
Therése Julia Iréne Skoog

Assistant Dean

Faculty of Social Sciences
Visiting address
Konstepidemins väg 2A
41314 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 700
40530 Göteborg

About Therése Julia Iréne Skoog

Therése Skoog is Professor of Psychology and an excellent teacher at the Department of Psychology, University of Gothenburg. She is vice dean for education at the Faculty of Social Sciences. From 2002 to 2017 she worked at Örebro University. From 2015 to 2018 she was part-time associate professor at the Institute for Psychology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim. From 2018 to 2019 she was a visiting researcher at the School of Health, Jönköping University.

Professor Skoog's research focuses on adolescent development and adjustment. She also conducts research on prevention and promotion. Professor Skoog is a member of the research groups GRID (Gothenburg Research In Developmental Psychology), IIF (Intervention and Implementation Research Group) and LoRDIA (Longitudinal Research on Adolescence). She is the project leader of several research projects on sexual harassment among school students, including PRISE. She is currently supervising one post doc and five PhD students at the University of Gothenburg and Örebro University.

Professor Skoog is Section Editor of the Scandinavian Journal of Psychology and is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Youth and Adolescence. She is a member of American Psychological Association and Society for Prevention Research.

Professor Skoog is a distingushed University teacher appointed Örebro University's Best Female Educator by students in 2014. She is also the Faculty of Social Sciences' representative in the PIL Unit Council (Unit for Pedagogical Development and Interactive Learning at the University of Gothenburg). Furthermore, she is project leader for the pedagogical development project "Sustainable and accessible learning environments" at the Faculty of Social Sciences.

In addition to tasks related to teaching and research, Professor Skoog continuously interacts with society through various research collaborations, consulting assignments, and lectures, mainly related to child and youth development. She is a member of the Scientific Council of the Swedish National Board of Institutions (SiS) and participated in 2021 in an academic expert council at the Office of the Ombudsman for Children. In 2018-2021, Professor Skoog had a collaborative project with the Västra Götaland region on promoting children's mental health and has ongoing projects with Örebro municipality and the city of Stockholm. Skoog is an expert at SBU (Swedish National Review Board for Medical and Social Evaluation) in projects on interventions for young people who have committed criminal offences.

Professor Skoog is the author of the programme My choice - My way! for young people placed in community care.