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- Karin Wagner
Karin Wagner
Aesthetics UnitAbout Karin Wagner
Professor in Art history and visual studies
Since I received my Ph.D. degree in art history and visual studies in 2003 I have conducted research in the areas of photography, new media and visual communication.
With the help of a one-year grant from the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation (RJ Sabbatical) I will be able to write the book Packaging Design: Sustainability, Aesthetics and Social issues during 2025-2026.
I participated in the project Att skapa relationer genom det digitala museet: principer för kuraterat innehåll (To create relationsships through the digital museum: principle for curated content) funded by Riksantikvarieämbetet for 2022.
In the beginning of 2021, I received seed money for a project on the digitisation of herbaria, Dried and flattened - materiality and representation in digitised herbaria, which I am now working on continuously.
During 2020-2021 I had a sabbatical for writing a book in the one-year project From ASCII Art to Comic Sans: Typographic Imagination in Digital Culture. The book was published by the MIT Press in 2023.
During 2016-19 I took part in the project Conjuring up the Artist from the Archives: The Case of Ivar Arosenius, funded by the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation.
In the project The (un)sustainable package (Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation and the Swedish Research Council 2009-2011) I have studied packaging design and how organic food is marketed with the help of packaging. The book with the same name as the project contains three in-depth studies on milk packaging, pharmaceutical packaging and luxury packaging. My contributions concern organic milk, the pharmaceutical rhetoric that is used to market some food and how the use of bag-in-box, PET-bottles and cartons for the packaging of wine has influenced the visual communication.
In a previous project, From celluloid to pixels: Network and ritual around mobile phone camera and e-cinema (the Swedish Research Council 2006-2008) I studied how people publish mobile phones photographs on the Internet and what pictorial conventions they use.
I teach courses on all levels. I have developed the course Image analysis, a course aimed at both master students and doctoral students. Previously, I have taught courses on visualisation, digital film-making and interaction design. In addition to being a supervisor for doctoral students in art and visual culture, I have also been a mentor for doctoral students in digital representation at Chalmers and at the Valand Academy.
In the media
Interviewed in DN, "30-åringen Comic sans fortsätter väcka hatkärlek", Dagens Nyheter 25 December 2024.
Forskartorget Bokmässan 26 September 2015 Den (o)hållbara förpackningen
SR Vetenskapsradion Forum 11 May 2015 Förpackningar ett outforskat kulturarv
Radio Skanstull 17 April 2014 Konst och internet
UR Samtiden En akademisk kvart, 3 March 2014, Den (o)hållbara förpackningen
SR Vetenskapsradion Forum, 30 April 2012 Från flaska till bag-in-box
Konst i
Karin Wagner
Underjorden – myt, fakta, resurs, (red.) Bo Lindberg - 2024 -
Green Marketing on the Go: A Cup of Coffee Opening Up Vistas on a Train
Karin Wagner
The Design History Reader, (red) Grace Lees-Maffei och Rebecca Houze - 2024 -
Sydney Festival
Karin Wagner
Fonts in Use - 2024 -
From ASCII art to Comic Sans: typography and popular culture in the digital
Karin Wagner
2023 -
Kurerat innehåll och digitalt berättande på museernas
Karin Wagner
Klas Grinell (red) Att skapa relationer genom det digitala museet: Slutrapport FoU-projekt RAÄ F2021-0046 - 2023 -
Fotografin blir
Karin Wagner, Anna Näslund Dahlgren
Fotografihistorier: Fotografi och bildbruk i Sverige från 1839 till idag, (red) Anna Näslund Dahlgren - 2022 -
Med Kamera i
