberg Kankkunen, Hans Lindgren, Anders Pousette, Katrin Skagert, Stefan Szücs, Måns Waldenström, Linda Wallin, John Ylander, Anders Östebo
2013 -
Collaborative Strategies: How and Why Academic Spin-offs Interact with Engineering University
Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg, Olof Zaring, Jens Laage-Hellman, Stefan Szücs
How Entrepreneurs Do What they Do: Case Study of Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship / McKelvey, M. and A.H. Lassen (eds.) - 2013 -
Two Logics of governance in organizing public sector reform: The development of market competition and civic cooperation in Swedish local government
Stefan Szücs
NORKOM XXII Conference, Åbo Akademi, Finland, 21-21 november 2013 - 2013 -
Organisational prerequisites for public sector managers in Sweden - A survey-feedback
Anders Pousette, Erik Berntson, Annika Härenstam, Hans Lindgren, Stefan Szücs
Imagine the future world: How do we want to work tomorrow? Abstract proceedings of the 16th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), 22-25 maj, Münster, Tyskland. - 2013 -
Regional innovation governance : a model for complex systems of innovation and economic
Stefan Szücs, Olof Zaring, Maureen McKelvey
14th International Schumpeter Society Conference - 2012 -
Are Health Care Organizations Healthy? Quality of Work and Private Life in Northern and Southern
Margareta Bäck-Wiklund, Maria das Dores Guerreiro, Stefan Szücs, Leila Billquist
Work and Family Researchers Network Inaugural Conference, June 14-16, 2012, New York City - 2012 -
Organisation och hälsa i kommunala vårdorganisationer - ur ett statsvetenskapligt
Stefan Szücs
Konferensen Nya Perspektiv: Chefs- och ledarskap i vården, Göteborg 15-16 mars 2012 - 2012 -
Care: A Challenge to Healthy Organizations? A case study of a hospital
Leila Billquist, Stefan Szücs, Margareta Bäck-Wiklund
Sociologia, Problemas e Prácticas - 2012 -
Effects of Policy and Public-Private Interaction on New Firm
Stefan Szücs, Olof Zaring
DRUID 2011 on 'INNOVATION, STRATEGY and STRUCTURE - Organizations, Institutions, Systems and Regions, June 15-17, Copenhagen Business School - 2011 -
Care – A challenge to Healthy Organization? Case study of a Hospital Ward. Community, Work and
Leila Billquist, Linda Lane, Stefan Szücs, Margareta Bäck-Wiklund
The 4th International Conference. May 19-21, Tampere Finland. - 2011 -
Påverkar innovationer och omorganisationer
Stefan Szücs
Organisationsförändringar och arbetsrelaterad hälsa, 2 mars 2011, Karolinska Institutet (KI), Solna - 2011 -
Care - A Challenge to Healthy
Leila Billquist, Linda Lane, Margareta Bäck-Wiklund, Stefan Szücs
IV International Community, Work and Family Conference: Actors, Structures and Theories, 19-21 May, University of Tampere - 2011 -
Data and
Tanja van der Lippe, Stefan Szücs, Sonja Drobnic, Leila Billquist
Quality of life and work in Europe; Theory, Practice and Policy, Margareta Bäck-Wiklund, Tanja van der Lippe, Laura den Dulk, Anneke Doorne-Huiskes (eds.) - 2011 -
Quality of Life and Satisfaction with the Work-life
Stefan Szücs, Sonja Drobnič, Laura den Dulk, Roland Verwiebe
Quality of Life and Work in Europe - Theory, Practice and Method - 2011 -
Two Logics of Governance in Organizing Public Sector
Stefan Szücs
The 27th EGOS Colloquium 'Reassembling Organizations', July 7-9, Gothenburg - 2011 -
Den offentliga sektorns organisation, ledning och styrning: en förutsättning för hög
Stefan Szücs
Familj, vardagsliv och modernintet. Redaktörer: Ingrid Höjer & Staffan Höjer - 2011 -
Local Political Capital for Innovation in the Global Knowledge
Stefan Szücs, Olof Zaring, Maureen McKelvey
Book of Abstracts, XVII World Congress of Sociology, 11-17 July 2010, Gothenburg - 2010 -
Effects of innovation and reorganization on long-term sick
Stefan Szücs, Örjan Hemström
Work Life in Transition - 2010 -
Competition and Co-operation: Two Logics of Governance in Organizing Public Sector
Stefan Szücs
Statsvetenskapliga förbundets årsmöte och 40-årsjubileum - 2010 -
Triple Helix as a basis for capacity building through innovation
Stefan Szücs, Susan Marton, Olof Zaring, Maureen McKelvey
Paper presented at the 7th Biennial International Conference on University, Industry & Government Linkages, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 17-19 June, 2009 - 2009 -
Arbetsmiljöbarometern III vid Göteborgs universitet 2008-sammanfattande
Arbetsmiljöbarometer III - arbetsmiljöundersökningen vid Göteborgs universitet
Marianne Leffler, Christina Nordberg, Joseph Schaller, Stefan Szücs, Lennart Weibull
2009 -
