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- Staffan Ingemar Lindberg
Staffan Ingemar Lindberg
Department of Political ScienceAbout Staffan Ingemar Lindberg
Professor, Dept. of Pol. Sci., Univ. of Gothenburg, xlista@gu.se
Founding Director, V-Dem Institute, University of Gothenburg,
PI, V-Dem Project, Varieties of Democracy, sil@v-dem.net
Wallenberg Academy Fellow 2014-2018 + prolongation 2019-2023
ERC Consolidator Grant, 2017-2022
Staffan I. Lindberg holds a PhD (2005) from Lund University, Sweden. His dissertation won the American Political Science Association's Juan Linz Award for best dissertation 2005. He was assistant professor at Kent State University (2005-2006), assistant/associate professor at University of Florida (2006-2013), and has been with University of Gothenburg since 2010, full professor since 2013.
Comparative Politics, Democracy and Democratization, Africa, Political Institutions, Public Opinion, Representation, Legislatures, Members of Parliament, Corruption and Clientelism
Editorial/Executive Boards
Chair, Scientific Committe, Infrastructure Grants, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, 2019-present.
Member, Expert Group for Aid Studies, 2019-present.
Member, Editorial Board, Politics and Governance, Democratization, African Journal of Democracy, Journal of Geopolitics, History, and International Relations.
Chair , Scientific Committee, Support to Research Infrastructure, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond.
Current Research
Lindberg's main current occupation is as Director of the V-Dem Institute at University of Gothenburg and one of four Principal Investigators for Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem). The research infrastructure and the data collection of the V-Dem Institute at University of Gothenburg is now part of the national research infrastructure Demscore which Lindberg also is PI and Director for, supported by financially by Swedish Research Council and the four participating universities (universities of Gothenburg, Uppsala, Stockholm, and Umeå). The research infrastructure at the V-Dem Institute is also supported by the EU (EC/INTPA), Ministry of Foreign Affairs-Sweden, and the Mo Ibrahim Foundation. Previously, support has come from among others, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Ministry of Foreign Affairs-DK, CIDA, NORAD, the National Science Foundations of Norway and Denmark, as well as through ERC research grants to Anja Neurndorff/Nottingham University and Carl Henrik Knutsen/University of Oslo.
See also the V-Dem Institute's homepage at University of Gothenburg, and the program V-Dem website. He and his collaborators were awarded the prestigeous "Lijphart/Przeworski/Verba Data Set Award 2016” for best data set in comparative politics. American Political Science Association, Comparative Politics Section.
Lindberg leads several research programs at the V-Dem Institute, including the "Failing and Successful Sequences of Democratisation", Varieties of Autocracy", "Endangered Democracies", and "Case for Democracy" supported by the ERC, K&A Wallenberg Foundation, M&M Wallenberg Foundation, Swedish Research Council, the EU (EC/INTPA), and University of Gothenburg. More information about these research programs can also be found at the V-Dem website.
He is a Wallenberg Academy Scholar, former member of the Young Academy of Sweden & Professor of Political Science, University of Gothenburg, Sweden; holder of an ERC consolidator Grant, and member of several advisory and executive boards, including the expert group for aid studies (EBA) linked to the Swedish government. He has previous served on Board of University of Gothenburg, the executive of APSA's Comparative Politics Section, as Editor and Vice-Chair of the APCG, the co-PI for the research consortium “African Power and Politics” 2007-2009, and has won 40+ grants from both US and in European funders.
His book, Democracy and Elections in Africa (Johns Hopkins UP, 2006) demonstrates the positive causal effect of elections on the spread of democracy. It was awarded "Outstanding Title" by Chocie in 2007. In a collaborative follow-up project, the causal role of elections in processes of both autocratization and democratization were investigated on a global scale. Lindberg is the editor of the resulting volume Democratization by Elections - A New Mode of Transition (Johns Hopkins UP, 2009), as well as co-author of Varieties of Democracy (CUP 2020), Why Democracies Develop and Decline (CUP 2022). His articles on women’s representation, political clientelism, voting behavior, party and electoral systems, democratization, popular attitudes, and the Ghanaian legislature and executive-legislative relationships have appeared in for example AJPS, World Politics, Perspectives on Politics, Journal of Politics, Political Science Quarterly, World Development, Party Politics, European Journal of Political Research, Electoral Studies, Studies in International Comparative Development, Journal of Democracy, International Political Science Review, Political Science Research and Methods, Government and Opposition, Journal of Modern African Studies, and Democratization. Lindberg has worked as election observer several times and been appraiser and reviewer of donors program in several Africa countries.
He has also done in-depth work on Ghana, and has published on political clientelism, voting behavior and party alignment, as well as the workings of the Ghanaian legislature. He taught at Lund University, then Kent State University and University of Florida where he was Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science. He spent two years in Ghana as parliamentary advisor, and consults on a regular basis for donors in Africa.
