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- Maria Solevid
Maria Solevid
Senior Lecturer
Department of Political ScienceAbout Maria Solevid
I am an Associate Professor of political science. I primarily conduct research within the Swedish National Election Studies Program and am also a member of the Gothenburg Research Group on Elections, Public Opinion, and Political Behavior (GEPOP). I participate in the national research infrastructure CORS as the principal investigator of the part of the Swedish National Election Study that is included in The Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES).
Areas of interest
My primary field of interest is political behavior, especially voter behavior and public opinion. In my research, I often study how the context surrounding an individual, such as family, networks, and neighborhood, influences political behavior and attitudes. My research focuses, among other things, on political preferences, electoral and non-electoral political participation, political trust, anxiety related to societal events, and generalized trust. I also have a great interest in issues related to survey methodology.
Current research
My primary research is carried out within the Swedish National Election Studies Program. I'm leading the project "No wo/man is an island: A social theory of economic voting, funded by the Swedish Research Council. In the project, I study how changes in voters' financial situation affect political preferences differently depending on the financial strength of the individual's social network. I have previously studied perceptions of electoral integrity among Swedish voters in the Swedish General Election 2022.
I have previously worked on the project "The politics of anxiety," where we investigated why there are differences in levels of sociotropic anxiety between men and women and what the consequences of this anxiety on political behavior are. As a follow-up to this project, we have also studied how gender identity is associated with political attitudes.
As a principal investigator at the SOM Institute, I headed the SOM survey of expatriated Swedes in 2014 and the local SOM survey in Gothenburg in 2016/17. Through these projects, I have studied political participation among expatriated Swedes and local political behavior in Gothenburg.
Teaching and tutoring
I primarily teach within the master's program in political science. I'm the course coordinator of the master's course" Applied Statistical Analysis" (SF2321). I'm also a member of the thesis examiner committee at the BA and MA levels in political science and the advisor of BA and MA theses in my fields of interest.
I regularly hold external presentations on Swedish voter behavior, voter turnout, and local democracy.
Ties that matter. An empirical test of a social theory of economic
Moa Frödin Gruneau, Maria Solevid
Paper presented at ECPR General Conference, Dublin, August 12-15 2024. - 2024 -
Väljarna och valet
Voters in line: Explanations to and consequences of polling station lines in the 2022 Swedish
Maria Solevid, Henrik Oscarsson, Anna Cederholm Lager
Paper presented at the ECPR General Conference, Prague, September 4-8 2023 and at the SWEPSA annual conference, Gothenburg, October 3-5, 2023 - 2023 -
Väljarnas förtroende för valsystemet och genomförandet av allmänna
Köande väljare. Erfarenheter och konsekvenser av vallokalsköer vid det svenska valet
Maria Solevid, Henrik Oscarsson, Anna Cederholm Lager
Statsvetenskaplig Tidsskrift - 2023 -
Valintegritet i
Maria Solevid, Henrik Oscarsson
Statsvetenskaplig Tidsskrift - 2023 -
Röstdelning i ett nytt politiskt
Gissur Ó Erlingsson, Maria Solevid, Anna Cederholm Lager, Henrik Oscarsson
Ulrika Andersson, Patrik Öhberg, Anders Carlander, Johan Martinsson & Nora Theorin (red). Ovisshetens tid - 2023 -
Capability and Political Participation Among Ageing
Maria Solevid, Ann-Ida Scheiber Gyllenspetz
A Multidisciplinary Approach to Capability in Age and Ageing, International Perspectives on Aging, 31 - 2022 -
