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- Merritt Polk
Merritt Polk
About Merritt Polk
Merritt Polk received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Biology from the University of California, Santa Cruz in 1984. She received her Doctor of Philosophy in Human Ecology from the University of Gothenburg in 1998. She holds a senior lecturer position in Human Ecology and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2010, and then, in 2015, to Professor in Human Ecology. Between 2013–2022, she was head of the Department of Global Studies, at the Faculty of Social Sciences, GU.
Research areas During the 1990s, Merritt did research on gender equality, gender mainstreaming and transport with a focus on travel habits, attitudes and transport policy. She applied her research results to the interactions between gender equality, sustainable transport and climate change in collaboration with practitioners in transport and urban planning. During the 2000s, her research interest was directed to urban planning, here with a focus on civil servant networks, capacity building, and the interpretation and implementation of sustainable development. From 2009–2019, Merritt participated in Mistra Urban Futures (MUF), which was an international and transdisciplinary (TD) research center for sustainable urban development, owned, funded and run by researchers and practitioners together. During the years 2009–2013, Merritt led the research and development work at the center to identify innovative TD methods for sustainable urban development. The goal was to develop an overall TD methodology for joint knowledge production and capacity building between the participating parties, in order to better achieve sustainable urban development. The research orientations within this work concerned, for example: a framework for TD collaboration, prerequisites for TD learning, and evaluations of TD projects. During the Center's final phase (2015–2019), Merritt was involved in the evaluations of the TD project results, and the development of several PhD courses on managing complex societal challenges via TD collaboration, which targeted both PhD students and practitioners.
Ongoing research In her most recent research, Merritt has worked in a number of Formas-funded projects on sustainable urban development and handling of complex social problems within various types of collaboration arenas. With her research colleagues, she has developed a typology of knowledge and applied it, among other things, to different urban development and transport planning conflicts. The analysis focused on tracing the different types of knowledge use practices that occur in different urban planning conflicts in Göteborg within Frihamnen and Västlänken. Her latest research concerns "boundary spaces", or dialogue arenas, for complex societal challenges, where she and colleagues work with identifying the dilemmas that occur within different boundary spaces and how these can be handled more effectively. She is also active in the Just Transitions Research School, a new TD research school with seven PhD students who through close collaboration with practitioners from the local and regional levels focus on governance and management for just climate transitions. The school's interdisciplinary work is based on a in-depth collaboration between five public organizations within Gothenburg, Linköping, Norrköping, and their surrounding regions, together with three universities (GU, LiU and Chalmers).
Expert assignments Merritt has had a large number of expert assignments. Most recently, she has sat on the scientific council of the Volvo Research and Educational Foundation (VREF) between 2013–2021; on the Board of the Urban Futures Center at GMV, 2020–2024; and on the Scientific Council of the Leibniz Institute for Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER), 2022–.
Teaching Merritt has taught in Human Ecology since 1992. She has taught and supervised at the undergraduate, advanced and doctoral levels. Examples of courses within GU include: sustainable cities, sustainable development and conflicts, urban planning, as well as interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary methods in human ecology on the Bachelors and Masters levels. At other universities in Sweden, she has taught traffic safety, urban planning and transdisciplinary methods. Her most recent work with course development and teaching concerns TD methods within the Just Transitions Research School (2023–2027).
