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- Matthias Obst
Matthias Obst
Department of Marine SciencesAbout Matthias Obst
Marine ecosystems provide a large amount of essential goods and services to our society and the quality of these products often directly depends on the biological diversity in these environments. Today, impacts from overexploitation and pollution of marine habitats as well as climate change cause substantial loss of biodiversity, reaching levels only comparable to the five major mass extinctions in Earth’s history. In my research I am establishing and testing harmonized and automated observation systems for biological diversity in the sea, spanning from molecular sensors (i.e. genomic observatories) to human sensors (i.e. citizen science). I am also developing methods and infrastructures that capture and integrate such data to enable inter-disciplinary research for the protection and management of our biological resources in the ocean.
marine and benthic ecology, marine conservation biology, invertebrate phylogeny and systematics, marine phylogeography, molecular taxonomy, metabarcoding, phylogenomics, metagenomics, e-science, zoomorphology, ecological niche modeling
Projects and program initiatives
I have currently active roles in numerous European infrastructure projects (www.envriplus.eu, www.embos.eu) as well as ESFRI program initiatives (www.lifewatch.eu)
I am currently consortium chair of the Swedish LifeWatch initiative (http://swedishlifewatch.se/)
I am member of the The Linnaeus Centre for Marine Evolutionary Biology (cemeb.science.gu.se)
Monitoring of the Invasive Round Goby (Neogobius melanostomus) in an Estuarine Seascape Based on
Leon Green, Marina Panova, Thomas G. Dahlgren, Alizz Axberg, Matthias Obst, Per Sundberg
Using the long-term genetic monitoring network ARMS-MBON to detect marine non-indigenous species along the European
Justine Pagnier, Nauras Daraghmeh, Matthias Obst
A Long-Term Ecological Research Data Set From the Marine Genetic Monitoring Program ARMS-MBON
Nauras Daraghmeh, Katrina Exter, Justine Pagnier, Piotr Balazy, Ibon Cancio, Giorgos Chatzigeorgiou, Eva Chatzinikolaou, Maciej Chelchowski, Nathan Alexis Mitchell Chrismas, Thierry Comtet, Thanos Dailianis, Klaas Deneudt, Oihane Diaz de Cerio, Markos Digenis, Vasilis Gerovasileiou, José González, Laura Kauppi, Jon Bent Kristoffersen, Piotr Kukliński, Rafał Lasota, Liraz Levy, Magdalena Małachowicz, Borut Mavrič, Jonas Mortelmans, Estefania Paredes, Anita Poćwierz-Kotus, Henning Reiss, Ioulia Santi, Georgia Sarafidou, Grigorios Skouradakis, Jostein Solbakken, Peter A.U. Staehr, Javier Tajadura, Jakob Thyrring, Jesus S. Troncoso, Emmanouela Vernadou, Frederique Viard, Haris Zafeiropoulos, Małgorzata Zbawicka, Christina Pavloudi, Matthias Obst
Molecular Ecology Resources - 2025 -
DNA-baserad övervakning av invasiva främmande arter - Resultat från undersökningar vid tre marinor i Stockholms
Per Sundberg, Marty Breidenbach, Nauras Daraghmeh, Tim Dorup, Marina Panova, Matthias Obst
Länsstyrelsen Stockholms rapportserie - 2024 -
Seasonality of primary production explains the richness of pioneering benthic
Matteo Cecchetto, Agnès Dettai, Cyril Gallut, Matthias Obst, Piotr Kuklinski, Piotr Balazy, Maciej Chelchowski, Magdalena Małachowicz, Anita Poćwierz-Kotus, Małgorzata Zbawicka, Henning Reiss, Marc P. Eléaume, Gentile Francesco Ficetola, Christina Pavloudi, Katrina Exter, Diego Fontaneto, Stefano Schiaparelli
Nature Communications - 2024 -