Politisk opinion – en fråga om ålder och
Hilma Lindskog, Maria Solevid
Ulrika Andersson, Henrik Oscarsson, Björn Rönnerstrand & Nora Theorin (red). Du sköra nya värld. - 2022 -
Äldre väljare och äldrefrågor i valet
Maria Solevid
Niklas Bohlin, Kajsa Falasca, Marie Grusell & Lars Nord, Snabbtänkt 2.0. Reflektioner från valet 2022 av ledande forskare. Demicom-rapport nr. 51. Mittuniversitetet: Demicom - 2022 -
Beyond the average: Ethnic diversity, institutional heritage, and neighborhood variation in social
Björn Rönnerstrand, Maria Solevid
Paper presented at ECPR General Conference, Innsbruck, September 22–26 2022. - 2022 -
Vikten av valdeltagande. En forskningsöversikt om vetenskapliga fältexperiment med syftet att öka valdeltagandet i allmänna
Gender gaps in political attitudes revisited: the conditional influence of non-binary gender on left–right ideology and GAL-TAN
Maria Solevid, Lena Wängnerud, Monika Djerf-Pierre, Elias Markstedt
European Journal of Politics and Gender - 2021 -
The subjective meaning of gender: how survey designs affect perceptions of femininity and
Elias Markstedt, Lena Wängnerud, Maria Solevid, Monika Djerf-Pierre
European Journal of Politics and Gender - 2021 -
Hur mår demokratin i
Henrik Oscarsson, Maria Solevid, Jakob Ahlbom
Hög tid för Göteborg - 2021 -
Förtroende och tillit i en segregerad
Björn Rönnerstrand, Maria Solevid
Hög tid för Göteborg - 2021 -
Hög tid för
Björn Rönnerstrand, Maria Solevid, Henrik Oscarsson
Hög tid för Göteborg - 2021 -
Hög tid för
Moving beyond categorical gender in studies of risk-aversion and
Lena Wängnerud, Maria Solevid, Monika Djerf-Pierre
Politics & Gender - 2019 -
Röst(D)elning i Göteborg
Maria Solevid, Henrik Oscarsson
Ingen kommer undan kulturen - 2019 -
Well-being and Political Participation in Ageing
Maria Solevid
International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress. Gothenburg, May 23-25. - 2019 -
Well-being and Political Participation in Ageing
Maria Solevid
European Consortium of Political Research, General Conference. Wroclaw, September 4-7 / Annual Meeting of Swedish Political Science Association. Norrköping, October 2-4. - 2019 -
Hur gamla är de som bestämmer? Om åldersrepresentation i politiska församlingar. Rapport
Ökat valdeltagande, men alltjämt stora variationer mellan olika delar av
Maria Solevid, Richard Öhrvall
Lars Nord, Marie Grusell, Niklas Bohlin & Kajsa Falasca Snabbtänkt. Reflektioner från valet 2018 av ledande forskare. Demicom-rapport nr. 38. Mittuniversitetet: Demicom - 2018 -
The Moderating Effect of Categorical and Non-Categorical Gender on Political Attitudes”: Evidence from
Maria Solevid, Lena Wängnerud, Monika Djerf-Pierre, Elias Markstedt
Annual Conference of Midwest Political Science Association. 5-8 April, Chicago. - 2018 -
Political participation among older people: A capability
Maria Solevid
Annual Conference of Midwest Political Science Association. 5-8 April, Chicago. - 2018 -
Västlänken – en fråga om
Dennis Andersson, Henrik Oscarsson, Maria Solevid
Hemma Väst - 2018 -
Demokrati och delaktighet i Göteborg. SOM-rapport
Linn Annerstedt, Maria Solevid
2017 -
Entreprenörsanda i Göteborg. SOM-rapport
Linn Annerstedt, Maria Solevid
2017 -
Jubileumssatsningarna i Göteborg. SOM-rapport
Linn Annerstedt, Maria Solevid
2017 -
Evenemangskonsumtion i Göteborg. SOM-rapport
Linn Annerstedt, Maria Solevid
2017 -
SOM-undersökningen i Göteborg 2016. SOM-rapport
Maria Solevid, Sofia Arkhede
2017 -
"Vi måste ta människors oro på
Maria Solevid
Andersson U., Ohlsson J., Ekengren Oscarsson H., Oskarson M. (red.) Larmar och gör sig till - 2017 -
Mellanmänsklig tillit i en segregerad
Sofia Arkhede, Maria Solevid
Andersson U. & Bergström A. (red) En brokig gemenskap - 2017 -
Statsvetenskapliga förbundets jämställdhetskartläggning
Olle Folke, Magnus Hagevi, Maria Solevid
2017 -
Does Corruption Suppress Voter
Stefan Dahlberg, Maria Solevid
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties - 2016 -
Jonas Ohlsson, Henrik Oscarsson, Maria Solevid
Ohlsson, Jonas, Henrik Oscarsson & Maria Solevid (red) Ekvilibrium. - 2016 -
