
Bengt Johansson


Journalism Media and Communication JMG
Visiting address
Seminariegatan 1B
41313 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 710
40530 Göteborg

About Bengt Johansson

Bengt Johansson got his PhD degree in 1998 with the thesis, News among us. Municipal News, Personal experience and Local Opinion Formation. He became Associate professor in 2006 and full professor 2010. He was Head of Department 2008-2011 and Director of Graduate Studies 2000-2002.

Research Areas

My research profile is on different aspects of media, power and democracy. The research is performed inside the field of political communication and crisis/risk communication, where I study the media and communication in perspectives of theories of democracy. Fields of my present research are risk and crisis communication, long term media effects on societal beliefs, political advertising, political scandals and media election coverage.

Current Research Project


Essentially political communication and crisis communication. Courses: MA-level: Political Communication in the Digital Age, Crisis Communication. PhD-level: Communicating Science, Journalism in the Media Society


Writes about my research at


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