DNA-baserad övervakning av arter i akvatisk
Phylogeographic study using autonomous reef monitoring structures indicates fast range expansion of the invasive bryozoan Juxtacribrilina
Rasmus Martaeng, Matthias Obst, P. Kuklinski
Hydrobiologia - 2023 -
European marine omics biodiversity observation network: a strategic outline for the implementation of omics approaches in ocean
I. Santi, O. Beluche, M. Beraud, P. L. Buttigieg, R. Casotti, C. J. Cox, M. Cunliffe, N. Davies, O. D. de Cerio, K. Exter, A. E. Kervella, G. Kotoulas, R. Lagaisse, A. Laroquette, B. Louro, F. Not, Matthias Obst, C. Pavloudi, J. Poulain, K. Praebel, J. Vanaverbeke, N. Pade
Frontiers in Marine Science - 2023 -
Genetic methods in environmental monitoring. Early detection and monitoring of non-indigenous species based on
Per Sundberg, Alizz Axberg, Nauras Daraghmeh, Marina Panova, Matthias Obst
Havs och Vattenmyndigheten - 2022 -
Paleozoic origins of cheilostome bryozoans and their parental care inferred by a new genome-skimmed
Russell J.S. Orr, Emanuela Di Martino, Mali H. Ramsfjell, Dennis P. Gordon, Björn Berning, Ismael Chowdhury, Sean Craig, Robyn L. Cumming, Blanca Figuerola, Wayne Florence, Jean Georges Harmelin, Masato Hirose, Danwei Huang, Sudhanshi S. Jain, Helen L. Jenkins, Olga N. Kotenko, Piotr Kuklinski, Hannah E. Lee, Teresa Madurell, Linda McCann, Hannah L. Mello, Matthias Obst, Andrew N. Ostrovsky, Gustav Paulay, Joanne S. Porter, Natalia N. Shunatova, Abigail M. Smith, Javier Souto-Derungs, Leandro M. Vieira, Kjetil L. Voje, Andrea Waeschenbach, Kamil Zágoršek, Rachel C.M. Warnock, Lee Hsiang Liow
Science Advances - 2022 -
Environmental DNA Monitoring of Biodiversity Hotspots in Danish Marine
Peter A. U. Staehr, Karsten Dahl, Helle Buur, Cordula Göke, Rumakanta Sapkota, Anne Winding, Marina Panova, Matthias Obst, Per Sundberg
Frontiers in Marine Science - 2022 -
A bayesian network to inform the management of key species in Kosterhavet National Park under contrasting storylines of environmental
Katharina Rettig, Andreas Skriver Hansen, Matthias Obst, Dainel Herring, Christian K. Feld
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science - 2022 -
Priorities for ocean microbiome
A. Abreu, E. Bourgois, A. Gristwood, R. Trouble, S. G. Acinas, P. Bork, E. Boss, C. Bowler, M. Budinich, S. Chaffron, C. de Vargas, T. O. Delmont, D. Eveillard, L. Guidi, D. Iudicone, S. Kandels, H. Morlon, F. Lombard, R. Pepperkok, J. J. P. Karlusich, G. Piganeau, A. Regimbeau, G. Sommeria-Klein, L. Stemmann, M. B. Sullivan, S. Sunagawa, P. Wincker, O. Zablocki, D. Arendt, J. Bilic, R. Finn, E. Heard, B. Rouse, J. Vamathevan, R. Casotti, I. Cancio, M. Cunliffe, A. E. Kervella, Whcf Kooistra, Matthias Obst, N. Pade, D. M. Power, I. Santi, T. M. Tsagaraki, J. Vanaverbeke
Nature Microbiology - 2022 -
Synthesizing knowledge and evidence to inform the management of coastal seas’ biodiversity and NCPs
– a case study from
Andreas Skriver Hansen, Katharina Rettig, Matthias Obst, Carl Dahlberg, Daniel Hering, Christian Feld
Presentation given at ECSA 59, 5-8 September 2022, Kursaal, San Sebastian, Spain - 2022 -
An open-source, citizen science and machine learning approach to analyse subsea
Victor Anton, Jannes Germishuys, Per Bergström, Mats Lindegarth, Matthias Obst
Biodiversity Data Journal - 2021 -
A molecular phylogeny of historical and contemporary specimens of an under-studied micro-invertebrate
Russell J.S. Orr, Maja M. Sannum, Sanne Boessenkool, Emanuela Di Martino, Dennis P. Gordon, Hannah L. Mello, Matthias Obst, Mali H. Ramsfjell, Abigail M. Smith, Lee Hsiang Liow
