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- Stefan Hulth
Stefan Hulth
Department of Marine SciencesHead of Department
Kristineberg Center for Marine Research and InnovationHead of Department
Department of Marine SciencesAbout Stefan Hulth
RESEARCH Overall, main research interests are related to the Biogeochemical Structure and Function of Coastal Marine Environments. The last few years, particular emphasis has been given to:
Microbial biogeochemistry and the importance of functional biodiversity for key ecosystem functions in benthic environments. The progressive development of state-of-the-art analytical techniques for solute detection. Utilization of cutting-edge analytical and molecular diagnostic tools for bacterial identification and functional characterization of individual cells and cell/vesicle networks.
Examples of more specific research projects include:
- Chemical and biological sensors and detection systems for high resolution (1- and multi-D) solute detection.
- Alternative N-cycle pathways in marine environments.
- Microbial functional characterization and biodiversity of N cycle bacteria in natural environments.
- Macrofaunal functional biodiversity and mineralization of organic material in bioturbated deposits.
- Benthic nutrient regeneration and macro-algal blooms in shallow water embayments.
- Further research efforts involve design and construction of high-precision sampling instrumentation (e.g. autonomous benthic mini-lander).
TEACHING Main teaching activities are related to basic chemistry (reaction stoichiometry and equilibrium), marine chemistry (marine biogeochemistry, element cycling in the oceans, historical evolution of chemical conditions in the oceans and atmosphere, spontaneity of chemical reactions) and analytical chemistry (biosensors, imaging sensors, quantification protocols during solute imaging).
COMMISSIONS (examples)
Head of Department, Department of Marine Sciences, University of Gothenburg (2021 - )
Vice Dean, focus on 1st and 2nd cycle education, Faculty of Sciences University of Gothenburg (2012 - 2018)
Pro Head of Department, Department of Chemistry, University of Gothenburg (2009 - 2012)
Pro Dean, Education and Research Board for Teacher Training, UFL, University of Gothenburg (2010)
Member, University Board of Education, University of Gothenburg (2012 - 2018)
Member, Quality Council, University of Gothenburg (2015 - 2018)
Member, Education and Research Board for Teacher Training (UFL), University of Gothenburg (2007 - 2009)
Member, Department Council, Department of Marine Sciences (2018 - 2021)
Chair, Working group on Rules of Procedures and Delegation of Authority Policy, University of Gothenburg (2011)
Examiner PhD chemistry (2007 -), biology (2012 -) and marine sciences (2017 -), University of Gothenburg
Sediment reworking by the burrowing polychaete Hediste diversicolor modulated by environmental and biological factors across the temperate North Atlantic. A tribute to Gaston
F. Gilbert, E. Kristensen, R. C. Aller, G. T. Banta, P. Archambault, R. Belley, L. G. Bellucci, L. Calder, P. Cuny, X. de Montaudouin, Susanne P. Eriksson, S. Forster, P. Gillet, J. A. Godbold, R. N. Glud, J. Gunnarsson, Stefan Hulth, Stina Lindqvist, A. Maire, E. Michaud, Karl Norling, J. Renz, M. Solan, M. Townsend, N. Volkenborn, S. Widdicombe, G. Stora
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology - 2021 -
Habitat diversity and type govern potential nitrogen loss by denitrification in coastal sediments and differences in ecosystem-level diversities of disparate N<inf>2</inf>O reducing
Lea Wittorf, Fabian Roger, Christian Alsterberg, Lars Gamfeldt, Stefan Hulth, Kristina Sundbäck, Christopher M. Jones, Sara Hallin
FEMS Microbiology Ecology - 2020 -
SMHI reportsSMHI rep.,
Kari Eilola, Stina Lindqvist, Elin Almroth Rosell, Moa Edman, Iréne Wåhlström, Marco Bartoli, Dorota Burska, Jacob Carstensen, Dana Hellemann, Susanna Hietanen, Stefan Hulth
