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- Oskar Lindwall
Oskar Lindwall
Department of Applied IT, div CLICAbout Oskar Lindwall
I am a Professor in Communication at the Department of Applied IT, at the University of Gothenburg.
I have a disciplinary background in cognitive science, communication studies and education. My research focuses on the use of technology in higher education, video research in the learning sciences, ethnomethodology and conversation analysis. I have conducted empirical studies on critique sessions in architecture education, lab work in science education, surgical training, YouTube tutorials, and the teaching and learning of craft.
I am the principal investigator in the following projects:
- Teaching, training and assessment of surgical skills, using human cadavers (VR)
- The sensitive nature of feedback as an interactional phenomenon (RJ)
- Human cadavers as instructed objects and their use in anatomy teaching and surgical training (Wenner-Gren), 2019
- Online instructional videos and learning of practical skills (MAW)
- Technologies and techniques in the learning of endodontics (VR)
In this video recorded interview, produced for the International Master Program in Communication, I provide a brief outline of my research interests.
My teaching mainly concerns learning and IT, social interaction, higher education, and qualitative methods.
Intelligent Learning Systems for Simulator-Based Professional Training: A Systematic Literature
Martina Odéen, Charlott Sellberg, Gesa Praetorius, Oskar Lindwall, Linn Englund, Anders Andersson
In: Kim, T.E., Milrad, M., Remolar, I. (eds) Integrating Emerging Technologies into Education and Training: Proceedings of the 2nd ETELT 2024 Workshop. MIS4TEL 2024. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 1274. Springer, Cham. - 2025 -
Crafting congruence: towards systematic scenario design in maritime simulator training and
Susan Harrington, Charlott Sellberg, Oskar Lindwall
WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs - 2025 -
The Routledge International Handbook of
Andrew Carlin, Alex Dennis, Neil Jenkings, Oskar Lindwall, Michael Mair
2025 -
On the Analytic Orientations and Study Policies of Ethnomethodology's Radical
Oskar Lindwall
The Routledge International Handbook of Ethnomethodology - 2025 -
Calibrating hands-on experience and manual know-how in anatomical
Michael Smith, Oskar Lindwall
Language and Communication - 2025 -
Sequence organization in the instruction of embodied
Oskar Lindwall, Lorenza Mondada
Language and Communication - 2025 -
Ethnomethodology and Ethnomethodological Conversation Analysis: An Orientation to
Neil Jenkings, Oskar Lindwall, Andrew Carlin, Michael Mair, Alex Dennis
The Routledge International Handbook of Ethnomethodology - 2025 -
Festschrift for Michael Lynch: A Special Issue of Ethnographic
Oskar Lindwall, Douglas Macbeth, Dusan Bjelic
Ethnographic Studies - 2024 -
Introduction to the Festschrift for Michael
Douglas Macbeth, Oskar Lindwall, Dusan Bjelic
Ethnographic Studies - 2024 -
A conversation with Michael
Michael Lynch, Bob Anderson, Wes Sharrock, Douglas Macbeth, Dusan Bjelic, Oskar Lindwall
Ethnographic Studies - 2024 -
From charming to challenging. Unpacking human-robot interactions in the
Jonas Ivarsson, Oskar Lindwall
Presented at IIEMCA conference, June 25-28, 2024 Seoul, Korea - 2024 -
Conversation analysis, dialogism, and the case for a minimal communicative
Oskar Lindwall, Erik Boström
Language Sciences - 2024 -
Student writing in higher education: From texts to practices to textual
Gustav Lymer, Oskar Lindwall, Christian Greiffenhagen
Linguistics and Education - 2024 -
Vernacular and technical analysis in
Oskar Lindwall
IIEMCA 2024 - 2024 -
Ethnomethodology and the Learning
Oskar Lindwall
IIEMCA 2024, Pre-Conference Workshop - 2024 -
Bodies, mock-ups, maxims, and the practical work of surgical training on human
Michael Smith, Oskar Lindwall
IIEMCA - 2024 -
Generative AI and the Human Touch: Investigating the Changing Landscape of Feedback in
Bunichi Otaki, Oskar Lindwall
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of the Learning Sciences - ICLS 2024 - 2024 -
Socialization and accountability: Instructional responses to peer feedback in healthcare simulation
Elin Nordenström, Gustav Lymer, Oskar Lindwall
