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- Robin Cooper
Robin Cooper
Senior Researcher
Linguistics and Theory of Science unitAbout Robin Cooper
I hea- umm think that's what they say: A Dataset of Inferences from Natural Language
Adam Ek, Bill Noble, Stergios Chatzikyriakidis, Robin Cooper, Simon Dobnik, Eleni Gregoromichelaki, Christine Howes, Staffan Larsson, Vladislav Maraev, Gregory Mills, Gijs Wijnholds
Proceedings of the 28th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue - Full Papers, 11-12 September, 2024, Trento, Italy / Raffaella Bernardi, Ellen Breitholtz, Giuseppe Riccardi (Editors) - 2024 -
The utility of (political) dogwhistles – a life cycle
Asad Sayeed, Ellen Breitholtz, Robin Cooper, Elina Lindgren, Gregor Rettenegger, Björn Rönnerstrand
Journal of Language and Politics - 2024 -
Grammar in
Andy Lücking, Jonathan Ginzburg, Robin Cooper
Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar: The handbook, Second revised edition / Stefan Müller, Anne Abeillé, Robert D. Borsley, Jean-Pierre Koenig (eds.) - 2024 -
I hea- umm think that’s what they say: A Dataset of Inferences from Natural Language
Adam Ek, Bill Noble, Stergios Chatzikyriakidis, Robin Cooper, Simon Dobnik, Eleni Gregoromichelaki, Christine Howes, Staffan Larsson, Vladislav Maraev, Gregory Mills, Gijs Wijnholds
28th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue - 2024 -
Coded Appeals and Political Gains: Exploring the Impact of Racial Dogwhistles on Political
Elina Lindgren, Björn Rönnerstrand, Gregor Rettenegger, Ellen Breitholtz, Robin Cooper, Asad Sayeed
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly - 2024 -
Can political dogwhistles be predicted by distributional methods for analysis of lexical semantic
Max Boholm, Björn Rönnerstrand, Ellen Breitholtz, Robin Cooper, Elina Lindgren, Gregor Rettenegger, Asad Sayeed
LChange 2024 - 5th International Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change 2024, Proceedings of the Workshop - 2024 -
TTR at the SPA: Relating type-theoretical semantics to neural semantic
Staffan Larsson, Robin Cooper, J Ginzburg, A Luecking
Proceedings of the 4th Natural Logic Meets Machine Learning Workshop, June 23, 2023, Nancy, France. - 2023 -
Neural learning from small data using formal
Staffan Larsson, Robin Cooper, J Ginzburg, A Luecking
Learning from Small Data, Gothenburg, September 11-12, 2023 - 2023 -
All the more reasons: Mismatches in topoi in
Ellen Breitholtz, Christine Howes, Robin Cooper
Journal of Pragmatics - 2023 -
From Perception to Communication: a Theory of Types for Action and
Robin Cooper
2023 -
Coordinating taxonomical and observational meaning: The case of genus-differentia
Bill Noble, Staffan Larsson, Robin Cooper
Proceedings of the 26th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, August, 22-24, 2022, Dublin - Full Papers / Eleni Gregoromichelaki, Julian Hough, John D. Kelleher (Editors) - 2022 -
In Search of Meaning and Its Representations for Computational
Simon Dobnik, Robin Cooper, Adam Ek, Bill Noble, Staffan Larsson, Vladislav Maraev, Vidya Somashekarappa
Proceedings of the 2022 CLASP Conference on (Dis)embodiment, Gothenburg and online 15–16 September 2022 / Simon Dobnik, Julian Grove and Asad Sayeed (eds.) - 2022 -
Classification Systems: Combining taxonomical and perceptual lexical
Bill Noble, Staffan Larsson, Robin Cooper
Proceedings of the 3rd Natural Logic Meets Machine Learning Workshop (NALOMA III), 8–12 August, 2022, Galway, Ireland / Aikaterini-Lida Kalouli, Stergios Chatzikyriakidis (Editors) - 2022 -
Learning Language Games Probabilistically: From Crying to