Does Party Politicization of Corruption Affect Voter
Andreas Bågenholm, Stefan Dahlberg, Maria Solevid
2016 -
Can gender identity explain gaps between women and men in levels of
Lena Wängnerud, Maria Solevid, Monika Djerf-Pierre
Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, September 1-4, Philadelphia & ECPR General Conference, September 7-10, Prague - 2016 -
Gränslöst politiskt
Maria Solevid
Svenska utlandsröster - 2016 -
Maria Solevid
Svenska utlandsröster - 2016 -
Maria Solevid
2016 -
Tracing a political cleavage. The wolf issue in
Linda Berg, Maria Solevid
European Politics and Society - 2015 -
Sverige oroar
Henrik Oscarsson, Maria Solevid
Fragment - 2015 -
Mobilizing and numbing effects of
Monika Djerf-Pierre, Maria Solevid, Lena Wängnerud
Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, September 2-5, 2015 - 2015 -
Does Politicization of Corruption Affect Voter
Andreas Bågenholm, Stefan Dahlberg, Maria Solevid
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, DC, August 28-31 2014 - 2014 -
Measuring Political Participation—Testing Social Desirability Bias in a Web-Survey
Mikael J Persson, Maria Solevid
International journal of public opinion research - 2014 -
Perceptions of Corruption and Political
Bo Rothstein, Maria Solevid
Paper presented at Annual Conference of Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, April 11-14 2013 - 2013 -
Does Corruption Suppress Voter Turnout? A Multi-level
Stefan Dahlberg, Maria Solevid
Stepping Stones. Research on Political Representation, Voting Behaviour, and Quality of Government - 2013 -
Voter Turnout and Political Equality: Testing the Law of Dispersion in a Swedish Natural
Mikael J Persson, Maria Solevid, Richard Öhrvall
Politics - 2013 -
Citizens’ Political Participation – A Case of Institutional
Maria Solevid
Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, New Orleans, August 30-September 2 - 2012 -
Tracing a new political cleavage. The wolf issue in
Linda Berg, Maria Solevid
Annual Meeting of the Swedish Political Science Association - 2012 -
Omvalet - en prövning för den politiska
Mikael J Persson, Maria Solevid, Richard Öhrvall
Omstritt omval - 2012 -
Measuring Political Participation. Testing Social Desirability Bias in a Web-Survey
Mikael J Persson, Maria Solevid
Annual Meeting, American Political Science Association, Seattle, September 1-4, 2011 - 2011 -
Fortsatt polarisering i
Maria Solevid, Linda Berg
Lycksalighetens ö. Sören Holmberg, Lennart Weibull och Henrik Oscarsson (red) - 2011 -
Does Institutional Design Modify Patterns of Inequality in Political
Maria Solevid
Paper presented at the XVII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Göteborg, Sweden, July 11-17 2010 - 2010 -
Gärna varg, men inte på min
Maria Solevid, Linda Berg
Nordiskt ljus. - 2010 -
Voices from the welfare state. Dissatisfaction and political action in
Maria Solevid
2009 -
An institutional approach to the relationship between welfare state targeted dissatisfaction and political
Maria Pettersson
the 4th ECPR General Conference, Pisa, Italy 6-8 September 2007. - 2007 -
Vad gör medborgarna av sitt
Maria Pettersson
Sören Holmberg och Lennart Weibull (red) Det nya Sverige. SOM-rapport nr 41. Göteborgs universitet: SOM-institutet, - 2007 -
The Relationship between Public Service Dissatisfaction and Political Action: Does Institutional Design
Maria Pettersson
Stefan Svallfors (red) The Political Sociology of the Welfare State. Institutions, Social Cleavages, and Orientations. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, - 2007 -
Welfare State Targeted Dissatisfaction and Political
Maria Pettersson
XIV NOPSA-konferensen, Reykjavik, Island 11-13 augusti, 2005 - 2005 -
Rör inte vår
Maria Pettersson
Holmberg, S. & Weibull, L. (red). Lyckan kommer, lyckan går : trettio kapitel om politik, medier och samhälle : SOM-undersökningen 2004 - 2005 -
Det underskattade samtalet väljarna
Maria Pettersson, Christina Ribbhagen
Oscarsson, H. & Holmberg, S. (red). Kampen om euron - 2004