More information can also be found at:
Public Google Scholar:
SSRN: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=864348
Party Systems, Democratic Positions, and Regime Changes: Introducing the Party-System Democracy
Fabio Angiolillo, Felix Wiebrecht, Staffan I. Lindberg
British Journal of Political Science - 2025 -
When autocratization is reversed: episodes of U-Turns since
Marina Nord, Fabio Angiolillo, Martin Lundstedt, Felix Wiebrecht, Staffan I. Lindberg
Democracy Winning and Losing at the Ballot: Democracy Report
Marina Nord, Martin Lundstedt, David Altman, Fabio Angiolillo, Cecilia Borella, Tiago Fernandes, Lisa Gastaldi, Ana Good God, Natalia Natsika, Staffan I. Lindberg
2024 -
Democracy’s Core Institution – Clean Elections Across the
Marina Nord, Juraj Medzihorsky, Staffan I. Lindberg
2024 -
Forecasting Electoral
David Randahl, Maxine Leis, Tim Gåsste, Hanne Fjelde, Havard Hegre, Staffan I. Lindberg, Steven Wilson
2024 -
Experts, coders and crowds: An analysis of
Kyle L. Marquardt, Daniel Pemstein, Constanza Sanhueza Petrarca, Brigitte Seim, Steven Lloyd Wilson, Michael Bernhard, Michael Coppedge, Staffan I. Lindberg
State of the world 2023: democracy winning and losing at the
Fabio Angiolillo, Marina Nord, Martin Lundstedt, Staffan I. Lindberg
Democratization - 2024 -
Episodes of regime
S. F. Maerz, A. B. Edgell, M. C. Wilson, S. Hellmeier, Staffan I Lindberg
Journal of Peace Research - 2024 -
Conceptual and Measurement Issues in Assessing Democratic
Carl Henrik Knutsen, Kyle L. Marquardt, Brigitte Seim, Michael Coppedge, Amanda B. Edgell, Juraj Medzihorsky, Daniel Pemstein, Jan Teorell, John Gerring, Staffan I. Lindberg
When autocratization is reversed: Episodes of democratic turnarounds since
Marina Nord, Fabio Angiolillo, Martin Lundstedt, Felix Wiebrecht, Staffan I. Lindberg
2024 -
Walking the Talk: How to Identify Anti-Pluralist
Juraj Medzihorsky, Staffan I. Lindberg
Party Politics - 2024 -
Democracy report 2024: Democracy winning and losing at the
Marina Nord, Martin Lundstedt, David Altman, Fabio Angiolillo, Cecilia Borella, Tiago Fernandes, Lisa Gastaldi, Ana Good-God, Staffan I. Lindberg
2024 -
Episodes of liberalization in autocracies: a new approach to quantitatively studying
Matthew C. Wilson, Juraj Medzihorsky, S. F. Maerz, P. Lindenfors, Amanda B Edgell, Vanessa Alexandra Boese, Staffan I. Lindberg
Political Science Research and Methods - 2023 -
Chains in Episodes of
Kelly Morrison, Martin Lundstedt, Yuko Sato, Vanessa Alexandra Boese, Klas Markström, Staffan I Lindberg
2023 -
Disinformation and Episodes of Regime
Yuko Sato, Felix Wiebrecht, Staffan I Lindberg
2023 -
State of the world 2022: defiance in the face of
Felix Wiebrecht, Yuko Sato, Marina Nord, Martin Lundstedt, Fabio Angiolillo, Staffan I. Lindberg
Democratization - 2023 -
Democracy Report 2023: Defiance in the Face of
Evie Papada, David Altman, Fabio Angiolillo, Martin Lundstedt, Marina Nord, Yuko Sato, Felix Wiebrecht, Staffan I Lindberg
2023 -
Conceptual and Measurement Issues in Assessing Democratic
Carl Henrik Knutsen, Kyle L. Marquardt, Brigitte Seim, Michael Coppedge, Juraj Medzihorsky, Amanda B Edgell, Daniel Pemstein, Jan Teorell, John Gerring, Staffan I. Lindberg
2023 -
Democratic-Autocratic Party Systems: A New
Fabio Angiolillo, Felix Wiebrecht, Staffan I. Lindberg
2023 -
The Forum: Global Challenges to Democracy? Perspectives on Democratic
L. M. Bartels, U. E. Daxecker, S. D. Hyde, Staffan I. Lindberg, I. Nooruddin
International Studies Review - 2023 -
State of the world 2021: autocratization changing its
Vanessa Alexandra Boese, Martin Lundstedt, Kelly Morrison, Yuko Sato, Staffan I Lindberg
Democratization - 2022 -
Assessing Data Quality: An Approach and An
Kelly McMann, Daniel Pemstein, Brigitte Seim, Jan Teorell, Staffan I. Lindberg
Political Analysis - 2022 -
Why democracies develop and
Michael Coppedge, Amanda B. Edgell, Carl Henrik Knutsen, Staffan I Lindberg
2022 -
Institutional Order in Episodes of
Yuko Sato, Martin Lundstedt, Kelly Morrison, Vanessa Alexandra Boese, Staffan I. Lindberg
2022 -
Clientelism, corruption and the rule of
Staffan I Lindberg, Maria C. Lo Bue, Kunal Sen
World Development - 2022 -
Waves of autocratization and democratization: a
Vanessa Alexandra Boese, Staffan I Lindberg, Anna Lührmann
Democratization - 2021 -
State of the world 2020: autocratization turns
Sebastian Hellmeier, Rowan Cole, Sandra Grahn, Palina Kolvani, Jean Lachapelle, Anna Lührmann, Seraphine Maerz, Shreeya Pillai, Staffan I. Lindberg
Democratization - 2021 -
Bio-Dem, a tool to explore the relationship between biodiversity data availability and socio-political conditions in time and
A. Zizka, Oskar Rydén, Daniel Edler, Johannes Klein, Allison L. Perrigo, Daniele Silvestro, Sverker C. Jagers, Staffan I. Lindberg, Alexandre Antonelli
Journal of Biogeography - 2021 -
Explaining Subnational Regime Variation: Country-Level
Kelly McMann, M. Maguire, J. Gerring, Michael Coppedge, Staffan I Lindberg
Comparative politics - 2021 -
Constitutional Reform and the Gender Diversification of Peak
N. A.N.C.Y. Arrington, Leeann Bass, A. D.A.M. Glynn, Jeffrey K. Staton, Brian Delgado, Staffan I Lindberg
American Political Science Review - 2021 -
How democracies prevail: democratic resilience as a two-stage