Robin Cooper, Jonathan Ginzburg, Staffan Larsson
Probabilistic Approaches to Linguistic Theory, ed. by Jean-Philippe Bernardy, Rasmus Blanck, Stergios Chatzikyriakidis, Shalom Lappin, Aleksandre Maskharashvili, CSLI Publications - 2022 -
Fine-grained Entailment: Resources for Greek NLI and Precise
Erini Amanaki, Jean-Philippe Bernardy, Stergios Chatzikyriakidis, Robin Cooper, Simon Dobnik, Aram Karimi, Adam Ek, Eirini Chrysovalantou Giannikouri, Vasiliki Katsouli, Ilias Kolokousis, Eirini Chrysovalantou Mamatzaki, Dimitrios Papadakis, Olga Petrova, Erofili Psaltaki, Charikleia Soupiona, Effrosyni Skoulataki, Christina Stefanidou
Proceedings of the Workshop on Dataset Creation for Lower-Resourced Languages within the 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference - 2022 -
Distributional properties of political dogwhistle representations in Swedish
Niclas Hertzberg, Robin Cooper, Elina Lindgren, Björn Rönnerstrand, Gregor Rettenegger, Ellen Breitholtz, Asad Sayeed
Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Online Abuse and Harms (WOAH), 14 July 2022, Seattle, Washington (Hybrid). - 2022 -
So what’s all this structure good for? Some uses of record types in
Robin Cooper
Proceedings of Computing Semantics with Types, Frames and Related Structures, 26–27 July, 2021, Utrecht, The Netherlands (online) / ed. by Stergios Chatzikyriakidis and Rainer Osswald - 2021 -
Semantic Learning in a Probabilistic Type Theory with
Staffan Larsson, Jean-Philippe Bernardy, Robin Cooper
Proceedings of Computing Semantics with Types, Frames and Related Structures, Workshop at ESSLLI 2021, July 26-27, 2021, ed. by Stergios Chatzikyriakidis and Rainer Osswald - 2021 -
Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Taboo: Interaction and Creativity in
Vladislav Maraev, Ellen Breitholtz, Christine Howes, Staffan Larsson, Robin Cooper
Frontiers in Psychology - 2021 -
Very necessary: the meaning of non-gradable modal adjectives in discourse
Maryam Rajestari, Simon Dobnik, Robin Cooper, Aram Karimi
Selected contributions from the Eighth Swedish Language Technology Conference (SLTC-2020), 25-27 November 2020 / Peter Ljunglöf, Simon Dobnik and Richard Johansson (editors). - 2021 -
Bayesian classification and inference in a probabilistic type theory with
Staffan Larsson, Robin Cooper
Proceedings of the 1st and 2nd Workshops on Natural Logic Meets Machine Learning (NALOMA), June 16, 2021 - 2021 -
Justifiable reasons for everyone: Dialogical reasoning in patients with
Christine Howes, Ellen Breitholtz, Mary Lavelle, Robin Cooper
Proceedings of the 25th Workshop of the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, September 20–22, 2021, Potsdam / The Internet - 2021 -
Reasoning in Multiparty Dialogue Involving Patients with
Ellen Breitholtz, Robin Cooper, Christine Howes, M. Lavelle
(In)coherence of Discourse : formal and Conceptual Issues of Language / Maxime Amblard, Michel Musiol, Manuel Rebuschi (eds.) - 2021 -
Grammar in
Andy Lücking, Jonathan Ginzburg, Robin Cooper
Stefan Müller, Anne Abeillé, Robert D. Borsley & Jean-Pierre Koenig (eds.), Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar: The handbook - 2021 -
Dogwhistles as Inferences in
Ellen Breitholtz, Robin Cooper
ReInAct 2021. Proceedings of the Conference on Reasoning and Interaction, Gothenburg and online 4–6 October 2021 / Christine Howes, Simon Dobnik, Ellen Breitholtz and Stergios Chatzikyriakidis (eds.) - 2021 -
We went to look for meaning and all we got were these lousy representations: aspects of meaning representation for computational
