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- Carl Dahlström
Carl Dahlström
Faculty Board of Social SciencesAbout Carl Dahlström
Carl Dahlström is professor of political science, and Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Gothenburg.
He has been a visiting scholar at the European University Institute, University of Oxford, Sciences Po, Paris, Harvard University, and Stockholm University.
His research is concerned with comparative and historical perspectives on public administration, administrative reforms and welfare state policymaking. He has also studied Swedish immigrant policy and anti-immigrant parties.
Dahlström is, or has been, supervising nine graduate students: Elin Bergman (PhD, 2019) (main supervisor); Frida Boräng (PhD, 2013) (main supervisor); Rasmus Broms (PhD, 2016) (main supervisor); Simon Gren (main supervisor); Ragnheiður Hergeirsdóttir (assistant supervisor), Mikael Holmgren (PhD, 2017) (main supervisor); Felix Lehmann (assistant supervisor); Elena Leuschner (PhD, 2025) (main supervisor); and Christina Ribbhagen (PhD, 2013) (assistant supervisor).
Dahlström’s papers have appeared in American Journal of Political Science, Journal of Politics; Annual Review of Political Science; Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, British Journal of Political Science; and many other international journals.
He is the co-author of the monograph Organizing Leviathan (with Victor Lapuente) (Cambridge University Press), and is the co-editor of Elites, Institutions, and the Quality of Government (with Lena Wängnerud) (Palgrave) and Steering from the Centre: Strengthening Political Control in Western Democracies (with B. Guy Peters and Jon Pierre) (University of Toronto Press). He has also contributed to the International Encyclopedia of Political Science (Sage) and the Routledge Handbook of Political Corruption (Routledge) and is section editor in the Handbook of Public Administration (Sage, second edition) and the Oxford Handbook of Swedish Politics (Oxford University Press).
For a full list of publications see Dahlström’s CV.
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Sweden's Responses to
Carl Dahlström, Johannes Lindvall
Policy Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic: An International Comparative Approach - 2025 -
Parliamentary Control of Ministerial
Mikael Holmgren, Carl Dahlström
2024 -
Structural Characteristics of Long-Term Care Facilities for Elderly and COVID-19 Outcomes: A Systematic
COVID-19 Mortality and the Structural Characteristics of Long-Term Care Facilities: Evidence from
Rasmus Broms, Carl Dahlström, Jenna Najar, Marina Nistotskaya
Public Performance and Management Review - 2024 -
Provider Ownership and Indicators of Service Quality: Evidence from Swedish Residential Care
Rasmus Broms, Carl Dahlström, Marina Nistotskaya
Journal of public administration research and theory - 2024 -
Predictors of COVID-19 outcomes among residents of Swedish long-term care facilities – a nationwide study of the year
Jenna Najar, Rasmus Broms, Carl Dahlström, Marina Nistotskaya
The American journal of geriatric psychiatry - 2023 -
Loyal Leaders, Affluent Agencies: The Budgetary Implications of Political Appointments in the Executive
Carl Dahlström, Mikael Holmgren
Journal of Politics - 2023 -
Delegering, politisering och svensk
Carl Dahlström
Dahlström, Carl (ed.) (2023). Politik som organisation. Seventh edition. Lund: Studentlitteratur. - 2023 -
Politik som
Carl Dahlström
2023 -
Executive Appointments under Legislative
Carl Dahlström, Mikael Holmgren
2023 -
Comparative Bureaucratic
Carl Dahlström, Victor Lapuente
Annual Review of Political Science - 2022 -
No More Political Compromise? Swedish Commissions of Inquiry
Carl Dahlström, E. Lundberg, K. Pronin
Scandinavian Political Studies - 2021 -
Partisan Procurement. Contracting with the United States Federal Government,
Carl Dahlström, Mihaly Fazekas, David E. Lewis
American Journal of Political Science - 2021 -
The Quality of Government Expert Survey 2020 (Wave III):
Marina Nistotskaya, Stefan Dahlberg, Carl Dahlström, Aksel Sundström, Sofia Axelsson, Cem Mert Dalli, Natalia Alvarado Pachon
2021 -
