University of Gothenburg

Data-Driven Analysis and Processing Methods

Text-based data analysis, map-based simulation and spatiotemporal data analysis, as well as multimodal methods, simulation, AI, and machine learning.

GRIDH's expertise in data-driven analysis and processing methods encompasses knowledge and skills in the application and development of digital methods within humanities and other research domains. This research-based expertise has been cultivated through GRIDH's involvement in various cultural heritage and research projects, supporting the use of digital methods and the development of digital resources and tools.

The data-driven analysis and processing methods are applied to diverse multimodal materials and media. This includes digital text analysis (The New Order of Critique, Terrorism in Swedish Politics), analysis and processing of image, sound, and streaming media (Tracing the Carvers on the Rocks, Conspiracy Soundtracks), map-based and multi-dimensional visualization of different datasets (Religion in Everyday Life, Expansion and Diversity), agent-based simulation (Maritime Encounters), and immersive methods (Hemse Revisited, Built Cultural Heritage in Antarctica). An emerging area of expertise is what we describe as Humanistic AI, involving the application and development of methods and tools in artificial intelligence and machine learning within humanities research and cultural heritage projects (Arosenius Archive, SweTerror, Carvers on the Rock, and Conspiracy Soundtracks).

GRIDH contributes its expertise to the national capacity-building efforts within the framework of the three Swedish research infrastructures Huminfra, Infravis, and the National Language Bank/Swe-Clarin