Vanessa Alexandra Boese, Amanda B Edgell, Sebastian Hellmeier, Seraphine Maerz, Staffan I. Lindberg
Democratization - 2021 -
State of the world 2019: autocratization surges - resistance
Seraphine Maerz, Anna Lührmann, Sebastian Hellmeier, Sandra Grahn, Staffan I Lindberg
Democratization - 2020 -
Why Low Levels of Democracy Promote Corruption and High Levels Diminish
K. M. McMann, B. Seim, J. Teorell, Staffan I Lindberg
Political Research Quarterly - 2020 -
Explaining the homogeneous diffusion of COVID-19 nonpharmaceutical interventions across heterogeneous
A. Sebhatu, K. Wennberg, S. Arora-Jonsson, Staffan I Lindberg
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - 2020 -
The Matthew effect in political science: head start and key reforms important for
P. Lindenfors, Matthew C. Wilson, Staffan I Lindberg
Humanities & Social Sciences Communications - 2020 -
Data for Politics: Creating an International Research Infrastructure Measuring
Staffan I. Lindberg, Juraj Medzihorsky
Patterns - 2020 -
A. M. Leroi, B. Lambert, M. Mauch, M. Papadopoulou, S. Ananiadou, Staffan I Lindberg, Patrik Lindenfors
Palgrave Communications - 2020 -
Institutionalising electoral uncertainty and authoritarian regime
M. Bernhard, Amanda B Edgell, Staffan I Lindberg
European Journal of Political Research - 2020 -
Successful and Failed Episodes of Democratization: Conceptualization, Identification, and
Matthew C. Wilson, Richard Morgan, Juraj Medzihorsky, Laura Maxwell, Seraphine Maerz, Anna Lührmann, Patrik Lindenfors, Amanda B Edgell, Vanessa Alexandra Boese, Staffan I. Lindberg
2020 -
Establishing Pathways to Democracy Using Domination
Amanda B Edgell, Vanessa Alexandra Boese, Seraphine Maerz, Patrik Lindenfors, Staffan I Lindberg
2020 -
Deterring Dictatorship: Explaining Democratic Resilience since
Vanessa Alexandra Boese, Amanda B Edgell, Sebastian Hellmeier, Seraphine Maerz, Staffan I. Lindberg
2020 -
Exploring the Impact of Political Regimes on
Alexander Zizka, Oskar Rydén, Daniel Edler, Johannes Klein, Heléne Aronsson, Allison Perrigo, Daniele Silvestro, Sverker C. Jagers, Staffan I. Lindberg, Alexandre Antonelli
2020 -
Explaining the Homogeneous Diffusion of Covid-19 Policies among Heterogenous
Abiel Sebhatu, Karl Wennberg, Stefan Arora-Jonsson, Staffan I. Lindberg
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America - 2020 -
Linking democracy and biodiversity conservation: Empirical evidence and research
Oskar Rydén, Alexander Zizka, Sverker C. Jagers, Staffan I Lindberg, Alexandre Antonelli
Ambio - 2020 -
Parties, Civil Society, and the Deterrence of Democratic
M. Bernhard, A. Hicken, C. Reenock, Staffan I. Lindberg
Studies in Comparative International Development - 2020 -
The Accountability Sequence: from De-Jure to De-Facto Constraints on
Valeriya Mechkova, Anna Lührmann, Staffan I. Lindberg
Studies in Comparative International Development - 2019 -
Cabinets, Prime Ministers and Corruption. A Comparative Analysis of Parliamentary Governments in Post-war
Hannah Bäck, Jan Teorell, Staffan I. Lindberg
Political Studies - 2019 -
Measuring Polyarchy Across the Globe,
Jan Teorell, Michael Coppedge, Staffan I Lindberg, Svend Erik Skaaning
Studies in Comparative International Development - 2019 -
The Methodology of “Varieties of Democracy”
Michael Coppedge, John Gerring, Carl Henrik Knutsen, Joshua Krusell, Juraj Medzihorsky, Josefine Pernes, Svend Erik Skaaning, Natalia Stepanova, Jan Teorell, Eitan Tzelgov, Steven L. Wilson, Staffan I. Lindberg
BMS Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/ Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique - 2019 -
A third wave of autocratization is here: what is new about
Anna Lührmann, Staffan I Lindberg
Democratization - 2019 -
Economic Development and Democracy: An Electoral
Carl Henrik Knutsen, John Gerring, Svend-Erik Skaaning, Jan Teorell, Matthew Maguire, Michael Coppedge, Staffan I. Lindberg
European Journal of Political Research - 2019 -
Democracy for All: Conceptualizing and Measuring Egalitarian
Rachel Sigman, Staffan I. Lindberg
Political Science Research and Methods - 2019 -
State of the world 2018: democracy facing global
Anna Lührmann, Sandra Grahn, Richard Morgan, Shreeya Pillai, Staffan I Lindberg
Democratization - 2019 -
Sequential Requisites Analysis: A New Method for Analyzing Sequential Relationships in Ordinal
Patrik Lindenfors, Joshua Krusell, Staffan I. Lindberg
Social Science Quarterly - 2019 -
State of the world 2017: autocratization and
Anna Lührmann, Valeriya Mechkova, Sirianne Dahlum, Laura Maxwell, Moa Olin, Constanza Sanhueza Petrarca, Rachel Sigman, Matthew C. Wilson, Staffan I Lindberg
Democratization - 2018 -
Party Strength and Economic
Fernando Bizzarro, John Gerring, Carl Henrik Knutsen, Allen Hicken, Michael Bernhard, Svend Erik Skaaning, Michael Coppedge, Staffan I Lindberg
World Politics - 2018 -
Investigating Sequences in Ordinal Data: A New Approach with Adapted Evolutionary
Patrik Lindenfors, Fredrik Jansson, Yi Ting Wang, Staffan I Lindberg
Political Science Research and Methods - 2018 -
Armand M. Leroi, Ben Lambert, Matthias Mauch, Marina Papadopoulou, Sophia Ananiadou, Staffan I. Lindberg, Patrik Lindenfors
2018 -
Can Courts be Bulwarks of
Jeffrey K. Staton, Christopher Reenock, Jordan Holsinger, Staffan I Lindberg
2018 -
