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- Mikaela Starke
Mikaela Starke
Department of Social Work-
Persons with intellectual disabilities and their risk of exposure to abuse
and violence: identification and prevention – a literature
Mikaela Starke, Anneli Larsson, Elisabeth Punzi
Journal of Intellectual Disabilities - 2024 -
Constructing a client category of the experience of buying sex: an explorative study of how sexuality and masculinity construct the client category of men who buy sex within social work in
Narola Olsson, Mikaela Starke
European Journal of Social Work - 2024 -
Practitioners’ self-reported knowledge about violence against disabled
Anneli Larsson, Elisabeth Punzi, Mikaela Starke
https://nndr2023.is/ - 2023 -
Multi design study to capture people with intellectual disabilities and their exposure to violence and preventive
Mikaela Starke, Anneli Larsson, Elisabeth Punzi, Maria Melin, Maria Montefusco
NNDR 16th Research Conference - 2023 -
Processutvärdering av implementeringen av Group Violence Intervention (GVI) i
Advancing Social Intervention Research Through Program Theory
Tina M. Olsson, Sabina Kapetanovic, Katarina Hollertz, Mikaela Starke, Therése Skoog
Research on social work practice - 2023 -
Theoretical underpinnings of active labour market programmes implemented by municipal and non-governmental organisations in
Mikaela Starke, Katarina Hollertz
European Journal of Social Work - 2023 -
Evidence and evidence gaps in assessments and interventions in areas related to social work research and practice - an overview of four evidence
C. Hellberg, S. Larsson, G. Bertilsson, H. Domeij, S. L. Tholen, M. Karrman-Fredriksson, G. Ahlstrom, L. Dahlberg, P. Karlsson, J. Nybom, Mikaela Starke, A. M. Ohrvall, G. Fahlstrom
European Journal of Social Work - 2023 -
Våldsutsatthet för personer med intellektuella
Enkätstudie – Verksamhetsföreträdares bedömning av kunskap inom verksamheten och behov av fördjupad kunskap om våldsutsatthet bland personer med
Parents with intellectual disability and their reflections about relationships and
Mikaela Starke
Journal of Social Work - 2022 -
Socialtjänstens erfarenheter och kunskapsanvändning. Små kommuners arbete med att förebygga och upptäcka våld mot personer med funktionsnedsättningar, samt erbjuda insatser till
Factors associated with positive work experience among professionals supporting people with intellectual disabilities: a comparative analysis of three welfare organisations in
J. Ineland, Mikaela Starke
International Journal of Developmental Disabilities - 2022 -
Samverkan och bruten sekretess- etiska dilemman i en villkorad
Katarina Hollertz, Tina M. Olsson, Mikaela Starke
Perspektiv på samverkan om utmaningar och möjligheter i välfärdens praktik - 2021 -
Kvinnor med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning som brottsoffer - en studie av utsatthet, autonomi och
Jari Kuosmanen, Mikaela Starke
Sex mot ersättning - säljare, köpare, makt och moral - 2021 -
Investigating feasibility and fidelity of the Parenting Young Children program in
Elaine Mc Hugh , Mikaela Starke
Evaluation and Program Planning - 2020 -
Opportunity to participate in planning and evaluation of
support for children with disabilities: parents’ and
Herawati I. Nowak, Malin Broberg, Mikaela Starke
Journal of Intellectual Disabilities - 2020 -
Pathways to Employment: Study Protocol for a Theory-Based Non-Randomized Controlled Trial of Active Labor Market Programs Designed to Move the Long-Term Unemployed Closer to the Labor
Tina M. Olsson, Katarina Hollertz, Mikaela Starke
Social Science Protocols - 2020 -
Pathways to the labormarket – for long-term unemployed persons with intellectual and developmental
Mikaela Starke, Katarina Hollertz, Tina M. Olsson
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, vol. 63, issue 7 Special Issue Future4All - 2019 -
Groups for Parents with Intellectual Disabilities: A Qualitative Analysis of
Marie Gustavsson, Mikaela Starke
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities - 2017 -
Eternal Children? Professionals’ Constructions of Women with an Intellectual Disability Who are Victims of Sexual
Mikaela Starke, Hanna Bertilsdotter Rosqvist, Jari Kuosmanen
Sexuality and disability - 2016 -
Access to Sweden's Legal System of Crime Victims With Intellectual Disability Involved in Prostitution
Jari Kuosmanen, Mikaela Starke
Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities - 2015 -
Understanding support workers’ competence development in working with parents with intellectual
Elaine Mc Hugh, Mikaela Starke
Journal of Intellectual Disabilities - 2015 -
Varför såg ingen mig? - om oviljan att uppmärksamma det
Mikaela Starke
Att se barn som anhöriga - Om relationer, interventioner och omsorgsansvar - 2015 -
Measuring program fidelity in the Parenting Young Children program: An approach to including parents with intellectual
Elaine Mc Hugh, Catherine Wade, Robyn Mildon, Mikaela Starke
International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disability Americas Regional Congress, "Inclusive Boundaries", May 2015, Honolulu, Hawaii - 2015 -
Using peer support groups to assist adoption of a parenting program for parents with intellectual disabilities: The role and perspective of peer group
