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- Pedro Inostroza
Pedro Inostroza
Department of Biological & Environmental SciencesAbout Pedro Inostroza
I am Principal Investigator (PI) working in the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences (BIOENV) and part of the FRAM - Centre for Future Chemical Risk Analysis and Management at the University of Gothenburg. My scientific background is aquatic ecology, environmental chemistry, and ecotoxicology. I studied the pollution dynamic of organic micropollutants and their effect at the population genetic level during my PhD at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ. I received my PhD degree from the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Sciences and Natural Sciences at the RWTH Aachen University in Germany.
Research and teaching
My research interests are the assessment of mixtures of chemicals in environmental samples and understanding how genomic and functional genomics patterns are affected by this complex chemical contamination in aquatic ecosystems (marine and freshwater). I focus on organic micropollutants (pesticides, pharmaceuticals and personal care products, and industrial chemicals) and to a lesser extent inorganic pollutants (heavy metals). I integrate high-resolution data sets of chemicals in order to build pollution fingerprints associated with pollution sources. I use DNA-based tools (environmental DNA, metabarcoding, genomics, and transcriptomics) to get new insights on how aquatic organisms (microbial communities, macroinvertebrates, and fish) response to chemical contamination in stressed aquatic environments. I am particularly interested in linking functional chemical features (mode of action) and genomic and gene expression responses of stressed organisms in the field applying an ecotoxicogenomic approach.
I lecture “Molecular methods and omics in community ecotoxicology” in the course Ecotoxicology with emphasis on ecology (BIO430) for students of the master program in Ecotoxicology at the University of Gothenburg. I have supervised several students conducting their master thesis and hosted students part of the ERASMUS+ programme.
Current projects
2021-2024: Mixture pollution in agricultural streams: linking the effect of chemicals to the genome of freshwater organisms using an ecotoxicogenomic approach. Principal Investigator. (Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development (FORMAS: 2020-00976)
2016-2021: FRAM: Centre for Future Chemical Risk Assessment and Management at the University of Gothenburg. Work package co-leader. (UGOT Challenges).
Collaboration and Networking
I collaborate with several colleagues including Prof. Thomas Backhaus, Prof. Ingela Dahllöf, and Natàlia Corcoll at BIOENV. I have several collaborations outside BIOENV, PD Dr. Werner Brack (Head of the Department of Effect-Directed Analysis at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ), Prof. Renato Quinones (Director of the Interdisciplinary Center for Aquaculture Research (INCAR) at the University of Concepcion), and Prof. Marco Salamanca (Director of the Chemistry Oceanography Laboratory (LOQ) at the University of Concepcion).
I am an active member of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), BECC (Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate), and Gothenburg Centre for Sustainable Development (GMV). I review for different peer-reviewed journals (e.g. ES&T, STOTEN, Environment Pollution, Journal of Environmental Management, Microbial Ecology, and Water Research).
Future students
Master students are welcome to contact me for an internship and/or thesis project. If you are not in Sweden, we can apply to the ERASMUS+ programme. PhD students looking for short or long stay are welcome to contact me for funding opportunities. Independent postdoctoral are welcome to join my group and apply jointly for fundings (e.g. Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship).