2017 -
A communal catalogue reveals Earth's multiscale microbial
Luke R. Thompson, Jon G. Sanders, Daniel McDonald, Amnon Amir, Joshua Ladau, Kenneth J. Locey, Robert J. Prill, Anupriya Tripathi, Sean M. Gibbons, Gail Ackermann, Jose A. Navas-Molina, Stefan Janssen, Evguenia Kopylova, Yoshiki Vázquez-Baeza, Antonio González, James T. Morton, Siavash Mirarab, Zhenjiang Zech Xu, Lingjing Jiang, Mohamed F. Haroon, Jad Kanbar, Qiyun Zhu, Se Jin Song, Tomasz Kosciolek, Nicholas A. Bokulich, Joshua Lefler, Colin J. Brislawn, Gregory Humphrey, Sarah M. Owens, Jarrad Hampton-Marcell, Donna Berg-Lyons, Valerie McKenzie, Noah Fierer, Jed A. Fuhrman, Aaron Clauset, Rick L. Stevens, Ashley Shade, Katherine S. Pollard, Kelly D. Goodwin, Janet K. Jansson, Jack A. Gilbert, Rob Knight, Jose L. Agosto Rivera, Lisa Al-Moosawi, John Alverdy, Katherine R. Amato, Jason Andras, Largus T. Angenent, Dionysios A. Antonopoulos, Amy Apprill, David Armitage, Kate Ballantine, Jiří Bárta, Julia K. Baum, Allison Berry, Ashish Bhatnagar, Monica Bhatnagar, Jennifer F. Biddle, Lucie Bittner, Bazartseren Boldgiv, Eric Bottos, Donal M. Boyer, Josephine Braun, William Brazelton, Francis Q. Brearley, Alexandra H. Campbell, J. Gregory Caporaso, Cesar Cardona, Jo Lynn Carroll, S. Craig Cary, Brenda B. Casper, Trevor C. Charles, Haiyan Chu, Danielle C. Claar, Robert G. Clark, Jonathan B. Clayton, Jose C. Clemente, Alyssa Cochran, Maureen L. Coleman, Stefan Hulth
Nature - 2017 -
Habitat diversity and ecosystem multifunctionality-The importance of direct and indirect
Christian Alsterberg, Fabian Roger, Kristina Sundbäck, J. Juhanson, Stefan Hulth, S. Hallin, Lars Gamfeldt
Science Advances - 2017 -
Redox oscillation and benthic nitrogen mineralization within burrowed sediments: An experimental simulation at low
F. Gilbert, Stefan Hulth, V. Grossi, R. C. Aller
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology - 2016 -
Habitat partitioning of marine benthic denitrifier communities in response to oxygen
L. Wittorf, G. Bonilla-Rosso, C. M. Jones, Ola Bäckman, Stefan Hulth, S. Hallin
Environmental Microbiology Reports - 2016 -
Proteotyping: Proteomic characterization, classification and identification of microorganisms - A
R. Karlsson, Lucia Gonzales-Siles, Fredrik Boulund, Liselott Svensson-Stadler, Susann Skovbjerg, A. Karlsson, M. Davidson, Stefan Hulth, Erik Kristiansson, Edward R.B. Moore
Systematic and Applied Microbiology - 2015 -
Subcellular localization of an ATPase in anammox bacteria using proteomics and immunogold electron
R. Karlsson, A. Karlsson, Ola Bäckman, Bengt R Johansson, Stefan Hulth
Fems Microbiology Letters - 2014 -
Activities by Hediste diversicolor under different light regimes: Experimental quantification of particle reworking using time-resolved
Stina Lindqvist, Franck Gilbert, Susanne P. Eriksson, Stefan Hulth
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology - 2013 -
A potential tool for high-resolution monitoring of ocean
Aron Hakonen, Leif G Anderson, Johan Engelbrektsson, Stefan Hulth, Bengt Karlson
Analytica Chimica Acta - 2013 -
Functioning of a Shallow-Water Sediment System during Experimental Warming and Nutrient
Christian Alsterberg, Kristina Sundbäck, Stefan Hulth
Plos One - 2012 -
A multi-proxy study of anaerobic ammonium oxidation in marine sediments of the Gullmar Fjord,
J Brandsma, J van de Vossenberg, N Risgaard-Petersen, MC Schmid, Pia Engström, Karinh Eurenius, Stefan Hulth, A Jaeschke, B Abbas, EC Hopmans, M Strous, S Schouten, MSM Jetten, JSS Damste
Response of a shallow-water sediment system to
Christian Alsterberg, Stefan Hulth, Kristina Sundbäck
Limnology and Oceanography - 2011 -
pH and biogeochemical processes in the Gotland Basin of the Baltic
Adam Ulfsbo, Stefan Hulth, Leif G Anderson
Marine Chemistry - 2011 -
Links Between Bottom-Water Anoxia, the Polychaete Nereis diversicolor, and the Growth of Green-Algal