Simon Dobnik, Robin Cooper, Adam Ek, Bill Noble, Staffan Larsson, Nikolai Ilinykh, Vladislav Maraev, Vidya Somashekarappa
2021 -
Perception, types and
Robin Cooper
Löbner, Sebastian / Gamerschlag, Thomas / Kalenscher, Tobias / Schrenk, Markus / Zeevat, Henk (Eds.) Concepts, Frames and Cascades in Semantics, Cognition and Ontology Springer International Publishing - 2021 -
Incrementality and HPSG: Why
Jonathan Ginzburg, Robin Cooper, Julian Hough, David Schlangen
Constraint-Based Syntax and Semantics: Papers in Honor of Danièle Godard, ed. by Anne Abeillé and Olivier Bonami - 2020 -
Very necessary: the meaning of non-gradable modal adjectives in discourse
Maryam Rajestari, Simon Dobnik, Robin Cooper, Aram Karimi
Proceedings of the Eighth Swedish Language Technology Conference (SLTC), 25–27 November, Gothenburg and online - 2020 -
Personae under uncertainty: The case of
Bill Noble, Ellen Breitholtz, Robin Cooper
Proceedings of the Probability and Meaning Conference (PaM 2020) Stergios Chatzikyriakidis, Christine Howes (Editors), Gothenburg and online14–15 October 2020 - 2020 -
Representing Types as Neural
Robin Cooper
Journal of Logic, Language and Information - 2019 -
Distribution is not enough: going
Andy Lücking, Robin Cooper, Staffan Larsson, Jonathan Ginzburg
Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Natural Language and Computer Science, Gothenburg, Sweden, 24th May 2019 / Robin Cooper, Valeria de Paiva, Lawrence S. Moss (Editors) - 2019 -
Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Natural Language and Computer Science, Gothenburg, Sweden, 24th May,
Robin Cooper, Valeria de Paiva, Lawrence Moss
2019 -
Types as Learnable Cognitive Resources in
Robin Cooper
Cleo Condoravdi and Tracy Holloway King (eds.) Tokens of Meaning: Papers in Honor of Lauri Karttunen - 2019 -
Dynamic Syntax in Type Theory with
Robin Cooper, Staffan Larsson
The Second Dynamic Syntax Conference,17th-18th of April, 2018, Edinburgh, UK - 2018 -
Coercion in Languages in
Robin Cooper
Oslo Studies in Language - 2018 -
Incrementality and clarification/sluicing
Jonathan Ginzburg, Robin Cooper, Julian Hough, David Schlangen
Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 21, Edinburgh, September 4-6, 2016 / edited by Robert Truswell, Chris Cummins, Caroline Heycock, Brian Rabern, and Hannah Rohde - 2018 -
Type Theories for Natural Language
Stergios Chatzikyriakidis, Robin Cooper
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics / Mark Aronoff (eds.) - 2018 -
Charting a Way through the
Robin Cooper
Theoretical Linguistics - 2017 -
Proper Names in
Robin Cooper
New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence: JSAI-isAI 2016 Workshops, LENLS, HAT-MASH, AI-Biz, JURISIN and SKL Kanagawa, Japan, November 14–16, 2016, Revised Selected Papers, ed. by Setsuya Kurahashi, Yuiko Ohta, Sachiyo Arai, Ken Satoh and Daisuke Bekki. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 10247 - 2017 -
An overview of Natural Language Inference Data Collection: The Way
Stergios Chatzikyriakidis, Robin Cooper, Simon Dobnik, Staffan Larsson
Proceedings of the IWCS2017 workshop on Computing Natural Language Inference, ACL anthology, W17-7203 - 2017 -
Neural TTR and possibilities for
Robin Cooper
CLASP Papers in Computational Linguistics .Volume 1: Proceedings of the Conference on Logic and Machine Learning in Natural Language (LaML 2017), Gothenburg, 12–13 June 2017, edited by Simon Dobnik and Shalom Lappin - 2017 -
Judgement, taste and closely related Germanic
Robin Cooper
The very model of a modern linguist -- in honor of Helge Dyvik, ed. by Victoria Rosén and Koenraad De Smedt - 2017 -
Interfacing language, spatial perception and cognition in Type Theory with
