University of Gothenburg

Schedule for writing workshop

Please note that the schedule is preliminary; the times can be changed during the course of the webinar.

Monday 24 May

09.00–12.00 Introduction to the workshop and presentation of working groups.
13.00–16.00 Match-making and review information.

Tuesday 25 May

20.00 Deadline for submitting contributions for review.

Wednesday 26 May

09.00–12.00 Time allocated for peer review.
13.00-16.00 Peer feedback session.

Thursday 27 May


Friday 28 May

13.00-16.00 Presentation of special issue, examples of contributions. Concluding remarks.

Invited speakers: 
Andreas Hejnol, University of Bergen, Norway. Marine EvoDevo - History, Insights and Contributions to mankind in the Anthropocene.

Frédérique Viard, The Institute of Evolutionary Science of Montpellier, University of Montpellier, France. Urban rendez-vous: Evolutionary responses of marine species in the Ocean Sprawl.

Christophe S. Pampouli, Marine and Freshwater Research Institute, Iceland. Hidden but revealed: 40 years of genetic investigation to unravel the best management unit in Atlantic cod in Icelandic waters?

Sylvie Lapegue, MARBEC, IFREMER, France. Genetic parallelism between European flat oyster populations (Ostrea edulis) at the edge of their natural range.

Lydia Scheschonk, University of Bremen, Germany. Methylome variation related to temperature and origin in the kelp Saccharina latissimi.

Kyra Fitz, Rutgers University, USA. Using Isolation-by-Distance Patterns to Understand Dispersal and Connectivity in Anemonefish.