Keeping the Democratic Façade: Contemporary Autocratization as a Game of
Anna Lührmann, Staffan I. Lindberg
2018 -
Successful and Failed Episodes of Democratization: Conceptualization, Identification, and
Staffan I Lindberg, Patrik Lindenfors, Anna Lührmann, Laura Maxwell, Juraj Medzihorsky, Richard Morgan, Matthew C. Wilson
2018 -
Democracy for
Anna Lührmann, Sirianne Dahlum, Staffan I Lindberg, Laura Maxwell, Valeriya Mechkova, Moa Olin, Constanza Sanhueza Petrarca, Shreeya Pillai, Rachel Sigman, Natalia Stepanova
2018 -
Regimes of the world (RoW): Opening new avenues for the comparative study of political
Anna Lührmann, Marcus Tannenberg, Staffan I Lindberg
Politics and Governance - 2018 -
When and where do elections matter? A global test of the democratization by elections hypothesis,
A. B. Edgell, Valeriya Mechkova, D. Altman, M. Bernhard, Staffan I Lindberg
Democratization - 2018 -
Elections: The Power of Elections in Multiparty
Staffan I Lindberg, Carolien van Ham
Cheeseman N. (ed) Institutions and Democracy in Africa How the Rules of the Game Shape Political Developments - 2018 -
Democracy at
Anna Lührmann, Staffan I. Lindberg, Valeriya Mechkova, Moa Olin, Francesco Piccinelli Casagrande, Constanza Sanhueza Petrarca, Laura Saxer
2017 -
Making Embedded Knowledge Transparent: How the V-Dem Dataset Opens New Vistas in Civil Society
M. Bernhard, D. J. Jung, Eitan Tzelgov, M. Coppedge, Staffan I Lindberg
Perspectives on Politics - 2017 -
Women’s Rights in Democratic Transitions: A Global Sequence Analysis
Yi-Ting Wang, Patrik Lindenfors, Aksel Sundström, Fredrik Jansson, Pamela Paxton, Staffan I Lindberg
European Journal of Political Research - 2017 -
Women’s political empowerment: A new global index,
Aksel Sundström, Pamela Paxton, Yi-Ting Wang, Staffan I Lindberg
World Development - 2017 -
How much democratic
Valeriya Mechkova, Anna Lührmann, Staffan I Lindberg
Journal of Democracy - 2017 -
The Accountability Sequence: From De-jure to De-facto Constraints on
Valeriya Mechkova, Anna Lührmann, Staffan I Lindberg
2017 -
Neopatrimonialism and Democracy: An Empirical Investigation of Africa's Political
Rachel Sigman, Staffan I Lindberg
2017 -
Gender Diversity on High
Nancy Arrington, Leeann Bass, Adam Glynn, Jeffrey K. Staton, Brian Delgado, Staffan I Lindberg
2017 -
V-Dem Comparisons and Contrasts with Other Measurement
Michael Coppedge, John Gerring, Staffan I Lindberg, Svend-Erik Skaaning, Jan Teorell
2017 -
Democracy and Corruption: A Global Time-Series Analysis with V-Dem
Kelly M. McMann, Brigitte Seim, Jan Teorell, Staffan I Lindberg
2017 -
Regimes In the World (RIW): A Robust Regime Type Measure based on
Anna Lührmann, Staffan I Lindberg, Marcus Tannenberg
2017 -
Experts, Coders, and Crowds: An analysis of
Kyle L. Marquardt, Daniel Pemstein, Constanza Sanhueza Petrarca, Brigitte Seim, Steven Lloyd Wilson, Michael Bernhard, Michael Coppedge, Staffan I Lindberg
2017 -
From de-jure to de-facto: Mapping Dimensions and Sequences of
Valeriya Mechkova, Anna Lührmann, Staffan I Lindberg
2017 -
Democracy in crisis? A study of various dimensions and sources of support for
Staffan I Lindberg, Cindy Lee Steenekamp
Journal of Public Affairs - 2017 -
Trust in
Staffan I Lindberg, Sören Holmberg, Richard Svensson
Journal of Public Affairs - 2017 -
Measuring High Level Democratic Principles Using the V-Dem
Staffan I Lindberg, Michael Coppedge, Jan Teorell, Svend-Erik Skaaning
International Political Science Review - 2016 -
Suicide by Competition? Authoritarian Institutional Adaptation and Regime
Michael Bernhard, Amanda B Edgell, Staffan I Lindberg
2016 -
Strategies of Validation: Assessing the Varieties of Democracy Corruption
Kelly McMann, Daniel Pemstein, Brigitte Zimmerman, Jan Teorell, Staffan I Lindberg
2016 -
Bort med tassarna – politisera inte
Staffan I Lindberg, Virginia Langum
Göteborgs-Posten - 2016 -
I demokratins namn – tänk om
Staffan I Lindberg
Göteborgs-Posten - 2016 -
Se upp
Staffan I Lindberg
Uppsala Nya Tidning - 2016 -
Söka kunskap viktigare än
Staffan I Lindberg
Dagens Nyheter - 2016 -
Civil Society, Party Institutionalization, and Democratic Breakdown in the Interwar
Agnes Cornell, Jørgen Møller, Svend-Erik Skaaning, Staffan I Lindberg
2016 -
Measuring Electoral Democracy with V-Dem Data: Introducing a New Polyarchy
Jan Teorell, Michael Coppedge, Svend-Erik Skaaning, Staffan I Lindberg
2016 -
Measuring Electoral Democracy with V-Dem Data: Introducing a New Polyarchy
Jan Teorell, Michael Coppedge, Svend-Erik Skaaning, Staffan I Lindberg
2016 -
Ordinal Versions of V-Dem’s Indices: When Interval Measures Are Not Useful for Classification, Description, and Sequencing Analysis
Staffan I Lindberg
Geopolitics, History, and International Relations - 2016 -
When and Where Do Elections Matter? A Global Test of the Democratization by Elections Hypothesis,
Amanda B Edgell, Valeriya Mechkova, David Altman, Michael Bernhard, Staffan I Lindberg
2015 -
Party Strength and Economic
Fernando Bizzarro, John Gerring, Allen Hicken, Carl Henrik Knutsen, Michael Bernhard, Svend-Erik Skaaning, Michael Coppedge, Staffan I Lindberg
2015 -
Investigating Sequences in Ordinal Data: A New Approach with Adapted Evolutionary
Patrik Lindenfors, Fredrik Jansson, Yi-Ting Wang, Staffan I Lindberg
2015 -
Legislative Powers and Executive