Anna Näslund Dahlgren, Marta Edling, Lena Johannesson, Björn Axel Johansson , Solveig Jülich, Tyrone Martinsson, Elsa Modin, Jenny Morelli, Maria Nilsson, Pelle Snickars, Cecilia Strandroth, Solfrid Söderlind, Anna Tellgren, Karin Wagner, Louise Wolthers, Niclas Östlind
Fotografihistorier - 2022 -
Random display and recommendations – exploring the web platform of the artist Ivar Arosenius and other digital collections of
Karin Wagner
Museum & Society - 2020 -
In Good Condition: The Discourse of Patina as seen in Interactions
between Experts and Laymen in the Antiques
Karin Wagner
Culture Unbound. Journal of Current Cultural Research - 2019 -
Nostalgic photographs in the contemporary image ecology: the example of Tyrrells crisp
Karin Wagner
Journal of Aesthetics and Culture - 2018 -
The mummy and the medical gaze: digital visualisations in the British Museum’s exhibition Ancient lives, new
Karin Wagner
Museum Management and Curatorship - 2017 -
The Guest and the
Karin Wagner
Film International - 2017 -
The personal versus the institutional voice in an open photographic
Karin Wagner
Archival Science - 2017 -
Den (o)hållbara
Lasse Brunnström, Karin Wagner, Magdalena Petersson McIntyre
2015 -
Läkemedelsretoriken i
Karin Wagner
Den (o)hållbara förpackningen, (red) Lasse Brunnström och Karin Wagner - 2015 -
Reading packages: social semiotics on the
Karin Wagner
Visual Communication - 2015 -
Den ”gröna” mjölken introduceras och
Karin Wagner
Den (o)hållbara förpackningen, (red) Lasse Brunnström och Karin Wagner - 2015 -
Vin i papp och
Karin Wagner, Annika Olsson
Den (o)hållbara förpackningen, (red) Lasse Brunnström och Karin Wagner - 2015 -
Utmaningar för den visuella
Karin Wagner
Den (o)hållbara förpackningen, (red) Lasse Brunnström och Karin Wagner - 2015 -
Mjölkförpackningen i ett förändrat
Karin Wagner, Annika Olsson
Den (o)hållbara förpackningen, (red) Lasse Brunnström och Karin Wagner - 2015 -
"Looks great, feels amazing": The tactile dimension of
Karin Wagner
Hansson, Lena; Holmberg, Ulrika; Brembeck, Helene (red) Making Sense of Consumption. Selections from the 2nd Nordic Conference on Consumer Research 2012. Göteborg. - 2013 -
The Package as an Actor in Organic
Karin Wagner
Journal of Cultural Economy - 2013 -
Green Marketing on the Go: A Cup of Coffee Opening Up Vistas on a Train
Karin Wagner
Photography and Culture - 2012 -
Vi måste lära oss att tolka bilder
Ingela Bursjöö, Björn Harström, Gunilla Knape, Klas Grinell, Göran du Reés, Urban Strandberg, Lisa Thanner, Karin Wagner, Paula Wahlbom
Göteborgs-Posten - 2012 -
Moblogging, Remediation and the New
Karin Wagner
Thinking Photography - Using Photography. (Red) Jan-Erik Lundström och Liv Stoltz - 2012 -
Moblogging, Remediation and the New
Karin Wagner
Photographies - 2011 -
"Make my baby" - The DNA spiral further
Karin Wagner
Second Nature, Rolf Hughes & Jenny Sundén eds. Stockholm: Axl Books - 2011 -
På spaning efter teknisk
Åke Ingerman, Karin Wagner, Ann-Sofie Axelsson
2009 -
E-bio och mobilkamera. Elefanter och myror i digital visuell
Karin Wagner, Magnus Mörck
2009 -
Karin Wagner, Vaike Fors, Maria Svensson, Åke Ingerman
På spaning efter teknisk bildning. (Red) Åke Ingerman, Karin Wagner, Ann-Sofie Axelsson. Liber: Stockholm, 2009 - 2009 -
Kunskap och känsla i
Karin Wagner
På spaning efter teknisk bildning. (Red) Åke Ingerman, Karin Wagner, Ann-Sofie Axelsson. Liber: Stockholm, 2009 - 2009 -
A lesson to be learned or `Take a walk on the wild
Karin Wagner
Visual Communication - 2008 -
Internet Art and the
Karin Wagner
Human IT - 2007 -
The Everyday Seen through a Camera
Karin Wagner
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings - 2007 -
En analys av GenoChoice av Virgil
Karin Wagner
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings - 2005 -
Datorkonst i större
Karin Wagner
Göteborgs-Posten - 2004 -
Fotografi som digital bild: narration och navigation i fyra nordiska
Karin Wagner