The Quality of Government Expert Survey 2020 Dataset: Wave
Marina Nistotskaya, Stefan Dahlberg, Carl Dahlström, Aksel Sundström, Sofia Axelsson, Cem Mert Dalli, Natalia Alvarado Pachon
2021 -
Driftsform, personalsammansättning och storlek: Om strukturella faktorer och risk att smittas av och dö i covid-19 vid särskilt boende för äldre i
Rasmus Broms, Carl Dahlström, Jenna Najar, Marina Nistotskaya
2021 -
Provider Ownership and Service Quality: Evidence from Swedish Residential Care
Bureaucracy and Quality of
Carl Dahlström, Victor Lapuente
In Monika Bauhr, Andreas Bågenholm, Marcia Grimes and Bo Rothstein (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Quality of Government. Oxford: Oxford University Press. - 2021 -
Sweden and the COVID-19
"Sverige og covid-19-krisen", appendix 4 i rapporten Håndteringen af covid-19 i foråret 2020. Rapport afgivet af den af Folketingets Udvalg for Forretningsordenen nedsatte udredningsgruppe vedr. håndteringen af covid-19. Folketinget, January
Sweden’s Parlamentary Democracy at
Johannes Lindvall, Hanna Bäck, Carl Dahlström, Elin Naurin, Jan Teorell
Parliamentary Affairs - 2020 -
Competition and service quality: Evidence from Swedish residential care
Rasmus Broms, Carl Dahlström, Marina Nistotskaya
Governance - 2020 -
Conflict-resolvers or tools of electoral struggle? Swedish commissions of inquiry
Carl Dahlström, Erik Lundberg, Kira Pronin
2020 -
Conflict-resolvers or Tools of Electoral Struggle? Swedish Commissions of Inquiry
Carl Dahlström, Erik Lundberg, Kira Pronin
Presented at the EUREX workshop Expertise and policy-making – comparative perspectives, The Hague, Netherlands, May 13-14, 2019, and at the the 26th International Conference of Europeanists, Madrid, Spain, June 20-22, 2019 - 2019 -
Det statliga kommitéeväsendets förändring
Carl Dahlström, Erik Lundberg, Kira Pronin
2019 -
Political competition and public procurement
Rasmus Broms, Carl Dahlström, Mihaly Fazekas
Comparative Political Studies - 2019 -
The Political Dynamics of Bureaucratic
Carl Dahlström, Mikael Holmgren
British Journal of Political Science - 2019 -
Outsourcing, bureaucratic personnel quality and citizen satisfaction with public
Carl Dahlström, Marina Nistotskaya, Maria Tyrberg
Public Administration - 2018 -
Marketization and the Quality of Residential Elderly Care in
Politik som
Carl Dahlström
2018 -
Delegering, politisering och svensk
Carl Dahlström
Dahlström, Carl (red.). Politik som organisation. - 2018 -
Mayors and Corruption in Spain: Same Rules, Different
Salvador Parrado, Carl Dahlström, Victor Lapuente
South European Society and Politics - 2018 -
Policy Effects of Anti-Immigrant Party Representation on Aid to Vulnerable European Union/European Economic Area
Maria Tyrberg, Carl Dahlström
Political Studies - 2018 -
Organizing Leviathan. Politicians, Bureaucrats, and the Making of Good
The Link between Appointments and Appropriations in the Politics of Administrative
Carl Dahlström, Mikael Holmgren
2017 -
Procurement and competition in Swedish
Rasmus Broms, Carl Dahlström, Mihaly Fazekas
2017 -
Samverkan och strid i den parlamentariska
Johannes Lindvall, Hanna Bäck, Carl Dahlström, Elin Naurin, Jan Teorell
2017 -
De invandrarkritiska partiernas politiska inflytande i Europa. Delegationen för migrationsstudier
Careers, connections and corruption risks: Investigating the Impact of Bureaucratic Meritocracy
on Public Procurement
Nicholas Charron, Carl Dahlström, Mihály Fazekas, Victor Lapuente
The Journal of Politics - 2017 -
Measuring Meritocracy in the Public Sector in Europe: a New National and Sub-National
Nicholas Charron, Carl Dahlström, Victor Lapuente
European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research - 2016 -
Is the Quality of Outsourced Public Services Contingent on the Quality of
Political Appointments and Agency
Carl Dahlström, Anders Sundell
Southern Political Science Association annual meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico, January 7-9 2016 - 2016 -
The Link between Appointments and Appropriations in the Politics of Administrative
Carl Dahlström, Mikael Holmgren
the 2016 annual meeting of the American Political Science Association in Philadelphia, PA, September 1-4 - 2016 -
