- Neurochemical Pathophysiology and Diagnostics –NEUROCHEM
- Labour Market Exit and Living Conditions in Old Age – LEXLIV
- Frail Elderly Support Research Group - FRESH
- Lifespan Development Lab (LIFE LAB)
- Neuropsychiatric Epidemiology – EPINEP
- Ageing, Democracy, Equality and Media – AGEDEM
- Occupational and Environmental Medicine
- Cellular Aging and Protein Quality Control
- Ageing and society
- Natural Language Processing
- Health Economics
- Design Management
- Digital seniors
Research groups
AgeCap started out as a collaboration between five research groups, symbolised by the leaves in our logotype, the oak tree. After funding from the University of Gothenburgs initiative, UGOT Challenges in 2016, the centre expanded and today AgeCap consists of 15 multi disciplinary research groups with researchers from six faculties, 18 institutions and 20 different disciplines.
Neurochemical Pathophysiology and Diagnostics –NEUROCHEM
Studies biomarkers for various processes in the brain in order to examine the biochemical effect of new drugs and to study brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.
Labour Market Exit and Living Conditions in Old Age –
Studies factors that affect individuals’ ability to have a long working life, and analyses the welfare implications of the generally more flexible and postponed age of retirement.
Frail Elderly Support Research Group - FRESH
FRESH studies the concept of frailty in relation to older persons capability, and the impact that inter-professional and multidimensional interventions have on the potential to age well at home.
Lifespan Development Lab (LIFE LAB)
has a multidisciplinary approach in studying ageing and development of older adults where genetic-, health- and socio-cultural factors are related to cognitive and emotional health.
Neuropsychiatric Epidemiology – EPINEP
studies the interaction between age, secular trends, dementia, psychiatric and somatic illnesses, functional disability, neurobiology and genetics, primarily in the Gothenburg Population Studies.
Ageing, Democracy, Equality and Media – AGEDEM
Contains researchers from journalism, media and communication, political science, and law, who study different aspects of ageing from social science perspectives. For example, older persons and media, such as, digital divisions and the media image of older persons, consequences of ageing for democracy, and law and its interaction with older persons capability is studies.
Contact: Maria Edström, maria.edstrom@gu.se
Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Study the role that the work place has for persons to remain working up to higher ages, and which factors that contribute to the individual continuing his work after the age of 62.
Contact: Kjell Torén, kjell.toren@amm.gu.se
Cellular Aging and Protein Quality Control
Study relationships between protein quality control, ageing and neurodegenerative diseases.
Contact: David Öling, david.oling@gu.se
Ageing and society
Study continuity and change related to living conditions of older persons in a historical perspective.
Contact: Ulrika Lagerlöf Nilsson, ulrika.lagerlof.nilsson@history.gu.se
Natural Language Processing
Study linguistic symptoms and early cognitive decline as well as health literacy, capability and decision-making among older persons.
Contact: Dimitrios Kokkinakis, dimitrios.kokkinakis@svenska.gu.se
Health Economics
Study for example the role that early life conditions has on health outcomes during the life course, and how an individual´s health status may affect the health of close relatives.
Contact: Kristian Bolin, kristian.bolin@gu.se
Design Management
HDK has recently used Design Management to understand the relationship between older persons and healthcare providers in order to increase older persons’ capability to have a good social life. We now plan to explore more artistic roles of design and craft for the older population.
Contact: Maja Gunn, maja.gunn@hdk.gu.se
Digital seniors
In this project, the possibilities for digital seniors to continue using ICT as they are ageing are evaluated.
Contact: alexandra.weilenmann@ait.gu.se and olof.torgersson@gu.se