University of Gothenburg

The Dina Files podcast

In the podcast The Dina Files, master's level students at the Department of Applied Information Technology summarize and discuss selected scientific articles on digital transformation and digital innovation. The idea is to ensure that the latest research findings reach practice to help improve digital skills.

Host of the podcast

The Swedish Center for Digital Innovation at the University of Gothenburg


All episodes are in English

Photo: Agto Nugroho


The relationship between CIOs and CDOs

Discussion on Lorenz, F., Buchwald, A., 2023. A perfect match or an arranged marriage? How chief digital officers and chief information officers perceive their relationship: a dyadic research design. Eur. J. Inf. Syst. 32, 372–389.

The role of intermediaries in co-production

Discussion on Haug, N., 2023. Actor roles in co‐production—Introducing intermediaries: Findings from a systematic literature review. Public Adm.

AI for professional service innovation

Discussion on Goto, M., 2023. Anticipatory innovation of professional services: The case of auditing and artificial intelligence. Res. Polic. 52, 104828.

Searching for business model innovation

Discussion on Angelshaug, M.S., Saebi, T., Lien, L., Foss, N.J., 2023. Searching wide and deep for business model innovation. Innovation ahead-of-print, 1–24.

Portfolio management in the public sector

Discussion on Roberts, P., Edwards, L.H., 2023. Portfolio management: A new direction in public sector strategic management research and practice. Public Adm. Rev. 83, 947–959.

Resilience in crisis?

Discussion on Park, J., Son, Y., Angst, C., 2023. The Value of Centralized IT in Building Resilience During Crises: Evidence from U.S. Higher Education’s Transition to Emergency Remote Teaching. Mis Quart 47, 451–482.

Blockchain as an approach to governing collaboration

Discussion on Lumineau, F., Wang, W., Schilke, O., 2021. Blockchain Governance—A New Way of Organizing Collaborations? Organ. Sci. 32, 500–521.

Legitimacy in collaboration?

Discussion on Lee, S., Esteve, M., 2023. What drives the perceived legitimacy of collaborative governance? An experimental study. Public Manag. Rev. 25, 1517–1538.

Balancing control styles in IS projects

Discussion on Syed, T.A., Wiener, M., Mehmood, F., Abdelrahman, M., 2023. Control-style ambidexterity and information systems project performance: an expanded view of control activities. Eur. J. Inf. Syst. 32, 462–484.

On the dynamics of trust and control

Discussion on Lumineau, F., Long, C., Sitkin, S.B., Argyres, N., Markman, G., 2023. Rethinking Control and Trust Dynamics in and between Organizations. J. Manag. Stud.

Leadership and control for job satisfaction

Discussion on Jacobsen, C.B., Hansen, A.L., Pedersen, L.D., 2023. Not too narrow, not too broad: Linking span of control, leadership behavior, and employee job satisfaction in public organizations. Public Adm. Rev. 83, 775–792.

The evolution and performance of collaboration

Discussion on Bel, G., Elston, T., 2023. When the time is right: testing for dynamic effects in collaborative performance. Public Manag. Rev. ahead-of-print, 1–27.

A how-to guide to digital transformation

Discussion on Carroll, N., Hassan, N.R., Junglas, I., Hess, T., Morgan, L., 2023. Transform or be transformed: the importance of research on managing and sustaining digital transformations. Eur. J. Inf. Syst. 32, 347–353.

Overcoming inertia in digital transformation

Discussion on Kaganer, E., Gregory, R.W., Sarker, S., 2023. A Process for Managing Digital Transformation: An Organizational Inertia Perspective. J. Assoc. Inf. Syst. 24, 1005–1030.

The undertow of digital transformation

Discussion on Orlikowski, W.J., Scott, S.V., 2023. The Digital Undertow and Institutional Displacement: A Sociomaterial Approach. Organ. Theory 4.

Failing to scale agile transformation

Discussion on Carroll, N., Conboy, K., Wang, X., 2023. From transformation to normalisation: An exploratory study of a large-scale agile transformation. J. Inf. Technol. 38, 267–303.