Steven Fish, Katherine Michel, Staffan I Lindberg
2015 -
The Structure of the Executive in Authoritarian and Democratic Regimes: Regime Dimensions across the Globe,
Jan Teorell, Staffan I Lindberg
2015 -
A New Corruptions Index using V-Dem
Staffan I Lindberg, Brigitte Zimmerman, Jan Teorell
2015 -
Varieties of Democratic Diffusion: Colonial
Michael Coppedge, Lucía Tiscornia, Staffan I Lindberg
2015 -
Ordinal Versions of V-Dem’s Indices: For Classification, Description, Sequencing Analysis and Other
Staffan I Lindberg
2015 -
Vote Buying Is A Good Sign: Alternate Tactics of Fraud in Africa
Carolien van Ham, Staffan I Lindberg
2015 -
Women’s Political Empowerment Index: A New Global Index,
Aksel Sundström, Pamela Paxton, Yi-Ting Wang, Staffan I Lindberg
2015 -
Measuring High-Level Democratic Principles using the V-Dem
M Coppedge, Staffan I Lindberg, S Skaaning, Jan Teorell
2015 -
The Varieties of Democracy Core Civil Society
Michael Bernhard, Eitan Tzelgov, Dong-Joon Jung, Michael Coppedge, Staffan I Lindberg
2015 -
Institutional Subsystems and the Survival of Democracy: Do Political and Civil Society
M Bernhard, A Hicken, C Reenock, Staffan I Lindberg
2015 -
No Democratic Transition Without Women's Rights: A Global Sequence Analysis
Yi-Ting Wang, Patrik Lindenfors, Aksel Sundström, Fredrik Jansson, Staffan I Lindberg
2015 -
Electoral Democracy and Human
Staffan I Lindberg, J Gerring, C H Knutsen, S Skaaning, Jan Teorell, M Coppedge, M Maguire
2015 -
Economic Development and Democracy: An Electoral
Carl Henrik Knutsen, John Gerring, Svend-Erik Skaaning, Jan Teorell, Matthew Maguire, Michael Coppedge, Staffan I Lindberg
2015 -
Measuring Political Participation in Southern Europe: The Varieties of Democracy
Tiago Fernandes, João Cancela, Michael Coppedge, Staffan I Lindberg, Allen Hicken
2015 -
The Index of Egalitarian Democracy and Its Components: V-Dem's Conceptualization and
Rachel Sigman, Staffan I Lindberg
2015 -
Saudi Arabia: A Country Report Based on V-Dem Data
When Guardians Matter Most: Exploring the Conditions Under Which Electoral Management Body Institutional Design Affects Election
Staffan I Lindberg, Carolien van Ham
Irish Political Studies - 2015 -
No Democratic Transition Without Women’s Rights: A Global Sequence Analysis
Yi-Ting Wang, Patrik Lindenfors, Aksel Sundström, Fredrik Jansson, Staffan I Lindberg
2015 -
From Sticks to Carrots: Electoral Manipulation in Africa,
Carolien van Ham, Staffan I Lindberg
Government and Opposition - 2015 -
Staffan I Lindberg, Michael Coppedge, John Gerring, Jan Teorell
Journal of Democracy - 2014 -
Has democracy research been misleading for 50
Staffan I Lindberg
University of Gothenburg, Vasaparken, Gothenburg, 25 September 2014 - 2014 -
Varieties of Democracy: To measure and understand democracy, and what does it mean for development
Staffan I Lindberg
Sida, Stockholm, 2 June 2014. - 2014 -
Carrots or
Staffan I Lindberg, Carolien van Ham
The Future of Democracy workshop, Cambridge University, September 11-12, 2014. - 2014 -
Measuring Electoral Democracy with V-Dem
Staffan I Lindberg, Jan Teorell, Michael Coppedge, John Gerring
American Political Science Association’s Annual Meeting, Chicago, August 28-31, 2014 - 2014 -
V-Dem Methodology and Data, and the Challenges of
Staffan I Lindberg
CSSR, University of Cape Town, February 18, 2014. - 2014 -
Policybaserade och klientelistiska relationer till
Peter Esaiasson, Staffan I Lindberg
Svenska politiker. Om de folkvalda i riksdag, landsting och kommun - 2014 -
A New World: Democratization Research Mistaken over 50
Staffan I Lindberg
Statistical Bureau of Sweden, Stockholm 30 September 2014. - 2014 -
Does Democracy Support Lead to More
Staffan I Lindberg
Sida-arranged seminar, Bokmässan, 27 September 2014. - 2014 -
Varieties of Democracy: A New
Staffan I Lindberg
Young Academy of Sweden, 17 September 2014. - 2014 -
Young Swedes’ Attitudes to Democratic
Staffan I Lindberg
Folkuniversitet, Umeå 16 September 2014. - 2014 -
Appraising the Wider Country Context: V-Dem Online Tools to assess country
Staffan I Lindberg
Multistakeholder Dialogue and Knowledge Sharing workshop, INSPIRED/European Partnership for Democracy, Madrid, 2-4 July 2014 - 2014 -
What Does Research on Democracy Tell Us about Human Rights, Gender, and
Staffan I Lindberg
Västsvenskt Arena, Almedlaen, 2 July 2014. - 2014 -
V-Dem Goals, Data, and Examples of
Staffan I Lindberg
Fragile States Conference, Ministry of Foreign Affairs-DK, 6 May 2014. - 2014 -
V-Dem in
Staffan I Lindberg
African Studies Centre, Oxford University, 1 May 2014 - 2014 -
V-Dem Goals, Data, and Examples of
Staffan I Lindberg
Global Studies Department, University of Gothenburg, 6 March 2014. - 2014 -
World Values Sweden 2011 and Support for
Staffan I Lindberg
STIAS, Stellenbosch University, Cape Town, February 14, 2014. - 2014 -
V-Dem Methodology and Data, and the Challenges of
Staffan I Lindberg
STIAS, Stellenbosch University, Cape Town, February 14, 2014. - 2014 -
Democracy in the world: Where are
Staffan I Lindberg
ABF, Stockholm, February 6, 2014 - 2014 -
V-Dem Methodology and Data, and the Challenges of
Staffan I Lindberg
FORDI, Copenhagen, January 23, 2014. - 2014 -
Trade-offs and Sequences of Electoral Misconduct in
Staffan I Lindberg