Anna Engelsen, Kristina Sundbäck, Stefan Hulth
Estuaries and Coasts - 2010 -
Analytical performance during ratiometric long-term imaging of pH in bioturbated
Aron Hakonen, Stefan Hulth, S. Dufour
Talanta - 2010 -
A DHPDS-based fluorosensor for high-precision measurements of pH in the pH interval
Aron Hakonen, Stefan Hulth
Talanta - 2010 -
Identification of key proteins involved in the anammox
Roger Karlsson, Anders Karlsson, Ola Bäckman, Bengt R Johansson, Stefan Hulth
FEMS microbiology letters - 2009 -
Anammox and denitrification along a depth-gradient in the Gullmar Fjord, western
Stefan Hulth, Ola Bäckman, T Dalsgaard, Kristina Sundbäck
Gordon Research Conf. on Chemical Oceanography, New Hampshire, USA - 2009 -
Effects of increased temperature on a shallow-water sediment system: a spring
Kristina Sundbäck, Christian Alsterberg, Stefan Hulth
The 4th European Conference on Coastal Lagoon Research, Research and Management for the Conservation of Coastal Lagoon Ecosystems, South - North comparisons - 2009 -
Konsekvensanalys av ett borttagande av ytsediment i grunda
Stefan Hulth, Kristina Sundbäck
2009 -
Biogeochemistry in highly reduced mussel farm sediments during macrofaunal recolonization by Amphiura filiformis and Nephtys
Stina Lindqvist, Karl Norling, Stefan Hulth
Marine environmental research - 2009 -
How organisms interactions influence sediment reworking behaviour in a macrobenthic
F Gilbert, J. C. Poggiale, Stefan Hulth, G. Stora
Nereis Park 2nd conference on bioturbation, Renesse, The Netherlands. - 2008 -
Imaging particle resistribution in bioturbated surface marine
Stina Lindqvist, F Gilbert, Susanne P. Eriksson, Stefan Hulth
Nereis Park 2nd conference on bioturbation, Renesse, The Netherlands - 2008 -
Benthic trophic status and nutrient fluxes in shallow-water
Anna Engelsen, Stefan Hulth, Leif Pihl, Kristina Sundbäck
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science - 2008 -
Applications of imaging
Aron Hakonen, Stefan Hulth, Niklas Strömberg
Pittsburg Conference on Analytical Chemistry (PITTCON) - 2007 -
Density of Monoporeia affinis and biogeochemistry in Baltic Sea
K. Karlson, Stefan Hulth, Rutger Rosenberg
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology - 2007 -
Importance of functional biodiversity and species-specific traits of benthic fauna for ecosystem functions in marine
K. Norling, Rutger Rosenberg, Stefan Hulth, A. Gremare, E. Bonsdorff
Marine Ecology-Progress Series - 2007 -
Sediment reworking by marine benthic species from the Gullmar Fjord (Western Sweden): Importance of faunal
F. Gilbert, Stefan Hulth, V. Grossi, J. C. Poggiale, G. Desrosiers, Rutger Rosenberg, M. Gerino, F. Francois-Carcaillet, E. Michaud, G. Stora
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology - 2007 -
A high-precision ratiometric fluorosensor for pH: Implementing time-dependent non-linear calibration protocols for drift
Aron Hakonen, Stefan Hulth
Analytica Chimica Acta - 2007 -
Coupling of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen cycles in sediments from a Mediterranean lagoon: a seasonal
K Dedieu, C Rabouille, F Gilbert, K Soetaert, E Metzger, C Simonucci, D Jézéquel, F Prévot, P Anschutz, Stefan Hulth, S Ogier, V Mesnage
Marine ecology progress series - 2007 -
Anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing bacteria in marine environments: widespread occurrence but low
M. C. Schmid, N. Risgaard-Petersen, J. van de Vossenberg, M. M. M. Kuypers, G. Lavik, J. Petersen, Stefan Hulth, B. Thamdrup, D. Canfield, T. Dalsgaard, S. Rysgaard, M. K. Sejr, M. Strous, Hjmo den Camp, M. S. M. Jetten
Environmental Microbiology - 2007 -
Design and use of a ratiometric imaging optode for ammonium
Niklas Strömberg, Stefan Hulth
Pittsburg Conference on Analytical Chemistry, PITTCON, USA - 2006 -
Development of a ratiometric multi-analyte optode for simultaneous detection of H+, NH3 and
