First International Science Study 1970
The First International Science Study (FISS) is a part of the Six Subject Survey 1970. The study focused on three fields of science: biology, chemistry, and physics. The data were collected shortly after the introduction in many countries of reforms in science education. Thus, the study was concerned not only with achievement across the domain of science, but also with attitudes, methods of teaching, the development of practical skills, and an understanding of the nature of science.
The data were collected in 1970–1971.
Target Population
The target population was 10-year-old students, 14-year old-students, and students in the final grade of the secondary school.
Participating Educational Systems
Australia, Belgium (Flemish), Belgium (French), Chile, England, Germany (FRG), Finland, France, Hungary, India, Iran, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Scotland, Sweden, Thailand, United States. Please note that most but not all countries participated in all studies.
Link to IEA website
DATA - Additional codebooks
Complete codebook on Six Subject Survey main page.
DATA - Population
All countries
Data from all countries. Population 1 (SPSS-files in zip archive)
Data from all countries. Population 2 (SPSS-files in zip archive)
Data from all countries. Population 4 (SPSS-files in zip archive)
Belgium, Flemish
Data from Belgium, Flemish. Population 1 (SPSS-files in zip archive)
Data from Belgium, Flemish. Population 2 (SPSS-files in zip archive)
Data from Belgium, Flemish. Population 4 (SPSS-files in zip archive)
Belgium, French
Data from Belgium, French. Population 1 (SPSS-files in zip archive)
Data from Belgium, French. Population 2 (SPSS-files in zip archive)
Data from Belgium, French. Population 4 (SPSS-files in zip archive)
Data from England and Wales. Population 1 (SPSS-files in zip archive)
Data from England and Wales. Population 2 (SPSS-files in zip archive)
Data from England and Wales. Population 4 (SPSS-files in zip archive)
Federal Republic Germany (FRG)
Data from Germany (FRG). Population 1 (SPSS-files in zip archive)
Data from Germany (FRG). Population 2 (SPSS-files in zip archive)
Data from Netherlands. Population 1 (SPSS-files in zip archive)
Data from Netherlands. Population 2 (SPSS-files in zip archive)
Data from Scotland. Population 1 (SPSS-files in zip archive)
Data from Scotland. Population 1 (SPSS-files in zip archive)
Data from Thailand. Population 1 (SPSS-files in zip archive)
Data from Thailand. Population 2 (SPSS-files in zip archive)
Data from Thailand. Population 4 (SPSS-files in zip archive)
Population I
Student questionnaire. Population 1. Booklet 1. Section A, B and K (pdf 5 MB)
Student questionnaire. Population 1. Booklet 1. Section K- only. Attitude and Descriptive (pdf)
Student questionnaire. Population 1. Booklet 1. Section A, B and K. Swedish version (pdf 7.5 MB)
Population II
Science II - Section A and B
Student questionnaire. Population 2. Booklet 4. Section A and B (pdf 15 MB)
Student questionnaire. Population 2. Booklet 5 and 12. Section K. Attitude and Descriptive (pdf)
Student questionnaire. Population 2. Booklet 4. Section A and B. Swedish version (pdf 10 MB)
Science Questionnaire - TOUS - Section T
Student questionnaire. Population 2. Section T (pdf 2 MB)
Student questionnaire. Population 2. Section T. Swedish version (pdf 4 MB)
Population IV
Science IV - Section A and B
Student questionnaire. Population 4. Booklet 10. Section A and B (pdf 8 MB)
Student questionnaire. Population 4. Booklet 10. Section A and B. Swedish version (pdf 8 MB)
Advanced Science - Section P, Q, R, S, T & U
Student questionnaire. Population 4. Booklet 11 B. Section P, Q, R, S, T and U (pdf 12 MB)
Student questionnaire. Population 2 and 4. Science. Section 5S and 12S (pdf)
Student questionnaire. Population 4. Science Attitude and Descriptive Section K (pdf)
Student questionnaire. Population4. Booklet 12. Section S, T and K. Swedish version (pdf 5 MB)
Scoring Keys
Scoring Keys. Population 1, 2 and 4 (pdf 7 MB)
Teacher Questionnaire - Science - International (pdf)
Comber, L.C., & Keeves, J. P. (1973). Science Education in Nineteen Countries I.
Husén, T. (1973). Svensk skola i internationell belysning I. Naturorienterande ämnen.