African Studies Association’s Annual Conference, Indianapolis, November 20-22, 2014. - 2014 -
Have the Cake and Eat It: The Rational Voter in
Staffan I Lindberg
Party Politics - 2013 -
Burma: A Country Report Based on Data
Aung A. Hlling, Julio Teehankee, Yi-Ting Wang, Valeriya Mechkova, Vlad Ciobanu, Staffan I Lindberg
2013 -
Media in West Africa: A Thematic Report Based on Data
Richard Asante, Maavi Norman, Eitan Tzelgov, Staffan I Lindberg
2013 -
Party System in South and Southeast Asia: A Thematic Report Based on Data
Julio Teehankee, Medet Tuilegenov, Y-Ting Wang, Vlad Ciobanu, Staffan I Lindberg
2013 -
Georgia: A Country Report Based on Data
Staffan I Lindberg, Medet Tuilegenov, Valeriya Mechkova, Eitan Tzelgov
2013 -
What Drives the Swing Voter in
K. R. Weghorst, Staffan I Lindberg
American Journal of Political Science - 2013 -
Can Efficient Institutions Induce Cooperation Among Low Trust Agents? An Experimental
Pontus Strimling, Staffan I Lindberg, mikael Ehn, Kimmo Eriksson, Bo Rothstein
2013 -
Young Swedes and Democracy: What Does All Data Sources
Staffan I Lindberg
SKL, 24 May, - 2013 -
Varieties of Democracy: Progress and
Staffan I Lindberg
University of Zambia, Lusaka, 5 March - 2013 -
Varieties of Democracy: Progress and
Staffan I Lindberg
Carnegie Foundation, Washington DC, May 30 - 2013 -
Varieties of Democracy: Progress and
Staffan I Lindberg
School of Economics, University of Gothenburg, 2 September - 2013 -
Varieties of Democracy: A New Way to Measure
Staffan I Lindberg
International Political Science Association’s Annual Convention, San Francisco, 4-7 April, - 2013 -
Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem): Om att mäta demokrati och
Staffan I Lindberg, Jan Teorell
Statsvetenskaplig Tidsskrift - 2013 -
V-Dem: Rationale, Theory and
Staffan I Lindberg
New Lisabon University, Lisabon, 18 February - 2013 -
V-Dem: Rationale, Theory and
Staffan I Lindberg
Central European Univerity, Budapest, 20 February - 2013 -
V-Dem: Rationale, Theory and
Staffan I Lindberg
University of Cape Town, South Africa, 8 March - 2013 -
V-Dem: Rationale, Theory and
Staffan I Lindberg
De La Salle University, Philippines, 11 September - 2013 -
V-Dem: Rationale, Theory and
Staffan I Lindberg
American University if Central Asia, Bishkek, 15 January - 2013 -
V-Dem: Rationale, Theory and Practical
Staffan I Lindberg
Research Series on Politics, University of Florida, 13 February, - 2013 -
V-Dem Goals, Data, and Examples of
Staffan I Lindberg
Department of Journalism, Media, and Communication, University of Gothenburg, November 13, - 2013 -
V-Dem Goals, Data, and Examples of
Staffan I Lindberg
School of Economics, University of Gothenburg, November 20 - 2013 -
V-Dem Goals, Data, and Examples of
Staffan I Lindberg
UNDP, Oslo Governance Center conference on Democratic Governance: Do We Measure Up?, Oslo December 5-6 - 2013 -
V-Dem Goals, Data, and Examples of
Staffan I Lindberg
Community of Democracies, Governing Council Meeting, Warsaw December 10 - 2013 -
Ungdomars förhållande till demokratin: En forskningsöversikt, inventering av befintliga data och
Monitoring Rights: Problems and
Staffan I Lindberg
Danida Development Days, Copenhagen 28 May, - 2013 -
Measuring Democracy and the V-Dem
Staffan I Lindberg
KEX, Parliamentary Committee on Control of Arms Export. 19 September - 2013 -
Mapping accountability: core concept and
Staffan I Lindberg
International Review of Administrative Sciences - 2013 -
Democratization, Autocratization and
Staffan I Lindberg
Routledge handbook of African politics / edited by Nic Cheeseman, David M. Anderson, and Andrea Scheibler. - 2013 -
Democratization after 40
Staffan I Lindberg
International Political Science Association’s Annual Convention, San Francisco, 4-7 April, - 2013 -
Confusing Categories, Shifting
Staffan I Lindberg
Journal of Democracy - 2013 -
Building and maintaining strong institutions: An experimental
Staffan I Lindberg, Bo Rothstein
Quality of Government Institute Conference, Gottskär, 19-21 August, - 2013 -
Attitudes to Democracy and the Swedish School
Staffan I Lindberg
FAFO, Gandemoen/Oslo, 24 September - 2013 -
Attitudes to Democracy and the Swedish School
Staffan I Lindberg
Local Government, Botkyrka, 7 October - 2013 -
Aggregating Varieties of Democracy
Staffan I Lindberg, Michael Coppedge, John Gerring, Jan Teorell
American Political Science Association’s Annual Meeting, Chicago, August 29-September 1, - 2013 -
V-Dem Project
Staffan I Lindberg
Varieties of Democracy Institute - 2012 -
Ghana: A Country-Report Based on Pilot-Study
Staffan I Lindberg, Jennifer Boyland
2012 -
Varieties of Democracy: Progress and
Staffan I Lindberg
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sweden, 2 November - 2012 -
Varieties of Democracy
Staffan I Lindberg
Midwest Political Science Association's Annual Conference, Chicago 12-15 April, 2012. - 2012 -
Variedades de Democracia (V-Dem): Un enfoque histórico, multidimensional y
Staffan I Lindberg, John Gerring, Michael Coppedge
Revista Española de Ciencia Política - 2012 -
V-Dem: Rationale, Theory and Practical
Staffan I Lindberg
EC/DEVCO, Brussels, 19 January 2012 - 2012 -
V-Dem: Rationale, Theory and Practical
Staffan I Lindberg
Quality of Government Institute conference - 2012 -
V-Dem Prospects and
Staffan I Lindberg
