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- Daniele Silvestro
Daniele Silvestro
Department of Biological & Environmental Sciences-
Toward a Semi-Supervised Learning Approach to Phylogenetic
Daniele Silvestro, Thibault Latrille, Nicolas Salamin
DeepDive: estimating global biodiversity patterns through time using deep
Rebecca B. Cooper, Joseph T. Flannery-Sutherland, Daniele Silvestro
Nature Communications - 2024 -
Benchmarking imputation methods for categorical biological
Matthieu Gendre, Torsten Hauffe, Catalina Pimiento, Daniele Silvestro
Exploring the Macroevolutionary Signature of Asymmetric Inheritance at
Theo Gaboriau, Joseph A. Tobias, Daniele Silvestro, Nicolas Salamin
Plant diversity darkspots for global collection
Ian Ondo, Kiran L. Dhanjal-Adams, Samuel Pironon, Daniele Silvestro, Matheus Colli-Silva, Victor Deklerck, Olwen M. Grace, Alexandre K. Monro, Nicky Nicolson, Barnaby Walker, Alexandre Antonelli
Reliable biogeography requires fossils: insights from a new species-level phylogeny of extinct and living
Sören Faurby, Daniele Silvestro, Lars Werdelin, Alexandre Antonelli
Trait-mediated speciation and human-driven extinctions in proboscideans revealed by unsupervised Bayesian neural
Torsten Hauffe, Juan L. Cantalapiedra, Daniele Silvestro
Challenges in estimating species' age from phylogenetic
Carlos Calderon del Cid, Torsten Hauffe, Juan D. Carrillo, Michael R. May, Rachel C. M. Warnock, Daniele Silvestro
The Clade Replacement Theory: a framework to study age-dependent
Carlos Calderon del Cid, Fabricio Villalobos, Ricardo Dobrovolski, Juan D. Carrillo, Daniele Silvestro, Bruno Vilela
Heterogeneous selectivity and morphological evolution of marine clades during the Permian-Triassic mass
Xiaokang Liu, Haijun Song, Daoliang Chu, Xu Dai, Fengyu Wang, Daniele Silvestro
Two Major Extinction Events in the Evolutionary History of Turtles: One Caused by an Asteroid, the Other by
Anieli G. Pereira, Alexandre Antonelli, Daniele Silvestro, Sören Faurby
The evolutionary history of the Central Asian steppe-desert taxon Nitraria (Nitrariaceae) as revealed by integration of fossil pollen morphology and molecular
A. Woutersen, P. E. Jardine, Daniele Silvestro, R. G. Bogota-Angel, H. X. Zhang, N. Meijer, J. Bouchal, N. Barbolini, G. Dupont-Nivet, A. Koutsodendris, Alexandre Antonelli, C. Hoorn
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society - 2023 -
Functional diversity of sharks and rays is highly vulnerable and supported by unique species and locations
Catalina Pimiento, Camille Albouy, Daniele Silvestro, Theophile L. Mouton, Laure Velez, David Mouillot, Aaron B. Judah, John N. Griffin, Fabien Leprieur
Light, rather than circadian rhythm, regulates gas exchange in ferns and
D. Aros-Mualin, C. R. Guadagno, Daniele Silvestro, M. Kessler
Plant Physiology - 2023 -
Patterns and drivers of heat production in the plant genus
C. Claudel, O. Loiseau, Daniele Silvestro, S. Lev-Yadun, Alexandre Antonelli
Plant Journal - 2023 -
Slow and steady wins the race: Diversification rate is independent from body size and lifestyle in Malagasy skinks (Squamata: Scincidae:
F. Belluardo, A. J. Munoz-Pajares, A. Miralles, Daniele Silvestro, W. Cocca, F. M. Ratsoavina, A. Villa, S. H. Roberts, M. Mezzasalma, A. Zizka, Alexandre Antonelli, A. Crottini
