

First cycle
15 credits (ECTS)

About the Syllabus

Registration number
Date of entry into force
Decision date
Valid from semester
Fall 2024
Decision maker
Department of Psychology

Course modules

Factors affecting a conversation, 5 Credits
Dialogue in a professional setting, 4 Credits
Communication and conversation, 4 Credits
Methods to study and analyze conversations, 2 Credits


The course is delivered as a stand-alone course.

Entry requirements

General entrance requirements.


The course consists of 4 sub-courses.


1. Communication and conversation (Kommunikation och samtal ), 4 credits

Grading scale: Pass (G) and Fail (U)

The sub-course provides a general introduction to the subject area of communication and conversation. Theories of communication and conversation are highlighted and foundational conversation tools such as active listening, posing questions and the I message are introduced. The focus is on communication and face-to-face conversations. The importance of linguistic and non-linguistic communication is addressed. We discuss the characteristics of a well-functioning conversation. Through exercises, students get to practice different conversational situations and get to reflect on them.

2. Interview methodology and analysis (Intervjumetodik och analys), 2 credits

Grading scale: Pass (G) and Fail (U)

The sub-course includes an overview of different methods for studying and analyzing conversations in research. Advantages and disadvantages of these methods are discussed. Students get the opportunity to apply knowledge about studying and analyzing conversations in exercises. The sub-course is aimed at giving an increased understanding of the interview as a research method. The students are given practice in creating an interview guide and implementation of an interview This is followed by reflection upon the implementation of the interview, such as the interview guide, the framework for the interview and the interview relationship. An overview of qualitative analysis of interviews and conversations is also part of the sub-course.

3. Factors affecting a conversation (Faktorer som påverkar ett samtal), 5 credits

Grading scale: Pass (G) and Fail (U)

The sub-course highlights factors that affect a conversation to become more or less effective. We discuss how a conversation is affected by personal characteristics as well as what consequences it can have if the parties are different, for example due to age or functional variation. How different experiences and preconceptions can affect a conversation? How to customize conversations? What are the challenges? We also highlight factors in the situation or in the environment that can influence a conversation. Students get to practise applying various factors that influence conversations.

4. Dialogue in a professional setting (Samtal i arbetslivet), 4 credits

Grading scale: Pass (G) and Fail (U)

Different types of working life conversations are discussed and important components to accomplish good conversations in that context are presented. General conversational skills such as active listening and formulating and posing good questions are applied to conversations that are typical in working life. Also, difficult conversations and how to handle them are also considered, as well as how to give constructive feedback. The exercise part focuses on applying conversational methods that can be used in conversations in working life.


On successful completion of the course the student will be able to:

Knowledge and understanding

  • give an overview of central theories in the area of communication and conversation on a basic level
  • show a basic understanding of interview methods and qualitative analysis of conversations and interviews
  • describe how different factors, both in the situation and in the parties to the conversation, can affect a conversation
  • describe methods for leading different types of conversations and show an understanding of how and in which situations these methods can be used 

Competence and skills

  • analyze conversations based on theories of communication and conversation, as well as those based on the methods that have been studied in the course
  • discuss how to apply knowledge about different influencing factors to conversations
  • conduct own conversations where knowledge of influencing factors is applied
  • practically apply knowledge about leading different types of conversations that occur in working life

Judgement and approach

  • be able to independently evaluate a conversation based on the theories discussed in the course and based on knowledge of various influencing factors
  • demonstrate the ability to reflect on their own role in the conversation based on the methods and theories discussed during the course

Sustainability labelling

No sustainability labelling.

Form of teaching

The teaching consists of lectures, exercises, group assignments and seminars.

Language of instruction: Swedish

Examination formats

All teaching and reading list can forme the basis for examination. Compensation for absence is made according to the course coordinator´s instructions. In case of absence from more than two exercises/seminars, students are required to participate in equivalent components next semester.

If a student who has failed the same examined component twice, wants to change examiner before the next examination, they should submit a written request to the department responsible for the course. The request shall be granted unless there are special reasons to the contrary (Chapter 6, Section 22 of Higher Education Ordinance).

If a student has received a recommendation from the University of Gothenburg for special educational support, the examiner may, given it is compatible with the course objectives and unreasonable resources are required, decide to give the student an adapted examination or alternative examination form.

In the event where a course has been discontinued or has undergone major changes, the student shall normally be guaranteed at least three examinations (including the ordinary examination) during a period of at least one year up to two years after the course has been discontinued/changed. The same applies for internships and on-the-job trainings, but with a restriction to only one additional examination session.


The grading scale comprises: Pass (G) and Fail (U).

Passing the course requires:

  • Active participation in compulsory teaching components
  • A passing grade on all written assignments

Course evaluation

The course coordinator is responsible for ensuring that students are given the opportunity to provide an anonymous, written course feedback at the end of the course. On completion of the course, the course coordinator writes a course report, which includes a summary of students' feedback. The course report is discussed in a relevant course evaluation group and is communicated both to the students, who completed the course evaluation as well as to the students who are starting the course. The reports are made available to students.

Other regulations

If the course requires access to digital resources like a computer, internet or other tools, the student is responsible for making sure they have access to such resources.

Course litterature consists of litterature written in Swedish and English.