American Political Science Association’s Annual Meeting - 2012 -
V-Dem Project, Competitors, and Usefulness for
Staffan I Lindberg
International IDEA, Stockholm, 10 February - 2012 -
V-Dem Project, Competitors, and Usefulness for
Staffan I Lindberg
Ministry of Foreign Affairs-Denmark, Copenhagen, 9 February - 2012 -
Global Standards, Local Knowledge: The Varieties of
Staffan I Lindberg, Michael Coppedge, John Gerring
Varieties of Democracy Working Paper Series - 2012 -
Drilling Down: Ghana as Example of
Staffan I Lindberg
International Political Science Association’s Meeting, - 2012 -
Clientelism is Good! The Rational Voter in
Staffan I Lindberg
Midwest Political Science Association's Annual Conference, Chicago 12-15 April, 2012. - 2012 -
Rösträtt till salu: Det nya hotet mot
Varieties of Democracy: Progress and
Staffan I Lindberg
International IDEA, 12 September - 2012 -
World Values Survey and Attitudes to
Staffan I Lindberg
Swedish Muncipalities and Counties Association, repeated talks on 4, 5, 20, and 27 September, - 2012 -
Attitudes to Science and
Staffan I Lindberg
KEFU, Lund University, 14 June, - 2012 -
Young Swedes Support for Dictatorship and
Staffan I Lindberg
Committee on Culture, Riksdagen (Parliament of Sweden), Stockholm, 15 February - 2012 -
Young Swedes Support for Dictatorship and
Staffan I Lindberg
ABF-Stockholm, Stockholm, 11 February - 2012 -
Tabellrapport - World Values
Staffan I Lindberg
2012 -
Legislators and Variation in Quality of
Staffan I Lindberg
Good Government - The Relevance of Political Science / Holmberg, Sören & Rothstein, Bo (eds) - 2012 -
Ungas syn på demokrati och diktatur (WVS
Staffan I Lindberg
Arbetarrörelsens forskarnätverks konferens, 23 maj, 2012 - 2012 -
Unga svenskars syn på demokrati - WVS
Staffan I Lindberg
Socialdemokratiska riksdagsgruppen, Riksdagen, 15 februari 2012 - 2012 -
Dictatorship is Good! Young Swedes and
Staffan I Lindberg
Midwest Political Science Association's Annual Conference, Chicago 12-15 April, 2012. - 2012 -
Conceptualizing and Measuring Democracy: A New
M Coppedge, J Gerring, D Altman, M Bernhard, S Fish, A Hicken, M Kroenig, Staffan I Lindberg, K McMann, P Paxton, HA Semetko, SE Skaaning, J Staton, Jan Teorell
Perspectives on Politics - 2011 -
Demokrati inte så viktigt för dagens unga
Staffan I Lindberg
DN Debatt 3 juni 2011 - 2011 -
Elections in Divided Societies: The Role of Electoral Systems and
Staffan I Lindberg
Challenges to Democracy in Divided Societies, Duke University, January 29, 2011 - 2011 -
What Drives the Swing Voter in Africa – Clientelism or Collective
Staffan I Lindberg, Keith Weghorst
Juan March Institute Conference on Electoral Fraud, Vote Buying and Clientelism, 29 June–1 July 2011, Madrid, Spain. - 2011 -
Varför tycker inte unga att demokrati är viktigt? WVS-data från
Staffan I Lindberg
Samhällsvetenskapens dag/Social Sciences Day, Gothenburg University, September 8, 2011. - 2011 -
V-Dem: Practical
Staffan I Lindberg
End-of-Pilot-Phase Conference, Varieties of Democracy, University of Gothenburg, September 30, 2011. - 2011 -
V-Dem: Theory and
Staffan I Lindberg
Kellogg Institute, University of Notre Dame, November 14, 2011. - 2011 -
Young Swedes Don’t Support
Staffan I Lindberg
nternational Symposium on the World Values Survey, Global Week, University of Gothenburg, November 23, 2011. - 2011 -
Accountability: The Concept and Its
Staffan I Lindberg
Workshop on Researching Accountability: Conceptual and Methodological Challenges. European Studies Centre, St Anthony’s College, Oxford University, 16-17 December 2011. - 2011 -
The Demand-Side of Politics in New
Staffan I Lindberg
American Political Science Association’s Annual Meeting, Seattle, September 1-4, 2011. - 2011 -
Have the Cake and Eat It: Rational Voters in
Staffan I Lindberg
African Studies Association’s 54th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, November 17-19, 2011. - 2011 -
MPs, Clientelism, and Collective
Staffan I Lindberg
2011 -
Governance & Corruption in Zanzibar: Executive Summary
Staffan I Lindberg, Kjetil Tronvoll
2011 -
Citizens’ Attitudes to Good Governance and Corruption: Results from a 2011 Survey in
Staffan I Lindberg, Keith Weghorst
2011 -
Civil Servants’ Attitudes to Good Governance and Corruption: Results from a 2011 Survey in
Staffan I Lindberg, Winifred Pankani
2011 -
Legislators’ Attitudes to Good Governance and Corruption: Results from 2011 Survey in
Staffan I Lindberg, Keith Weghorst
2011 -
The Power of
Staffan I Lindberg
Handbook of African Politics.London: Routledge. - 2011 -
Persistent Authoritarianism and the Future of Democracy in
Staffan I Lindberg, Sara Meerow
Chapter 7 in Brown, Nathan (ed.) Democratization: Doubt, Dictatorship, Diffusion, and Development. - 2011 -
Effective Opposition Strategies: Collective Goods or
Staffan I Lindberg
Democratization - 2011 -
Are African Swing Voters Agents of Democracy or Farmers of Clientelism? Evidence from
Staffan I Lindberg
American Political Science Association’s Annual Meeting, Washington DC, September 1-5, 2010. - 2010 -
Democratization by
Staffan I Lindberg
African Studies Association in the UK’s Biannual Conference, Oxford 16-19 September, 2010. - 2010 -
Measuring Variation in the Quality of Government at Local
Staffan I Lindberg
Quality of Government Workshop, Prague 13-15 December 2010. - 2010 -