Simon Dobnik, Robin Cooper
Journal of Language Modelling - 2017 -
Special issue on type-theoretical approaches to lexical
Robin Cooper, Christian Retoré
Journal of Language Modelling - 2017 -
Incrementality all the way
Ellen Breitholtz, Christine Howes, Robin Cooper
Proceedings of the Computing Natural Inference Workshop at the International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS) - 2017 -
Adapting Type Theory with Records for Natural Language
Robin Cooper
Modern Perspectives in Type-Theoretical Semantics / Stergios Chatzikyriakidis and Zhaohui Luo, eds. - 2017 -
Frames as
Robin Cooper
Formal Grammar: 20th and 21st International Conferences, FG 2015, Barcelona, Spain, August 2015, Revised Selected Papers. FG 2016, Bozen, Italy, August 2016, Proceedings, ed. by A. Foret, G. Morrill, R. Muskens, R. Osswald, S. Pogodalla, Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues, Vol. 9804, Springer - 2016 -
Testing the FraCaS test
Robin Cooper, Stergios Chatzikyriakidis, Simon Dobnik
Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 13 (LENLS 13), November 13th, 2016, Tokyo, Japan - 2016 -
Incrementality and Clarification/Sluicing
Jonathan Ginzburg, Julian Hough, Robin Cooper, David Schlangen
Sinn und Bedeutung, 21, Abstracts (Refereed) - 2016 -
Simon Dobnik, Robin Cooper
Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today (LA) - 2016 -
Jonathan Ginzburg, Ellen Breitholtz, Robin Cooper, Julian Hough, Ye Tian
Proceedings of 20th Amsterdam Colloquium, 16-18 December 2015, ed. by Thomas Brochhagen, Floris Roelofsen and Nadine Theiler - 2015 -
Type Theory with Records for Natural Language
Robin Cooper, Jonathan Ginzburg
Handbook of Contemporary Semantic Theory (second edition), ed. by Shalom Lappin and Chris Fox - 2015 -
Probabilistic Type Theory and Natural Language
Robin Cooper, Simon Dobnik, Shalom Lappin, Staffan Larsson
Linguistic Issues in Language Technology - 2015 -
A formal semantic model for spatial
Simon Dobnik, Robin Cooper, Staffan Larsson
Proceeds of the Workshop Formal Semantics Meets Cognitive Semantics, January 22-23 2015, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands - 2015 -
Type Theory with Records: a General Framework for Modelling Spatial
Simon Dobnik, Robin Cooper, Staffan Larsson
Proceeds of The Second Workshop on Action, Perception and Language (APL'2) at The Fifth Swedish Language Technology Conference (SLTC), Uppsala - 2014 -
Representing different kinds of reference with Type Theory with
Simon Dobnik, Robin Cooper, Staffan Larsson
Proceeds of the RefNet Workshop on Psychological and Computational Models of Reference Comprehension and Production, 31st of August 2014, Edinburgh - 2014 -
Propositions, Questions, and Adjectives: a rich type theoretic
Jonathan Ginzburg, Robin Cooper, Tim Fernando
Proceedings of the Workshop on Type Theory and Natural Language Semantics (TTNLS), 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, ed. by Cooper, Robin, Simon Dobnik, Shalom Lappin and Staffan Larsson. April 26, 2014, Gothenburg, Sweden - 2014 -
Phrase structure rules as dialogue update
Robin Cooper
Proceedings of The 18th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, Edinburgh, September 1-3, 2014, ed. by Verena Rieser and Philippe Muller, Heriot-Watt University - 2014 -
A Probabilistic Rich Type Theory for Semantic
Robin Cooper, Simon Dobnik, Shalom Lappin, Staffan Larsson
Proceedings of the Workshop on Type Theory and Natural Language Semantics (TTNLS),14th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Gothenburg, Sweden 2014. ed. by Cooper, Robin, Simon Dobnik, Shalom Lappin and Staffan Larsson - 2014 -