Kerstin Hemström, Merritt Polk, Warren Smit
Elgar Encyclopedia of Interdisciplinarity and Transdisciplinarity - 2024 -
The situatedness of dilemmas in boundary spaces:
uncovering paradoxical conditions for increasing
effectiveness through
Henrietta Palmer, Merritt Polk, Elena Raviola
Global Social Challenges Journal - 2024 -
Transdisciplinary Knowledge Co-production: A Guide for Sustainable
Kerstin Hemström, David Simon, Henrietta Palmer, Beth Perry, Merritt Polk
2021 -
Evaluative and Enabling Infrastructures: Strengthening the Ability of Urban Co-production Processes to Contribute to Societal
Henrietta Palmer, Merritt Polk, David Simon, Stina Hansson
Urban Transformations - 2020 -
Understanding mechanisms of conflict resolution beyond collaboration: an interdisciplinary typology of knowledge types and their integration in
Olga Stepanova, Merritt Polk, Hannah Saldert
Sustainability Science - 2020 -
Expertise in research integration and implementation for tackling complex problems: when is it needed, where can it be found and how can it be
G. Bammer, M. O'Rourke, D. O'Connell, L. Neuhauser, G. Midgley, J. T. Klein, N. J. Grigg, H. Gadlin, I. R. Elsum, M. Bursztyn, E. A. Fulton, C. Pohl, M. Smithson, U. Vilsmaier, M. Bergmann, J. Jaeger, F. Merkx, B. V. Baptista, M. A. Burgman, D. H. Walker, J. Young, H. Bradbury, L. Crawford, B. Haryanto, C. A. Pachanee, Merritt Polk, G. P. Richardson
Palgrave Communications - 2020 -
Overall assessment of the drivers for behavioural
Érika Martins Silva Ramos, Cecilia Jakobsson Bergstad, Merritt Polk, Andrea Chicco, Marco Diana, Gunnar Nehrke
2019 -
Assessing the impact of transdisciplinary research: The usefulness of relevance, credibility, and legitimacy for understanding the link between process and
Stina Hansson, Merritt Polk
Research Evaluation - 2018 -
Organising for Co-Production: Local Interaction Platforms for Urban
B Perry, Z Patel, Ylva Norén Bretzer, Merritt Polk
Politics and Governance - 2018 -
Mobility cultures and mobility
Gunnar Nehrke, Cecilia Jakobsson Bergstad, Érika Martins Silva Ramos, Merritt Polk, Johannes Rodenbach, Jeffrey Matthijs, Stefano Beccaria, Massimiliano Melis, Marko Horvat
2018 -
The role of learning in transdisciplinary research: moving from a normative concept to an analytical tool through a practice-based
Lars Westberg, Merritt Polk
Sustainability Science - 2016 -
Co-producing knowledge for sustainable urban
Merritt Polk, Jaan-Henrik Kain
Co-producing knowledge for sustainable cities: Joining forces for change. - 2015 -
Transdisciplinary co-production: Designing and testing a transdisciplinary research framework for societal problem
Merritt Polk
Futures - 2015 -
Achieving the promise of transdisciplinarity: A critical exploration of the relationship between transdisciplinary research and societal problem
Merritt Polk
Sustainability Science - 2014 -
Mistra Urban Futures: a living laboratory for urban
Merritt Polk, Jaan-Henrik Kain, John Holmberg
Regenerative Sustainable Development of Universities and Cities: The Role of Living Laboratories - 2013 -
Integration and Implementation in action at Mistra Urban Futures: A transdisciplinary center for sustainable urban
Merritt Polk
Disciplining Interdisciplinarity: Integration and Implementation sciences for Researching Complex Real World Problems. - 2013 -
Influences of affect associated with routine out-of-home activities on subjective
Cecilia Jakobsson Bergstad, Amelie Gamble, Olle Hagman, Merritt Polk, Tommy Gärling, Dick Ettema, Margareta Friman, Lars E. Olsson
Applied Research in Quality of Life - 2012 -
Mistra Urban Futures: Strategic Plan
Jaan-Henrik Kain, Henrik Nolmark, Merritt Polk, Lars Reuterswärd
2011 -
Institutional capacity building in urban planning and policy making for sustainable development: success or
Merritt Polk
Planning Practice & Research - 2011 -
Physical and economic bias in climate change research: A scientometric study of IPCC Third Assessment
Andreas Bjurström, Merritt Polk
Climatic Change - 2011 -
Climate Change and Interdisciplinarity: A Co-citation Analysis of IPCC Third Assessment
Andreas Bjurström, Merritt Polk
Scientometrics - 2011 -
Affective-symbolic and instrumental-independence psychological motives mediating effects of socio-demographic variables on daily car
Cecilia Jakobsson Bergstad, Amelie Gamble, Olle Hagman, Merritt Polk, Tommy Gärling, Lars Olsson