Elaine Mc Hugh, Mikaela Starke
International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, "Inclusive Boundaries", May 2015, Honolulu, Hawaii - 2015 -
The ideal victims? Women with intellectual disability as victims of prostitution-related
Jari Kuosmanen, Mikaela Starke
Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research - 2015 -
Parents' perception of received support during their youth's transition period and their perception of their youth's
Herawati I. Nowak, Malin Broberg, Mikaela Starke
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities - 2014 -
Malin Broberg, David Norlin, Herawati I. Nowak, Mikaela Starke
2014 -
Understanding Professionals’ Competence Development in Working with Parents with Intellectual
Elaine Mc Hugh, Catherine Wade, Robyn Mildon, Mikaela Starke
4th European Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, "Pathways to Inclusion", June 2014, Vienna, Austria - 2014 -
Parents’ experience of support in Sweden: Its availability, accessibility, and
Herawati I. Nowak, Malin Broberg, Mikaela Starke
Journal of Intellectual Disabilities - 2013 -
Identifying the invisible: The experiences of prostitution among persons with intellectual disabilities: Implications for social
Jari Kuosmanen, Mikaela Starke
Journal of Social Work - 2013 -
Children with disability and their participation in the planning and evaluation of support – parents and professionals
Herawati I. Nowak, David Norlin, Malin Broberg, Mikaela Starke
NNDR2013 – 12 th Research Conference Nordic Network of Disability Research Abstract book - 2013 -
Professionals’ perceptions of and approach to parents with intellectual disability: A question of
Karin Jöreskog, Mikaela Starke
International Journal of Social Science Studies - 2013 -
Parenting with disabilities: Experiences from implementing a parenting support programme in
Mikaela Starke, C. Wade, M. A. Feldman, R. Mildon
Journal of Intellectual Disabilities - 2013 -
Everyday Life of Young Adults With Intellectual Disabilities: Inclusionary and Exclusionary Processes Among Young Adults of Parents With Intellectual
Mikaela Starke
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities - 2013 -
Young adults with intellectual disability recall their
Mikaela Starke
Journal of Intellectual Disabilities - 2011 -
Supporting Families With Parents With Intellectual Disability: Views and Experiences of Professionals in the
Mikaela Starke
Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities - 2011 -
Women and Men With Intellectual Disabilities Who Sell or Trade Sex: Voices From the
Jari Kuosmanen, Mikaela Starke
Journal of Social Work in Disability & Rehabilitation - 2011 -
Encounters with professionals: views and experiences of mothers with intellectual
Mikaela Starke
Journal of Intellectual Disabilities - 2010 -
Descriptions of children's needs and parenthood among mothers with intellectual
Mikaela Starke
Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research - 2010 -
Vardagliv med
Lisbeth Bengtsson, Carina Mannefred, Mikaela Starke
Socionomens Forskningssupplement - 2008 -
Barn som har föräldrar med
Mikaela Starke
2007 -
Families Coping with Cancer: A Cross-National Comparison between Sweden and the United
Mikaela Starke
4th International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health, Canada - 2005 -
Föräldrar med utvecklingsstörning och deras barn – vad finns det för
Mikaela Starke
2005 -
Parents’ descriptions of development and problems associated with having an infant with Turner syndrome- a retrospective
Mikaela Starke, Kerstin Albertsson-Wikland, Anders Möller
Paediatrics and Child Health - 2003 -
A different
Mikaela Starke
2003 -
Att bli tonåring – ett
Mikaela Starke
Rapport, institutionen för socialt arbete, Göteborgs universitet - 2003 -
The needs of parents for knowledge concerning the medical diagnosis of their
Mikaela Starke, Anders Möller
Journal of Child Health Care - 2002 -
Parents’ experiences of receiving the diagnosis of Turner syndrome - an explorative and retrospective
Mikaela Starke, Kerstin Albertsson-Wikland, Anders Möller
Patient Education and Counseling - 2002 -
Mothers’ and fathers’ experiences of having a teenager with Turner
Mikaela Starke
NNDR, Nordic Network on Disability Research, 6th Annual Research Conference, Island - 2002 -
Construction of a Global Assessment Scale of Family Function, using a
Mikaela Starke, Elisabeth Svensson
Social Work in Health Care - 2001 -
Family Function in Families with Children of Normal Height and in Families with Short
Mikaela Starke, Ann Erling, Anders Möller, Kerstin Albertsson-Wikland
Acta Paediatrica - 2000 -
Inter-disciplinärt samarbete inom
Mikaela Starke, Elisabeth Svensson
Socialmedicinsk tidskrift - 2000 -
Feeding problems and wellbeing among girls with Turner syndrome-a parent
Mikaela Starke
5th International Turner symposium, Italy - 2000 -
“Parents’ experiences of the infertility of their girls with Turner
Mikaela Starke
5th International Turner symposium, Italy - 2000 -
Comparision of similar variables in different self-report
Mikaela Starke
Family and Health a Multidiciplinary conference on Family Mechanisms, Forskningsrådsnämnden - 2000