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution - 2023 -
GDGT distribution in tropical soils and its potential as a terrestrial paleothermometer revealed by Bayesian deep-learning
C. Häggi, B. D. A. Naafs, Daniele Silvestro, Jr. Bertassoli, T. K. Akabane, V. R. Mendes, A. O. Sawakuchi, C. M. Chiessi, C. A. Jaramillo, S. J. Feakins
Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta - 2023 -
A timescale for placental mammal diversification based on Bayesian modeling of the fossil
E. Carlisle, C. M. Janis, D. Pisani, P. C. J. Donoghue, Daniele Silvestro
Current Biology - 2023 -
Conceptual and empirical bridges between micro- and
J. Rolland, L. F. Henao-Diaz, M. Doebeli, R. Germain, L. J. Harmon, L. L. Knowles, L. H. Liow, J. E. Mank, A. Machac, S. P. Otto, M. Pennell, N. Salamin, Daniele Silvestro, M. Sugawara, J. Uyeda, C. E. Wagner, D. Schluter
Nature Ecology and Evolution - 2023 -
Dollo meets Bergmann: morphological evolution in secondary aquatic
B. M. Farina, Sören Faurby, Daniele Silvestro
Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences - 2023 -
Machine learning enhances prediction of plants as potential sources of
A. Richard-Bollans, C. Aitken, Alexandre Antonelli, C. Bitencourt, D. Goyder, E. Lucas, I. Ondo, O. A. Perez-Escobar, S. Pironon, J. E. Richardson, D. Russell, Daniele Silvestro, C. W. Wright, M. J. R. Howes
Frontiers in Plant Science - 2023 -
Stratigraphy of a middle Miocene neotropical Lagerstatte (La Venta Site,
L. Mora-Rojas, A. Cardenas, C. Jaramillo, Daniele Silvestro, G. Bayona, S. Zapata, F. Moreno, C. Silva, J. W. Moreno-Bernal, J. S. Jaramillo, V. Valencia, M. Ibanez
Geodiversitas - 2023 -
Dwarfism and gigantism drive human-mediated extinctions on
R. Rozzi, M. V. Lomolino, A. A. E. van der Geer, Daniele Silvestro, S. K. Lyons, P. Bover, J. A. Alcover, A. Benitez-Lopez, C. H. Tsai, M. Fujita, M. O. Kubo, J. Ochoa, M. E. Scarborough, S. T. Turvey, A. Zizka, J. M. Chase
Science - 2023 -
A quantitative framework to infer the effect of traits, diversity and environment on dispersal and extinction rates from
T. Hauffe, M. M. Pires, T. B. Quental, T. Wilke, Daniele Silvestro
Methods in Ecology and Evolution - 2022 -
Madagascar’s extraordinary biodiversity: Evolution, distribution, and
Alexandre Antonelli, R. J. Smith, Allison L. Perrigo, A. Crottini, J. Hackel, Weston L. Testo, Harith Farooq, Maria Fernanda Torres Jimenez, N. Andela, Tobias Andermann, A. M. Andriamanohera, S. Andriambololonera, S. P. Bachman, Christine D. Bacon, W. J. Baker, F. Belluardo, C. Birkinshaw, J. S. Borrell, S. Cable, N. A. Canales, J. D. Carrillo, R. Clegg, C. Clubbe, Robert S. Cooke, Gabriel Damasco, S. Dhanda, Daniel Edler, Sören Faurby, Paola De Lima Ferreira, B. L. Fisher, F. Forest, L. M. Gardiner, S. M. Goodman, O. M. Grace, T. B. Guedes, M. C. Henniges, R. Hill, C. E. R. Lehmann, II Lowry, L. Marline, P. Matos-Maraví, J. Moat, B. Neves, M. G. C. Nogueira, R. E. Onstein, A. S. T. Papadopulos, O. A. Perez-Escobar, L. N. Phelps, P. B. Phillipson, S. Pironon, N. A. S. Przelomska, M. Rabarimanarivo, D. Rabehevitra, J. Raharimampionona, M. T. Rajaonah, F. Rajaonary, L. R. Rajaovelona, M. Rakotoarinivo, A. A. Rakotoarisoa, S. E. Rakotoarisoa, H. N. Rakotomalala, F. Rakotonasolo, B. A. Ralaiveloarisoa, M. Ramirez-Herranz, J. E. N. Randriamamonjy, T. Randriamboavonjy, V. Randrianasolo, A. Rasolohery, A. N. Ratsifandrihamanana, N. Ravololomanana, V. Razafiniary, H. Razanajatovo, E. Razanatsoa, M. Rivers, F. Sayol, Daniele Silvestro, M. S. Vorontsova, K. Walker, B. E. Walker, P. Wilkin, J. Williams, T. Ziegler, A. Zizka, H. Ralimanana
