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- Roland Kjellander
Roland Kjellander
Professor Emeritus
Department of Chemistry & Molecular BiologyAbout Roland Kjellander
Postal address: Dept. of Chemistry and Molecular Biology University of Gothenburg, P.O. Box 462, SE-405 30 Gothenburg, Sweden
Liquid state theory, statistical mechanics and theoretical surface and colloid science. Of particular interest are inhomogeneous fluids near and between surfaces, intermolecular interactions in liquids and solutions, surface forces, screening phenomena in electrolyte solutions, electric double layer systems and colloids.
For a complete list of scientific publications, see Web of Science.
Statistical Mechanics of Liquids and Solutions – Intermolecular Forces, Structure and Surface Interactions; Volume
Roland Kjellander
2024 -
Ionic fluids at equilibrium: thermodynamics, nanostructure, phase behaviour, activity: general
Andrew P. Abbott, Rob Atkin, Duncan W. Bruce, Paola Carbone, Giacomo Damilano, Robert A.W. Dryfe, Jean Francois Dufrêche, Karen J. Edler, Y. K.Catherine Fung, Kateryna Goloviznina, Margarida Costa Gomes, Alexis Grimaud, Timothy S. Groves, Jennifer M. Hartley, John D. Holbrey, Christian Holm, Pierre Illien, Roland Kjellander, Alexei Kornyshev, Kevin R.J. Lovelock, Daniel M. Markiewitz, Joshua Maurer, Shurui Miao, Naoya Nishi, Beatriz Rocha de Moraes, Bernhard Roling, Benjamin Rotenberg, Joshua Sangoro, Nicolas Schaeffer, Monika Schönhoff, David J. Sconyers, John M. Slattery, Małgorzata Swadźba-Kwaśny, Adriaan van den Bruinhorst, Tom Welton
Faraday Discussions - 2024 -
A multiple decay-length extension of the Debye–Hückel theory: to achieve high accuracy also for concentrated solutions and explain under-screening in dilute symmetric
Roland Kjellander
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics - PCCP - 2020 -
En molekylär introduktion till
Roland Kjellander
2020 -
The intimate relationship between the dielectric response and the decay of intermolecular correlations and surface forces in
Roland Kjellander
Soft Matter - 2019 -
Statistical Mechanics of Liquids and Solutions – Intermolecular Forces, Structure and Surface Interactions; Volume
Roland Kjellander
2019 -
Focus Article: Oscillatory and long-range monotonic exponential decays of electrostatic interactions in ionic liquids and other electrolytes: The significance of dielectric permittivity and renormalized
Roland Kjellander
Journal of Chemical Physics - 2018 -
Nonlocal electrostatics in ionic liquids: the key to an understanding of the screening decay length and screened
Roland Kjellander
Journal of Chemical Physics - 2016 -
Density Fluctuations of Hard-Sphere Fluids in Narrow
Kim Nygård, Sten Sarman, Kristin Hyltegren, Shirish Chodankar, Edith Perret, Johan Buitenhuis, J Friso van der Veen, Roland Kjellander
Physical Review X - 2016 -
Decay behavior of screened electrostatic surface forces in ionic liquids: the vital role of non-local
Roland Kjellander
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics - PCCP - 2016 -
Thermodynamics Kept Simple - A Molecular Approach: "What is the Driving Force in the World of
Roland Kjellander
2015 -
Packing frustration in dense confined
Kim Nygård, Sten Sarman, Roland Kjellander
Journal of Chemical Physics - 2014 -
Electrostatics in Electrolytes Expressed in an Exact Formalism Reminiscent of the Poisson–Boltzmann
Roland Kjellander
Electrostatics of Soft and Disordered Matter - 2014 -
Att konkretisera det abstrakta: Förstå och undervisa om entropi och
Roland Kjellander
Modeller, analogier och metaforer i naturvetenskapsundervisning - 2013 -
Local order variations in confined hard-sphere
Kim Nygård, Sten Sarman, Roland Kjellander
Journal of Chemical Physics - 2013 -