Ecology and Evolution - 2021 -
Unidirectional Introgression and Evidence of Hybrid Superiority over Parental Populations in Eastern Iranian Plateau Population of Hares (Mammalia: Lepus Linnaeus,
Z. Mohammadi, M. Aliabadian, F. Ghorbani, F. Y. Moghaddam, A. A. Lissovsky, Matthias Obst, Urban Olsson
Journal of Mammalian Evolution - 2020 -
A Marine Biodiversity Observation Network for Genetic Monitoring of Hard-Bottom Communities
Matthias Obst, K. Exter, A. L. Allcock, C. Arvanitidis, Alizz Axberg, M. Bustamante, I. Cancio, D. Carreira-Flores, E. Chatzinikolaou, G. Chatzigeorgiou, N. Chrismas, M. S. Clark, T. Comtet, T. Dailianis, N. Davies, K. Deneudt, O. D. de Cerio, A. Fortic, V. Gerovasileiou, P. I. Hablutzel, K. Keklikoglou, G. Kotoulas, R. Lasota, B. R. Leite, S. Loisel, L. Leveque, L. Levy, M. Malachowicz, B. Mavric, C. Meyer, J. Mortelmans, J. Norkko, N. Pade, A. M. Power, A. Ramsak, H. Reiss, J. Solbakken, P. A. Stoehr, Per Sundberg, J. Thyrring, J. S. Troncoso, F. Viard, R. Wenne, E. L. Yperifanou, M. Zbawicka, C. Pavloudi
Frontiers in Marine Science - 2020 -
Deep Relations in Nordic and Baltic Biodiversity e-Infrastructures
Matthias Obst
Biodiversity Information Science and Standards - 2019 -
Analysis of potential distribution and impacts for two species of alien crabs in Northern
Rikard Karlsson, Matthias Obst, Matz Berggren
Biological Invasions - 2019 -
Present and potential future distributions of Asian horseshoe crabs determine areas for
S. Vestbo, Matthias Obst, F. J. Q. Fernandez, I. Intanai, P. Funch
Frontiers in Marine Science - 2018 -
Marine long-term biodiversity assessment suggests loss of rare species in the Skagerrak and Kattegat
Matthias Obst, Saverio Vicario, Kennet Lundin, Matz S. Berggren, Anna Karlsson, Robert Haines, Alan Williams, Carole Goble, Cherian Mathew, Anton Güntsch
Marine Biodiversity - 2018 -
Building essential biodiversity variables (EBVs) of species distribution and abundance at a global
W. Daniel Kissling, Jorge A. Ahumada, Anne Bowser, Miguel Fernandez, Néstor Fernández, Enrique Alonso García, Robert P. Guralnick, Nick J.B. Isaac, Steve Kelling, Wouter Los, Louise Mcrae, Jean Baptiste Mihoub, Matthias Obst, Monica Santamaria, Andrew K. Skidmore, Kristen J. Williams, Donat Agosti, Daniel Amariles, Christos Arvanitidis, Lucy Bastin, Francesca De Leo, Willi Egloff, Jane Elith, Donald Hobern, David Martin, Henrique M. Pereira, Graziano Pesole, Johannes Peterseil, Hannu Saarenmaa, Dmitry Schigel, Dirk S. Schmeller, Nicola Segata, Eren Turak, Paul F. Uhlir, Brian Wee, Alex R. Hardisty
Biological Reviews - 2018 -
BioVeL: A virtual laboratory for data analysis and modelling in biodiversity science and
Alex R. Hardisty, Finn Bacall, Niall Beard, Maria Paula Balcázar-Vargas, Bachir Balech, Zoltán Barcza, Sarah Bourlat, Renato Giovanni, Yde Jong, Francesca Leo, Laura Dobor, Giacinto Donvito, Donal Fellows, Antonio Fernandez Guerra, Nuno Ferreira, Yuliya Fetyukova, Bruno Fosso, Jonathan Giddy, Carole Goble, Anton Güntsch, Robert Haines, Vera Hernández Ernst, Hannes Hettling, Dóra Hidy, Ferenc Horváth, Dóra Ittzés, Péter Ittzés, Andrew Jones, Renzo Kottmann, Robert Kulawik, Sonja Leidenberger, Päivi Lyytikäinen-Saarenmaa, Cherian Mathew, Norman Morrison, Aleksandra Nenadic, Abraham Nieva Hidalga, Matthias Obst, Gerard Oostermeijer, Elisabeth Paymal, Graziano Pesole, Salvatore Pinto, Axel Poigné, Francisco Quevedo Fernandez, Monica Santamaria, Hannu Saarenmaa, Gergely Sipos, Karl Heinz Sylla, Marko Tähtinen, Saverio Vicario, Rutger Aldo Vos, Alan R. Williams, Pelin Yilmaz