Science - 2022 -
Madagascar’s extraordinary biodiversity: Threats and
H. Ralimanana, Allison L. Perrigo, R. J. Smith, J. S. Borrell, Sören Faurby, M. T. Rajaonah, T. Randriamboavonjy, M. S. Vorontsova, Robert S. Cooke, L. N. Phelps, F. Sayol, N. Andela, Tobias Andermann, A. M. Andriamanohera, S. Andriambololonera, S. P. Bachman, Christine D. Bacon, W. J. Baker, F. Belluardo, C. Birkinshaw, S. Cable, N. A. Canales, J. D. Carrillo, R. Clegg, C. Clubbe, A. Crottini, Gabriel Damasco, S. Dhanda, Daniel Edler, Harith Farooq, Paola De Lima Ferreira, B. L. Fisher, F. Forest, L. M. Gardiner, S. M. Goodman, O. M. Grace, T. B. Guedes, J. Hackel, M. C. Henniges, R. Hill, C. E. R. Lehmann, II Lowry, L. Marline, P. Matos-Maraví, J. Moat, B. Neves, M. G. C. Nogueira, R. E. Onstein, A. S. T. Papadopulos, O. A. Perez-Escobar, P. B. Phillipson, S. Pironon, N. A. S. Przelomska, M. Rabarimanarivo, D. Rabehevitra, J. Raharimampionona, F. Rajaonary, L. R. Rajaovelona, M. Rakotoarinivo, A. A. Rakotoarisoa, S. E. Rakotoarisoa, H. N. Rakotomalala, F. Rakotonasolo, B. A. Ralaiveloarisoa, M. Ramirez-Herranz, J. E. N. Randriamamonjy, V. Randrianasolo, A. Rasolohery, A. N. Ratsifandrihamanana, N. Ravololomanana, V. Razafiniary, H. Razanajatovo, E. Razanatsoa, M. Rivers, Daniele Silvestro, Weston L. Testo, Maria Fernanda Torres Jimenez, K. Walker, B. E. Walker, P. Wilkin, J. Williams, T. Ziegler, A. Zizka, Alexandre Antonelli
Science - 2022 -
The origin and evolution of open habitats in North America inferred by Bayesian deep learning
Tobias Andermann, C. A. E. Strömberg, Alexandre Antonelli, Daniele Silvestro
Nature Communications - 2022 -
Climate warming can reduce biocontrol efficacy and promote plant invasion due to both genetic and transient metabolomic
Yan Sun, Tobias Züst, Daniele Silvestro, Matthias Erb, Oliver Bossdorf, Pierre Mateo, Christelle Robert, Heinz Müller-Schärer
Ecology Letters - 2022 -
Regional landscape change triggered by Andean uplift: The extinction of Sparassodonta (Mammalia, Metatheria) in South
K. Pino, P. Vallejos-Garrido, N. Espinoza-Aravena, R. B. Cooper, Daniele Silvestro, C. E. Hernández, E. Rodríguez-Serrano
Global and Planetary Change - 2022 -
Drivers of diversification in freshwater gastropods vary over deep
Thomas A. Neubauer, Torsten Hauffe, Daniele Silvestro, Christopher R. Scotese, Björn Stelbrink, Christian Albrecht, Diana Delicado, Mathias Harzhauser, Thomas Wilke
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences - 2022 -
Diversification dynamics of cheilostome bryozoans based on a Bayesian analysis of the fossil
Farideh Moharrek, Paul D. Taylor, Daniele Silvestro, Helen L. Jenkins, Dennis P. Gordon, Andrea Waeschenbach
Palaeontology - 2022 -
