
Magnus Fredriksson


Visiting address
Seminariegatan 1 B
41313 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 713
40530 Göteborg


Journalism Media and Communication JMG
Visiting address
Seminariegatan 1 B
41313 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 710
40530 Göteborg

About Magnus Fredriksson

I defended my dissertation "Corporate Responsibility / Market Place Rhetoric. An analysis of corporations’ strategic communication" in 2008

Then as well as now, my research focuses on organizations' communication and the importance of professional, organizational and societal norms, values ​​and ideas. Among other things, I have studied the principles that govern the authorities' communication activities, how companies communicate their social responsibility, how authorities and other public administrations communicate in connection with crises, how companies and authorities adapt their activities to the media.

Research project

"From coat of arms to brands: an analysis of how the Swedish authorities' identity work has changed from the early 1970s until today", funded by the Ridderstad Foundation for Historical Graphic Research

"Mediatization of, in and between organizations - prevalence, dynamics and consequences in private, public and civic sectors", financed by the Wallander Foundations

Accountable Governance (participating in a project run by Thomas Schillemans at Utrecht University School of Governance).

“Management structures and mediatization of governmental agencies - translations and consequences”, funded by the Swedish Research Council

"The frontpage as assignment", funded by the Wallander Foundation.

"Transboundary crisis communication" funded by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency

"Media, Managers and Communication Consultants", funded by the Wallander Foundation.

"Corporate responsibility. Market rhetoric", my phd-project


I participated in the collaborative project PAUS (Personal Mobility for the Academy with Educational Focus and Student Participation) which was funded by Vinnova. The project aimed to strengthen collaboration between academia and the surrounding society. In the project, I collaborated with the Gothenburg region.

I have participated in two government investigations and I have participated as a subject expert in a number of investigations with governmental bodies, public sector organizations as well as corporations as clients. I also teach and give lectures outside the university.