Aron Hakonen, Niklas Strömberg, Stefan Hulth
Pittsburg Conference on Analytical Chemistry, PITTCON, USA - 2006 -
Time correlated pixel-by-pixel calibration for quantification and signal quality control during solute
Niklas Strömberg, Stefan Hulth
Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical - 2006 -
Nitrogen removal in marine environments: recent findings and future research
Stefan Hulth, R. C Aller, D. E Canfield, T Dalsgaard, Pia Engström, F. Gilbert, Kristina Sundbäck, B Thamdrup
Marine Chemistry - 2005 -
Experimental recolonisation of Baltic Sea reduced sediments: survival of benthic macrofauna and effects on nutrient
Karin Karlson, Stefan Hulth, Katja Ringdahl, Rutger Rosenberg
Marine Ecology-Progress Series - 2005 -
Anaerobic ammonium oxidation by nitrite (anammox): Implications for N-2 production in coastal marine
Pia Engström, T Dalsgaard, Stefan Hulth, R. C Aller
Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta - 2005 -
Assessing an imaging ammonium sensor using time correlated pixel-by-pixel
Niklas Strömberg, Stefan Hulth
Analytica Chimica Acta - 2005 -
Anammox in the marine
T Dalsgaard, D. E Canfield, Pia Engström, R. N. Glud, Stefan Hulth, L. P. Nielsen, N. Risgaard-Petersen, S. Rysgaard, Kristina Sundbäck, B. Thamdrup
ICON EU 5th Framework, Ghent, Belgium - 2004 -
Nitrogen removal by anammox in coastal marine
Pia Engström, T Dalsgaard, Stefan Hulth, Nils Risgaard-Petersen, Kristina Sundbäck
ASLO, Savannah, Georgia, USA - 2004 -
Redox oscillation: An efficient way for the bioturbating infauna to control the nitrogen
F Gilbert, Stefan Hulth, V. Grossi, J. C. Poggiale, R. C Aller
Nereis Park 1ST conference on bioturbation, Marseille, France. - 2004 -
Imaging solute distributions in the bioturbated zone of marine sediments using plate
Stefan Hulth, R. C Aller, F Gilbert, Niklas Strömberg
Nereis Park 1ST conference on bioturbation, Marseille, France. - 2004 -
Macrofaunal reworking activities and hydrocarbon redistribution in an experimental sediment
S. Caradec, V. Grossi, Stefan Hulth, G. Stora, F. Gilbert
Journal of Sea Research - 2004 -
Importance of benthic nutrient regeneration during initiation of macroalgal blooms in shallow
Kristina Sundbäck, Alison Miles, Stefan Hulth, Leif Pihl, Pia Engström, Erik Selander, Anders Svenson
Marine Ecology-Progress Series - 2003 -
The influence of biogenic irrigation intensity on benthic nitrification and denitrification; an experimental and model
F. Gilbert, R. C Aller, Stefan Hulth
Journal of Marine Research - 2003 -
Anaerobic ammonium oxidation by marine and fresh water planctomycete like
M. S. M. Jetten, O Sliekers, M. M. M. Kuypers, T Dalsgaard, L van Niftrik, I Cirpus, K van de Pas, B Thamdrup, D LesPaslier, H Op den Kamp, Stefan Hulth, Pia Engström
Applied and Microbiological Biotechnology - 2003 -
A fluorescence ratiometric detection scheme for ammonium ions based on the solvent sensitive dye MC
Niklas Strömberg, Stefan Hulth
Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical - 2003 -
2-D optical quantification of particle reworking activities in marine surface
F. Gilbert, Stefan Hulth, Niklas Strömberg, Katja Ringdahl, J. C. Poggiale
A pH plate fluorosensor for early diagenetic studies of marine
Stefan Hulth, Pia Engström, Erik Selander, R. C Aller
Limnology and Oceanography - 2002 -
Comparison between the Nereis diversicolor and Nereis virens marine worms in the transformation of ingested
F Gilbert, G. Desrosiers, Stefan Hulth, G. Stora
Journal of Marine Biology - 2001 -
Ammonium selective fluorosensor based on the principles of
Niklas Strömberg, Stefan Hulth
Analytica Chimica Acta - 2001 -
Rapid, high-precision potentiometric titration of alkalinity in ocean and sediment pore
Conny Haraldsson, Leif G Anderson, Martin Hassellöv, Stefan Hulth, Kristina Olsson
Deep-Sea Research Part I-Oceanographic Research Papers - 1997