Fyra personer lyssnar på musik
Photo: Monica Havström

Does your taste in music reveal who you are?

Culture and languages

Welcome to participate in an experiment where an AI assesses your personality based on the music you like. This is part of a research project in computational linguistics at the University of Gothenburg.

5 Sep 2024
19:00 - 19:40
Online, use the web link

Good to know
The chat conversation will be conducted in English.
Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science

We invite you to be part of an experiment where an AI evaluates your personality based on your music preferences. As a participant, you will be asked to rate how much you like different excerpts of music that you will listen to. Based on your responses, the AI will assess traits such as how outgoing and agreeable you are.

How does the experiment work?

Participation is anonymous and takes place in a web browser, requiring about 30 minutes. No pre-registration is needed. You can take part from home or any other location, and you will need a computer with speakers or headphones. Simply click on the link when the experiment is set to begin. Please note that the webpage is not optimized for mobile phones.

After listening to the music excerpts, you will be automatically paired with another anonymous participant, and the test results will be conveyed through your chat conversation, which will be conducted in English.

How and when?

The experiment takes place on Thursday, 5 September at 7 PM and can be accessed via the link Participate in the experiment.

You can download a reminder for your calendar if you prefer to receive a notification. Link to calendar reminder.

The experiment is part of Alexander Berman's doctoral studies at the Department of Philosophy, Linguistics, and Theory of Science at the University of Gothenburg. The chat conversations will be recorded and made available for research purposes. The aim of the project is to study human-AI interaction.

Read more about computational linguistics research on the department's web pages.
Link to the Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science