The origin of modern patterns of continental diversity in Mauritiinae palms: the Neotropical museum and the Afrotropical
Christine D. Bacon, Daniele Silvestro, C. Hoorn, G. Bogota-Angel, Alexandre Antonelli, Nicolas Chazot
Biology Letters - 2022 -
Integrating machine learning, remote sensing and citizen science to create an early warning system for
Alexandre Antonelli, K. L. Dhanjal-Adams, Daniele Silvestro
Plants People Planet - 2022 -
Global diversity dynamics in the fossil record are regionally
J. T. Flannery-Sutherland, Daniele Silvestro, M. J. Benton
Nature Communications - 2022 -
Spatio-temporal evolution of the catuaba clade in the Neotropics: Morphological shifts correlate with habitat
Maria Fernanda Calió, V. A. Thode, Christine D. Bacon, Daniele Silvestro, Alexandre Antonelli, L. G. Lohmann
Journal of Biogeography - 2022 -
Improving biodiversity protection through artificial
Daniele Silvestro, Stefano Goria, Thomas Sterner, Alexandre Antonelli
Nature Sustainibility - 2022 -
Short-term paleogeographic reorganizations and climate events shaped diversification of North American freshwater gastropods over deep
T. A. Neubauer, M. Harzhauser, J. H. Hartman, Daniele Silvestro, C. R. Scotese, A. Czaja, G. J. Vermeij, T. Wilke
Scientific Reports - 2022 -
Global Estimation and Mapping of the Conservation Status of Tree Species Using Artificial
S. V. Silva, Tobias Andermann, A. Zizka, G. Kozlowski, Daniele Silvestro
Frontiers in Plant Science - 2022 -
Estimating Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Diversity Through Deep
Tobias Andermann, Alexandre Antonelli, R. L. Barrett, Daniele Silvestro
Frontiers in Plant Science - 2022 -
Extinction at the end-Cretaceous and the origin of modern Neotropical
M. R. Carvalho, C. Jaramillo, F. de la Parra, D. Caballero-Rodriguez, F. Herrera, S. Wing, B. L. Turner, C. D'Apolito, M. Romero-Baez, P. Narvaez, C. Martinez, M. Gutierrez, C. Labandeira, G. Bayona, M. Rueda, M. Paez-Reyes, D. Cardenas, A. Duque, J. L. Crowley, C. Santos, Daniele Silvestro
Science - 2021 -
Long-term topographic growth and decay constrained by 3D thermo-kinematic modeling: Tectonic evolution of the Antioquia Altiplano, Northern
S. Zapata, M. Zapata-Henao, A. Cardona, C. Jaramillo, Daniele Silvestro, F. Oboh-Ikuenobe
Global and Planetary Change - 2021 -
raxmlGUI 2.0: A graphical interface and toolkit for phylogenetic analyses using
D. Edler, J. Klein, Alexandre Antonelli, Daniele Silvestro
Methods in Ecology and Evolution - 2021 -
sampbias, a method for quantifying geographic sampling biases in species distribution
A. Zizka, Alexandre Antonelli, Daniele Silvestro
Ecography - 2021 -
Bio-Dem, a tool to explore the relationship between biodiversity data availability and socio-political conditions in time and
A. Zizka, Oskar Rydén, Daniel Edler, Johannes Klein, Allison L. Perrigo, Daniele Silvestro, Sverker C. Jagers, Staffan I. Lindberg, Alexandre Antonelli
Journal of Biogeography - 2021 -
Current extinction rate in European freshwater gastropods greatly exceeds that of the late Cretaceous mass
T. A. Neubauer, T. Hauffe, Daniele Silvestro, J. Schauer, D. Kadolsky, F. P. Wesselingh, M. Harzhauser, T. Wilke
Communications Earth & Environment - 2021 -
Fossil data support a pre-Cretaceous origin of flowering
