
Karin Trägårdh

Doctoral Student

Department of Psychiatry and Neurochemistry
Visiting address
SU Rättspsykiatri, Rågårdsvägen 5
Enhet CELAM, Hus 1 Gunnilse
Postal address
Centrum för etik, juridik och mental hälsa Rågården, Hus 1
SU-Östra sjukhuset 416 85 Göteborg

About Karin Trägårdh

Karin Trägårdh is a licensed psychologist, specialized in clinical/forensic psychology, working at the Department Forensic Psychiatry, Sahlgrenska University Hospital (SU). Karin has previously also worked for several years at the Swedish National Board of Forensic Medicine (RMV), at the forensic psychiatric investigation department, with forensic psychiatric investigations and risk assessment of life time prisoners. She has also worked at the Swedish National Board of Institutional Care (SiS) with care and treatment for young people with psychosocial problems, substance abuse and criminal behavior and/or who have been sentenced to secure youth care. Karin is a doctoral student and her doctoral project is about Female offenders of severe/lethal violence: What are the links between mental health, risk factors of criminality and offence behavior?

Women who commit severe and lethal violent crime, including murder, have only to a very limited extent been subjected to systematic studies both nationally and internationally. However, according to the few previous studies of female and male perpetrators of severe/lethal violence, there exist significant differences and a need to study male and female perpetrators separately. The fact that our knowledge of the female perpetrators of severe and lethal violence is limited has consequences for our ability to identify potential perpetrators, victims and act preventively. Thus, there is a need to further chart female homicide offenders, which is the purpose of the present doctoral project - to in terms of mental health, risk factors of aggressive antisocial criminality, offence behaviour and victim-offender relationship identify the aspects that characterise female offenders of severe and lethal violent crime.

Research group Centre for Ethics, Law and Mental Health, University of Gothenburg (