
Biomolecular NMR: Advanced Tools, protein dynamics


An advanced hands-on PhD course (3 ECTS).

30 Sep 2024 - 4 Oct 2024

Venue & Address

Swedish NMR Centre, University of Gothenburg,
Medicinaregatan 5C, 41390 Gothenburg

Getting there:
From/To Landvetter Airport. Landvetter Airport bus

To plan your trip and buy bus/tram tickets in Gothenburg use the mobile App "Västtrafik To Go"

Target group

PhD students and researchers with projects involving protein characterization by NMR


Lectures, discussions, and practical hands-on exercises. The lectures will be shared as webinars. The recordings will shared with the registered participants shortly after the session ends.

Webinars  Passcode: 991893

Organizers and Contacts

Vladislav Orekhov, Göran Karlsson; Chemistry & Molecular Biology & Swedish NMR Centre, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Contact: e-mail to


Please contact to register for the lecture webinars.


Will be posted e-mailed to the registered participants and found at at

Course Certificates and ECTS credit points

In order to fully accomplish the course, the student should attend all tutorial lectures and practical sessions. For every tutorial session a short report should be submitted as outlined by the session instructors. After acceptance of the lab reports by the instructors, the course certificate can be requested by e-mail to


Course teachers

AB -    Andrew Baldwin (University of Oxford, UK)

GB -    Guillaume Bouvignies,  (Ecole Normale Superieure , Paris, France)

TB -    Théodore Bellon (Ecole Normale Superieure , Paris, France)

AJ -    Amir Jahangiri (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)

GK -    Göran Karlsson (Swedish NMR Centre, University of Gothenburg, Sweden)

IK -    Ilya Kuprov, (University of Southampton, UK)

MM -    Maxim Mayzel, (Buker Biospin, Switzerland)

LM -    Luca Mureddu (University of Leicester, UK)

VO -    Vladislav Orekhov (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)

AP -    Alexandra Pozhidaeva (University of Connecticut, Health Center, NMRbox, USA)

GV -    Geerten W. Vuister (University of Leicester, UK)


CCPN tools for protein NMR: assignment, dynamics, etc

Protein dynamics, theory and practical tools

ChemEx analysis of NMR chemical exchange data

SpinHub project

NMRbox tools

Experimental setup and analysis: Dynamic Centre and Python

AI in NMR spectra processing

Time (CEST)    Title    Type    Teachers

Monday Sep 30  Vladislav Orekhov, Göran Karlsson, Alexandra Pozhidaeva, Amir Jahangiri
  8.40 – 9.00    (on-site only) Registration and Coffee, setting up computers.
  9.00 – 10.50    Welcome, information & student presentations (3-5 min/student)    VO
10.50 – 11.10    Coffee break    
11.00 – 12.10    NMRbox: toolbox for structural biologists,
High Throughput Computing with HTCondor
    Lecture    AP
12.20 – 13.00    Lunch        
13.00 – 14.40    NMRbox: AlphaFold and GROMACS tutorial    hands-on     AP
14.40 – 15.00    Coffee break    
15.00 – 18:00    AI in NMR spectra processing hands-on     VO, AJ

18:00– 19.30    (on-site only) Get-together     SNC    

Tuesday Oct 1  Geerten W. Vuister, Luca Mureddu
09.00 – 09.20    Introduction into CcpNmr,       Lecture    GV
09.20 – 10.50    CcpNmr Backbone Assignment Tutorial-part-1,     hands-on    GV,LM
10.10 – 10.30    Coffee break    
10.30 – 11.40    CcpNmr Backbone Assignment Tutorial-part 2,      hands-on     GV,LM
11:40 – 12.40    Introduction into NMR relaxation,       Lecture    GV

12.40 – 13.50    Lunch
13.50 – 14.40    CcpNmr Dynamics Tutorial-part-1,       hands-on     GV,LM
14.40 – 15.00    Coffee break    
15.00 – 17:30    CcpNmr Dynamics Tutorial-part-2,     hands-on     GV,LM

Wednesday Oct 2 Ilya Kuprov, Mini-conference

08.40 – 09.30    From biological neuron to a digital one – how neural networks were invented    Lecture    IK

Mini-conference. Insights on  protein motions by NMR (2045 T Bjurström, Medicinareg. 3B)
Chair: Göran Karlsson (Swedish NMR Centre, University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
09.40 – 10.00    Coffee
10.00 – 10.30    Title: TBA
Andrew Baldwin (University of Oxford, UK)
10.30 – 11.00    Illuminating the Unseen: NMR Approaches for Rare Protein States and Challenging Complexes
Guillaume Bouvignies, (Ecole Normale Superieure , Paris, France)
11.00 – 11.30    Protein NMR assignment by isotope pattern recognition
Ilya Kuprov, (University of Southampton, UK)
11.30 – 12.00    Assessing and exploiting conformational dynamics.
Geerten W. Vuister
12.00 – 13.00    Lunch
13.00 – 13.30    Title: TBA
Vladislav Orekhov (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
13.30 – 14.00    NMRhub: Democratizing NMR
Alexandra Pozhidaeva (University of Connecticut, NMRbox, USA)
14.00– 14.30    Title: TBA
Björn Burmann (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)

Course continues -----------------
Ilya Kuprov    
15.00 – 17.30    How to train and interpret a simple magnetic resonance data processing network    hands-on     IK

Thursday Oct 3   Andrew Baldwin, Maxim Mayzel
09.00 – 09.50    SpinHub project        Lecture,     AB
09.50 – 10.10    Coffee break    
10.10 – 12.40    SpinHub project        hands-on     AB
12.40 – 14.00    Lunch        
14.00 – 14.50    Practical aspects of relaxation experiment setup, acquisition and analysis in Topspin and Dynamics Center, Lecture,             MM
14.50 – 15.10    Coffee break    
15.10 – 17.10    Practical aspects of relaxation experiment setup, acquisition and analysis in Topspin and Dynamics Center, hands-on,             MM

Friday Oct 4  Guillaume Bouvignies
09.00 – 09.50    ChemEx: analysis of NMR chemical exchange data,    Lecture     GB
09.50 – 10.10    Coffee break    
10.10 – 12.30    ChemEx: analysis of NMR chemical exchange data    hands-on     GB, TB
12.40 – 13.30    Lunch        
13.40 – 16:00    Cleaning up hands-on reports        GB, AJ, MM, ??