Subjective well-being related to satisfaction with daily
Cecilia Jakobsson Bergstad, Amelie Gamble, Tommy Gärling, Olle Hagman, Merritt Polk, Dick Ettema, Margareta Friman, Lars E. Olsson
Sustainability in Practice: The Interpretation of Sustainable Development in a Regional Planning Arena for Dialogue and Learning in Western
Merritt Polk
Planning Theory & Practice - 2010 -
Bilens roll för människors subjektiva
Cecilia Jakobsson Bergstad, Amelie Gamble, Olle Hagman, Lars E. Olsson, Merritt Polk, Tommy Gärling
2009 -
Mistra urban futures : the Göteborg center of excellence for sustainable urban
Merritt Polk, Björn Malbert, Jaan-Henrik Kain
2009 -
Gendering climate change through the transport
Merritt Polk
Kvinder, køn og forskning / Women, Gender and Research - 2009 -
Gender mainstreaming in Swedish transport
Merritt Polk
Tanu Priya Uteng and Tim Cresswell (eds.), Gendered Mobilities, Chapter 19 - 2008 -
Participation, value rationality and mutual learning in transdisciplinary knowledge production for sustainable
Merritt Polk, Per Knutsson
Hegemonic and alternative frameings of sustainable transport in multi-stakeholder planning
Merritt Polk
Conference paper, TransportMistra workshop - 2008 -
Transdisciplinary research for promoting social change towards sustainable
Merritt Polk, Per Knutsson
Environmental Education Research - 2008 -
Human Ecology at the University of
Karl Bruckmeier, Merritt Polk
German Society for Human Ecology Conference Proceedings for 2007 - 2008 -
Gender mainstreaming and social learning for
Merritt Polk
UNESCO Workshop on Public Learning for Sustainable Development - 2007 -
The sustinability of the road transport research agenda in the European
Merritt Polk
Paper submitted to the Transportation Research Board - 2006 -
Envisioning sustainable solutions by multi-stakeholder
Merritt Polk
TransportMistra Annual Report - 2006 -
Redefining Human Ecology in the wake of university reforms: The case of Göteborg
Merritt Polk, Per Knutsson
Working paper presented at the Society for Human Ecology (SHE) conference in Bar Harbor, Maine - 2006 -
Evaluating the institutional capacity building of multi-stakeholder processes for sustainable transport planning i Western
Merritt Polk
World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR) conference paper - 2006 -
Kvinnors och mäns inställning till utformning av vägsystemet i
Merritt Polk
2006 -
Integrating theoretical and practical approaches in research for sustainable transport planning in
Merritt Polk
Paper presented at the Society for Human Ecology (SHE) conference in Bar Harbor, Maine - 2006 -
En hållbar transportpolitik måste rätta sig efter
Merritt Polk, Olle Hagman, Marie Thynell
DN, insändare, 21 mars 2006 - 2006 -
The efficacy of multi-stakeholder processes for fostering regional planning for sustainable transportation: A case study of HUR
Merritt Polk
Full conference paper presented at the Transport Research Arena (TRA) conference in Göteborg - 2006 -
Merritt Polk, Thomas Hellström
Full program application to the MISTRA call for sustainable transport - 2005 -
Women's and men's valuations of road system infrastructure in
Merritt Polk
2005 -
The integration of gender equality in transport policy and practice in
Merritt Polk
Research on Women's issues in Transportation: Volume 2: Technical Papers. Transportation Research Board, Conference Proceedings 35 - 2005 -
Hinder mot jämställdhetsintegrering inom den svenska
Merritt Polk
2005 -
The future of human ecology at the Gothenburg
Merritt Polk, Karl Bruckmeier
Working paper presented at the Society for Human Ecology (SHE) conference in Salt Lake City - 2005 -
Gender mainstreaming in transport policy in
Merritt Polk
Kvinder, køn & forskning - 2004 -
The influence of gender on daily car use and willingness to reduce car use in
Merritt Polk
Journal of Transport Geography - 2004 -
Gender equality and transport policy in
Merritt Polk
World Transport Policy and Practice - 2004 -
Are women potentially more accommodating than men to a sustainable transportation system in
Merritt Polk
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment - 2003 -
Gender equality and sustainable development: The need for debate in transportation policy in
Merritt Polk
2001 -
Gendered mobility: A study of women's and men's relations to automobility in
Merritt Polk