Gothenburg Research Infrastructure in Digital Humanities

Gothenburg Research Infrastructure in Digital Humanities (GRIDH) at the University of Gothenburg is a research node and infrastructure that focuses on artificial intelligence, archives, and novel ways of documenting and publishing.
Visit our digital resources
GRIDH creates and develops digital resources and publications for researchers and institutions.
Visit our portal to explore our digital projects that provide access to, create, and visualize research data.
Welcome to Digital Humanities – Drop-In!
Are you interested in digital humanities? Perhaps you're considering starting a research project using digital methods or visualizing your research results but aren't quite sure where to begin?
Join GRIDH's drop-in session!
📅 Wednesdays, 10:15–11:00
📍 Room C360, Humanisten
💻 Also available on Zoom
Open to all staff and students at the University of Gothenburg.

What is Digital Humanities?
Digital humanities encompass a wide range of humanities activities and digital applications. The field includes both the development and use of digital tools for humanities research and teaching, as well as studies on the impact of digital technologies on human life.
Digital humanities span from humanities-oriented research on digitalization and its significance for individuals, culture, and society—past, present, and future—to studies of various humanities questions based on systematic digital computation and visualization tools, source materials, and methods.