How to do things with
Robin Cooper
Joint Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Natural Language and Computer Science (NLCS’14) & 1st International Workshop on Natural Language Services for Reasoners (NLSR 2014) July 17-18, 2014 Vienna, Austria, ed. by Valeria de Paiva, Walther Neuper, Pedro Quaresma, Christian Retoré, Lawrence S. Moss and Jordi Saludes, Center for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra - 2014 -
Quotation via Dialogical
Jonathan Ginzburg, Robin Cooper
Journal of Logic, Language and Information - 2014 -
Proceedings of the Workshop on Type Theory and Natural Language Semantics
Update conditions and intensionality in a type-theoretic approach to dialogue
Robin Cooper
Proceedings of the 17th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, Raquel Fernández and Amy Isard (eds.) ´ Amsterdam, 16–18 December 2013, University of Amsterdam - 2013 -
Type theory, interaction and the perception of linguistic and musical
Robin Cooper
Language, Music and Interaction, ed. by Martin Orwin, Christine Howes and Ruth Kempson - 2013 -
Modelling Language, Action, and Perception in Type Theory with
Simon Dobnik, Robin Cooper, Staffan Larsson
Constraint Solving and Language Processing: 7th International Workshop, CSLP 2012, Orléans, France, September 13-14, 2012, Revised Selected Papers / Editors: Denys Duchier, Yannick Parmentier - 2013 -
Spatial descriptions in Type Theory with
Simon Dobnik, Robin Cooper
Proceedings of IWCS 2013 Workshop on Computational Models of Spatial Language Interpretation and Generation (CoSLI-3) - 2013 -
Clarification and Generalized
Robin Cooper
Dialogue and Discourse - 2013 -
Negative inquisitiveness and alternatives-based
Robin Cooper, Jonathan Ginzburg
Logic, Language and Meaning: 18th Amsterdam Colloquium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, December 19-21, 2011, Revised Selected Papers, ed. by Maria Aloni, Vadim Kimmelman, Floris Roelofsen, Galit W. Sassoon, Katrin Schulz and Matthijs Westera, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 7218 - 2012 -
Robin Cooper
Theories of Everything: In Honor of Ed Keenan, ed. by Thomas Graf, Denis Paperno, Anna Szabolcsi and Jos Tellings, UCLA Working Papers in Linguistics, Vol. 17 - 2012 -
Modelling language, action and perception in Type Theory with
Simon Dobnik, Robin Cooper, Staffan Larsson
Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Constraint Solving and Language Processing (CSLP'12) - 2012 -
Computational Semantics with Functional
Robin Cooper
Computational Linguistics - 2012 -
Negative inquisitiveness and alternatives-based
Robin Cooper, Jonathan Ginzburg
Pre-Proceedings of the Amsterdam Colloquium - 2011 -
Enthymemes as Rhetorical
Ellen Breitholtz, Robin Cooper
Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue - 2011 -
Reciprocal Learning via Dialogue Interaction: Challenges and
Raquel Fernández, Staffan Larsson, Robin Cooper, Jonathan Ginzburg, David Schlangen
Proceedings of the IJCAI 2011 Workshop on Agents Learning Interactively from Human Teachers (ALIHT), Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain - 2011 -
Are natural languages formal
Robin Cooper
Filosofidagarna, Göteborg - 2011 -
Enthymematic Resources and Associative Reasoning in
Robin Cooper, Ellen Breitholtz
Conference on Computing Natural Reasoning, Tilburg University - 2011 -
Toward perceptually grounded formal
Simon Dobnik, Staffan Larsson, Robin Cooper
Workshop on Integrating Language and Vision on 16 December 2011 at NIPS 2011 (Neural Information Processing Systems), Sierra Nevada, Spain - 2011 -
