
Charlott Sellberg

Senior Lecturer

Department of Applied IT, div CLIC
Visiting address
Forskningsgången 6
417 56 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 100
412 96 Göteborg

About Charlott Sellberg

Charlott Sellberg is an Associate Professor in Applied Information Technology with a focus on Educational Science at the Department of Applied IT, University of Gothenburg. She has a background in Cognitive Science and holds a PhD in Education from the University of Gothenburg.

She is actively involved in teacher training on the digitalization of education and societal impact of new AI technologies. She also supervises several PhD candidates at University of Gothenburg, University of South-Eastern Norway, and Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Her research centers on learning in safety-critical and technology-intensive environments, particularly within professional education and training. She explores how digital tools and simulations support the development of expertise and how instructional and assessment practices shape professional learning. Her work employs ethnographic field studies, interviews, and video-based interaction analysis to examine how knowledge and skills are acquired in context.

She is currently engaged in two ongoing, interdisciplinary projects. In the PROSIM project she contributes to cross-domain investigations of simulation-based training in healthcare, biomedical laboratory science, and navigation. She is coordinator for the team from University of Gothenburg in the EU HORIZON RIA-funded I-MASTER project, which aims to develop an Intelligent Learning System for maritime simulator-based education.

Sellberg serves as Chair for the Nordic Network for simulation-based training and professional learning (SimPro), an editor for Högre utbildning, and a member of the editorial board for WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs. She is an advisory board member for the Centre of Excellence in Maritime Simulator Training and Assessment (COAST) and member of the E-CER Scaffolding in Simulations for Learning and Professional Development.

Her previous roles include Head of Division for Learning, Communication, and IT at the Department of Applied IT, associate professor at University of Oslo and a Postdoctoral Fellow at Chalmers University of Technology.