University of Gothenburg
Writing on a computor

Workshop kick-started manuscript production

The CeMEB steering group recently invited to a writing workshop. Thirty members met up digitally on zoom to discuss and produce manuscripts.

The CeMEB network has been very productive ever since the start. Collectively, members have produced over 600 papers, and still there is much more knowledge, data and studies which have not yet been published.

"After a survey in 2020, we knew a lot of our members wanted to reconnect, but also produce something concrete during a workshop. So we put two and two together and eventually arranged this opportunity for us to meet, discuss and produce manuscripts", says Leon Green from the CeMEB steering group.

Special Issue in pipe-line

CeMEB has followed – and spearheaded – a lot of the development in the field of marine evolutionary biology during the last decade. In parallel, another aim with the workshop was to provide an outlet for all the excellent research in the network, and to highlight this in a journal special issue. 

"Luckily, the scientific journal Evolutionary Applications is really keen to have us, and we are now compiling the list of prospective manuscripts to be sent there for review. Right now there are 42 tentative contributions; some of them originating from the workshop" says Leon Green. 

The special issue in Evolutionary Applications is planned to be published in June 2022. Guest editors are Pierre De Wit, Ellika Faust, Leon Green, Marlene Jahnke, Rick Pereyra and Marina Rafajlović.