Medical and Healthcare Interactions Members’ Competence and Socialization, Edited by Sara Keel - 2024 -
Detail, Granularity, and Laic Analysis in Instructional
Oskar Lindwall, Gustav Lymer
Instructed and Instructive Actions The Situated Production, Reproduction, and Subversion of Social Order, edited by Michael Lynch & Oskar Lindwall - 2023 -
Instructed and Instructive Actions: The Situated Production, Reproduction, and Subversion of Social
Michael Lynch, Oskar Lindwall
2023 -
Introduction: Instructed and Instructive
Michael Lynch, Oskar Lindwall
Instructed and Instructive Actions The Situated Production, Reproduction, and Subversion of Social Order, Edited by Michael Lynch & Oskar Lindwall - 2023 -
Praxeological Validity of Instructed
Harold Garfinkel, Michael Lynch, Oskar Lindwall
Instructed and Instructive Actions: The Situated Production, Reproduction, and Subversion of Social Order - 2023 -
Calibrating Understanding and Hands-on Experience in Anatomical
Michael Smith, Oskar Lindwall
International Conference on Conversation Analysis - 2023 -
Kirurgisk träning under ST – en
Magnus Kjellman, Margareta Berg, Oskar Lindwall
Läkartidningen - 2023 -
Suspicious Minds: the Problem of Trust and Conversational
Jonas Ivarsson, Oskar Lindwall
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) - 2023 -
Tvärvetenskaplig forskning om kirurgisk
Oskar Lindwall
ÖNH-dagarna - 2023 -
Trust and understanding in talking with
Jonas Ivarsson, Oskar Lindwall
The Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, 2022 - 2022 -
Edubots in the Wild: Developing, Staging, and Interacting with Robots in
Philippe Sormani, Oskar Lindwall
Semaine internationale de l’éducation – 12-16 septembre 2022 – Université de Lausanne - 2022 -
Presidential Session – ISLS 20 years: Where are we now and where are we
Oskar Lindwall, Crina Damsa, Yotam Hod, Nancy Law, Sahana Murthy, Nikol Rummel, Miguel Nussbaum, Roy Pea
General Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Meeting of the International Society of the Learning Sciences 2022 - 2022 -
The sensitive nature of feedback as a sequential
Oskar Lindwall, Gustav Lymer, Jonas Ivarsson
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences - ICLS 2022. - 2022 -
“Are you asking me or are you telling me?”: Expertise, evidence, and blame attribution in a post-game
Oskar Lindwall, Michael Lynch
Discourse Studies - 2021 -
Making Time: Pausing to Coordinate Video Instructions and Practical
S. Tuncer, Oskar Lindwall, B. Brown
Symbolic Interaction - 2021 -
The relevance of interdisciplinary research for surgical
Oskar Lindwall
SURGICON Congress - 2021 -
Searching for Instruction: Practices and Trajectories in the Selection of Online Video
Thomas Hillman, Oskar Lindwall
Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences - 2021 -
The demonstration of reflection-in-action in maritime
Charlott Sellberg, Oskar Lindwall, Hans Rystedt
Reflective Practice - 2021 -
The demonstration of reflection-in-action in
Charlott Sellberg, Oskar Lindwall, Hans Rystedt
International Conference on Analyzing and advancing simulations for professional learning (SimPro2021) - 2021 -
Human bodies in anatomy teaching and surgical
Oskar Lindwall
SimPro2021 - 2021 -
Show Them or Involve Them? Two Organizations of Embodied
Bryn Evans, Oskar Lindwall
Research on Language and Social Interaction - 2020 -
Redskap och
Anna Ekström, Oskar Lindwall
Multimodal interaktionsanalys - 2020 -
"Are You Asking Me or Telling Me?": Knowledge, Expertise, and Video Replays in an
Oskar Lindwall, Michael Lynch
American Sociological Association - 2020 -
On pause: How Online Instructional Videos are Used to Achieve Practical
Sylvaine Tuncer, Barry Brown, Oskar Lindwall
Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. - 2020 -
Tactile understandings, anatomical training, and human
Sean Michael Smith, Oskar Lindwall
5th Copenhagen Multimodality Day, Copenhagen, Denmark - 2019 -
Achieving practical tasks with online video tutorials: the collaborative production of instructed
Sylvaine Tuncer, Oskar Lindwall, Barry Brown
IIEMCA, Mannheim, Germany - 2019 -
Details, granularity and laic analysis in instructional
Oskar Lindwall
IIEMCA, Mannheim, Germany - 2019 -
Att ge och ta
Oskar Lindwall
Sånt vi bara gör - 2019 -
Coordinating ‘telling’ and ‘showing’ in online video
Bryn Evans, Oskar Lindwall, Barry Brown, Thomas Hillman