Daniele Silvestro, Christine D. Bacon, W. N. Ding, Q. Y. Zhang, P. C. J. Donoghue, Alexandre Antonelli, Y. W. Xing
Nature Ecology & Evolution - 2021 -
iucn_sim: a new program to simulate future extinctions based on IUCN threat
Tobias Andermann, Sören Faurby, Robert S. Cooke, Daniele Silvestro, Alexandre Antonelli
Ecography - 2021 -
Automated conservation assessment of the orchid family with deep
A. Zizka, Daniele Silvestro, P. Vitt, T. M. Knight
Conservation Biology - 2021 -
Fossil-Informed Models Reveal a Boreotropical Origin and Divergent Evolutionary Trajectories in the Walnut Family
Qiuyue Zhang, Richard H. Ree, Nicolas Salamin, Yaowu Xing, Daniele Silvestro
Systematic Biology - 2021 -
Disproportionate extinction of South American mammals drove the asymmetry of the Great American Biotic
Juan D. Carrillo, Sören Faurby, Daniele Silvestro, A. Zizka, Carlos Jaramillo, Christine D. Bacon, Alexandre Antonelli
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - 2020 -
The past and future human impact on mammalian
Tobias Andermann, Sören Faurby, S. T. Turvey, Alexandre Antonelli, Daniele Silvestro
Science Advances - 2020 -
A multi-platform package for the analysis of intra- and interspecific trait
T. Gaboriau, F. K. Mendes, S. Joly, Daniele Silvestro, N. Salamin
Methods in Ecology and Evolution - 2020 -
The rise of angiosperms pushed conifers to decline during global
F. L. Condamine, Daniele Silvestro, E. B. Koppelhus, Alexandre Antonelli
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - 2020 -
Deep drilling reveals massive shifts in evolutionary dynamics after formation of ancient
T. Wilke, T. Hauffe, E. Jovanovska, A. Cvetkoska, T. Donders, K. Ekschmitt, A. Francke, J. H. Lacey, Z. Levkov, C. R. Marshall, T. A. Neubauer, Daniele Silvestro, B. Stelbrink, H. Vogel, C. Albrecht, J. Holtvoeth, S. Krastel, N. Leicher, M. J. Leng, K. Lindhorst, A. Masi, N. Ognjanova-Rumenova, K. Panagiotopoulos, J. M. Reed, L. Sadori, S. Tofilovska, B. Van Bocxlaer, F. Wagner-Cremer, F. P. Wesselingh, V. Wolters, G. Zanchetta, X. S. Zhang, B. Wagner
Science Advances - 2020 -
Selective extinction against redundant species buffers functional
C. Pimiento, Christine D. Bacon, Daniele Silvestro, A. Hendy, C. Jaramillo, A. Zizka, X. Meyer, Alexandre Antonelli
Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences - 2020 -
Functional diversity of marine megafauna in the
C. Pimiento, F. Leprieur, Daniele Silvestro, J. S. Lefcheck, C. Albouy, D. B. Rasher, M. Davis, J. C. Svenning, J. N. Griffin
Science Advances - 2020 -
A quantitative workflow for modeling diversification in material
E. Gjesfjeld, Daniele Silvestro, J. Chang, B. Koch, J. G. Foster, M. E. Alfaro
PLoS ONE - 2020 -
Brain expansion in early hominins predicts carnivore extinctions in East
Sören Faurby, Daniele Silvestro, L. Werdelin, Alexandre Antonelli
Ecology Letters - 2020 -
A 450 million years long latitudinal gradient in age-dependent
Daniele Silvestro, S. Castiglione, A. Mondanaro, C. Serio, M. Melchionna, P. Piras, M. Di Febbraro, F. Carotenuto, L. Rook, P. Raia
Ecology Letters - 2020 -
Slowly but surely: gradual diversification and phenotypic evolution in the hyper-diverse tree fern family