The Abandoned Trustees. Explaining Corruption in Local
Salvador Parrado, Victor Lapuente, Carl Dahlström
2016 -
Expert Survey on the Quality of Government in Russia’s
Marina Nistotskaya, Anna Khakhunova, Carl Dahlström
2015 -
The QoG Expert Survey II
Carl Dahlström, Jan Teorell, Stefan Dahlberg, Felix Hartmann, Annika Lindberg, Marina Nistotskaya
2015 -
Policy making in
Carl Dahlström
In Pierre, Jon (ed), The Oxford Handbook of Swedish Politics. - 2015 -
How Institutions Constrain Elites from Destructive
Carl Dahlström, Lena Wängnerud
Elites, Institutions, and the Quality of Government - 2015 -
Democratic and professional
Carl Dahlström, Victor Lapuente
Elites, Institutions, and the Quality of Government - 2015 -
Measuring Meritocracy in the Public Sector in Europe: A New National and Sub-National
Policy Effects of Anti-Immigrant Party Representation on Aid to Migrant
Maria Tyrberg, Carl Dahlström
Presented at the OXPO and LIEPP Workshop “Party Position, Salience and Political Outcomes”, October 16, 2015, Sciences Po, Paris - 2015 -
Elites, Institutions, and the Quality of Government. How institutions constrain elites from destructive
Bureaucracy and
Carl Dahlström
Routledge Handbook of Political Corruption - 2015 -
The Politics of Political
Carl Dahlström, Mikael Holmgren
2015 -
Democratic and professional
Carl Dahlström, Victor Lapuente
Accountability and Welfare State Reforms, co-sponsored by IPSA’s research committee The Structure and Organization of Government and the Uni Research Rokkan Centre and the Department of Administration and Organization Theory, University of Bergen, February 19-20, 2015 - 2015 -
Rekrytering av tjänstepersoner i den kommunala
Carl Dahlström, Olle Folke, Johanna Rickne
Svenska politiker : om de folkvalda i riksdag, landsting och kommun / David Karlsson & Mikael Gilljam (red) - 2014 -
Göteborgsandan, korruption och opartiskhet i svenska
Carl Dahlström, Anders Sundell
Svenska politiker : om de folkvalda i riksdag, landsting och kommun / David Karlsson & Mikael Gilljam (red) - 2014 -
Why Some Swedish Agencies Lose Their Heads When Others
Carl Dahlström, Mikael Holmgren
American Political Science Association annual meeting, Washington, USA, August 27-31 2014 - 2014 -
Why Some Swedish Agencies Lose Their Heads When Others
Carl Dahlström, Mikael Holmgren
The Nordic Political Science Association Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, August 12-15 2014 - 2014 -
Devided we reform. How political-administrative relations affect New Public Management
Carl Dahlström, Victor Lapuente
The Nordic Political Science Association Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, August 12-15 2014 - 2014 -
The Quality of Government Expert Survey 2008-2011: A
Stefan Dahlberg, Carl Dahlström, Petrus Sundin, Jan Teorell
2013 -
Budgetary Effects of Political
Carl Dahlström, Anders Sundell
The 7th ECPR General Conference, Bordeaux, France, September 4-7 2013 - 2013 -
Impartiality and Corruption in
The Politics of Politicization in
Carl Dahlström, Birgitta Niklasson
Public Administration - 2013 -
Mainstream parties and anti-immigrant party
Carl Dahlström, Anders Sundell
Identity Politics: The New World versus New (and Old) Europe, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, March 2013 - 2013 -
Corruption, Bureaucratic Failure and Social Policy
Carl Dahlström, J. Lindvall, Bo Rothstein
Political Studies - 2013 -
Carl Dahlström, Victor Lapuente
The annual meeting of the Council for European Studies, Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 25—27 2013 - 2013 -
Separated interests, integrated activities – how politicians and bureaucrats relations shape good
Carl Dahlström, Victor Lapuente
The Quality of Government conference, january 2013 - 2013 -
The immigration issue and anti-immigrant party success in Sweden 1970-2006: A deviant case
Carl Dahlström, Peter Esaiasson
Party Politics - 2013 -
The Merit of Meritocratization: Politics, Bureaucracy, and the Institutional Deterrents of
Carl Dahlström, Victor Lapuente, Jan Teorell
Political Research Quarterly - 2012 -
No Law without a
Nicholas Charron, Carl Dahlström, Victor Lapuente
Journal of Comparative Economics - 2012 -
A Losing Gamble. How Mainstream Parties Facilitate Anti-Immigrant Party