Vote Choice and Political Incentives: Survey Evidence from
Staffan I Lindberg
African Studies Association’s 53rd Annual Meeting, San Francisco, November 18-21, 2010. - 2010 -
Evaluation of the Afrobarometer Round
Staffan I Lindberg
2010 -
Variation in Performance Among Members of Parliament: Evidence from
Staffan I Lindberg
Working Paper No. 7 Overseas Development Institute, London: African Power and Politics Research Program. - 2010 -
Some Evidence on the Demand Side of Private-Public Goods Provision by
Staffan I Lindberg
Working Paper No. 8 Overseas Development Institute, London: African Power and Politics Research Program. - 2010 -
Are Swing Voters Instruments of Democracy or Farmers of Clientelism? Evidence from
Staffan I Lindberg, Keith Weghorst
Working Paper 2010:17 University of Gothenburg: Quality of Government Institute. - 2010 -
Effective Opposition Strategies: A Foundation for Improved Quality of
Staffan I Lindberg, Keith Weghorst
Working Paper 2010:21 University of Gothenburg: Quality of Government Institute. - 2010 -
Laying a Foundation for Democracy on Undermining
Staffan I Lindberg
Bogaards, Matthijs and Françoise Boucek (eds.) Dominant Parties and Democracy. - 2010 -
Persistent Authoritarianism and the Future of Democracy in
Staffan I Lindberg, Sara Meerow
Brown, Nathan (ed.) Democratization: Doubt, Dictatorship, Diffusion, and Development. - 2010 -
What Accountability Pressures Do MPs in Africa Face and How Do They Respond? Evidence from
Staffan I Lindberg
Journal of Modern African Studies - 2010 -
What Makes Opposition Parties Persuade Voters: Clientelism or
Staffan I Lindberg, Keith Weghorst
Democratization - 2010 -
Narrowing the Legitimacy Gap: The Role of Turnovers in Africa’s Emerging
Staffan I Lindberg, Devra Moehler
Journal of Politics - 2009 -
Accountability: Core Concept and Its
Staffan I Lindberg
Working Paper No. 1. Overseas Development Institute, London: African Power and Politics Research Program. - 2009 -
Member of Parliament of Ghana: A Hybrid Institution with Mixed
Staffan I Lindberg
Working Paper No. 2. Overseas Development Institute, London: African Power and Politics Research Program. - 2009 -
Byzantine Complexity: Making Sense of
Staffan I Lindberg
Working Paper No. 28, Political Concepts Series. International Political Science Association; Committee on Concepts and Methods. - 2009 -
The Role of Private and Collective Goods in Elections: Evidence from
Staffan I Lindberg, Keith Weghorst
Working Paper No. 5. African Power and Politics program. London: Overseas Development Institute. - 2009 -
A Theory of Elections as a Mode of
Staffan I Lindberg
Lindberg, Staffan I. (ed.) Democratization by Elections: A New Mode of Transition? - 2009 -
The Power of Elections
Staffan I Lindberg
Lindberg, Staffan I. (ed.) Democratization by Elections: A New Mode of Transition? - 2009 -
Cooptation Despite Democratization in
Staffan I Lindberg
Barkan, Joel (ed.) Legislative Power in Emerging African Democracies. - 2009 -
Democratization by Elections: A Mixed
Staffan I Lindberg
Journal of Democracy - 2009 -
Democratization by Elections: A New Mode of
Staffan I Lindberg
2009 -
Does Democratization Reduce the Risk of Military Interventions in Politics in
Staffan I Lindberg, John F Clark
Democratization - 2008 -
Are African Voters Really Ethnic or Clientelistic?: Survey Evidence from
Staffan I Lindberg, KC Morrison
Political Science Quarterly - 2008 -
Narrowing the Legitimacy Gap: The Role of Turnovers in Africa's Emerging
Staffan I Lindberg, Devra Moehler
Working Paper No. 88. Michigan State University: Afrobarometer Working Paper Series - 2007 -
Institutionalization of Party Systems? Stability and Fluidity Among Legislative Parties in Africa’s
Staffan I Lindberg
Government and Opposition - 2007 -
Why Do Opposition Boycott
Staffan I Lindberg
Chapter 9 in Schedler, Andreas (ed.) Electoral Authoritarianism. - 2006 -
The Surprising Significance of African
Staffan I Lindberg
Journal of Democracy - 2006 -
Opposition Parties and Democratization in sub-Saharan
Staffan I Lindberg
Journal of Contemporary African Politics - 2006 -
Democratization and Elections in
Staffan I Lindberg
2006 -
Consequences of Electoral Systems in Africa: A Preliminary
Staffan I Lindberg
Electoral Studies - 2005 -
Exploring Voter Alignments in Africa: Core and Swing Voters in
Staffan I Lindberg, KC Morrison
Journal of Modern African Studies - 2005 -
The Democratic Qualities of Multiparty Elections: Participation, Competition and Legitimacy in
Staffan I Lindberg
Journal of Commonwealth and Comparative Politics - 2004 -
Democratization and Women’s Empowerment: The Effects of Electoral Systems, Participation and Repetition in
Staffan I Lindberg
Studies in Comparative International Development - 2004 -
It’s Our Time to ‘Chop’: Do Elections in Africa Feed Neopatrimonialism rather than Counter-Act
Staffan I Lindberg
Democratization - 2003 -
Problems of Measuring Democracy: Illustrations from
Staffan I Lindberg
Chapter 7 in Göran Hydén and Ole Elgström (eds.) Development and Democracy: What have we learnt and how?, - 2002 -
Forms of State, Governance and Regime: Reconceptualising the Prospects for Democratic Consolidation in sub-Saharan
Staffan I Lindberg
International Political Science Review - 2001