O. Loiseau, A. Weigand, S. Noben, J. Rolland, Daniele Silvestro, M. Kessler, M. Lehnert, N. Salamin
Annals of Botany - 2020 -
CoordinateCleaner: Standardized cleaning of occurrence records from biological collection
Alexander Zizka, Daniele Silvestro, Tobias Andermann, Josué Azevedo, Camila Ritter, Daniel Edler, Harith Farooq, Andrei Herdean, María Ariza, Ruud Scharn, Sten Svantesson, Niklas Wengström, V. Zizka, Alexandre Antonelli
Methods in Ecology and Evolution - 2019 -
Detecting the macroevolutionary signal of species
L. J. Harmon, C. S. Andreazzi, F. Débarre, J. Drury, E. E. Goldberg, A. B. Martins, C. J. Melián, A. Narwani, S. L. Nuismer, M. W. Pennell, S. M. Rudman, O. Seehausen, Daniele Silvestro, M. Weber, B. Matthews
Journal of Evolutionary Biology - 2019 -
Early Arrival and Climatically-Linked Geographic Expansion of New World Monkeys from Tiny African
Daniele Silvestro, Marcelo Tejedor, M. L. Serrano-Serrano, O. Loiseau, V. Rossier, J. Rolland, Alexander Zizka, S. Höhna, Alexandre Antonelli, N. Salamin
Systematic biology - 2019 -
Improved estimation of macroevolutionary rates from fossil data using a Bayesian
Daniele Silvestro, N. Salamin, Alexandre Antonelli, X. Meyer
Paleobiology - 2019 -
The early wasp plucks the flower: disparate extant diversity of sawfly superfamilies (Hymenoptera: "Symphyta') may reflect asynchronous switching to angiosperm
T. Nyman, R. E. Onstein, Daniele Silvestro, S. Wutke, A. Taeger, N. Wahlberg, S. M. Blank, T. Malm
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society - 2019 -
The impact of endothermy on the climatic niche evolution and the distribution of vertebrate
J. Rolland, Daniele Silvestro, D. Schluter, A. Guisan, O. Broennimann, N. Salamin
Nature Ecology & Evolution - 2018 -
Closing the gap between palaeontological and neontological speciation and extinction rate
Daniele Silvestro, R. C. M. Warnock, A. Gavryushkina, T. Stadler
Nature Communications - 2018 -
Amazonia is the primary source of Neotropical
Alexandre Antonelli, Alexander Zizka, Fernanda Antunes Carvalho, Ruud Scharn, Christine D. Bacon, Daniele Silvestro, Fabien L. Condamine
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - 2018 -
Building up biogeography: Pattern to
W. D. Pearse, A. M. Barbosa, S. A. Fritz, S. A. Keith, L. J. Harmon, J. Harte, Daniele Silvestro, X. Xiao, T. J. Davies
Journal of Biogeography - 2018 -
Clownfishes evolution below and above the species
J. Rolland, Daniele Silvestro, G. Litsios, L. Faye, N. Salamin
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences - 2018 -
Estimating Age-Dependent Extinction: Contrasting Evidence from Fossils and
Oskar Hagen, Tobias Andermann, Tiago B Quental, Alexandre Antonelli, Daniele Silvestro
Systematic Biology - 2018 -
Evolution of the sabertooth mandible: A deadly ecomorphological
P. Piras, Daniele Silvestro, F. Carotenuto, S. Castiglione, A. Kotsakis, L. Maiorino, M. Melchionna, A. Mondanaro, G. Sansalone, C. Serio, V. A. Vero, P. Raia
Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology - 2018 -
Provenance analysis of the Pliocene Ware Formation in the Guajira Peninsula, northern Colombia: Paleodrainage
N. Pérez-Consuegra, M. Parra, C. Jaramillo, Daniele Silvestro, S. Echeverri, C. Montes, J. M. Jaramillo, J. Escobar