Carl Dahlström, Anders Sundell
Electoral Studies - 2012 -
Weberian bureaucracy and corruption
Carl Dahlström, Victor Lapuente
Good Government. The Relevance of Political Science - 2012 -
Public administration around the
Carl Dahlström, Victor Lapuente, Jan Teorell
Good Government. The Relevance of Political Science - 2012 -
Politicization of Civil
Carl Dahlström
International Encyclopedia of Political Science - 2011 -
Who Takes the Hit? Ministerial Advisers and the Distribution of Welfare State
Carl Dahlström
Journal of European Public Policy - 2011 -
Myths of Corruption Prevention. What is (Not) Good With Weberian
Dimensions of Bureaucracy II. A Cross-National Dataset on the Structure and Behavior of Public
Carl Dahlström, Victor Lapuente, Jan Teorell
2011 -
A Losing gamble. Mainstream parties’ failed strategy to counter anti-immigrant
Myths of Corruption Prevention. What is (Not) Good With Weberian
Carl Dahlström, Victor Lapuente
Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Seattle, USA, September 1-4 2011 - 2011 -
A Losing Gamble. How Mainstream Parties Facilitate Anti-Immigrant Party
Carl Dahlström, Anders Sundell
Presented at the meeting of the Council for European Studies, Barcelona, Spain, June 20—23 2011 - 2011 -
The Immigrant Issue and Anti-Immigrant Party Success in Sweden 1970-2006. A Deviant Case
Carl Dahlström, Peter Esaiasson
Party Politics - 2011 -
Has NPM a Trust Problem? Public Sector Incentive Systems in Japan, Korea, Spain, and
Carl Dahlström, Victor Lapuente
Administrative Reforms and Democratic Governance - 2011 -
Steering Strategies in Western
Carl Dahlström, B. Guy Peters, Jon Pierre
Steering from the Centre: Strengthening Political Control in Western Democracies - 2011 -
Steering from the Center: Central Government Offices and their Roles in
Carl Dahlström, B. Guy Peters, Jon Pierre
Steering from the Centre: Strengthening Political Control in Western Democracies - 2011 -
Steering the Swedish State. Politicization as a Coordinating
Carl Dahlström, Jon Pierre
Steering from the Centre: Strengthening Political Control in Western Democracies - 2011 -
Steering from the Centre: Strengthening Political Control in Western
Carl Dahlström, Jon Pierre, B. Guy Peters
2011 -
Dimensions of Bureaucracy. A Cross-National Dataset on the Structure and Behavior of Public
Carl Dahlström, Victor Lapuente, Jan Teorell
Dimensions of Bureaucracy. A Cross-National Dataset on the Structure and Behavior of Public Administration - 2010 -
Social Protection Strategies in Efficient and Inefficient
Carl Dahlström, Johannes Lindvall, Bo Rothstein
Presented at the biannual meeting of the Council for European Studies, Montreal, Canada, April 15—17 2010 - 2010 -
Reforming the Central Government Offices in Sweden: Politicization as a Coordinating
Carl Dahlström, Jon Pierre
Presented at the biannual meeting of the Council for European Studies, Montreal, Canada, April 15—17 2010 - 2010 -
No Law without a
Nicholas Charron, Carl Dahlström, Victor Lapuente
QoG Working Paper Series - 2010 -
Därför gick Sverigedemokraterna fram trots
Carl Dahlström
Göteborgs-Posten - 2010 -
Explaining Cross-Country Differences in Performance-Related Pay in the Public
Carl Dahlström, Victor Lapuente
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory - 2010 -
Bureaucracy, Politics, and
Carl Dahlström, Victor Lapuente, Jan Teorell
2009 -
Steering from the Center: Central Government Offices and their Roles in
Carl Dahlström, Jon Pierre, B. Guy Peters
The conference “Steering from the center”, - 2009 -
Bureaucracy, Politics, and
Carl Dahlström, Victor Lapuente, Jan Teorell
Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association - 2009 -
Social Protection Strategies in Efficient and Inefficient
Steering the Swedish State. Politicization as a Coordinating
Carl Dahlström, Jon Pierre
Steering from the center - 2009 -
Recension: Kjell Östberg ’I takt med tiden: Olof Palme 1927-1969’ och ’När vinden vände: Olof Palme
Carl Dahlström
Göteborgs-Posten - 2009 -
The Immigrant Issue and Anti-Immigrant Party Success - Is Sweden the Odd Case
Political Appointments in 18 Democracies,
Carl Dahlström
2009 -
Expert/Country Report
Carl Dahlström
