
Charlott Sellberg

Senior Lecturer

Department of Applied IT, div CLIC
Visiting address
Forskningsgången 6
417 56 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 100
412 96 Göteborg

About Charlott Sellberg

I have a multidisciplinary background in Cognitive Science, Human-Computer Interaction and Education. My main interests are oriented towards topics related to the use of digital technologies in education, interaction between humans and the tools they use, as well as towards theories of learning and qualitative research methods. My teaching is mainly taking place within our 1 year master programme Learning, Communication and Information Technology and the 2 years international masters programme Information Technology and Learning. I am also guest lecturer at Chalmers University of Technology, World Maritime University and University of South Eastern Norway.

Ongoing research projects

The project Eye-tracking support in maritime pilotage education is a collaboration between Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg University, Linneus University and the Swedish Maritime Administration. The project is funded by the Swedish Transport Agency for 2,5 years to explore different aspects of tacit knowledge and visual expertise in maritime pilot training, and to evaluate eye-tracking technology as a tool to develop the visual expertise of a maritime pilot. The project is led by Anna-Lisa Osvalder (Chalmers University of Technology). I am responsible for two work packages: one on the use of simulator-based training for developing visual expertise in the training of maritime pilots and one on the instructors' use of eye-tracking in the evaluation of professional expertise.

The project Professional education and simulation- based training (PROSIM) gathers researchers from Norwegian University of Technology and Science, University of South-Eastern Norway and University of Gothenburg to study the use of simulations across three domains - health science, biomedicine and maritime professional education. Our aim is to develop knowledge and further understanding of the use of simulations for professional learning. In particular, our interest is to explore the relationship between simulations and the social, emotional, cognitive and practical dimensions to practice and professional identity development. The project involves forums for learning across domains and discussion both within academia and with the practice fields. Thus, the ambition of PROSIM is to stimulate cross-disciplinary learning of best practice as well as a shared system of concepts. Read more here:

Integrating Adaptive Learning in Maritime Simulator-Based Education and Training with Intelligent Learning System (I-MASTER) is funded by EU HORIZON-RIA and lead by Tae-Eun Kim (University of Tromsø). Project partners include University of Gothenburg, Fraunhofer CML, Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute, TERP Global, Solent University, University of South-Eastern Norway, Novia University of Applied Sciences - Aboa Mare Maritime Academy and Training Center and Vienna University of Economics and Business. The primary objective of i-MASTER project is to develop an Intelligent Learning System (ILS) with maritime learning analytics and adaptive learning function for students engaged in both remote and on-site maritime simulator-based education and training. In this process, the research team from UGOT will provide empirical studies on maritime simulator-based education and training as well as pedagogical guidelines for design, implementation and use of the ISL. Read more here:

Previous research projects

The 2 year post doc project funded by FORTE: Assessment of professional performance: Maritime technologies, knowledge and educational practices in transformation between 2019-2020 is about the use of simulators in maritime training and certification. Maritime education is an example of how the introduction of high-end technologies and international standards for training creates new challenges for educators. The main focus of the published articles is on the instructors’ work in simulated environments in terms of how elements in the social and material context are used as resources for assessment of professional performance. The overall aim is to contribute with empirically grounded knowledge regarding the use of simulators for maritime assessment that have the potential to develop the educational practices in simulator-based learning environments.

The project Safety training of onboard personnel for resilience was a collaboration between Linneus University and University of Gothenburg, funded by Swedish Mercantile Marine Foundation between 2020-2022. Together with Carl Hult, Gesa Praetorius and Martin Viktorelius I investigated how various departments onboard train for safety and preparedness, how training needs are defined and how training outcomes are assessed with the overall aim to advance safety training practices.

PhD Student Supervision

Principal supervisor for Adam Palmquist. Adam defended his thesis "Plug & Play? Stakeholders’ co-meaningmaking of gamification implementations in workplace learning environments" at the Department of Applied IT, University of Gothenburg, Sweden in February 2023. Faculty opponent Professor Frode Guribye, Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen, Norway.

Assistant supervisor for Izabella Csonka (UGOT) 2020-

Assistant supervisor for William C Gyldensten (USN) 2021-

Assistant supervisor for Mari Auby Starup (USN) 2021-

Assistant supervisor for Ellen Bjørge (NTNU) 2022-

Assistant supervisor for Anastasia Skarpeti (NTNU) 2022-