BMC Ecology - 2016 -
Endozoicomonas Are Specific, Facultative Symbionts of Sea
L. Schreiber, K. U. Kjeldsen, P. Funch, J. Jensen, Matthias Obst, S. Lopez-Legentil, A. Schramm
Frontiers in Microbiology - 2016 -
Community engagement: The ‘last mile’ challenge for European research
D Koureas, C Arvanitidis, L Belbin, WG Berendsohn, C Damgaard, QJ Groom, A Güntsch, G Hagedorn, A Hardisty, Matthias Obst
Research Ideas and Outcomes - 2016 -
Description of Endozoicomonas ascidiicola sp nov., isolated from Scandinavian
Lars Schreiber, Kasper Urup Kjeldsen, Matthias Obst, Peter Funch, Andreas Schramm
Systematic and Applied Microbiology - 2016 -
Evaluating the potential of ecological niche modelling as a component in marine non-indigenous species risk
Sonja Leidenberger, Matthias Obst, Robert Kulawik, Kerstin Stelzer, Karin Heyer, Alex Hardisty, Sarah Bourlat
Marine Pollution Bulletin - 2015 -
The Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea gigas) Invasion in Scandinavian Coastal Waters: Impact on Local Ecosystem
Ane T Laugen, Hollander Johan, Matthias Obst, Åsa Strand
Biological Invasions in Changing Ecosystems: Vectors, Ecological Impacts, Management and Predictions. - 2015 -
Report of the 14th Genomic Standards Consortium Meeting, Oxford, UK, September 17-21,
N. Davies, D Field, L. Amaral-Zettler, K. Barker, M. Bicak, Sarah Bourlat, J. Coddington, J. Deck, A. Drummond, J. Gilbert, F-O Glockner, R. Kottmann, C. Meyer, N. Morrison, Matthias Obst, R. Robbins, L. M. Schriml, P. Sterk, S. Stones-Havas
Standards in Genomic Sciences - 2014 -
Swedish LifeWatch ─ a biodiversity infrastructure integrating and reusing data from citizen science, monitoring and
Ulf Gärdenfors, Mari Jönsson, Matthias Obst, Anna Maria Wremp, Oskar Kindvall, Johan Nilsson
Human Computation - 2014 -
A semi-automated workflow for biodiversity data retrieval, cleaning, and quality
Cherian Mathew, Anton Guentsch, Matthias Obst, Saverio Vicario, Robert Haines, Alan R Williams, Yde de Jong, Carole Goble
Biodiversity Data Journal - 2014 -
Data Refinement Using the BioVeL
Alberto González-Talaván, Cherian Mathew, Matthias Obst, Elisabeth Paymal
2014 -
The founding charter of the Genomic Observatories
Neil Davies, Dawn Field, Linda Amaral-Zettler, Melody S Clark, John Deck, Alexei Drummond, Daniel P Faith, Jonathan Geller, Jack Gilbert, Frank O Glöckner, Penny R Hirsch, Jo-Ann Leong, Chris Meyer, Matthias Obst, Serge Planes, Chris Scholin, Alfried P Vogler, Ruth D Gates, Rob Toonen, Véronique Berteaux-Lecellier, Michèle Barbier, Katherine Barker, Stefan Bertilsson, Mesude Bicak, Matthew J Bietz, Jason Bobe, Levente Bodrossy, Angel Borja, Jonathan Coddington, Jed Fuhrman, Gunnar Gerdts, Rosemary Gillespie, Kelly Goodwin, Paul C Hanson, Jean-Marc Hero, David Hoekman, Janet Jansson, Christian Jeanthon, Rebecca Kao, Anna Klindworth, Rob Knight, Renzo Kottmann, Michelle S Koo, Georgios Kotoulas, Andrew J Lowe, Viggó T Marteinsson, Folker Meyer, Norman Morrison, David D Myrold, Evangelos Pafilis, Stephanie Parker, John J Parnell, Paraskevi N Polymenakou, Sujeevan Ratnasingham, George K Roderick, Naiara Rodriguez-Ezpeleta, Karsten Schonrogge, Nathalie Simon, Nathalie J Valette-Silver, Yuri P Springer, Graham N Stone, Steve Stones-Havas, Susanna-Assunta Sansone, Kate M Thibault, Patricia Wecker, Antje Wichels, John C Wooley, Tetsukazu Yahara, Adriana Zingone
GigaScience - 2014 -
