
Linda Berg

Senior Lecturer

Department of Political Science
Visiting address
Sprängkullsgatan 19
41123 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 711
40530 Göteborg

Director of Studies

Department of Political Science
Visiting address
Sprängkullsgatan 19
41123 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 711
40530 Göteborg

About Linda Berg


Linda Berg, PhD, is senior lecturer in political science and Director of Studies for the Centre for European studies (CES), which administers the cross-disciplinary educational programmes in European studies. She is also associated researcher to the Centre for European Research (CERGU). Together with Professor Henrik Oscarsson, she is co-principal investigator of the Swedish European Parliament Studies, at the Swedish National Election Studies Programme, at the University of Gothenburg.

Linda was the director of the Centre for European Research (CERGU) between 2013-2019. She was a visiting fellow (postdoc) to the Institute of Governance, School of Political and Social Studies, University of Edinburgh, Scotland 2007-2008.

Linda defended her dissertation 12 October 2007. The title is: Multi-level Territorial Attachments. The Influence of Territorial Attachments on Political Trust and Welfare Attitudes.

Area of interests

Linda's main research interest concerns different aspects of the European integration process from a multi-level perspective, especially identification, political attitudes and voting behaviour. She is, together with Henrik Oscarsson, responsible for the Election studies of the Swedish European Parliament Elections. She has also studied regional elections, local and regional authorities connections to the EU, and is a member of the board for SNES, Swedish Network for European Studies in Political Science.

Current research

Linda's current research is mainly about attitudes towards the EU and voting behaviour in European parliament elections. Previous projects have focused on governance of migration (with Andrea Spehar) and political cleavages, focusing on the case of the wolf issue (with Maria Solevid). She has also researched the relationship between territorial identities and welfare attitudes in Europe and multilevel governance in the EU. As a member of the Swedish National Election Studies Program she mainly studies the European Parliament elections, but also regional elections and differences in voting behaviour in elections at different territorial levels.

Teaching and tutoring

Linda mainly teaches at the European studies programmes (Bachelor and Master). Linda is co-course coordinator for European Heritage and Identity (10 credits), which is is the joint introductory course for the two Master's programme in European Studies (Social science and arts track).

At the Bachelor's Programme she is responsible for the Thesis course (15 credits), as well as the prize-awarded course Practical EU-knowledge (15 credits) provided in cooperation with the librarians at the European Documentation Centre.

Linda is also tutoring and examining a large number of theses, master's and bachelor's, as well as developing and teaching other courses. In both 2011 and 2012 she was rewarded the individual education prize from the Göta student union, and the University of Gothenburg team pedagogical prize in 2009 for the course Practical EU knowledge.


Linda's reseach is published in many different forms, as journal articles: Policy Studies, European Perspectives on Politics and Society, Electoral Studies; book contributions: e.g. in Trust in the European Union in Challenging Times (Palgrave MacMillan 2018), Cultural Borders of Europe (Berghahn Books, 2017), Regional and National Elections in Western Europe (Palgrave 2013), conference papers, as well as a large number of Swedish chapters, edited books, reports and popular scientific articles.