Journal of South American Earth Sciences - 2018 -
Diversification dynamics of mammalian clades during the K - Pg mass
M. M. Pires, B. D. Rankin, Daniele Silvestro, T. B. Quental
Biology Letters - 2018 -
Conceptual and empirical advances in Neotropical biodiversity
Alexandre Antonelli, María Ariza, J. Albert, Tobias Andermann, Josué Azevedo, Christine D. Bacon, Sören Faurby, Thaís Guedes, C. Hoorn, L. G. Lohmann, Pável Matos-Maraví, Camila Ritter, I. Sanmartín, Daniele Silvestro, Marcelo Tejedor, H. Ter Steege, H. Tuomisto, F. P. Werneck, Alexander Zizka, S. V. Edwards
PeerJ - 2018 -
Phylotar: An automated pipeline for retrieving orthologous DNA sequences from GenBank in
Dominic J. Bennett, H. Hettling, Daniele Silvestro, Alexander Zizka, Christine D. Bacon, Sören Faurby, R. A. Vos, Alexandre Antonelli
Life - 2018 -
Inferring Macroevolutionary Dynamics in Mountain Systems from
Daniele Silvestro, Jan Schnitzler
Mountains, Climate and Biodiversity (Eds. Hoorn, Perrigo, and Antonelli) - 2018 -
Environmentally driven extinction and opportunistic origination explain fern diversification
S. Lehtonen, Daniele Silvestro, D. N. Karger, C. Scotese, H. Tuomisto, M. Kessler, C. Pena, N. Wahlberg, Alexandre Antonelli
Scientific Reports - 2017 -
The Pliocene marine megafauna extinction and its impact on functional
C. Pimiento, J. N. Griffin, C. F. Clements, Daniele Silvestro, S. Varela, M. D. Uhen, C. Jaramillo
Nature Ecology & Evolution - 2017 -
Comment (1) on "Formation of the Isthmus of Panama" by O'Dea et
Carlos Jaramillo, Camilo Montes, Agustín Cardona, Daniele Silvestro, Alexandre Antonelli, Christine D. Bacon
Science advances - 2017 -
Recent origin and rapid speciation of Neotropical orchids in the world's richest plant biodiversity
O. A. Perez-Escobar, G. Chomicki, F. L. Condamine, A. P. Karremans, D. Bogarin, N. J. Matzke, Daniele Silvestro, Alexandre Antonelli
New Phytologist - 2017 -
Interactions within and between clades shaped the diversification of terrestrial
M. M. Pires, Daniele Silvestro, T. B. Quental
Evolution - 2017 -
SpeciesGeoCoder: Fast Categorization of Species Occurrences for Analyses of Biodiversity, Biogeography, Ecology, and
Mats H. Töpel, Alexander Zizka, Maria Fernanda Calió, Ruud Scharn, Daniele Silvestro, Alexandre Antonelli
Systematic Biology - 2017 -
Mammal body size evolution in North America and Europe over 20 Myr: similar trends generated by different
S. Huang, J. T. Eronen, C. M. Janis, J. J. Saarinen, Daniele Silvestro, S. A. Fritz
Proceedings of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences - 2017 -
Toward a Self-Updating Platform for Estimating Rates of Speciation and Migration, Ages, and Relationships of
Alexandre Antonelli, Hannes Hettling, Fabien L. Condamine, Karin Vos, R. Henrik Nilsson, Michael J Sanderson, Hervé Sauquet, Ruud Scharn, Daniele Silvestro, Mats H. Töpel, Christine D. Bacon, Bengt Oxelman, Rutger A Vos
Systematic biology - 2017 -
Bayesian estimation of multiple clade competition from fossil
Daniele Silvestro, M M Pires, T B Quental, N Salamin
Evolutionary Ecology Research - 2017 -
Molecular phylogeny, character evolution and historical biogeography of Cryptanthus Otto & A. Dietr.