2009 -
Krisuppgörelsen och
Carl Dahlström
Reform. Förändring och tröghet i välfärdsstaterna - 2009 -
Styrning i Danmark och Sverige – de statliga budgetprocesserna
Carl Dahlström
Samhällsstyrning i förändring - 2009 -
The Bureaucratic Politics of Welfare State Crisis: Sweden in the
Carl Dahlström
Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration and Institution - 2009 -
Effects of Politicization on Welfare State Policies: Comparing Policy Impacts of Politically Appointed Officials in 18 Mature
Carl Dahlström
Presented at the biannual meeting of the Council for European Studies, Chicago, USA, March 6—8 2008. - 2008 -
Do you believe me? Incentive systems in the public
Carl Dahlström
Presented at the conference New Public Management and the Quality of Government, co-sponsored by IPSA’s standing group The Structure and Organization of Government and The Quality of Government Institute, Gothenburg November 13-15 2008 - 2008 -
Who Takes the Hit? Ministerial Advisers and the Distribution of Welfare State
Carl Dahlström
Presented at the Ratio Colloquium for Young Social Scientists, Stockholm, Sweden, August 22-23 2008 and the annual meeting of the Swedish Political Science Association, Uppsala, Sweden September 26-27 2008. - 2008 -
New Public Management as a Trust Problem. Explaining Cross-country Differences in the Adoption of Performance-related Pay in the Public
Carl Dahlström, Victor Lapuente
Presented at ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Rennes, France, April 11—16 2008 and the Quality of Government Institute Conference, Björkö, Sweden, June 9-10 2008 - 2008 -
Do You Believe Me? Public Sector Incentive Systems in Japan, Korea, Spain, and
Carl Dahlström, Victor Lapuente
QoG Working Paper Series 2008:25. Gothenburg: The Quality of Government Institute. 2008 - 2008 -
New Public Management as a Trust Problem. Explaining Cross-country Differences in the Adoption of Performance-related Pay in the Public
Carl Dahlström, Victor Lapuente
QoG Working Paper Series 2008:7. Gothenburg: The Quality of Government Institute. 2008. - 2008 -
Effects of Politicization on Welfare State Policies: Comparing Policy Impacts of Politically Appointed Officials in 18 Mature
Carl Dahlström
QoG Working Paper Series 2008:3. Gothenburg: The Quality of Government Institute. 2008. - 2008 -
Vänsterallians nackdel för Sahlin i nästa
Carl Dahlström, Johannes Lindvall
Dagens Nyheter - 2007 -
Utfrysning gynnar
Carl Dahlström
GP - 2007 -
Rhetorical Objectives and Program Efficiency in Swedish Policy about
Carl Dahlström
Journal of Public Policy - 2007 -
Carl Dahlström
2007 -
Policy Effects of Politicization The Terms of Employment for Key Bureaucrats in Seventeen OECD Countries,
Carl Dahlström
Quality of Government Institute Conference, Nice, France, 23-26 oktober 2007. - 2007 -
of Politicization. Political Appointed Officials in Mature Democracies,
Carl Dahlström
Konferens anordnad av forskningsprogrammet ”Regeringskansliet och samhällets organisering”, Björkö 23-24 april 2007 - 2007 -
Ministerial Advisers and the Distribution of Welfare State
Carl Dahlström
Presenterad på the General ECPR Conference, Pisa, Italy, September 6—8 2007. - 2007 -
Modeller för
Carl Dahlström
Hjerm, Mikael and Abby Peterson (red.), Etnicitet: perspektiv på samhället. Malmö: Gleerups - 2007 -
The Rhetoric and Practice of Institutional Reform. Modern Immigrant Policy in
Carl Dahlström
Presented at the biannual meeting of the Council for European Studies, Chicago, March 29—April 2 2006 - 2006 -
Big Cuts, Little Time: Welfare State Retrenchment in
Carl Dahlström
2006 -
Big Cuts – Little Time. Welfare Retrenchment in
Carl Dahlström
Center for European Studies, Harvard University, October 19 2005 - 2005 -
Rhetoric, Practice and the Dynamics of Institutional Change: Immigrant Policy in Sweden
Carl Dahlström
Scandinavian Political Studies - 2004 -
Statens väljarskola. Strategin för att öka valdeltagandet bland utländska medborgare,
Carl Dahlström, Ulrika Möller
Engagemang, mångfald och integration : om möjligheter och hinder för politisk jämlikhet : rapport från Integrationspolitiska maktutredningen - 2004 -
Nästan välkomna: Invandrarpolitikens retorik och
Carl Dahlström