Application of ecological niche modeling and earth observation for the risk assessment and monitoring of invasive species in the Baltic Sea. MarCoast II, Marine and Coastal Environmental Information Services. Ballast Water
Kerstin Stelzer, Karin Heyer, Sarah Bourlat, Matthias Obst
2013 -
On specifying and sharing scientific workflow optimization results using research
Holl Sonja, Garijo Daniel, Belhajjame Khalid, Zimmermann Olav, Giovanni Renato De, Matthias Obst, Goble Carole
Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science - 2013 -
Xenoturbella bocki exhibits direct development with similarities to
Hiroaki Nakano, K. Lundin, Sarah Bourlat, M. J. Telford, P. Funch, J. R. Nyengaard, Matthias Obst, Michael C. Thorndyke
Nature Communications - 2013 -
Application of Niche Modeling and Earth Observation for the risk assessment and monitoring of invasive species in the Baltic
Stelzer Kerstin, Heyer Karin, Sarah Bourlat, Matthias Obst
2013 -
Genomics in marine monitoring: new opportunities for assessing marine health
Sarah Bourlat, Angel Borja, Jack Gilbert, Martin I Taylor, Neil Davies, Stephen B Weisberg, John F Griffith, Teresa Lettieri, Dawn Field, John Benzie, Frank Oliver Glöckner, Naiara Rodríguez-Ezpeleta, Daniel P Faith, Tim P Bean, Matthias Obst
Marine pollution bulletin - 2013 -
A decadal view of biodiversity informatics: challenges and
Alex Hardisty, Dave Roberts, Bart Aelterman, Guy Cochrane, Noël Conruyt, David King, Wouter Los, Norman Morrison, Matthias Obst, Evagelos Pafilis, Duong Vu, Aaike De Wever
BMC ecology - 2013 -
The placental analogue and the pattern of sexual reproduction in the cheilostome bryozoan Bicellariella ciliata
Martin Moosbrugger, Thomas Schwaha, Manfred G Walzl, Matthias Obst, Andrew N Ostrovsky
Frontiers in zoology - 2012 -
Data Refinement
C Mathew, V Hernandez-Ernst, A Güntsch, Sarah Bourlat, Matthias Obst
http://www.myexperiment.org/packs/267.html - 2012 -
Molecular phylogeny of extant horseshoe crabs (Xiphosura, Limulidae) indicates Paleogene diversification of Asian
Matthias Obst, Sören Faurby, Somchai Bussarawit, Peter Funch
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution - 2012 -
Spermatozoon ultrastructure of Xenoturbella bocki (Westblad
Matthias Obst, Hiroaki Nakano, S. J. Bourlat, Michael C. Thorndyke, M. J. Telford, J. R. Nyengaard, P. Funch
Acta Zoologica - 2011 -
Spermatozoon ultrastructure of Xenoturbella bocki (Westblad
Matthias Obst, Hiroaki Nakano, Sarah Bourlat, Michael C. Thorndyke
Acta Zoologica - 2011 -
Potential for clonal animals in longevity and ageing
Helen Nilsson Sköld, Matthias Obst
Biogerontology - 2011 -
The first internal molecular phylogeny of the animal phylum
Judith Fuchs, T Iseto, M Hirose, Per Sundberg, Matthias Obst
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution - 2010 -
Population dynamics of American horseshoe crabs-historic climatic events and recent anthropogenic
S. Faurby, T. L. King, Matthias Obst, E. M. Hallerman, C. Pertoldi, P. Funch
Molecular Ecology - 2010 -
The fauna of hydrothermal vents on the Mohn Ridge (North
C Schander, HT Rapp, JA Kongsrud, T Bakken, J Berge, S Cochrane, E Oug, I Byrkjedal, C Todt, T Cedhagen, A Fosshagen, A Gebruk, K Larsen, L Levin, Matthias Obst, Fredrik Pleijel, S Stöhr, A Warén, NT Mikkelsen, S Hadler-Jacobsen, R Keuning, KH Petersen, IH Thorseth, RB Pedersen
Marine Biology Research - 2010 -
Two types of endosymbiotic bacteria in the enigmatic marine worm
Kasper Urup Kjeldsen, Matthias Obst, Hiroaki Nakano, Peter Funch, Andreas Schramm