International Conference on Conversation Analysis, 11-15 July, Loughborough University, UK - 2018 -
Instructions as Grammars for
Oskar Lindwall
OFTI 2018, 20-21 September, Stockholm - 2018 -
Choosing and using instructional
Thomas Hillman, Oskar Lindwall, Barry Brown, Sylvaine Tuncer
VALS - ASLA: A Video Turn in Linguistics? Methodologie – Analisi – Applications, 6-8 June, Basel - 2018 -
The comfort of powerpoint: Sequencing and unpacking in lecturing
Frode Guribye, Oskar Lindwall
VALS - ASLA: A Video Turn in Linguistics? Methodologie – Analisi – Applications, 6-8 June, Basel - 2018 -
Moving Forward: In Search of Synergy Across Diverse Views on the Role of Physical Movement in Design for STEM
Dor Abrahamson, Alejandro Andrade, Arthur Bakker, Mitchel Nathan, Candace Walkington, Robb Lindgren, David Brown, Asnat R. Zohar, Sharona Levy, Joshua Danish, Adam V. Maltese, Noel Enyedy, Megan Humburg, Asmalina Saleh, Maggie Dahn, Christine Lee, Xintian Tu, Bria Davis, Chris Georgen, Oskar Lindwall
Rethinking Learning in the Digital Age: Making the Learning Sciences Count, 13th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2018, Volume 2 - 2018 -
“It′s good enough”: Swedish general dental practitioners on reasons for accepting sub-standard root filling
Lisbeth Dahlström, Oskar Lindwall, Hans Rystedt, Claes Reit
International Endodontic Journal - 2018 -
Exploring the endogenous pedagogies of competent
Oskar Lindwall, Jonas Ivarsson, Gustav Lymer, Mikaela Åberg
Co-operative Engagements in Intertwined Semiosis: Essays in Honour of Charles Goodwin - 2018 -
Online instructional videos and the demonstration and acquisition of practical
Oskar Lindwall, Bryn Evans, Barry Brown, Thomas Hillman
IIEMCA Biennial conference in Columbus, Ohio, USA JULY 10-13, 2017. - 2017 -
“Are you asking me or are you telling me”: Challenges, evidence and
Oskar Lindwall
IIEMCA Biennial conference in Columbus, Ohio, USA JULY 10-13, 2017. - 2017 -
"Working in the dark”: Swedish general dental practitioners on the complexity of root-canal
Lisbeth Dahlström, Oskar Lindwall, Hans Rystedt, Claes Reit
International Endodontic Journal - 2017 -
Intersubjectivity in hypnotic
Erling Fjeldstad, Oskar Lindwall, Jonas Ivarsson
Intersubjectivity in Action. 11th – 13th May 2017, University of Helsinki, Finland - 2017 -
The recognizability and consequentiality of mistakes: Some notes on the article by Klemp et
Oskar Lindwall, Bryn Evans, Claes Reit
Éducation et didactique - 2017 -
Experiences, appearances, and interprofessional training: The instructional use of video in post-simulation
Elin Johansson, Oskar Lindwall, Hans Rystedt
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning - 2017 -
Epistemic status and the recognizability of social
Oskar Lindwall, Gustav Lymer, Jonas Ivarsson
Discourse Studies - 2016 -
Instruction, reflection and professional interaction: Post- scenario debriefings in simulation-based medical team
Elin Johansson, Oskar Lindwall, Hans Rystedt
Interactional Competences in Institutional Practices - 2016 -
The embodied and sequential organization of correction in basketball
Bryn Evans, Oskar Lindwall
ISGS Conference 2016 - 2016 -
Is the epistemic program a radical revision or a rival
Jonas Ivarsson, Oskar Lindwall
Paper presented at the Radical Ethnomethodology meeting, Manchester, UK. 22-23 June - 2016 -
The Sequential Analysis of
Oskar Lindwall, Gustav Lymer, Christian Greiffenhagen
The handbook of classroom discourse and interaction - 2015 -
The Epistemic Program and the recognizability of social
Oskar Lindwall, Jonas Ivarsson
The International Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis Conference, Kolding, Denmark, August 4-7 - 2015 -
Experiences, appearances, and professional conduct: The use of video for instruction and reflection in post-simulation
Elin Johansson, Oskar Lindwall, Hans Rystedt
Revisiting Participation: Language and bodies in interaction - 2015 -
Exploring the Material Conditions of Learning: The Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) Conference 2015, Volume
Oskar Lindwall, Päivi Häkkinen, Timothy Koschmann, Pierre Tchounikine, Sten Ludvigsen
2015 -
Exploring the Material Conditions of Learning: The Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) Conference 2015, Volume
Oskar Lindwall, Päivi Häkkinen, Timothy Koschmann, Pierre Tchounikine, Sten Ludvigsen
