Rasmus Broms
Associate Senior Lecturer
Department of Political ScienceResearcher
Department of Political ScienceAbout Rasmus Broms
I am associate professor in political science. Currently, my research primarily focuses on institutions and local accountability.
My current project, Ready to serve? Structural reform, institutional quality, and welfare services in Swedish municipalities, (funded by the Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare [FORTE]; with Carl Dahlström) centers around municipal administration and new public management with a focus on elder care. In relation to this project, we also study the effects of COVID-19 in Swedish residential elder care (within the project ”Ägandeformer och smittspridning av COVID-19 inom svensk äldreomsorg,” also funded by FORTE; with Marina Nistotskaya). As part of this work includes a background report for the Swedish Corona Commission.
My previous project, Go broad or go home: A theoretical and empirical expansion of the institutional resource curse (funded by the Swedish Research Council international postdoc grant), was carried out in part at Duke University and focused on extending the framework of the resource curse on novel applications, particularly tourism.
Earlier, I was involved in the project Out of Control or Over Controlled? Incentives, Audits and New Public Management, where I primarily focused on the role of performance audits and public procurement.