Negation in
Robin Cooper, Jonathan Ginzburg
SemDial 2011 (Los Angelogue): Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, ed. by Ron Artstein, Mark Core, David DeVault, Kallirroi Georgila, Elsi Kaiser and Amanda Stent, Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California. - 2011 -
Copredication, Quantfication and
Robin Cooper
Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics: 6th International Conference, LACL 2011, ed. by Sylvain Pogodalla and Jean-Philippe Prost, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, No. 6736, Springer - 2011 -
From situated descriptions of spatial scenes to situated
Simon Dobnik, Staffan Larsson, Robin Cooper
Proceedings of V&L NET workshop on vision and language - 2011 -
Accommodation and reaccommodation in
Robin Cooper, Staffan Larsson
Presuppositions and Discourse: Essays Offered to Hans Kamp, ed. by Rainer Bäuerle, Uwe Reyle and Thomas Ede Zimmermann, Current Research in the Semantics/Pragmatics Interface, Emerald Group Publishing - 2010 -
Semantic Coordination in
Staffan Larsson, Robin Cooper
NordLing PhD course on topics in Language and Cognition Hosted by the Faculty of Humanities, NTNU – Trondheim, Norway September 6-9th, 2010 - 2010 -
Frames in formal
Robin Cooper
IceTAL 2010, ed. by H. Loftsson, E. Rögnvaldsson and S. Helgadóttir, Springer Verlag - 2010 -
Generalized quantifiers and clarification
Robin Cooper
Aspects of Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. SemDial 2010, 14th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue - 2010 -
Towards a formal view of corrective
Staffan Larsson, Robin Cooper
Proceeding CACLA '09 Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of Computational Language Acquisition - 2009 -
Compositional and ontological semantics in learning from corrective feedback and explicit
Robin Cooper, Staffan Larsson
Edlund et. al. (eds): Proceedings of DiaHolmia, 2009 Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue - 2009 -
Corrective feedback and semantic
Staffan Larsson, Robin Cooper
Second Conference of the Swedish Association for Language and Cognition (SALC), June 10-12, 2009, Stockholm University - 2009 -
Towards a formal view of corrective
Robin Cooper, Staffan Larsson
Dialogue Matters Final Workshop, London, UK, June 2, 2008 - 2008 -
Natural Languages as Collections of
Robin Cooper, Aarne Ranta
Language in flux : dialogue coordination, language variation, change and evolution (Communication, Mind, and Language ; 1) - 2008 -
Type Theory with Records and Unification-based
Robin Cooper
Logics for Linguistic Structures, ed. by Hamm, Fritz and Kepser, Stephan - 2008 -
Formalizing the semantics of corrective
Robin Cooper, Staffan Larsson
Seminar at USC/ICT, Los Angeles, USA, May 16, 2008 - 2008 -
The Abstract-Concrete Syntax Distinction and Unification in Multilingual
Robin Cooper
Resourceful Language Technology: Festschrift in Honor of Anna Sågvall Hein, ed. by Nivre, Joakim and Dahllöf, Mats and Megyesi, Beáta - 2008 -
Corrective feedback and concept
Staffan Larsson, Robin Cooper
Carlson et al (eds.): Proceedings of The second Swedish Language Technology Conference (SLTC-08) - 2008 -
Language in Flux: Dialogue Coordination, Language Variation,
Robin Cooper, Ruth Kempson
2008 -
Type Theory and Semantics in
Robin Cooper
Handbook of the Philosophy of Science Vol. 14, Philosophy of Linguistics - 2007 -
Copredication, dynamic generalized quantification and lexical innovation by
Robin Cooper
Proceedings of GL2007, Fourth International Workshop on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon. - 2007 -