2015 -
The body in medical work and medical training: An
Oskar Lindwall
Discourse Studies - 2014 -
The use of video in dental education: Clinical reality addressed as practical matters of production, interpretation and
Oskar Lindwall, Elin Johansson, Hans Rystedt, Jonas Ivarsson, Claes Reit
Studies of video practices : video at work / edited by Mathias Broth, Eric Laurier and Lorenza Mondada - 2014 -
Touch and tactility as an instructional resource – Investigating the embodied work of teaching and learning
Oskar Lindwall, Anna Ekström
4th International Conference on Conversation Analysis - 2014 -
The limits of professional vision: The observability and reportability of endodontic
Oskar Lindwall, Gustav Lymer
4th International conference Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice - 2014 -
To follow the materials The detection, diagnosis and correction of mistakes in craft
Anna Ekström, Oskar Lindwall
Interacting with objects: Language, materiality, and social activity - 2014 -
Contrasting recollections with video in post-simulation
Elin Johansson, Hans Rystedt, Oskar Lindwall
4th International Conference on Conversation Analysis 2014 - 2014 -
Do you see? Questions of visibility in educational broadcasts of endodontic
Gustav Lymer, Oskar Lindwall
4th International Conference on Conversation Analysis - 2014 -
Inquiries of the body: Novice questions and the instructable observability of endodontic
Oskar Lindwall, Gustav Lymer
Discourse Studies - 2014 -
Träning och bedömning av professionellt agerande i
Charlott Sellberg, Hans Rystedt, Oskar Lindwall, Olle Lindmark, Johan Hartler, Johan Magnusson, Joakim Dahlman
Chalmers annual Conference on Teaching and Learning (KUL2014) - 2014 -
Pedagogical use of video for feedback and reflection in simulation-based
Elin Johansson, Hans Rystedt, Oskar Lindwall, Torben Nordahl Amorøe
Högskolepedagogisk konferens i Göteborg (HKG 2013). ABSTRACTS [VERSION 1.6 | 2013-10-14] - 2013 -
Seeing through the dentist's eyes: Video-based clinical demonstrations in preclinical dental
Hans Rystedt, Claes Reit, Elin Johansson, Oskar Lindwall
Journal of Dental Education - 2013 -
Disciplinary Conditions for Assessment and Instruction: Examples from Four
Oskar Lindwall, Gustav Lymer, Christian Greiffenhagen
IIEMCA 2013 - 2013 -
Träning och bedömning av professionellt agerande i
Charlott Sellberg, Hans Rystedt, Oskar Lindwall, Olle Lindmark, Johan Hartler, Johan Magnusson, Joakim Dahlman
Högskolepedagogisk konferens i Göteborg (HKG 2013) - 2013 -
Inter-professional teamwork in emergency care: pedagogical use of video in post-simulation
Elin Johansson, Hans Rystedt, Oskar Lindwall
The 7th International meeting on Behavioural Science Applied to Surgery and Acute Care Settings - 2013 -
A collaboration of hands and the gesturalisation of
Oskar Lindwall, Anna Ekström
The 5th Conference of the International Society for Gesture Studies - 2012 -
Instruction-in-interaction: The teaching and learning of a manual
Oskar Lindwall, Anna Ekström
Human Studies - 2012 -
Making "learning" visible and assessable in educational
Oskar Lindwall, Gustav Lymer, Christian Greiffenhagen
12th International Pragmatics Conference - 2011 -
Uses of "understand" in science
Oskar Lindwall, Gustav Lymer
Journal of Pragmatics - 2011 -
Space and discourse interleaved: intertextuality and interpretation in the education of
Gustav Lymer, Oskar Lindwall, Jonas Ivarsson
Social Semiotics - 2011 -
Arkitektur, minne och
Gustav Lymer, Jonas Ivarsson, Oskar Lindwall
Säljö, R. (Red.) Lärande och minnande som social praktik - 2011 -
Hybridity and accountability in the design
Oskar Lindwall
International Conference on Conversation Analysis - 2010 -
Differences that make a difference: Contrasting the local enactment of two technologies in a kinematics
Oskar Lindwall, Jonas Ivarsson
Learning across sites: New tools, infrastructures and practices - 2010 -
Arranging for
Jonas Ivarsson, Hans Rystedt, Oskar Lindwall, Åsa Mäkitalo
Paper presented at the European Association for the study of Science and Technology conference, Trento, Italy - 2010 -
Professional competence in educational practice: The immanent pedagogies of design reviews in architectural
Gustav Lymer, Jonas Ivarsson, Oskar Lindwall
EARLI Conference - 2009 -
Instructed and accomplished visibilities: The relevance of ethnomethodology for the study of educational