Anisotropic Pair Correlations and Structure Factors of Confined Hard-Sphere Fluids: An Experimental and Theoretical
Kim Nygård, Roland Kjellander, Sten Sarman, S. Chodankar, E. Perret, J. Buitenhuis, J. F. van der Veen
Physical Review Letters - 2012 -
Vad är drivkraften i molekylernas värld? En molekylär introduktion till
Roland Kjellander
2011 -
Long range interactions in nanoscale
Roger H. French, V. Adrian Parsegian, Rudolf Podgornik, Rick F. Rajter, Anand Jagota, Jian Luo, Dilip Asthagiri, Manoj K. Chaudhury, Yet-ming Chiang, Steve Granick, Sergei Kalinin, Mehran Kardar, Roland Kjellander, David C. Langreth, Jennifer Lewis, Steve Lustig, David Wesolowski, John S. Wettlaufer, Wai-Yim Ching, Mike Finnis, Frank Houlihan, O. Anatole von Lilienfeld, Carel Jan van Oss, Thomas Zemb
Reviews of Modern Physics - 2010 -
Charge Inversion and Ion-Ion Correlation Effects at the Mercury/Aqueous MgSO4 Interface: Toward the Solution of a Long-Standing
Erik Wernersson, Roland Kjellander, Johannes Lyklema
Journal of Physical Chemistry - 2010 -
Intricate coupling between ion–ion and ion–surface correlations in double layers as illustrated by charge inversion - combined effects of strong Coulomb correlations and excluded
Roland Kjellander
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter - 2009 -
Ion correlation forces between uncharged dielectric
Erik Wernersson, Roland Kjellander
The Journal of chemical physics - 2008 -
Yukawa multipole electrostatics and nontrivial coupling between electrostatic and dispersion interactions in
Roland Kjellander, Rosa Ramirez
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter - 2008 -
Image Charges and Dispersion Forces in Electric Double Layers: The Dependence of Wall-Wall Interactions on Salt Concentration and Surface Charge
Erik Wernersson, Roland Kjellander
The journal of physical chemistry. B - 2007 -
In silico prediction of drug solubility. 3. Free energy of solvation in pure amorphous
Kai Lüder, L. Lindfors, J. Westergren, Sture Nordholm, Roland Kjellander
Journal of Physical Chemistry B - 2007 -
In silico prediction of drug solubility: 2. Free energy of solvation in pure
Kai Lüder, L. Lindfors, J. Westergren, Sture Nordholm, Roland Kjellander
Journal of Physical Chemistry B - 2007 -
In silico prediction of drug solubility: 1. Free energy of
J. Westergren, L. Lindfors, T. Höglund, K. Luder, Sture Nordholm, Roland Kjellander
Journal of Physical Chemistry B - 2007 -
Fundamental aspects of electrostatic interactions and charge renormalization in electrolyte
Roland Kjellander
Colloid Journal - 2007 -
Electrostatic screening in classical Coulomb fluids: exponential or power-law decay or both? An investigation into the effect of dispersion
Roland Kjellander
Journal of Physics a-Mathematical and General - 2006 -
Toward efficient chemical potential calculations by expanded ensemble simulations; to make the free energy pathway fairly
Kai Lüder, Roland Kjellander
The journal of physical chemistry. B - 2006 -
Effective multipoles and Yukawa electrostatics in dressed molecule
Rosa Ramirez, Roland Kjellander
The Journal of chemical physics - 2006 -
On the effect of image charges and ion-wall dispersion forces on electric double layer
Erik Wernersson, Roland Kjellander
The Journal of chemical physics - 2006 -
Ionic fluids with r(-6) pair interactions have power-law electrostatic
Roland Kjellander, Björn Forsberg
Journal of Physics a-Mathematical and General - 2005 -
Screened Coulomb potential and the renormalized charges of ions and molecules in electrolyte
Roland Kjellander, Rosa Ramirez
Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter - 2005 -
Dressed ion theory of size-asymmetric electrolytes: effective ionic charges and the decay length of screened Coulomb potential and pair
Björn Forsberg, Johan Ulander, Roland Kjellander
The Journal of chemical physics - 2005