Here the full list of scientific articles
Multi-compartment impact of micropollutants and particularly antibiotics on bacterial communities using environmental DNA at river
Pedro Inostroza, Gerdhard L. Jessen, Feilong Li, Xiaowei Zhang, Werner Brack, Thomas Backhaus
Co-occurrence and spatial distribution of organic micropollutants in surface waters of the River Aconcagua and Maipo basins in Central
Yolanda Soriano, Eric Carmona, Javier Renovell, Yolanda Pico, Werner Brack, Martin Krauss, Thomas Backhaus, Pedro Inostroza
A multi-scenario risk assessment strategy applied to mixtures of chemicals of emerging concern in the River Aconcagua basin in Central
Pedro Inostroza, Sebastian Elgueta, Martin Krauss, Werner Brack, Thomas Backhaus
Science of the Total Environment - 2024 -
Environmental Risks of Pharmaceutical Mixtures in Aquatic Ecosystems: Reflections on a Decade of
K. A. Kidd, Thomas Backhaus, T. Brodin, Pedro Inostroza, E. S. McCallum
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry - 2024 -
Defining the data gap: What do we know about environmental exposure, hazards and risks of pharmaceuticals in the European aquatic
Francis Spilsbury, Pedro Inostroza, Patrik Svedberg, C. Cannata, A. M. J. Ragas, Thomas Backhaus
Dataset on aquatic ecotoxicity predictions of 2697 chemicals, using three quantitative structure-activity relationship
Patrik Svedberg, Pedro Inostroza, Mikael Gustavsson, Erik Kristiansson, Francis Spilsbury, Thomas Backhaus
Data in Brief - 2023 -
Dataset comprising pesticides, pharmaceuticals and personal care products, and industrial chemicals detected in streams and rivers of Central
Pedro Inostroza, S. Elgueta, M. Muz, M. Krauss, W. Brack, Thomas Backhaus
Data in Brief - 2023 -
Target Screening of Chemicals of Emerging Concern (CECs) in Surface Waters of the Swedish West
Pedro Inostroza, E. Carmona, Åsa Arrhenius, M. Krauss, W. Brack, Thomas Backhaus
Data - 2023 -
Disentangling multiple chemical and non-chemical stressors in a lotic ecosystem using a longitudinal
Markus Weitere, Rolf Altenburger, Christine Anlanger, Martina Baborowski, Ilona Baerlund, Liza-Marie Beckers, Dietrich Borchardt, Werner Brack, Lisa Brase, Wibke Busch, Antonis Chatzinotas, Bjorn Deutschmann, Jens Eligehausen, Karin Frank, Daniel Graeber, Christian Griebler, Jeske Hagemann, Peter Herzsprung, Henner Hollert, Pedro Inostroza, Christoph G. Jaeger, Rene Kallies, Norbert Kamjunke, Bernhard Karrasch, Sigrid Kaschuba, Andrew Kaus, Bernd Klauer, Kay Knoeller, Matthias Koschorreck, Martin Krauss, Julia Kunz, Marie J. Kurz, Matthias Liess, Margarete Mages, Christin Mueller, Matthias Muschket, Andreas Musolff, Helge Norf, Florian Poehlein, Lena Reiber, Ute Risse-Buhl, Karl-Werner Schramm, Mechthild Schmitt-Jansen, Markus Schmitz, Ulrike Strachauer, Wolf von Tuempling, Nina Weber, Romy Wild, Christine Wolf, Mario Brauns
A multi-biomarker study on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) affected by the emerging Red Skin Disease in the Baltic
Fabian Weichert, Charlotte Axén, Lars Förlin, Pedro Inostroza, Ulrike Kammann, Annikki Welling, Joachim Sturve, Noomi Asker
Journal of Fish Diseases - 2021 -
Long-term effects of a catastrophic insecticide spill on stream
Lena Reiber, Saskia Knillmann, Oliver Kaske, Liseth C. Atencio, Lisa Bittner, Julia E. Albrecht, Astrid Götz, Ann Katrin Fahl, Liza Marie Beckers, Martin Krauss, Bernhard Henkelmann, Karl Werner Schramm, Pedro Inostroza, Lena Schinkel, Mario Brauns, Markus Weitere, Werner Brack, Matthias Liess
Science of the Total Environment - 2021 -
Sources and Fate of the Antiandrogenic Fluorescent Dye 4-Methyl-7-Diethylaminocoumarin in Small River
M. Muschket, W. Brack, Pedro Inostroza, L. M. Beckers, T. Schulze, M. Krauss
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry - 2021 -
Combination of In Situ Feeding Rate Experiments and Chemical Body Burden Analysis to Assess the Influence of Micropollutants in Wastewater on Gammarus
S. Konemann, Y. Muller, D. Tschentscher, M. Krauss, Pedro Inostroza, I. Bruckner, J. Pinnekamp, S. Schiwy, H. Hollert
Int J Environ Res Public Health - 2019 -
Overview of known plastic packaging-associated chemicals and their
Ksenia J Groh, Thomas Backhaus, Bethanie Carney Almroth, Birgit Geueke, Pedro Inostroza, Anna Lennquist, Heather A Leslie, Maricel Maffini, Daniel Slunge, Leonardo Trasande, A Michael Warhurst, Jane Muncke
Science of the Total Environment - 2019 -
Tandem Action of Natural and Chemical Stressors in Stream Ecosystems: Insights from a Population Genetic
Pedro Inostroza, I. Vera-Escalona, R. Wild, H. Norf, M. Brauns
Environmental Science & Technology - 2018