Gustav Lymer, Oskar Lindwall, Jonas Ivarsson
The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Sociological Society - 2009 -
Arenas for learning and the road to
Att göra det osynliga synligt: Instruktion, interaktion och teknologi i
Oskar Lindwall
Jonas Linderoth (ed.) Individ, teknik och lärande - 2009 -
Contrasting the use of tools for presentation and critique: Some cases from architectural
Gustav Lymer, Jonas Ivarsson, Oskar Lindwall
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning - 2009 -
Questions, instructions and modes of listening in the joint production of guided action: A study of student-teacher collaboration in handicraft
Anna Ekström, Oskar Lindwall, Roger Säljö
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research - 2009 -
The ”crit” as a hybrid activity: Negotiating assessment in architectural
Oskar Lindwall, Gustav Lymer, Jonas Ivarsson
Paper presented at the Language and Mind Conference, July 14-16, Odense, Denmark - 2008 -
The accountability of the real: Place and authenticity in architectural
Gustav Lymer, Jonas Ivarsson, Oskar Lindwall
Paper presented at Space, Interaction, & Discourse. Aalborg, Denmark. - 2008 -
The visible and the invisible: Analysing learning and understanding in school science lab
Oskar Lindwall
Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Conceptual Change , August 23-25, Turku, Finland - 2008 -
Looking, listening and crocheting: Bein instructed in
A Ekström, Oskar Lindwall
Paper presented at Multimodality and learning: New perspective on knowledge, representation and communication, June 19-20, London. 2008 - 2008 -
Instruktion och imitation: Hantverkets responsiva
Oskar Lindwall, Anna Ekström
I H. Rystedt & R. Säljö (red.), Kunskap och människans redskap: Teknik och lärande - 2008 -
The Dark Matter of Lab Work: Illuminating the Negotiation of Disciplined Perception in
Oskar Lindwall, Gustav Lymer
Journal of the Learning Sciences - 2008 -
Lab work in science education, Instruction, inscription, and the practical achievement of
Oskar Lindwall
2008 -
Att ge och ta kritik: Examination i arkitektutbildning som hybrid
Oskar Lindwall, Gustav Lymer, Jonas Ivarsson
K. Borg & V. Lindberg (Red.), Kunskapande, kommunikation och bedömning i gestaltande utbildning - 2008 -
Ways of listening and the role of examples in handicraft
Anna Ekström, Oskar Lindwall
Paper presented at the Fourth Nordic Conference on Cultural and Activity Research, June 15-17, 2007, Oslo, Norway. - 2007 -
Embroideries, chain stitches and embodied inquiry: Being instructed in
Oskar Lindwall, Anna Ekström
Paper presented at the 12th Biennal EARLI conference, Aug 28 - Sept 1, 2007, Budapest, Hungary - 2007 -
Understanding and formulations of understanding in interaction: Students carrying out structured tasks in
Oskar Lindwall, Gustav Lymer
Paper presented at the 12th Biennal EARLI conference, Aug 28 - Sept 1, 2007, Budapest, Hungary - 2007 -
Instructional work in sloyd
Anna Ekström, Oskar Lindwall
the First International Research Conference on Slyd, Arts and Crafts/Design - 2006 -
Utbildning som forskningscentrerad lärgemenskap: Förändringsarbete i magisterutbildning. IPD Interna rapporter 06:
Approaching interactive engagement tasks: grounds for relevance and irrelevance in a computer-based mechanics
Oskar Lindwall, Gustav Lymer, Berner Lindström, Jonte Bernhard
COSIL - 2005 -
Microcomputer based laboratories and interactive lecture demonstrations: Characterising the differences that makes a
Oskar Lindwall, Gustav Lymer, Marie Degerman, Berner Lindström, Jonte Bernhard
ESERA - 2005 -
Theoretical Constructs and Concrete Work: Making Mechanics Visible in a Physics
Oskar Lindwall, Gustav Lymer
EARLI Conference - 2005 -
Vulgar competence, ethnomethodological indifference and curricular
Oskar Lindwall, Gustav Lymer
Koschmann, T., Suthers, D. & Chan, T-W. (eds). "Computer supported collaborative learning 2005: the next 10 years! proceedings from the International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning 2005", Tapei, May30-June 4, 2005 - 2005 -
The interactive construction of learning foci in simulation-based learning environments: A case study of an anaesthesia
Hans Rystedt, Oskar Lindwall
PsychNology - 2004 -
Approaching discovery
Jonte Bernhard, Oskar Lindwall
ESERA - 2003