
Marica Andersson

Doctoral Student

Department of Biological & Environmental Sciences
Visiting address
Medicinaregatan 7 B
41390 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 463
40530 Göteborg

About Marica Andersson

Research interests: Aquaculture is a fast-growing food sector that holds great promises as a nutrtious marine- and freshwater food source for the growing human population, for example by farming salmon. The industry is, however, facing some technological and environmental challenges that need to be met with creative and innovative solutions.

One of the challenges within salmon farming is the high nutrient content in the effluent farm water, which can cause a nutrient overload in the local environment. One solution to this challenge is integrated multi-trophic aquaculture, where multiple species are farmed together and the nutritious water from the salmon farm becomes a food source for other organisms, for example bivalves and algae.

My PhD project will focus on such co-farming of different marine species in a land-based recirculatory system. The aim is to improve the water quality, but also to evaluate effects on the health and welfare of the organisms living in the system. I am interested in how the species will interact and how it will affect their physiology.