The more things change, the more they stay the same: The Swedish local government elite between 1985 and
Stefan Szücs, Lars Strömberg
Local Government Studies - 2009 -
Medverkande och
Stefan Szücs
2009 -
Organisatoriska arbetsmiljöfaktorer för gott
Stefan Szücs
2009 -
Förtroende och attityder till ledning, organisation och
Stefan Szücs
2009 -
Local Innovation Governance and Clusters: A Framework and Some Evidence on the Influence of Local Government -Industry-University Relations on Technology Clusters in
Olof Zaring, Stefan Szücs, Susan Marton
The XVth NOPSA Conference, Tromsø 6–9 August 2008 - 2008 -
Sweden: National Report on Emerging Themes. Deliverable 4.1 Rapport EU Sixth framework project Quality of life in a changing
Linda Lane, Leila Billquist, Margareta Bäck-Wiklund, Stefan Szücs
2008 -
National Report Sweden: Perceived satisfaction with work-life balance and overall life satisfaction among Swedish service sector employees. Deliverable 2.3 - March 2008, EU sixth framework programme project
Stefan Szücs, Linda Lane, Margareta Bäck-Wiklund
2008 -
The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same: The Swedish Local Government Elite
Stefan Szücs
XVI Nordiska kommunkonferensen, 23-25 november 2007, Göteborg - 2007 -
Universal Change and the Conditions for Democratic
Stefan Szücs, Lars Strömberg
Local Elites, Political Capital and Democratic Development: Governing Leaders in Seven European Countries / Szücs, Stefan, Strömberg, Lars - 2006 -
The Untouchables: Stability among the Swedish local
Stefan Szücs, Lars Strömberg
Local Elites, Political Capital and Democratic Development: Governing Leaders in Seven European Countries / Szücs, Stefan, Strömberg, Lars - 2006 -
Conclusion: Democracy needs local political
Stefan Szücs, Lars Strömberg
Local Elites, Political Capital and Democratic Development: Governing Leaders in Seven European Countries / Szücs, Stefan, Strömberg, Lars - 2006 -
Political capital and how it
Stefan Szücs, Lars Strömberg
Local Elites, Political Capital and Democratic Development: Governing Leaders in Seven European Countries / Szücs, Stefan, Strömberg, Lars - 2006 -
National Report Sweden - Socio-economic trends and welfare policies. Rapport EU Sixth framework project Quality of life in a changing
Linda Lane, Margareta Bäck-Wiklund, Stefan Szücs
2006 -
Local Elites, Political Capital and Democratic Development: Governing Leaders in Seven European
Stefan Szücs, Lars Strömberg
2006 -
Introduction: Studying Local Elites and Democratic
Stefan Szücs
Local Elites, Political Capital and Democratic Development-Governing leaders in Seven European Countries - 2006 -
Greater Political Capital in Successful Democracies: The Development of Global Relations, Networks and Values among Local
Stefan Szücs, Lars Strömberg
International Political Science Association (IPSA), 9-13 July, Fukuoka, Japan - 2006 -
Dissemination Plan. Rapport EU Sixth framework project Quality of life in a changing
Linda Lane, Margareta Bäck-Wiklund, Stefan Szücs
2006 -
Arbetsmiljöbarometer II – arbetsmiljöundersökningen vid Göteborgs universitet
Lennart Weibull, Marianne Leffler, Christina Nordberg, Joseph Schaller, Stefan Szücs
2006 -
Personal som medverkar i 2002 och 2005 års
Stefan Szücs
2006 -
Organisatoriska hälsofaktorer 2002 och
Stefan Szücs
2006 -
Flytta inte på
Stefan Szücs, A Forsell, C Kokkin, H Larsson, H Strandlund, K Wickbom
Göteborgs-Posten, debattsidan, 3 maj 2004 - 2004 -
Political Capital and Democratic Development: Mutually Interdependent and Reinforcing Components of Local-global Relations, Horizontal Networks and Democratic
Stefan Szücs
International Roundtables of the Sociology of Local-Global Relations, 18-19 September 2004, Pultusk, Polen - 2004 -
Omorganisation och ohälsa. Skyddsombuden vid kommunala arbetsplatser om
Stefan Szücs
Arbete och Hälsa - 2004 -
Organisatoriska faktorers betydelse för långa sjukskrivningar i
Stefan Szücs, Örjan Hemström, Staffan Marklund
Arbete och hälsa - 2003 -
Arbetsmiljöundersökning vid Göteborgs universitet - sammanfattande
Marianne Leffler, Joseph Schaller, Stefan Szücs, Lennart Weibull
2003 -
Organisatoriska ohälsofaktorer. I Arbetsmiljöbarometern - en arbetsmiljöundersökning vid Göteborgs universitet
Stefan Szücs
2003 -
Personalsammansättning, rekrytering och karriär. I Arbetsmiljöbarometern - en arbetsmiljöundersökning vid Göteborgs
Stefan Szücs
2003 -
En vitaliserad kommunal
Stefan Szücs
Skilda valdagar och vårval? 1999 års Författningsutredning (SOU 2001:65) Oscarsson, Henrik (red.) - 2001 -
Nya arbetsmarknadsrelationer inom offentlig sektor: Arbete, ledarskap och personaldemokrati vid 120 arbetsplatser i offentlig och privat
