
Stefan Hulth


Department of Marine Sciences
Visiting address
Carl Skottsbergs gata 22B
41319 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 461
40530 Göteborg

Head of Department

Kristineberg Center for Marine Research and Innovation
Visiting address
Kristineberg 566
45178 Fiskebäckskil
Postal address
Kristineberg 566
45178 Fiskebäckskil

Head of Department

Department of Marine Sciences
Visiting address
Medicinaregatan 7B
413 90 Göteborg
Room number

About Stefan Hulth

RESEARCH Overall, main research interests are related to the Biogeochemical Structure and Function of Coastal Marine Environments. The last few years, particular emphasis has been given to:

Microbial biogeochemistry and the importance of functional biodiversity for key ecosystem functions in benthic environments. The progressive development of state-of-the-art analytical techniques for solute detection. Utilization of cutting-edge analytical and molecular diagnostic tools for bacterial identification and functional characterization of individual cells and cell/vesicle networks.

Examples of more specific research projects include:

  • Chemical and biological sensors and detection systems for high resolution (1- and multi-D) solute detection.
  • Alternative N-cycle pathways in marine environments.
  • Microbial functional characterization and biodiversity of N cycle bacteria in natural environments.
  • Macrofaunal functional biodiversity and mineralization of organic material in bioturbated deposits.
  • Benthic nutrient regeneration and macro-algal blooms in shallow water embayments.
  • Further research efforts involve design and construction of high-precision sampling instrumentation (e.g. autonomous benthic mini-lander).

TEACHING Main teaching activities are related to basic chemistry (reaction stoichiometry and equilibrium), marine chemistry (marine biogeochemistry, element cycling in the oceans, historical evolution of chemical conditions in the oceans and atmosphere, spontaneity of chemical reactions) and analytical chemistry (biosensors, imaging sensors, quantification protocols during solute imaging).

COMMISSIONS (examples)

Head of Department, Department of Marine Sciences, University of Gothenburg (2021 - )

Vice Dean, focus on 1st and 2nd cycle education, Faculty of Sciences University of Gothenburg (2012 - 2018)

Pro Head of Department, Department of Chemistry, University of Gothenburg (2009 - 2012)

Pro Dean, Education and Research Board for Teacher Training, UFL, University of Gothenburg (2010)

Member, University Board of Education, University of Gothenburg (2012 - 2018)

Member, Quality Council, University of Gothenburg (2015 - 2018)

Member, Education and Research Board for Teacher Training (UFL), University of Gothenburg (2007 - 2009)

Member, Department Council, Department of Marine Sciences (2018 - 2021)

Chair, Working group on Rules of Procedures and Delegation of Authority Policy, University of Gothenburg (2011)

Examiner PhD chemistry (2007 -), biology (2012 -) and marine sciences (2017 -), University of Gothenburg