
Oscar Westlund

Senior Lecturer

Journalism Media and Communication JMG
Visiting address
Seminariegatan 1B
41313 Göteborg
Room number
242 Mediehuset
Postal address
Box 710
405 30 Göteborg

About Oscar Westlund

Oscar Westlund, PhD, is Associate Professor at JMG. He defended his PhD thesis Cross-media News Work – Sensemaking of the Mobile Media (R)evolution in January 2012. Since March 2012 he also holds a position at the IT University of Copenhagen, currently as Associate Professor.


Ms.Sc. Media and Communication Studies and Ms.Sc. Theory of Science. Westlund has consulted in the media- and telecom industries as well as public authorities and other companies, and was also the founder of an online venture focusing videoblogging and social networking.

Since 2005 Westlund is employed at JMG, engaged mostly in research, but also teaches for numerous different courses in journalism as well as media and communication studies.


Westlund teaches for a plethora of courses given within both the journalism program and the program for media- and communication studies. His teaching focuses journalism, digital-, mobile and social media, media management, strategic communication, crisis communication as well as different approaches to analysis.

Westlund is course administrator for an advanced course titled “Analysis of organisations, media and opinions” which instructs on nine different approaches to analysis.

Research Areas

Westlund’s research has focused transformations and relationships between old and new media. He has specialized in qualitative and quantitative longitudinal studies of usage patterns, media organisations as well as media content and functionalities. He researches the evolving dynamics and interplay of journalism, internet and ICTs, in general, and the intersection of newspapers and mobile media, in particular.

His doctoral dissertation constituted a longitudinal study into cross-media news work, focusing transforming tensions and the sensemaking of mobile media in the newspaper industry. Besides his monograph dissertation, Westlund has published widely in English and Swedish. Among the international journals he has published with in recent years are Digital Journalism, Information, Communication & Society, Journalism Practice, European Review, Northern Lights, International Journal on Media Management, Behaviour & Information Technology, New Media & Society, International Journal of Communication and Canadian Journal of Communication.

Currents Research Projects

During 2013 and onwards Westlund mostly works on a JMG research project titled Crisis Communication 2.0, but also on a collaborative project with Ericsson and Security Arena on crisis communication and digital media. Both projects are funded by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency. Westlund also conduct research for the DMC research group at the IT University of Copenhagen. On top of that, Westlund engages in several other interpersonal research projects. 


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