A record type theoretic approach to information state update in dialogue -- is this
Robin Cooper
paper presented at IPrA 2007 panel on Dialogue and Computational Pragmatics, Gothenburg - 2007 -
Multimodal grammar
Peter Ljunglöf, Gabriel Amores, Robin Cooper, David Hjelm, Pilar Manchón, Guillermo Pérez, Aarne Ranta
2006 -
A record type theoretic account of copredication and dynamic generalized
Robin Cooper
Kvantifikator för en Dag, Essays dedicated to Dag Westerståhl on his sixtieth birthday - 2006 -
Development of multimodal and multilingual grammars: viability and
Björn Bringert, Robin Cooper, Peter Ljunglöf, Aarne Ranta
2005 -
The TALK Grammar Library: an Integration of GF with
Peter Ljunglöf, Björn Bringert, Robin Cooper, Ann-Charlotte Forslund, David Hjelm, Rebecca Jonson, Aarne Ranta
2005 -
Multimodal Dialogue System
Björn Bringert, Peter Ljunglöf, Aarne Ranta, Robin Cooper
Proceedings of DIALOR'05, Ninth Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue - 2005 -
Records and Record Types in Semantic
Robin Cooper
Journal of Logic and Computation - 2005 -
Austinian truth, attitudes and type
Robin Cooper
Research on Language and Computation, Vol. 3 - 2005 -
Generalized Quantifiers and Natural
Jon Barwise, Robin Cooper
Semantics: A Reader - 2004 -
Dialogue Systems as Proof
Aarne Ranta, Robin Cooper
Journal of Logic, Language and Information - 2004 -
Introduction to the special issue on Comparative Nordic
Elisabet Engdahl, Robin Cooper
Nordic Journal of Linguistics - 2004 -
Generalized Quantifiers and Natural
Jon Barwise, Robin Cooper
Semantics: a Reader, ed. by Steven Davis and Brendan S. Gillon - 2004 -
Clarification, Ellipsis, and the Nature of Contextual Updates in
Jonathan Ginzburg, Robin Cooper
Linguistics and Philosophy - 2004 -
Dynamic generalised quantifiers and hypothetical
Robin Cooper
Ursus Philosophicus, a festschrift for Björn Haglund, Department of Philosophy, Göteborg University - 2004 -
Positive Grammar Checking: A Finite State
Sylvana Sofkova Hashemi, Robin Cooper, Robert Andersson
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing. 4th International Conference, CICLing 2003, Mexico City. Lecture Notes in Computer Science N 2588 - 2003 -
An information state update approach to collaborative
Robin Cooper, Stina Ericsson, Staffan Larsson, Ian Lewin
Perspectives on Dialogue in the New Millennium, ed. by Peter Kühnlein, Hannes Rieser and Henk Zeevat - 2003 -
Robin Cooper
Journal of Logic, Language and Information: Special Issue on Discourse and Information Structure - 2003 -
Generalized Quantifiers and Natural
Jon Barwise, Robin Cooper
Formal Semantics: The Essential Readings, ed. by Paul Portner and Barbara Partee, Blackwell Publishers - 2002 -
Using dependent record types in clarification
Robin Cooper, Jonathan Ginzburg
Proceedings of the sixth workshop on the semantics and pragmatics of dialogue, ed. by Johan Bos, Mary Ellen Foster and Colin Matheson, Edinburgh University - 2002 -
GoDiS – an accommodating dialogue
Staffan Larsson, Peter Ljunglöf, Robin Cooper, Elisabet Engdahl, Stina Ericsson
ANLP-NAACL'00 Workshop on Conversational Systems - 2000 -
Accomodating Information States in
Robin Cooper, Elisabet Engdahl, Staffan Larsson, Peter Ljunglöf
3rd Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation - 1999 -
Information states and dialogue move
Staffan Larsson, Robin Cooper, Elisabet Engdahl, Peter Ljunglöf
Linköping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science - 1999 -
Information states and dialogue move
Robin Cooper, Elisabet Engdahl, Staffan Larsson, Peter Ljunglöf
IJCAI-99 Workshop on Knowledge and Reasoning in Practical Dialogue Systems - 1999