G. A. S. Cruz, G. Zizka, Daniele Silvestro, E. M. C. Leme, K. Schulte, A. M. Benko-Iseppon
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution - 2017 -
Competition and extinction explain the evolution of diversity in American
E Gjesfjeld, J Chang, Daniele Silvestro, C Kelty, M E Alfaro
Palgrave Communications - 2016 -
Progress to extinction: increased specialisation causes the demise of animal
P. Raia, F. Carotenuto, A. Mondanaro, S. Castiglione, F. Passaro, F. Saggese, M. Melchionna, C. Serio, L. Alessio, Daniele Silvestro, M. Fortelius
Scientific Reports - 2016 -
Bridging Inter- and Intraspecific Trait Evolution with a Hierarchical Bayesian
A. Kostikova, Daniele Silvestro, P. B. Pearman, N. Salamin
Systematic Biology - 2016 -
Fossil biogeography: A new model to infer dispersal, extinction and sampling from palaeontological
Daniele Silvestro, Alexander Zizka, Christine D. Bacon, Borja Cascales-Miñana, Nicolas Salamin, Alexandre Antonelli
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences - 2016 -
Reply to Lessios and Marko et al.: Early and progressive migration across the Isthmus of Panama is robust to missing data and
Christine D. Bacon, Daniele Silvestro, C. Jaramillo, B.T. Smith, P. Chakrabarty, Alexandre Antonelli
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - 2015 -
Decoupled evolution of floral traits and climatic preferences in a clade of Neotropical
M. L. Serrano-Serrano, M. Perret, M. Guignard, A. Chautems, Daniele Silvestro, N. Salamin
Bmc Evolutionary Biology - 2015 -
An engine for global plant diversity: Highest evolutionary turnover and emigration in the American
Alexandre Antonelli, Alexander Zizka, Daniele Silvestro, Ruud Scharn, B. Cascales-Miñana, Christine D. Bacon
Frontiers in Genetics - 2015 -
Continental faunal exchange and the asymmetrical radiation of
M. M. Pires, Daniele Silvestro, T. B. Quental
Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences - 2015 -
The role of clade competition in the diversification of North American
Daniele Silvestro, Alexandre Antonelli, N. Salamin, T. B. Quental
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - 2015 -
Revisiting the origin and diversification of vascular plants through a comprehensive Bayesian analysis of the fossil
Daniele Silvestro, B. Cascales-Minana, Christine D. Bacon, Alexandre Antonelli
New Phytologist - 2015 -
Biological evidence supports an early and complex emergence of the Isthmus of
Christine D. Bacon, Daniele Silvestro, C. Jaramillo, B. T. Smith, P. Chakrabarty, Alexandre Antonelli
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - 2015 -
Measurement errors should always be incorporated in phylogenetic comparative
Daniele Silvestro, A. Kostikova, G. Litsios, P. B. Pearman, N. Salamin
Methods in Ecology and Evolution - 2015 -
SUPERSMART: ecology and evolution in the era of big
Alexandre Antonelli, Fabien L. Condamine, Johannes Hettling, Karin Nilsson, R. Henrik Nilsson, Bengt Oxelman, Michael J Sanderson, Herve Sauquet, Ruud Scharn, Daniele Silvestro, Mats H. Töpel, Rutger A Vos
PeerJ PrePrints - 2014 -
SpeciesGeoCoder: Fast categorisation of species occurrences for analyses of biodiversity, biogeography, ecology and
Mats H. Töpel, Maria Fernanda Calió, Alexander Zizka, Ruud Scharn, Daniele Silvestro, Alexandre Antonelli
bioRxiv - 2014 -
PyRate: a new program to estimate speciation and extinction rates from incomplete fossil
Daniele Silvestro, N. Salamin, J. Schnitzler
Methods in Ecology and Evolution - 2014 -
Bayesian Estimation of Speciation and Extinction from Incomplete Fossil Occurrence
Daniele Silvestro, J Schnitzler, L.H Liow, Alexandre Antonelli, N Salamin
Systematic Biology - 2014 -
The red island and the seven dwarfs: body size reduction in
J. C. Masters, F. Genin, Daniele Silvestro, A. M. Lister, M. DelPero, Science V. P. Rtmill M
Journal of Biogeography - 2014 -
Evolutionary footprint of coevolving positions in
L. Dib, Daniele Silvestro, N. Salamin
Bioinformatics - 2014