Stefan Szücs
2001 -
Deep-rooted culture or elite learning? Explaining value change across the 1990s in local
Stefan Szücs
On Development of Democracy and Local Governance in Former Soviet Union and Western Democracies, 15-19 June 2000, Gotheburg - 2000 -
Development of Local Governance in Sweden: The Political and Administrative Elite During the 1980s and
Stefan Szücs, Lars Strömberg
Conference on Development of Democracy in the Former Soviet Union and Western Democracies, 15-19 June 2000, Gothenburg - 2000 -
Demokratins normsystem. Lokala ledares värderingar i tolv
Stefan Szücs
Demokrati och medborgarskap, Demokratiutredningen/Forskarvolym II (SOU 1999:77), Amnå Erik (red.) - 1999 -
Deep-rooted culture or elite learning? Community level change in democratic ethics in the
Stefan Szücs
Conference "Elites and Democracy", Copenhagen Business School, Center for Research on Public Organizations and management (COS), 6-8 December 1999, Copenhagen - 1999 -
Prospects for Glocal Democracy: Effects of Social Interaction in Global Systems of Democratic Belief among Local
Stefan Szücs
ISA 14th World Congress of Sociology, Thematic Group on Sociology of Local Global Relations, 26 July-1 August 1998, Montreal, Canada - 1998 -
Democracy in the Head: A Comparative Analysis of Democratic Leadership Orientations among Local Elites in Three Phases of
Stefan Szücs
1998 -
Den politiskt kontrollerade konflikten: Jämförande studier av lokalt ledarskap och demokratisk utveckling i Europa. Centrum för Europaforskning vid Göteborgs universitet, Skrift Nr
Stefan Szücs
1996 -
The Public/Private Cleavage in a Welfare State: Attitudes Toward Public Management
Lois R Wise, Stefan Szücs
Governance - 1996 -
Relations and causality of democratic values among local elites: towards a theory of democratic political
Stefan Szücs
NOPSA; Congress of Nordic Political Science Association, 15-17 August, Helsinki - 1995 -
Explaining Democratic Political Leadership: The Theoretical
Stefan Szücs
IV Nordiska kommunforskarkonferensen (Fourth Nordic Conference on Local and Regional Government), 1-3 December 1995, Hindås - 1995 -
Democratization and Reorganization of the Welfare
Stefan Szücs
The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science - 1995 -
Modeling Democracy: SEM Analysis of Local
Stefan Szücs
III Nordiska kommunforskarkonferensen (Third Nordic Conferense on Local and Regional Government), 5-6 December, Odense - 1994 -
Åtta givande veckor vid ICPSR Summer Program
Stefan Szücs
SSDkontakt - 1994 -
The Public/Private Cleavage in a Welfare State: Intrasectoral Variation in Attitudes Toward the New Public
Lois R Wise, Stefan Szücs
International Political Association (IPSA) World Congress, 2-5 September 1994, Berlin - 1994 -
How to Study Value patterns of Democratic Political Culture among West and East European Local Elites: The Theoretical
Stefan Szücs
II Nordiska kommunforskarkonferensen (Second Nordic Conference on Local and Regional Government), November 26-28 1993, Helsinki - 1993 -
Are Swedish Bureaucrats Ordinary
Lois R Wise, Stefan Szücs
Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA), September 2-5 1993, Washington, D.C. - 1993 -
The Swedish National
Lars Strömberg, Stefan Szücs
Democracy and Local Governance: Ten Emprirical Studies - 1993 -
Images of the Swedish Welfare State in Transition: Changing Values among Swedish Local Political and Administrative
Stefan Szücs
1993 -
National Report -
Stefan Szücs, Lars Strömberg
The New Democracy and Local Governance Conference, 23-30 June 1992, Palanga, Lithuania - 1992 -
Towards the Horizontal Society in Sweden? Local Leaders Values of the Organization and Responsibility of the Political System between 1984 and
Stefan Szücs
The New Democracy and Local Governance Conference, 23-30 June 1992, Palanga, Lithuania - 1992 -
Who Should Have the Primary Responsibility? Swedish Local Leaders' Value Priorities in Questions of the Organization and the Responsibility of the Political System 1984 and
Stefan Szücs
I Nordiska kommunforskarkonferensen (First Nordic Conference on Local and Regional Government), 14-15 November 1992, Oslo - 1992 -
Value Changes among the Swedish Local Political Leaders between 1984 and
Stefan Szücs
Statsvetenskapliga förbundets årsmöte (Swedish Political Science Association) September 30-October 2, Linköping - 1991 -
Geografins betydelse för Ungerns bildande och gränser
Stefan Szücs
Geopolitik-En antologi - 1991 -
Småbarnsföräldrars inställning till ett förslag om anställning som dagbarnvårdare med ersättning även för egna barn. Stadsdelsutvärderingen, SDU-serien nr
Stefan Szücs