Applied and Environmental Microbiology - 2010 -
Reconstructing the Protostome Tree of Life-the past, the present and the
G Giribet, C Dunn, G Edgecombe, A Hejnol, R Kristensen, M Martindale, Matthias Obst, G Rouse, E Seaver, M Sorensen, W Wheeler, K Worsaae
Cladistics - 2010 -
Assessing the root of bilaterian animals with scalable phylogenomic
A Hejnol, Matthias Obst, A Stamatakis, M Ott, GW Rouse, GD Edgecombe, P Martinez, J Baguñà, X Bailly, U Jondelius, M Wiens, WEG Müller, E Seaver, WC Wheeler, MQ Martindale, G Giribet, CW Dunn
Proceedings of the Royal Society B - 2009 -
The first comprehensive molecular phylogeny of Bryozoa (Ectoprocta) based on combined analyses of nuclear and mitochondrial
Judith Fuchs, Matthias Obst, Per Sundberg
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution - 2009 -
Stem Cells in Asexual Reproduction of Marine
Helen Nilsson Sköld, Matthias Obst, Mattias Sköld, Bertil Åkesson
Stem Cells in Marine Organisms - 2009 -
The Spermatozoan Ultrastructure of Xenotubella Suggests a Close Relationship to Enteropneust
Matthias Obst, Hiroaki Nakano, Sarah Bourlat, Michael C. Thorndyke, M. J. Telford, J. R. Nyengaard, P. Funch
Journal of Morphology - 2008 -
Feeding ecology of Xenoturbella bocki (phylum Xenoturbellida) revealed by genetic
Sarah Bourlat, Hiroaki Nakano, M. Akerman, M. J. Telford, Michael C. Thorndyke, Matthias Obst
Molecular Ecology Resources - 2008 -
Developmental Studies of
Hiroaki Nakano, Sarah Bourlat, Matthias Obst, Ako Nakano, M. Telford, Michael C. Thorndyke
Journal of Morphology - 2008 -
The Bryozoa of Sweden - Morphological and Molecular Data in Modern Taxonomic
Judith Fuchs, Matthias Obst, Per Sundberg
Journal of Morphology - 2008 -
Developmental Studies of
Hiroaki Nakano, S. Bourlat, Matthias Obst, Ako Nakano, Maximilian Telford, Michael C. Thorndyke
J. Morphol. - 2008 -
The Spermatozoan Ultrastructure of Xenotubella Suggests a Close Relationship to Enteropneust
Matthias Obst, Hiroaki Nakano, SJ Bourlat, MT Thorndike, MJ Telford, JR Nyengaard, P Funch
Journal of Morphology - 2008 -
Feeding ecology of Xenoturbella bocki (phylum Xenoturbellida) revealed by genetic
Sarah Bourlat, Hiroaki Nakano, Marie Akerman, Maximilian Telford, Michael C. Thorndyke, Matthias Obst
Molecular Ecology Resources - 2008 -
New insight into animal relationships from phylogenomic
CW Dunn, A Hejnol, D Matus, K Pang, W Browne, S Smith, E Seaver, G Rouse, Matthias Obst, GD Edgecombe, MV Sorensen, S Haddock, A Schmidt-Rhaesa, A Okusu, RM Kristensen, WC Wheeler, MQ Martindale, G Giribet
Journal of Morphology - 2008 -
P. Funch, Peter Thor, Matthias Obst
Vie Et Milieu-Life and Environment - 2008 -
Broad phylogenomic sampling improves resolution of the animal tree of
Casey W Dunn, Andreas Hejnol, David Q Matus, Kevin Pang, William E Browne, Stephen A Smith, Elaine Seaver, Greg W Rouse, Matthias Obst, Gregory D Edgecombe, Martin V Sørensen, Steven H D Haddock, Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa, Akiko Okusu, Reinhardt Møbjerg Kristensen, Ward C Wheeler, Mark Q Martindale, Gonzalo Giribet
Nature - 2008 -
Marine ecological genomics: when genomics meets marine
Michael C. Thorndyke, Samuel Dupont, Karen Wilson, Matthias Obst, Helen Nilsson Sköld, Hiroaki Nakano
Marine Ecology Progress Series - 2007 -
Skönhet under
Matthias Obst, Judith Fuchs
Flora och Fauna - 2007 -
A new species of Cycliophora from the mouthparts of the American lobster, Homarus americanus (Nephropidae,
Matthias Obst, P. Funch, R. Møbjerg Kristensen
Organisms Diversity and Evolution - 2006